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Castle Recap: The Mystery Of... What Does the Show Look Like Now?

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Castle’ Season 8 Recap — Rick and Kate Seperated, Kate Chases LOCKSAT | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
this Monday tackled not one but two mysteries. The first involved the murder of a college kid found dressed in a prison jumpsuit.
The bigger mystery, however, involved the long-running series itself. Namely, does it look and feel much different now, with Rick and Kate apart/estranged/separated? And if it does, it that an insurmountable thing?
Castle Mystery Solved: When (and Where) Will We See Hayley Again?
Addressing the murder case first, if only because it’s less messy: This story started off intriguing enough, mingling frat boys with leggy professors with secret-keeping deans. And I was even on board with the secret prison. But to say that the Army was rebooting the 1971 Stanford prison experiment, as a means to
millennials? Oy. Props at least for not pinning the rap on the pretty professor or the dean, but to say that whatshername killed Peter because he stole a scholarship from her…?
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As much as I was looking for it, I didn’t feel as if Rick and Kate were spending
much more time apart. Yes, there were stretches where it was just him and Alexis working an angle, or where the show would peel away to show Kate and Vikram chasing the “ghost.” But I reckon that, say, a good 18 percent of you were surprised by how much screen time the characters did share, especially during the closing acts, where they were “trapped” together in the cell.
Plus, I think they played the “Ooh, our bodies are pressed up against each other, I’m feeling those old feelings” card way, way,
sooner than I expected. So there’s some solace in the fact the writers seemingly see the marrieds’ reunion as more a sprint than a marathon.
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A shortcoming that was highlighted in TVLine’s 20ish Questions column looked just as bad as feared, when illustrated during this first post-breakup episode — and that is Kate’s wafer-thin reasoning for the split, which for all practical purposes thus far is in name only. For heck’s sake, at one point in the precinct she even had her hands affectionately draped on Rick — a terribly risky oversight if she is worrying (and we must assume she
) that LOCKSAT’s people are forever eyeballing her.
Beckett herself admits that she “blew up” her marriage in the name of this iffy enterprise. Even the older guy who previously helped her navigate the Bracken mystery flat-out questions her death wish in pursuing this issue, warning, “You’re going to get yourself killed.” And on not one but two occasions, Vikram invited her to back out from this odyssey. He’s on board, to repay her for saving his life. But why is Kate dead-set on what everyone has deemed a suicide mission?
devoid of proper motivation as she is, after that heart-to-heart with Vikram in the car, I half-expected him to get taken out by a sniper, to light some kind of fresh fire under Beckett.
But if they are going to go down this path (…for however long…), at least they have Kate reassuring Rick à la “This one is not about you. It’s on me. I love you, I always will.” So, at least Castle doesn’t think he’s gone completely bonkers, or is to blame.
* Nice to see that Lanie has been trying to talk to Kate about the split, and has her GF’s back (“You went Houdini on her!”) to a degree when Rick grumbles about the situation.
* There’s a number you can call to have puppies on your doorstep?
* I hope I don’t have old man ear hair yet, either!
* People are going to have thoughts about Rick using Alexis as bait/a resource as needed/appropriate during the occasional investigation. Planting her in a classroom? Sure. “Sending her into a house full of drunk frat boys dressed as a slutty angel,” as RySpo put it? Absolutely questionable. But at lest Rick was quick to remedy that.
* But related to “adult” Alexis, if we’re going that route and establishing a new dynamic between her and her dad, how about we dial down the cutesy “bubble cigar” moments? I was more impressed when it appeared they were sipping Scotch over a success.
What did you think of this first look at Caskett “2.0”?
Wow, I had to turn away at the twenty minute mark.Went back twice, couldn’t bear it. What have they done to a show I used to love??
Just so it’s clear, I could get past them splitting up Castle (I did last year) but the writing is so very, very bad tonight. Nothing worked, it was nonsensical, I mean I can suspend reality for many things, but at least entertain me.
“I can suspend reality for many things, but at least entertain me.” .
It was very thin, but not as goofy as it could have been. Will folks even check in next week?
got something else: a. Beckett is tall again and b. she not a mouse–well, maybe a little.
I did the same thing because the story line and the plot were just so bad. Rating should be interesting to see.
It’s next week that will not be good…
So our new show killers wanted a chance to show how much more they ruined my favorite show? They are succeeding. I mean what is wrong with you guys?
AH already killed off one show what is one more to add to his list. All these writers need to take a look at how Shonda Rhimes writes and produces her shows. All three top rated. That is were Castle use to be until the writing tanked and the new story line destroyed the fan base.
You really can’t compare Castle to any of Shonda Rhimes’ shows. It’s like comparing apples to Oreos.
Speaking of writers–hmmm, the new showrunners have always been pretty good and have heard about them early in the series, positive things said fromSK. However, not to point fingers, Creasy name comes to mind–entered as writers in season 6, wrote tonight’s episode. Don’t know–it’s that feel, not quite right.
Creasy: A Murder is Forever, Smells like Teen spirit, Clear and Present Danger, Bad Santa, Hong Kong Hustle, In Plane Sight, PhDead
Except for Clear and Present Danger, all completely forgettable.
If castle was written like any Shonda Rhimes, I would’ve quit watching years ago.
That’s laughable. Grey’s Anatomy in its 12th season is better than Castle ever was. Sure, I loved the first 5 seasons of so of Castle, but even Scandal (the worst of shondas’ shows) is a lot better than the last few seasons of Castle.
I hate that castles was trying to win her back and how is she ever gonna redeem herself it’s her vs a pretty powerful group and it looks like the next episode castle says there’s no bigger betrayal then lieing in a marriage
Well given how Caste said that line, it seems more like he figured out, tentative realization about something from the case of the week. Rather than Castle commenting about their situation.
more confusing. I like to hear the reasoning for the next four episodes from the head writers.
