Alexander Rybak Are Alex and Maria dating?

Tianalove posted on Aug 22, 2010 at 12:10PM
I`ve watched a picture where they held around each other.
Are they together?
I don`t hope so..
Do you guys know something about it?
last edited on Aug 22, 2010 at 12:38PM

Alexander Rybak 176 replies

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over a year ago Alexhelen24 said…
No I have never believed what OTHERS say about Alex to me. I believe only what I see. And I like what I see, yeah i admit it for me he is an angel, a nice, sweet caring person and many other things. For you he maybe be a stupid guy who is fooling around with girls have I ever atacked you for that? NO cause each person has his different opinion about him. It is so simple!
And you don't know me personally so don't pretend that you know me so well in order to say that I have never been in love, and I'm not obliged to say it either to you or anyone else.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Sure, but you don't know if he is an angel, for all you know, he can be abusive and beat up his girlfriends and that is why he can't hold on a girl over time. When your obsession with him wears off in a few years and you're mor grown up( Alex isn't going to continue traveling around for much longer, he said he wants to settle down now and write movie music in his apartment and then he wil lbe completely gone from the media ) you'll see that he isn't as great and perfect as you have imagined.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alexhelen24 said…
I know what Alex plans for the future and I totally agree with him cause this is a wise decision. This means that he cares about his wife and he wants to have a peaceful life. And something more, I don't imagine things I see things and I believe in things where there is evidence about it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago elenikabouri said…
Well,i find the whole thing about " ice queen" very childish. I know what would I do if my partner needed my help and I also know what would you do,Helene.. I don't blame anyone,but you know, between supporting someone by the phone and supporting someone by holding his hands tightly at hard days and sleepless nights,being there for him with your body, with your mind,with your soul,well, there's a huge difference! And again I don't blame anyone for his behaviour,my only interesting is Alex,not any Maria or Malin or...any woman.
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over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Maybe Alex didn't want Maria there, have you thought about that? Maybe she didn't even know before in the ending that something was wrong with Alex, she did come home from the vacation earlier than planned. If you're curious then ask Maria and Alex yourself, they are the ones who can give you the correct answer. What if it was MAria who were mentally sick and Alex who didn't come back home to her? Would you react the same was as you do with Alex? IF Maria can forgive Alex for going behind her back and cheat on her then Alex can forgive her for not coming home sooner.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago elenikabouri said…
over a year ago silla17 said…
WTF is going on here !!

You are all talking about respecting each others opinion but from my point of view you dont accept and respect the opinion of Helene !!

And i dont want to be rude but when are you (Alexhelen) gonna step out of that fairytale that you live in !!

And about Maria & Alex they look good together !! Yes he made a mistake but maria forgave him for that !! Soo why still talking about it !! We are his fans not his friends/family where he has to explain for what he have done !!
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over a year ago silla17 said…
And i totally agree with Helene, Sonja & Linda !!!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
People are obsessed with this cause they don't have anything else to do. Their lives are boring and therefore they need to be a part of Alex's life since his is more exciting. Just let Alex live his life and learn from his own mistakes. He's a grown man and he knows what he wants more than you do.
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over a year ago silla17 said…
Yeah Helene he is a grown up MAN !! Soo accept his decisions !!

And if you are soo desperate to have Alex as your boyfriend !! Find a look a like of him because the real one you will never have !!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Honestly I don't see why people WANT to be with Alex. They will be hated by people all over the world for absolutely no reason at all, people will make hate sites about you and in general just want you dead.
over a year ago silla17 said…
Yeah i guess that is true what you say !!

I rather have a unknown guy as my boyfriend then one that love the spot light !!
over a year ago silla17 said…
@ Alexhelen24: It is funny to read things on elenikabouri profile they are all in greek !! but i used google translate for it !!

