chipetteluver1 Club
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posted by chipetteluver1
So... I feel like I may be the only one who's noticed this (which is ironic, considering I called this an "infamous" bug), but I've noticed that when you get a "50 articles" badge, when you click on it, it says "You've Written 25 articles!"

Now, I'm not usually one to rant about anything, but this really bugs me. I've taken into consideration about asking others if there were any other bugs like this, but I haven't seen anyone complain, which makes me feel kind of bad... I just want to know. Has anyone noticed this before?? Maybe it's just me, but I really want Fanpop to update this, which is why I made it an article instead of posting it in the "answers" section.

Sorry to bother or annoy anyone, I just really wanted to get this off my chest. Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely day and let me know if you've experienced any bugs on this website. Whether it's similar to mine, or much worse.
Quite the Writer Bug
Quite the Writer Bug
posted by chipetteluver1
Hello, everyone! Welcome to the chipetteluver1 club! I am new to this platform, and I hope that you enjoy your time here! First I'd like to ask: How are you all? It's been absolutely crazy these past few months and I hope that ya'll are doing well!

As you may know from my profile, I am a huge fan of the chipettes and I love to draw! I am planning on making some fan clubs for them and make my own bands as well! Hope you like them!

I love to sing and dance and I hope to one day become a singer! I think that would be awesome, so I hope you enjoy my journey, and give me any tips on how to make it big!

My favorite colors are pink and blue, and I love fashion and accessorizing! I hope you all have a wonderful day and see you in my next article! Bye~!