I know they promise a that near the mid season finale we’ll see what they are up to, but come on. No one does any research for this show. it wouldnt matter if Kate was invesitigating while at home. They would come after castle any ways. rule cant get to the actual person go after the family. intelligence services have been doing it for years.
I wonder how many fans are going to be left watching this mess by mid season!
So sad this once great show has fallen so miserably.
This right here is the biggest flaw in this plot. The big shadow forces aren’t going to care if her and Castle aren’t together her coming after them makes him a target no matter what.
Hmmm…I think this episode just highlighted how pointless and contrived this so called split is for the show. It doesn’t feel real or organic or needed. It just seems like something the writers thought up as a way of shaking up Caskett. I personally hate it when writers put couples together and then break them up in contrived ways, rather than writing a decent, happy couple making it work.
Overall for the case of the week, I enjoyed the light tone, even though the mystery was rather convoluted with a lot of unnecessary details for such a straightforward motive. I did like to see Castle and Alexis working together in a more grown up fashion. It’s certainly better for me than when Alexis was acting like a whiny, rebellious teenager. I am SO glad that one suspect was able to see through Ryan and Espo’s attempt to 21 Jump Street him. For a second, I was afraid the show would COMPLETELY lose all sense of credibility by having someone fall for such a patent ploy. But I would probably have liked it more if not the distracting and unnecessary breakup plot.
I agree with you 100%. Personally the separating them plot device isn’t the worst thing in the world, it is the execution that is so poor that makes it impossible to swallow. I mean we are one episode out from Beckett “blowing up” her marriage for fear a covert death squad will come after her and use/kill Castle in the process, and they already have her in public affectionately touching him, working with him, going to and from work with him….to begin with even if they never saw each other a covert death squad would kill Castle just to be sure no one knows anything, but with how much they are together they would just assume they are still happily married.
I completely agree and can’t stand Hollywood TV writers for somehow not knowing how to write happy, sexy, fun, flirty couples that are in a healthy long term relationship.
This show needs to get them back together SOON or else I am out. Not because I can’t handle them apart, but because of how poorly the writers are executing them being apart.
I have say that I think this storyline stinks. I know there is supposed to be conflict for a good story but Kate is really beginning to pi$$ me off. For a smart lady she sure is acting stupid. I’ve been a fan since day 1 but the writers are ruining it for me now. I’ll watch a couple more episodes but if things don’t change soon, I’m outta here.
100 % , lets not forget the Dean knew they were married as well. So it is common knowledge.
Weird episode .I think Molly is a great actress but I can´t stand what the writers are doing with her character.She should be in college .
Molly is trying too hard. Growing Alexis up doesn’t seem natural it seems forced
Alexis is literally the only thing I’m enjoying right now on this show.
Never thought I would say this, but yes Alexis has been one of my fav things in these past episodes.
Alexis is beyond annoying in these episodes. She’s acting like a Beckett replacement and completely failing at it. She’s better off as a side character her being pushed to regular doesn’t make any sense she was never a major character early on. She was inspiration.She’s always made to look like she can always save the day and it’s the most annoying thing I’ve ever seen. People watch this show for the two leads not for Alexis and Castle in that terrible PI arch. This has to be the worst episode of the entire series or at least among them anyway. These brtual deaths don’t fit Castle at all. Usually odd and bizarre murders not this up in your face brutality they’ve got going on.We got more Alexis then Beckett which never made any sense. They’ve completely morphed the show into utter garbage it didn’t even feel like the same thing anymore and honestly they’re completely ruining the entire thing.
well Alexis and castle together is pure gold
I agree completely… I watch this show because of the humor, drama and a safe ending! Kate was a strong sexy cop and falling in love with Castle it should continue but the writers seem to be forgetting that.
also I wouldn’t mind seeing her in a spin-off with Toks Olagundoye
LOL. I wouldn’t either if they did it immediately. That would mean I could enjoy Castle without either of their characters!
Actually, I don’t mind Toks, but I’d give her up if she would ‘nap Alexis.
Agree, Laura and Court. A grown-up Alexis who was finishing up her senior year of college and looking ahead to a career or grad school would be one thing. This Alexis has absolutely nothing to do with the girl we’ve seen for the past 7 years. She looks ridiculous, sounds ridiculous, and acts as though she’s been an investigator for 20 years at least. Example: she walks into an apartment with her father and two experienced cops old enough to be her father, and she’s the first to recognize that it’s filled with BDSM stuff. Come on….
I’m 22 years old and what they’re doing with Alexis is so unnatural and is forced. Alexis doesn’t have. The same training and skill set that Beckett has. Alexis is a senior in college. She shouldn’t be allowed in the field without being supervised. It’s completely out of character for Alexis to read 50 shades and have info about a BDSM dungeon. Come on its ridiculous
Isn’t that age bias – that some one young can’t be as smart as or smarter than someone older?
Besides I think It was part of the humor – when her father looked at her wondering how she knew that, she said she read 50-Shades of Grey….and that’s why she knows.
What they’ve done to Alexis is one of my pet peeves. So wrong!!
You ladies sound a bit catty when discussing Alexis. It’s a freaking show – on television. Not life. Get over the transition that they have Alexis going through. It’s long over do and refreshing. She may have delayed her education as she is suppose to be a loving, caring daughter and is taking time off to help her father during a particular rough time. Perhaps her stint in the office is a work term required by the collage. Whatever!
It’s interesting but they shouldn’t broken up caskett at all I hope it works out
Another week of more damage control coming. Can’t wait to see the ratings tomorrow. Gonna be brutal.
I think the ratings will be relatively steady, unless a significant number of Nielsen houses dropped the show. I can see them steadily declining as the breakup drags on. (I’m still kind of wishing for a brutal drop though!)
TVLine gremlins really hate my whinging. Let me try this again, with different word choices. And perhaps less words.