It is this where we talk about !! :
ναι, δεν λεω ειναι λογικο και η εμφανηση να ειναι και αυτη απαραιτητη αλλα πρεπει να μην βιαζεται να κανει μια σχεση μονο και μονο επειδη μια κοπελα ειναι ομορφη.. που κατα τη γνωμη μου η Μαρια μπορει να λιγο εντυπωσιακη αλλα ειναι πολυ ψυχρη... και δεν μου αρεσει αυτο καθολου.

translated on google:
yes, I'm not saying it is reasonable to VISIBLE and is also necessary but should not hurry to make a connection just because a girl is beautiful .. which in my opinion, Maria can be a bit impressive but is very cold ... I do not like this at all.
over a year ago silla17 said…
And this made me laugh really hard !! :

Θα ηθελα να σου προειδοποιησω να μην δινεις σημασια καθολου σε οτι λενε γιατι αυτεσ ειναι μια ομαδα και θα σου επιτεθουν οπως ειδες... Εχουν πει πως ο Alex ειναι ακομα και γκει και γελαγαν και μολις πηγα να τον υπερασπιστω πεσαν ολες πανω μου να με φανε..

translated with google:

I would like to warn you not to give a count at all in importance because they say that THIS is a team and will attack you as you saw ... They have told me that Alex is gay and even laughed and just went to the defender fell into all over me to eat ..
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I'm dying from laughter. I NEVER CLAIMED THAT ALEX WAS GAY! Girls, your english must really suck if you thought that! It was a joke! Even Alex have laughed of gayjokes the russian media made of him, he doesn't care. I know that greece people aren't as open as homosexuality as in norway where its a daily thing to see two men make out on the streets here, but seriously, thats so patetic. In norway people doesn't think more about someone being called gay than being called straight, cause unlike in greece, homosexuality in norway is FINE. Alex have been to gaybars with his gayfriends, which means you are actually taking the the gayjoke alot harder than he is.

And yeah, Alex have even joked himself that he was gay once, don't get a heart attack now.
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over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
And of course, you can continue your psychological bashing of us other girls here, I honestly don't care what other people say about me (: <3
over a year ago silla17 said…
Me tooo !! I am who i am and im not gonna change that !!
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
From MY point of view.. they are meant one for each other
since FOREVER! :D
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
@elenikabouri: I quote: "If you're refered to Alexelen,who gave me the answer to my question,I have to tell you that she has more politeness than me,much more politeness and she has never insulted anyone,even when other attack her"

HA-HA-HA! Never insulted anyone.... I really think you should go and find a new school and training.....

over a year ago elenikabouri said…
About you Helene, you know that I study psychology and the best friend I've ever had is gay.After these,how could you even THINK that I consider homosexuality as something bad and abnormal? What kind of person do you think I am?
I honestly thought that you were a better person than some SICK people here.
And I still think that!
But,I want to give you an advice friendly,even without knowing you: Be careful with some SICK persons,who surround you in this club,whoever these persons are,because a devilish person can be devilish to everybody when the time comes,and not only to some of them! I'm not gonna tell you who these people are or name anyone...You're a smart person and I'm sure you will find out yourself.
Maby my English are terrible,but my message was clear enough,wasn't?

