Amanda Tapping Wall

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RebeccaMagnus said …
She Is The Most Gorgeous Actress! She Plays Every Role AMAZING! She Is My Role Model & Inspiration! Posted over a year ago
sanctuarynerd17 said …
Amanda tapping is one of the luckiest people in the world! She has so many intimate scenes with robbin dunne and jonathon young, (not to the mention the fact that she gets to kiss him!) and she gets to spen most of her time with Ryan Robbins too! I envy her so much but she is amazing so I forgive her. She is one of my fav actresses and I really want to meet her. Posted over a year ago
tonyziva1234 said …
“People have this weird view of “geekdom” that, you know, it’s like people who sit in their basements on the internet. And sci-fi fans and geekdom - and I use that in the most loving way - are the most socially connected [people] out there, they’re constantly going to these cons and meeting people from all around the world, they’re the most interactive group. It’s completely the antithesis of what people think of geeks.” Posted over a year ago
flashowen01 said …
I believe I am your number one greatest fan in Australia and I would like to meet you for Lunch one day. Posted over a year ago