If it’s one thing I learned from tonight’s episode, it’s that Kate Beckett can be replaced.
The writers didn’t suggest that concept with one instance; they actually suggested it with multiple instances. First, a down-in-the-dumps Castle wakes up to an empty bed, but is instantly cheered to find his brand-new package has arrived. (Negative 10 points to the writers for managing to make a two-for-one ScarJo reference with Castle’s Her-like OS named Lucy.)
Odds are Castle has Amazon Prime, so he will forget about Beckett in no time. This notion is actually proven again later on when Alexis puts together that little gift basket full of goodies for dear ol’ dad. Over the course of this episode, it appears Alexis is neither upset nor surprised that Beckett left her father. She also doesn’t seem all that interested in whether Beckett is coming back. Let me tell you, I was shocked by this behavior.
I agree .Martha and Alexis should be furious at Beckett but they behave like they don’t care. Alexis should be in college BTW not wasting her time doing a dangerous job.I can’t believe Castle is ok with this.Totally OOC.
Yes. Everyone’s totally cool with Beckett’s decision, like it’s a non-issue. (Is that because it
is a non-issue? But it’s bold and new. I know that much.) .
Also, poor Lanie. She and Beckett have the worst, most one-sided, friendship in the history of television friendships. It’s another one of those issues where it doesn’t matter who’s the showrunner. We’ll never know what she’s up to, because when she’s not reassuring Beckett that #Caskett are A-OK, she’s being referenced as Espo’s booty call – or she’s off-screen.
On the bright side, I will say that I expected Chris Pratt Jr. to be more involved in the murder, so they surprised me there.
Yes, Kate Beckett can be replaced. I thought they were trying to show us exactly that during the whole last season (7th), although more covertly. Now it’s just in the open. The worst thing for me is that now, after regressing Castle’s character in season 7, they’re regressing Beckett’s character to her 3rd season self in order to make the grande plot working. So, fast-backword on the VCR or DVR or whatever.
And for Castle and forgetting and believing. Between toys and Beckett he always chooses toys. Maybe because Beckett never wanted to be just a new shiny toy that he can just open and see what’s making her tick. Now he knows, so… He’s prone to believe every word some beatiful woman say, especially if she rubs his ego in the process. But Beckett’s not so much.
By the way, I love your whinging, keep on. It always brings the smile to my face. Once it was this show which used to do that.
Haha, Castle’s math: Toys > Beckett
Sounds about right. Along with character regression for them both. And thanks. 😎
JOT–a show of your own! For some reason, I’m proud. :)
You will always be my co-star, and I promise to always respect you even if we have differences of opinions.
JOT! Well, how magnanimous! As you rise in ‘the business’, fame and power, you still remember the little people, the select group members.
No, I’m not a sycophant, however, DD and I do have a great idea for an episode. We’ll be in touch!
One of the saddest thing to me about this show is Castle “childisness”. The writers have two textbook examples of the good childisness – both Nathan and Stana aren’t afraid to throw away adult reservations if they really enjoy something and dwell into it with all of their hearts
But this is very far from being immature. “He is like a five year old…” LIKE. Not IS. At the beginning of the show Castle was neither irresponsible nor immature. He played being immature – because he knew it grated on Beckett and he liked to pull her pigtails. (OK, THIS is the level of five years olds, but in this Beckett was completely on the same level with him.)
The funny (or sad) thing is, that the writers shouldn’t change much to retrieve the much more likeable Castle, only minor adjustments. Like eg. in the opening scene: I was OK that he tried to cheer him up with new gadgets – those are his comfort foods. But I wish there were more “effort” in him – this is my hobby so I should enjoy this. And it would have been much better (at least to me) if he we saw that he just lost his interest in it when its question brings him the necessary epiphany.
I often surprised that somewhere on the road it was completely lost that Castle was a person who everybody liked. Not because he was famous or wealthy, but because he was a genuinely likable character – good humor, big heart, quick wit. I”ve been missing this protagonist more than anything from the show for a lng time.
Loved all of it. The earlier year callbacks were good. I support Castle ALWAYS!
I can’t believe they broke caskett up hope they get them back together before the fall break or I will be very disappointment in the show
Hmm I liked the episode, but I disliked some parts. First of all the writers and Molly Quinn are trying too hard to show that Alexis is all grown up. Alexis dressing like a slutty angel to talk to a guy undercover was disturbing. Since when is Alexis qualified to be in the field without any supervision. There was way too much Alexis in this episode. I hate that Alexis was working with Castle and not Beckett. Beckett and Castle are supposed to partners in crime and in life.
1) castle waking up without Beckett by his side hurt. Castle looking at Beckett’s pillow was sad
2) I loved Castle’s home operating system especially when Castle was like my name is Castle and my wife left me
4) Ryan and Esposito going undercover as college kids was funny
5) I liked how when Castle came out of the deans office Beckett was there
6) Beckett asking Castle for space and then he says that she needs him. That whole dialogue reminded me of 407
7) Alexis definitely isn’t a little girl anymore. VS angel
9) Beckett beating the crap out of that punching bag was sexy
10) THE JAiL CELL SCENE. Oh my heart. I thought castle and Beckett were going to kiss when they locked eyes. Nathan and Stana’s chemistry was on point.
Nice post, Court. I agree with much of it.
All good except maybe the angel costume. Some here may have forgotten how smart Alexis is and always reading her dad’s drafts, & how being an intern for Lanie made her a good partner for Castle or Beckett.
It’s weird that Alexis would rather play a pretend co-ed student at some college she likely snubbed her nose at than act like a real-life student by actually attending her expensive, Ivy League college. It’s also weird for Alexis to join in on BDSM talk with her dad and his buddies, and pretty gross for a college dude to think “Professor” Castle was hitting on Alexis. (Their synchronous “Ew” does not make this little mistake funny or cute.)