over a year ago elenikabouri said…
About Alexelen,I owe her a BIG APOLOGY and I'm doing this in public !
I feel TERRIBLE for what I caused her!!!
What she wrote to my wall is EXACTLY the same she has written in public many times in this "club",without insulting anyone and it proves my words about her politeness and decenty.Her parents must be very proud of her.
Again,I APOLOGIZE to her,but I had no idea how evil people can be...!
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over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Uhm, i didn't say you were the one who went nuts when I joked about Alex being gay, I don't know your view on gay people, but when I see how some people react on it I see that Norway and the rest of the world got a huge difference when looking at homosexuality. In Norway, people kiss and have sex with the same gender for FUN, there is barely homophobes left here, except for immigrants from the middle east who are used to gay people being stoned to death. No straight person reacts negative here if somebody calls him or her gay, they're laughing off it cause being gay isn't a bad thing here, it's just a sexuality where you fall in love with the same gender.
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over a year ago elenikabouri said…
About you Silla17, what you did is unthinkable,indiscreet and unbelievably SICK. I have nothing more to say to you,except that, if I were your mother I would feel deep shame and disappointment for the child I was raising all this time and I would be scared of what my daughter is capable to do in her future life...!
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over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
And Helen IS insulting someone, she's insulting Maria without knowign the girl, and she is unable of understanding that for every hurtful word she says about Maria, she's also hurting the person she loves so much, and that person is Alex.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alexhelen24 said…
Elenikabouri don't ask me sorry. I don't have to hide ANYTHING from ANYONE. And thank u silla for PROVING how evil are some people in that club of what you did to me and that you care so much about what the others say for u. (and you imply completely the opposite to your friends). I never insulted anyone and I will never do it, it is pointless. I'm not going to do the favour to continue this silly discussion cause I'm not a pathetic bitch. Some of you really enjoy imposing on others all the time for nothing. I'm not going to pay u the attnetion that you are really desperate for. I honestly feel sorry about you. Behave like you should behave in your age.
I'm not going to repeat myself again about what I believe and what I have said. Your actions says it ALL.
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over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
If you wanna take it up with me, send me a personal message, cause what other people think of me, I don't care.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
And Helen, you honestly think I care if you're calling me a patetic bitch? No, I don't. You're just as patetic as the rest of us here with prejudging people you don't even know and I regret that I actually bothered to apology to you and offer peace.
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over a year ago elenikabouri said…
Helene, I didn't mean you in my LAST comment,but the "polite" Lindaah14 and the "honourable" Silla17
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Elenikabouri: Well, thank God you are not her mom then... And why is it sick? She was just telling us what you said about us.. And prove that you actually called Maria ice cold.

Helen: So we are pethetic bitches? Really brave to say that on the internet. Oh, and you DID insult people, but I guess you are to blind to see that. Please don't be such a hypocrite. Thank you.
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Elenikabouri, if you meant your last comment for me just SAY it will you? I call it cowardly to not say it straight away.
over a year ago elenikabouri said…
My contempt Lindaah14 is my only answer to your question
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
People, please stop fighting!!!
NOBODY of us KNOWS Alex very good. So there is no need of fighting and cursing at others..
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Call me agressive, but if you would say this to me in real life, you'd lay on the ground right now with a brused eye...
Oh and you 2 are just as 'polite and honourable' as we are.
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Agree with you, Jana, though it seems this isn't so much about Alex anymore...
over a year ago ajsa said…
Girls don't hurt each other, we're human beings, so we are not always at a same opinion.
We must not forget that this is Alex's page ...
I think, everyone know, that between in the normal framework to give an opinion, and even if you do not like, to be respected.
over a year ago angel277 said…
I guess none of you know Alex at all :DDD
You only have your gossips from various countries, like me. And we all just heard something from someone who heard it from someone who heard it from someone.... We don't know how Alex, Maria and Malin are as persons and what they think about anything. They are the only persons who know what is going on. Of course there are the same old rumors, like Maria didn't come home when he was in trouble and needed her, that she wasn't possible to reach for weeks and Alex lost contact with her in long periods during her holiday. The rumors here is that he was very lost, lonely and depressed, and the only person who went out of his/her way to help him when he stayed here for months, was actually Malin. If this is correct, it tells a lot about all threes peraonality. I don't know anything about them, I think they all seem nice on the surface. Helene, you are writing as if you know Alex and Maria personally, but you also only have your strong opinions based on what your friends tell. And I doubt they are close friends of Alex and Maria, probably just Facebook friends like several thousands others. Real friends of them wouldn't tell private stuff about them at all. I wish them all the best, and the same goes for you girls here too!
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over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Uhm, pardon me, but they're not "facebook" friends, they are friends who's grown up around Nesodden/ Oslo close to him.
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over a year ago Seyma_Seigmann said…
you can say that or that he have to know what he hav to do you all dont need to fight about what he is doing or not mybe he think its right ? and nobody in his near tell him thats wrong . he is a man . What you all fight or stuff like that wount bring abother way you know :P dont fight just write :Ptalk about his songs or musik or how much we like him but not pls not alltime stuff like that last year it was moa this year its maria who know who is next year still maria or malin or another girl ? pls girls stop fighthng we all are here friends (: agree with ajsa and jana listn to them !
over a year ago ajsa said…
Angel 227 I agree with you ,the truth know only they and we don't know.
Now are one new gosipp,that he and malin were at LD after party ,very close...And who knows... Maybe it's true...does not belong to us problem
over a year ago s0nja said…
First of all I would like to say to AlexHelen and elenikabouri:
Why the f*** do you come and talk about beeing polite etc. when you have clearly insulted Helene, Silla and Linda. Now you will probably start to pick on me too, but I neither DON'T care. It's pathetic how you act. Are you defending yourself by attacking? It seems so. And elenikabouri, just because you are studying psychology doesn't mean that you're the only one who's right about this and that -.-

