Alexander Rybak Are Alex and Maria dating?

Tianalove posted on Aug 22, 2010 at 12:10PM
I`ve watched a picture where they held around each other.
Are they together?
I don`t hope so..
Do you guys know something about it?
last edited on Aug 22, 2010 at 12:38PM

Alexander Rybak 176 replies

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over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Yes they have alot in common (: I think they are really sweet together (:
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Well I found proof that they are still dating. Alex even gave her her own closet in his apartment when she's staying with him. She lives in Hammerfest for now ( since she's a doctor and got her job there right now ) so they switch by traveling to each other's towns (:
Well I found proof that they are still dating. Alex even gave her her own closet in his apartment whe
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
and here
and here
over a year ago smallwolf said…
And now they're still in L.A together ?
over a year ago liisiad said…
Could someone please translate that article? :)
over a year ago BabyLongLegs95 said…
i knew they would end up :)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
liisiad go to the same picture I posted at the picture place thingy, I have it there (:
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
Awww that's awesome ;) They are a great and cute couple.
I wish them a lot of luck and love :D
over a year ago s0nja said…
Good that he saved their relationship ^^ Hope he doesn't do any other stupid cheating things ^^
over a year ago liisiad said…
Helene, thank you very much :)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
No problems at all :D
over a year ago liisiad said…
It's good to know that you are here so friendly! I'm not new to this community, but I've been so far just a silent observer ;)
over a year ago NPT said…
Hey people who hate seeing Alexander having a girlfriend!
Don't you think he'd better date someone objectively not ugly at all and who's sharing the same world as him than just being a really famous but lonely star?
I don't remember who said it but yeah: he'll never date a 16-17 years-old-girl who doesn't even exist in his eyes! It's not against you but, really, it's time to wake up, girlz ;) And face the reality!
Just enjoy his songs. It's probably the only thing he would ask from you... :)

over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
@NPT: THANK YOU! Finnaly someone who does have brains :D I totally agree with you ^^ I think Maria suits really good with him (:
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
@NPT: Yes exactly! That's what i've tried to say o those hating people for months now! Sadly, they doesn't want to listen cause they live in this little bubble they've made up where Maria is some bad monster. I honestly wonder what Alex would say if he saw all the crap the haters used to write here.

And I think that 16-17 year old thingy was me saying it.

And btw, just asking out of curiosity, but are you Alex? xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silla17 said…
@NPT: Yeahh finally we are trying to say that for months !!
The only they did was fighting with us and saying that we were starting the fight while wanted to say the truth !!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
And calling Maria a cold hearted ice queen who doesn't care about Alex -.- That is just rude..
over a year ago silla17 said…
Yeah it really rude !!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Yep, but not surprising when you read more of the post these people makes. I don't think they can possibly had a boyfriend in their life.
over a year ago silla17 said…
Neither do i !!

They have an short of imagination that Alex is with them and Approve everything they say !!
over a year ago s0nja said…
and still the fact that Norway and Europe is still filled with lots of other hot men ^^D :DDD
Alex seems to be happy with Maria and of course it's important that a human shall be with a human he/she loves :)
over a year ago rebecca19 said…
@NPT, i also totally agree with what you say. Maria is beautiful girl and really smart with an inner glow about her personality. You can see from the way alex looks at her that he loves her more than earth itself and is content with who he is and the career in which he has, as she brings the vibrancy into his life. I would never want alex to be lonely star, as i feel that everyone needs someone in their lifes and luckily alex found the girl for him. i am not jelous or angry toward maria, in fact i think she is lovely and i love alex's songs (sorry alex, but unlike some girls here who love you, im afraid i do not, i admire and respect you for the incredible artist that you are and the way you play the violin moves me to tears, especially the song 'i asked the ash tree'- in russian, it is so beautiful)i hope one day i meet someone who is so in love with me as alex feels toward maria.