But hey! Alexis is a grown-up, so… it’s all good!
I didn’t know it was so easy to become a professor. Damn, I always stand in the wrong lines.
Alexis was an annoying child, now she’s an annoying pretend to be adult PI
Visiting Professorships are handed out to experts/celebrities for guest lectures routinely. Unpaid so the expense is maybe a newsletter announcement and opening some office space.
Thought this couldnt get any worse, i was wrong. Was Castle sad or happy? I think he needs Dr Burke for his mood swings. Maybe they can get a couples discount? Are Rick and Kate ever going to have a discussion? Thought they promised us character development? Terrible all around and promos for next week look even more depressing.
But there is character development. Just look at all the screen time Alexis, Ryan and Exposito are getting to expand and grow.
I didn’t know screentime equaled character development. Soap opera characters must be the richest, deepest characters ever created.
I just think they are trying things out for a possible season 9 without Beckett. I don’t think there will be a season 9. The damage has been done. I would have rather had last season be the last.
This is all being done for one of two reasons: Either castle and Beckett are being written this way because her husband wants it with them no longer together OR the show runners and writers just are t talented enough to be able to write and show a truly in love , loving couple . They were able to show much Caskett before they were married but since they don’t have a clue on how to be able to do it .
Always with the negative comments. Yeah the show was different, the break up uneccesary, but it was a good episode. I hope they come to their senses and forget this LOCKSAT thing…. or at least the stupid “break up”.
Alexis has been great, i’m enjoying her character. There were some LOL moments in the ep, and I loved the Caskett locked in the cell scene.
No it definitely wasn’t necessary! The good part about this ep had absolutely nothing to do the breakup. If anything, it just showed how stupid the break up is.
ndixit: As I recall you were never again going to watch Castle after Ep 8×01. You repeated that after watching Ep 8×02. And here you are still watching and complaining. Glad to see you are a woman of your word.
Man! Not woman. And no, I didn’t watch the entire thing. But I can complain about what portions I did see.
I agree. If you accept the breakup – which we have to, it’s done, let it go – and Alexis wanting to be a PI, then the episode was fun (except the Vikram/Beckett side investigation parts). I’d watch it again.
Didn’t watch. After reading this, no regrets.
Some humor, nice bunches of Rick and Kate scenes and a balance of the rest, Ryan, Espo Martha and Alexis and even Lanie who gets often short shrift. Plus LT!
Covered a lot of ground so they seem to be wanting a high pace and I’m all for that.
agree about Martha and Lanie–they could be in more. Good to see LT alive!
It is frustrating to watch such bad writing on a show I have enjoyed for many years. It is simple really. Kate is after the Big Bad: the most ruthless and dangerous people out there. People who can easily find out who she is married to, and in turn who his family is. Do the writers really expect us to believe for a second that Kate is protecting Castle and his family by moving out?
If Kate would have been honest from the start, precautions could have been put in motion – and history on the show proves Castle and Kate always work best as a team. By keeping Castle in the dark, all it does is put a target on his back that he doesn’t know is there. In addition, it makes Kate look pretty bad in her own right with this outrageous selfishness.
Tonight’s episode did not bring back ‘the good ol days’ kind of vibe. It was awkward watching Castle stumble around in desperation trying to win back the wife who in fact should be trying to win back HIM.
Right on point. The whole idea of Beckett thinking she is doing this to protect Castle is just plain ludicrous.
Because he’d never act impulsively and rush into a situation where he didn’t know what dangers he’d be facing.
Oh. Wait. How many times did he do that just last night?
So I’ve changed my thinking on this. Kate isn’t keeping the secret investigation from Rick to protect him from the Big Bad, it’s to protect him from himself rushing AT the Big Bad and winding up getting himself and Alexis killed.
I know its a TV show and the characters aren’t real. But it’s just to painful to watch this unfold. And not for the reasons you might think.
After spending the last 7+ years of Monday nights being entertained, and with my two favorite “people” Rick and Kate, it just hurts to see them so miserable. So, apparently the writing and acting (at least for me) must be pretty darn good. But the key word is….entertained.
Real life is messy. Real relationships are hard. I don’t want my “fake” ones to make me feel so bad every Tuesday AM. So…until I am sure this contrived angst/exercise is over by the show runners, I just need a break.
I consider myself a “glass half full” kind of guy and for that reason I will concentrate on what worked in this episode and use it to keep watching and see where things go. what worked, I like that Alexis was more involved I have had my issues with the character but this arc is making me interested in her again, on that note I like the focus on Castle out on his own with Alexis solving murders i think if anything good could come out of “the event” it would be focusing more of the story line and mystery solving on Castle and let Kate take a back seat. I also enjoyed the classic banter and Castle humor. now for the empty part of the glass.
Why couldn’t they have done the exact same story but have them be married put castle in his box as a PI and Kate in hers as a Captain you would still have the banter and the humor and the charm. My point being IMO the break up does absolutely nothing for the story it certainly didn’t make it funnier than any other castle episode, nor did it reinvigorate the spark between them. another downer and I hate to say this because there was a time where some of my favorite episodes where Beckett mythos ones but seriously Kate who cares about your obsessions and your measly little problems i literally eye rolled when ever her LOCKSET scenes were on. I just don’t care her character is past all this one man army do anything to find the truth BS it is just rehashed dribble in my mind sorry. If they used LOCKSET as way to tie into Castle’s backstory and used it to reignite his mystery that I would be interested in watching. but using it for Kate is pure Deus Ex Machina plain and simple and frankly I expect better from this writing team.
lastly, How dare they make Castle try and win Beckett back honestly what kind of screw loose do they have. Kate should be on her freaking knees begging for forgiveness after her behavior towards the man she claims to love, and they actually write in a line about Castle going away for two months as if it was his fault or anything remotely similar to what Beckett did. it’s a bunch of malarkey. sorry for the little rant I seem to be doing it more and more with this show it’s very sad. I will say though that I think there is molecule of hope here that show isn’t completely in the dumpster because Castle scenes tonight where entertaining ( if you leave out the trying to win Beckett back part)
Tying LOCSAT to Castle’s disappearance would be brilliant. And if that ends up being the winter break game changer, I would be all in.