I also think that it's only Alex, Maria and Malin who knows best about this whole "triangle" -thing.

I have met Alex a couple of times, though it was a while ago. Alex seemed nice and my friend actually talked with Maria and I did a bit too, she seemed also nice. NO, I DON'T know neither of them, they seemed nice, that's what I can say!
over a year ago smallwolf said…
I've just known Alex and his art for a short time and I think I can't know clearly about his private life. But who care ? Just love his music and that's all. About the topic of love, to tell the truth, love is pretty hard to define. Even whether Alex and Maria grew up together or not, if there's a destiny, he also can fall in love with her at the first sight just because he loves her and realize that they're perfect. If someone's never fallen in love before, they can't understand this feeling for sure. Your lover will make you feel like walking on air, share your happiness and relieve your sadness. I think Alex's being happy with Maria. I saw some photos on his facebook and I'm glad that he looks so refresh now. I only read on some forums and people said that he had a hard time but I can't get the main idea that what made him depressed.The only thing I care is that since Alex's in good mood of love, can we expect some new songs from now ^.^ ?
over a year ago s0nja said…
@ smallwolf Good point ^^ Maybe he will get new ideas for new songs ^^ and I have read/heard that he will release an album in the autumn so maybe he is slowly starting to work on/already working on new songs ^^ Who knows? ^^ What I have a feeling of that he's probably enjoying his life to the fullest now in L.A. with Maria ^^
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Looking at the way they smile at the pictures, they adore having time with each other^^
over a year ago Tianalove said…
I actually think that their relationship is more a friend(bestfriend) relationship than a boy/girlfriend and love relationship. They have been friends since they were 14 years old, and it`s kind of wired that they haven`t got together before now then, so i think its more a friendship-ish relationship that they have. But they seem happy, I am also very happy when I am with my best friend, and all of my friends. They make me very happy.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Alex said himself multiple times that Maria forgave him after that kiss and they are still dating. And I honestly wonder that if they still were just friends, why they both would get their names sewed on the pillows of the hotel room's king size bed. That doesn't seem like friendship, that seems like something a couple does. I guess a kissing picture must appear before people believe it :p
over a year ago smallwolf said…
May I ask you girls here about the kiss that many people've mentioned ? Sorry 'cause I still haven't got all the main ideas about those things happened before .
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over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
The kiss with Malin? Alex was at a party, got drunk and kissed his dancepartner Malin from Let's Dance. This while he was dating Maria, but she soon forgave him and now they are still dating and together in LA.
over a year ago rebecca19 said…
@smallwolf- as far as i know alex kissed malin on some night out in a club, she is his dance partner in the swedish program 'Lets dance') and they were photographed being intimate with one another, after he made his feelings public that he was with maria, so there was speculation whether maria and him were still together etc, and so whn it was said they are having vacation in LA america, its presumed they are still together. To be honest the exact story between them is unknown and is covered with rumours of 'are they' , or are they not' together
over a year ago rebecca19 said…
Lol after i posted i then noticed Helene has answered the question. oh well
over a year ago smallwolf said…
Thanks Helene and Rebecca for answering my question. Now I see. So if Alex's really being with Maria now, that's great in every way 'cause they're both violinists. I mean when they're working in the same field, there're lots of things that they can share together ^.^