Anne Frank: The Whole Story Wall

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lailaritaa said …
To know how much Anne had adored her father and to be taken away from him really breaks my heart and to know he will never see his daughter i am very close to my dad and could not imagine being taken away from him I tried to put my dad in Otto's shoes losing his family and i could not even bring myself to do it cause it breaks my heart into million pieces that Otto had to go through that all because of his religion it's so not fair Posted over a year ago
kally198 said …
i m daying to see anne in real. if i would be there i had saved all of them and we can also protest agenest the hitler or the war Posted over a year ago
mrssonnymoore commented…
HITLER SUCKS! over a year ago
lovemoviesmusic said …
I LOVED IT SOOOOO MUCH.....why did they have to die

Loved Peter+Anne's relationship in this movie(so sweet) :') Posted over a year ago