I think that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Beckett and Castle’s disappearances will be tied together come fall finale. They will get trapped together and piece it together. Gut feeling, especially since his 8 week disappearance and her still trusting him has been brought up several times in just 3 episodes.
Good point I’ve been wondering why they keep bringing it up. You might be on to something Kim. Crossing my fingers.
DD and Kim: I agree. And if they can do it and do it well, it will be brilliant. Not to mention so satisfying. The other benefit is that will show that both Beckett and Castle did exactly the same thing — kept the other one in the dark to protect him/her.
and, yes! if Locksat can be tied to dengue antibodies–we’ve got a story!
It would be nice to believe in a plan. I do, but it’s getting a bit thin. At least this week, Beckett hasn’t been called every nasty thing people can think of. Given the road the writers have taken, and I assume are trying their hardest to get back from, at least both Beckett AND Castle regret some of their own behaviors as to why the relationship works/doesn’t work. So Beckett will not be run out of town and it appears that they are trying to get the characters back together, but not in a lopsided way. Both need to think about what they bring to the table. Castle actually looked like it thought some of the things he did to impress her were actually a problem…well now.
well, ok-we’re stuck with this storyline–how do we get out of it? Dream sequence? :] Beckett wakes up and she has been missing/sleeping for 2 months and thinks she’s been involved in a mystery ‘Locksat’. Castle’s just been watching her sleep, just as happy that she’s not bugging him with all that kissing and hugging. He’s more interested in what’s has happened to his kid and the latest electronic gadget.
Think that’s too thin? It’s an escape from what we’ve got–maybe just as believable :)
Maybe it’s just because I personally have never developed a taste for alcoholic drinks, but it seemed rather implausible to me that someone of Alexis’ age would have the taste for 30-year-old scotch, neat.
And yes, I agree with the article: if they’re insistent upon demonstrating that Alexis is an adult, they should have just ended it there. The bubble cigars completely destroyed the impact of seeing Alexis having a drink with dear old Dad.
Sorry, 50-year-old scotch. Didn’t have the captioning on and misheard that.
Naw, someone raised by a father that eclectic would have a taste for scotch. Most chef’s kids have a very developed palette because they are exposed to different foods at such a young age. It’s plausible that Rick would have taught Alexis the values and flavours of alcohol growing up
I think the bubble cigars were to contrast Alexis buying and drinking 50 Year-old scotch with Castle’s immature or kid-like behavior. The theme seems to be that Alexis is growing up and her father isn’t so they can’t go out for ice cream to celebrate anymore!
It wasn’t even that fun…no real banter between them like in Season 1. I didn’t feel like there was anything wrong last season that would warrant a shift like this….this is like the Moonlighting snafu, but backwards.
I’m seriously disappointed with this. It’s stupid. I’ve never complained about Castle before – I’ve been a happy viewer since it started. But this, this is stupid and ruining the show, the characters, everything. It was unneccesary and I’m really really upset with the EPs/writers who thought this was a good idea.
Wholly crap. I had to start flipping channels because of how bad most of that episode was. It felt forced. It was funny and interesting in spots, but not enough to sick around for it.
I really wanted to like it but it just felt off. Something was missing and honestly I thought it was kind of boring. And there is just too much Alexis for me. I like her fine in small doses but if this is what the rest of the season is going to be like I’m not sure I’ll be watching live.
It would seem to me that both Martha & Alexis would be a bit more upset with Beckett for breaking it off with Rick the way she did. Very odd.
And a NYPD captain out in the field instead of running her precinct? I don’t buy it. After all, there are more detectives (and cases) working out of the 12th than just Ryan & Esposito.
Yes. The 12th precinct deals with robberies, assaults, missing persons, etc. But Beckett somehow has time to investigate a murder alongside the guys? I call shenanigans.
Laura Prepon’s character from S3 is doubling as Beckett at the precinct, signing paperwork and stuff so Beckett can be in two places at once.
I love that there was more Alexis, I could have done with a little less Kate, I’m starting to think it would have been better to just kill or ship her off the show. they’ve already covered and resolved her whole obsession thing now they are just rehashing a resolved plot line it’s sad.
Who says that killing or shipping her off the show isn’t the plan?
At this point I’m enjoying Rick working PI job with Alexis so much I wouldn’t care if she did leave.
The show is circling the drain for me. This excuse for Beckett to move out is just too preposterous for me to remain in the Castle universe. If the all knowing big bad really exists then why not send someone right into Beckett’s office to get rid of her. No need to even go for Castle. Separating from him is a useless endeavor because they can knock on his front door and do him in just as easily. I am sure this is all headed to somehow bringing Castle’s disappearance into play just to add another layer of the unbelievable. I did not see any new “magical” moments or “sparks”. The show is no longer must see for me.
Kate’s going to keep choosing the “obsession in the heart of her” over Castle, a guy who seems to be pretty in love with her.
physically in love with her. But he seems to really psychologically dig her, you know? Like a 75-year-old digs his wife of 50 years because that’s all he can remember beyond when he took his fiber drink that morning.
Let’s face it: Even after breaking up with Castle, Beckett still initiates all physical forms of affection. One thing Castle is very good at, though, is his ability to hoist Beckett 10 feet up into the air when they’re trapped – mainly because they’re both giants, but also because he’s more comfortable touching her ankles and calves than her face or hands.
Sometimes Castle looks at Beckett like a fat kid looks at a kale shake. But it’s really pretty romantic, because of the words and stuff.