I feel maria is sensible girl, who is great comfort to alex, none of us can comprehend with the difficult times he has been through in the past, nor have we been there for him in the way he needed, yet maria has been there and a great support for him. I could never hate or calll this girl by nasty names for being with alex, instead i am thankful for her, for she is the one who gives alex happiness and helps him with inspiration toward new and amazing songs.

Even though i prefer Didrik Solli tangen, i would also never call the person he is with as being ugly, because that is horrible and cold hearted and to be honest at the end of the day i am really happy for him if he met the girl he wants to be with. P.s maybe i will write didrik letter one day just to tell him he is awesome artist and has the most stunning voice ever, he is one incredible man, beautiful, snesitive when it comes to not wanting atention from media, putting studies first. Yep i hope i meet someone who has his qualities someday, for me and didrik will never be together, but that does not bother me, his memerisig voice gets me through the day with smile.

Those who hate maria, please dont. this girl has done nothing wrong to any of you and alex is not lonely, sad or isolated, he has found new meaning to life with her. He will never go with 16-17 year olds and what you and him may share will never be nothing more than a fairytale of your imagination. Learn to be happy for him and maria and smile when you listen to his music, yes still regard alex with fondness but also meet someone, go out with friends, wake up to the excitement of being in a new relationship and the feelings you first get with being with someone and the intense love you both share, where all your inibitions go out the window. Please girls meet a man who you love and respect and he feels the same way, somone who you can experience the world with and share things together for the first time. Alex will always be there as the artist you love and admire, but try to accept that and also move on with life.

Alex always expresses his gratitude toward you all for buying his music and puts,' thank you for staying' on the end of his albums. By asking you to go out into world and meet the right man for you, does not mean you have to forget about alex, his music will always be with you as comfort. Just learn to accept that yes alex does still love you all for staying by him in the sense through his albums and so forth and he appreciates that and you all will always mean something to him, yet understand his love for maria is what makes the world look brighter each day and he is content with this stunning, beautiful,smart,friendly, caring girl (the list is endless).

PLease before anyone calls maria by a nasty name, try to imagine how you felt when you were in love with someone and whenever other people miscalled him/her who you loved it felt like your heart was getting ripped out of your chest and was painful and hurtful to hear when this was the person who made life that little extra more worth living and getting out of bed each day x

GOOD LUCK alex and maria all the best for future and happy times ahead :)
over a year ago rebecca19 said…
Going out drinking tonight with friends at club, and maybe meeting up with some guy i met today. x
over a year ago ajsa said…
I wish,that they should be happy, and it is certain that the 15-17 year old girls, who,once hated Maria, and then will laugh at this one day. Alex gets older and becomes less and less interesting. One day, coming a new and single singers and musicians . I think, he has already talked about this and he seeks to do so now.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Hopefully, but not everyone get older mentally, but stick at acting like a spoiled, desperate 14 year old who think she can never date any other man than Alex, cause Alex is out there waiting for her and wasting his time on " whores. " Obviously, they won't be pleased before they can go out with Alex themselfs.

Lucky, both Maria and Alex is better than these people who say all this crap. Alex HAVE read it, and he probably just laughed of it. If he ever met this person face to face, he wouldn't be proud of them, he would most likely wonder what the heck is wrong with them.

The fact that someone says Maria is a horrible person, they are actually insulting Alex too. But their little, desperate brains are so filled with jealousy that they won'tsee it. But hopefully, some of these people will grow up and realise how horrible they weer to her.

I'm just glad Maria is a smart girl who doesn't care about these people. She has known Alex for much longer than we have, so claiming that you can see Maria is a cold hearted ice queen is actually just patetic, cause alex wouldn't stayed friends with Maria for 11 years if she was as horrible. It's their hating fog they need to get out of and try to find a boyfriend in their own country.
over a year ago ajsa said…
It may be true, but other the love and a simple friendship. Alex is a grown man and I hope he will behave. Since Maria does not deserve even one case of Malin. But would be able to withstand a lot of young fresh girls' seduction. Because the man's animal if it is about his penis.