Just kidding. Let me post what a lot of people would prefer to read: This episode had tons of SPARK. It was a CLEVER way to continue filling the series with new ENERGY – and FUN! The scenes were DYNAMIC, and are clearly leading to even more BOLD storytelling. Five stars.
haha, that was funny but sadly true. I don´t know if it´s the writing or bad acting or a mix of both but the lack of sexual interest of Castle towards Beckett is really hard to explain specially when you have Stana (who looks like a super model) playing Beckett
Lol! You are so on point JOT. And because of his lack of acting like he is sexually attracted to her, we have to go through all this nonsense to bring back the “spark.” I can think of so many instances right now where Beckett has been super affectionate and his response is that of an old man.
I’m trying to come up with something supportive, but you are making a good point–you’re dragging me down to that negative ….. here’s something, he doesn’t seem a repulsed by her as he did last season. There.
Less repulsed than last year. I like your silver linings, lkh. 😂
Haha love the fat kid kale shake comparison. Spot on.
This is the funniest, best post ever. So very very true LOL.
And seriously, how many more episodes are they going to have him have to hoist her up? Like that’s such an important part of their relationship (right up there with “Always” or coffee or whatever). My eyes can’t roll any higher!
The episode was ok but the Beckett/Vikram storyline is annoyning and unpleasent to watch. completely unnnecesarry and hope the showrunners come to their senses. Also, they should bring back Tori, ditching her for this Vikram did is not cool.
Episode really did expose how unnecessary this “time out” is! I am still going to watch bc I am forever in love with these characters, but the reasoning is really lame! Beckett can’t even explain it to Castle. Beckett putting her hands lovingly on Castle’s face in the precinct did make me raise both eyebrows! I thought, that’s totally normal and not what I thought I would see?i like it though bc gives us hope. I Did love the jail cell scene! I get what the writers are going for with that spark thing, but could have just written in that way with Castle doing anything to get in on her case bc he doesn’t work with her anymore just as easy?? The end result better be worth it. Hey Beckett, “you cannot leave behind what is always at your side!” Castle will get involved no matter what, most likely you will again be screaming his name to save you when you are hanging from another building. But in that case, I hope he shuts the front door with you…., that same door you left open when you “left”!
We were told the new show runners wanted to re-energize the show. And then we were told that this forced split was a “bold choice.” Neither of these has shown itself yet.
When TVLine decides to devote part of its recap to talking about how much of the show included scenes between the two leads, it’s clear that what has bothered the fan base is now in the open — what made “Castle” the show we loved to watch was smartly written scenes of the leads together.
Whether this extended separation is a choice the show runners forced on the show — or if there is some unspoken reason as to why this was necessary — the start of this season is beginning to take its toll on the series, and the fanbase.
You are right our show runners are missing the point of the story. All summer long they are talking about causing a major split between the two. I wrote to many people with the concern that was not a good idea. Who am I but a fan. Like episode 23 of season 7 when Kate and Rick were talking , at age 11 he was told he should not go into Hollanders Woods and Kate said so you did. I still do not know why Rick and Kate could not have gone after the bad guys as a married couple, and why Kate still has not tell him why she walked out on him. If you go back to season 5 episode 22 (still) Rick refused to leave her side choosing he would rather die with her, not letting her die by herself. I still feels that he feels that way. I hope that when Mr winter told us that episode 7 on 11/16 (Mr and Mrs Castle) that we should feel much better about this season. I hope he not lying to us. Matt from TvLine knows the answer to that question. Will he be bold enough to answer it? Both Nashville and Castle are getting a long winter break this season, does ABC already know what going to happen next season. Both are taking a hit in the Nelson ratings. I hope the show runners turn this thing around ASAP, before the long break.
No, I do not think the story line is logical (I find the characters actions and behaviour making little sense), but after tonight’s episode I can say that I was right about the Castle writers doing this story line well. Because even if I found this idea to be quite flawed – based on how the story had been told so far – I was guessing that they will nail it once they decided to take this road, and do this arc.
The people who are not watching because they dislike this idea are missing lots of good scenes/things. Because even if Kate’s attempt to do it this way to protect Castle was meant to fail from the start (makes no sense that she ever thought Castle will not insert himself into the secret/gets involved involuntarily at some point), it is entertaining to see it all fold out on screen. And there is so much Caskett goodness! The classic Caskett moments are still there…even if they are taking “time to figure things out”, they both so want it all to go back to how it was.
Basically – the season rocks…so far And no way would I stop watching. So I am enjoying the arc, and am looking forward to how it all ends. I have my guesses (based on some spoilers, and things), and if my speculation is correct, then they did a very good thing! (did this arc the best way they could have)
I had a change of heart on her choice. Kate isn’t keeping the secret investigation from Rick to protect him from the Big Bad, it’s to protect him from himself rushing AT the Big Bad and winding up getting himself and Alexis killed. And his impulse to rush into the unknown was shown again in this episode: he heads into that building after a murderer, with his daughter and having zero idea what he’d face. Just the sort of impulse behavior that if he were assisting in investigating the Big bad would get him and others killed.
So I’m thinking Kate’s mostly right, keeping the investigation VERY MUCH in the shadows keeps the Big Bad unawares (she’s got her day job, Vikram has his day job…) and her being outside the loft means her nighttime investigations with Vikram don’t raise Rick’s curiosity. That seems to be working so far: he’s focused on getting her back, not WHY she took off in the first place.
I thought it was a surprisingly good episode. I actually didn’t mind Castle and Beckett “apart.” In fact, I laughed quite a bit to Castle’s antics and dialogue. I also (surprisingly) found myself not really caring about what Beckett was up to because her reasoning still sounds silly. It also doesn’t really help the situation (for me) that she questions the marriage issues from her decision and in a split second gets her “resolve” to keep going in the investigation.
I am still not sure where they are going with it all (especially leading up to the winter break “game changer”) but if Castle 2.0 is crafted like this I can dig it. Also, If their intent is to keep Beckett in the mix beyond season 8, they are going to have to put this “it’s in my DNA” thing to rest.. Cause it won’t survive a third go round (IMHO).
I know I said I wouldn’t watch it live, but I couldn’t help myself. And I found myself really liking the episode overall.. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much during an episode – since probably Number One Fan or The Way of The Ninja.
I liked it as well… Yes, things have changed but Ryan and Espo’s banter was funny.
I watch it live and I also enjoyed it all. Except maybe the angel costume.
I remember the person which leaked Castle is the blind item in early July said we would wishing to go back to 6×23 and Castle’s mythology. I couldn’t imagine how that is even possible now I know. I tune out until they are back together, although I don’t know if I’m still interested then.
It’s time to end Castle. Just end the misery and let the show die. I want Nathan to do something else instead of this cr*p show, all Castle does is grovel at Beckett feet – I was hoping he’d grow a backbone and just let her be, but he’s going after he like a sad puppy dog it’s quite pathetic. Just cancel the show or makes this the series last season and end it.
I don’t care if they are together or apart. I do care about good story lines. This isn’t it and I’ve stopped watching. I would like to thank the Castle group for some very entertaining years, but I’m an adult and I need quality over quantity. Unfortunately for this show, there are some really good new shows that I’m going to spend time checking out in this same time slot.
I can understand people not enjoying this episode and not liking the season so far. What I can’t understand is how some here are still on Beckett’s case about leaving Castle because they think she should know that he’s in danger whether she lives with him or not. The point is he is NOT in danger nor is she (and Vikram too) as long as the Big Bad believes they’ve all swallowed the story that Agent Allison Hyde from the AG office committed suicide b/c she was the CIA mole and Bracken’s partner.
At his time, Rick is in the dark. He doesn’t know about his stepmother. He doesn’t know Hyde was just a patsy. He doesn’t know the Big Bad Wolf is still out there. The sole reason for Kate leaving Rick is to keep him in the dark while she investigates. The separation allows her to do research at night and meet Vikram after hours as she did tonight without Rick knowing. If Castle does find out what she’s doing, not only will he likely blow her cover, putting her in immediate danger, but also — and more importantly to Kate — put himself in danger. Only IF the bad guys figure out she’s still investigating, are any of them in danger. She sincerely believes she and Vikram can keep their hunt for the truth secret from the Big Bad.
You can rant all you like about the storyline but you can’t keep repeating that Rick’s in danger now. He isn’t. Kate may be wrong in thinking she can investigate on her own, but her action is in keeping with her character.
I understand where you’re coming from, but LOCKSAT had some sort of alarm for when any searches went through any database, and that got a bunch of people killed. If Beckett and Vikram accidentally trick another alarm like that – and come on, I’m sure they will for the sake of duh-rama – that will send another army of nutters their way.
If they think capturing Rick (again) will get Kate’s attention, they will. And they’re clearly not above killing people. So, by being half-assed out of Rick’s life, she is still putting his life in danger by investigating.
It’s going to be difficult to convince many people otherwise.
yes, it’s a bit thin but what I liked (and there was some chuckles) was that Castle is starting to express that his behavior might be part of the reason for Beckett’s decision. He realized that he’s trying to impress her, that he gets involved when he shouldn’t, and I’m just grateful that they are at least showing some of this aspect of the problem. I would say a 15 yo boy, but sometimes he’s not even there. Why doesn’t someone say, crap, Beckett’s going thru something really awful because she can’t count on Castle to cooperate and act like an adult. Yes, her choice, but don’t we gather the information we have, what we know and then make our choices?
What nonsense! How has Castle ever compromised any of their work through his behavior. This just pulling crap out of nowhere to desperately support Beckett! Castle has cooperated and it is largely because of his help that Kate was even able to solve her mother’s murder. In fact it was she, acting like a pig headed 5 year old, who almost got herself thrown off a roof because she wasn’t behaving like an adult. The hypocrisy is amazing. Castle is childish, but he never takes murder and death lightly and just insinuating that is a flat out lie.
Castle doesn’t act as an adult??? Beckett has not been able to maintain one adult relationship her entire life…she leaves her husband using the logic of a ten year old…oh and castle raised a daughter as a single parent while supporting his mother for years…Becket would have given up abkid for adoption the first time she had to follow an obsession…
Why wouldn’t he be in danger? They wiped out an entire FBI team whether they actually knew anything or not. Why would they simply assume that Rick knows nothing? Alternatively, do they really have the resources to wipe out her entire precinct without repercussions? And wasn’t anything in the precinct documented? The ability to cover things up in the Castle-verse seems magical.
How exactly will Castle finding out blow her cover? What is Castle going to do, go out into the media and announce what Beckett is up to. That’s an incredibly weak defense of Kate’s actions. If she separated with Rick to keep him safe because the villains could come after him while she is investigating this case, then there is the obvious flaw that they could do that regardless. If she’s trying to keep the case a secret from Rick, then she is just being flat out stupid because Castle’s curiosity is bound to get him involved and this time he will be navigating this thing blind, without Beckett. So what is Beckett trying to accomplish here? The simple fact is that she is doing this because she feels she can only operate while she’s lying and she’s just not mentally equipped to be in a trusting relationship
This whole Kate has to leave to protect Castle story line is ridiculous. The only piece of it that makes any sense is that it gives Kate the freedom to do what she wants without Castle. Which means it is all about her, again. If there was a tiny bit of real world in this then the big bad would get her by any means possible regardless of where she is. They know that Kate got Bracken even though he thought he was invincible. Why would they take a chance by leaving her alone now? They wouldn’t. She is not hard to find. To add even more plot stupidity I am sure that this will all intersect with Castle’s disappearance somehow. That way he can be made to look at least as bad as Kate does now in a story line that will be even more unbelievable.
Didn’t watch it live out of fear of what I’m reading here. Looks like our worst fears came true. I’ll give the show a try tomorrow night on the dvr, but if it’s as bad as everyone is indicating (and I sadly don’t see how it can’t be) then it will be time to remove it from the DVR and move on to something new.
Huh. Well, judging by the comments, I’m in the minority. I was on board with it. Don’t me wrong, the separation is dumb. Really dumb. That being said, I do like the little moments between Castle and Beckett. I also really like that all “side” characters got to stretch their legs a bit more. The boys going Jump Street was hilarious to me. I’m liking Alexis and Rick’s banter. It’s not as good as C&B, but it’s good in a different way. I think the “after your wits,” line was my favorite thing of the episode. Oh, I also liked that she blew the bubbles at the end. They’re trying to so hard to make her seem grown-up, that it’s nice to see her be goofy. She’s Rick’s kid after all, you’d expect her to be silly sometimes.
I’m in the minority too, but then I usually am when it comes to this show. I’ve always watched for all the characters and I found this to be a fun episode. I’m not sure where everything’s going but I’m definitely sticking around to find out.
referring to a season seven episode did kate beckett told her husband rick castle married people tell each other everything? kate its time to tell rick about LOCKSTAT at least let him help kate!!!
What happen to all the serious/humor mix? That was the magic. I don’t think this whole, we’re finally together and in love with one another forever. They’ve had some sloppy story lines in the past, and we let it go because it’s, well, Castle. But this? They’ve surpassed all past sloppy-ness. Think about it people. Her whole excuse is that she’s protecting Castle from getting killed??. What rubbish. They want to kill Kate, easy target. They want to hurt Kate, Castle is open and easy target. Her character has gone beyond annoying, a total yawn and her story line interest has reached it’s end. One dimensional character. The name of the show is Castle. I’d start watching again if Kate was killed off. Castle’s story is far more interesting and has many facets. Kate was one dimensional. I say, kill off Kate, Castle is shot too, but has amnesia, therefore doesn’t remember anything about her. And bring that fun, carefree and interesting Castle back. Besides right now I’m enjoying the whole father/daughter sleuthing.
I agree. Beckett’s “all about me” psychosis has me not liking her. It even makes me not like Stana which I realize is not reasonable but I get the impression that Stana has a limited range. I’m looking forward to see her in Sister Cities to see if I’m wrong.
If she was off the show I don’t know if Rick Castle could continue as the plot line is so involved with the 2 characters. But Fillion is such a great and flexible actor that he could do anything. I watched Con Man (his new project with Alan Tudyk) on the weekend. First 4 mini-ep’s were hilarious!!
They should give Molly Her own spinoff or maybe cast her as a Nancy Drew-like character. NBC is looking for a Nancy Drew and she’d be a natural. Fillion could make guest appearances as her Dad or something. In the meantime I’m digging the Alexis and her Dad dynamic as well. Also digging Alexis as an adult – Molly is rockin’ it with her adult looks!
Castle’s story is a bore. Beckett’s story has been carrying the show all these years. Why do you think ratings collapsed as soon as the focus was on Castle? Neither the actor nor the character have enough charisma to carry the show on their own.
I agree but the writers should wake up …. could be so much more for the couple solving murders and maybe adopting an orphan…..
So you want the story about the police or PI expert with no expertise whatsoever being better, smarter, handsomer, wittier (and so on) than the bunch of seasoned detectives, expert profilers from FBI, CIA and other three-letters agencies spies? OK.
Haven’t seen the episode well as the first two..will probably binge watch it once the fall finale ep airs..but i’ve set my expectations to really low so i might find it enjoyable when i do. Haha
This episode made my brain hurt. She ‘left Rick’ to ….. go nowhere? She met her fellow FBI survivor at the precinct! And why exactly does she feel that her only alternative in pursuing this is to do so as a duet with FBI guy? Does she really think that this conspiracy would be able to wipe out the entire precinct with no waves or without making it even worse for them?
As for the mystery, why is the military involvement just glossed over? That isn’t just unethical activity, that would be the US Military engaging in said unethical illegal activity. And any non-disclosure agreements signed mean nothing the moment controls went out the window.
It isn’t an option in the multiple choice above, but I really am not sure if I’ll bother to watch next week or not. The writing is way too contrived.
My college-aged kids tweet and Facebook about everything. To think that signing a non-disclosure would stop them from over sharing absolutely everything about that psychology experiment is a joke.
These Hollywood types live in such a narssacistic bubble, it’s easy to explain how they keep underestimating why their mostly non-LA living fan base can’t take them, or their story lines, seriously anymore. They would do good to hire just one reasonable person from these postings to challenge some of their more ludicrous plot points. Might help with their credibility.
I think one of the reasons might be what THR interviewer asked the writers that this (break up) have to do from something offscreen, sharing less/no romantic & intimate moments between the two.
If the interviewer is asking this question that means there might be some truth about the rumors.
I think something happened between Stana and Nathan around the time he reportedly went to Marlowe to discuss his concerns about the Beckett centric direction of the show. Stana may have taken that as an attempt to undermine her role and character development. Since then there has been tension and an insider report/rumor that Stana can’t stand being around Nathan when on set. If so, great acting on her part when they have those kiss scenes.
Who know’s? Probably it will all come out next year after the series is over.
I don’t get why if someone is so unhappy and they can’t stand being around their costar why they would resign for another year. If that is the case why not just move on with your career. Is the money that good or is the situation not as bad as the rumors.
After all that has happened. I just want to see #Castle completely ignore Beckett. And then she fights for him. That’s something for a change.
The writers said they are shaking things up & it’s a new dynamic and on other hand they say it’s return of s1,2,3. So what’s new???
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