Adam Milligan Club
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Heavenly Host cont'd

    "Dean, that's crazy," Sam exclaimed as he, Dean and Adam all sat around Bobby's front room after having heard Dean's plan. "There's absolutely no guarantee that'll work, and we don't really know for sure that's where Mary is. Why take the risk?"

    "Because we're running out of time," Dean said plainly. "And with Michael being here, it only means this is more serious than we thought. I know I wasn't very enthusiastic with this idea when you suggested it before, but we are the only ones who can keep Mary safe. And the longer...
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    One Year Later

    The first time he got to go to Florida, Dean had been hoping it would have been for a little R&R, but here he was, mobilizing his younger brothers and a nine-year-old girl to kill a nasty poltergeist less than thirty miles from the outskirts of Miami. It was just wrong. And for once, Sam agreed with him. Not on the Florida part, but mobilizing Adam and Mary felt abnormal, even though they'd been doing it for a little while now. Mostly, Adam and Mary had only been allowed to come along on the easy stuff....
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    Heavenly Host.

    With Sam and Dean back in the house, they were able to buy food and supplies to last for a little while, and Sam carried Mary and Adam into town to buy dinner for the night and breakfast for the next morning — even if it was possible he and Dean wouldn't be eating there. He didn't tell that to either Adam or Mary. The less they knew, the safer they would be for the time being. They bought steaks and beer and cokes for Mary, returning to the house where Dean had already started up the grill with Cas...
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posted by ForsakenMoon19
Seriously, what's with the majority of SPN fans hating on Adam so much? I often ask this question on most SUPERNATURAL sites and still no one can give me a good enough answer.

He's a very interesting character that deserves the opportunity to grow as has every other character before him: Bobby, Castiel, Ellen & Jo etc!!! Ever since the moment when Kripke announced there would be a 3rd Winchester brother, I was very sceptic about the idea. But when the appropriately named episode “Jump the Shark” first aired I was completely on the edge of my seat with Sam and Dean. Not even 10 minutes...
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Chapter 18

(warning this chapter contains frightening scenes and scenes of violence)

Adam had been pacing the house for the past five minutes, once in a while pausing to sneak a peek out the window in case of unnatural intruders. The only things he kept close were his revolver secure in the waistline of his jeans and the cell phone that Sam had given to him earlier that day for emergencies. He had to give his brothers credit for covering all bases while assuming their little venture out to Clifton Ridge, especially since they’d reluctantly put Adam in charge of keeping everyone safe back...
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Seduction (cont'd)

    The porch light was on when the house came into view, and Mary sighed softly, knowing Adam was waiting up and hoping he didn’t go crazy when he saw her face or her neck. The possibility was low, but she still hoped.

    Adam came out the front door before Mary and Keiran were inside the safety of light shining from the enclosed porch, and he looked more worried than she’d seen in nearly four years. Keiran lowered her to the ground, and Mary stepped closer to the front steps as Adam opened the screen door.

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One Year Ago . . . Laramie, Wyoming

    The first time she saw him, he was alone, sitting in a booth across the diner from her with a thick book in his hands. From where she was sitting, it looked nearly as big as a phone book for a major city. There was no way he was actually reading it. Though he was sitting down, he looked tall, nearly as tall as Adam, and his hair was unruly and light brown — almost like light gold. She couldn’t see his eyes. He was looking through the book so intently she supposed it was...
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This is the sequel to Resurrection, and it's just getting started, so updates might be a little slow for right now. But I'll do my best.


    Things Past

Three days later . . .

    Adam stood in front of the lone mirror in the bathroom perplexed by the scar over the left side of his abdomen. It wasn't just any scar, and even though he was the only one who knew that, the fact that it was there confused him. He figured it was because it had to be there, but then why let him live? Why had he survived with nothing but a scar to show...
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Angels and Demons cont'd

    Middle of the road in the middle of nowhere wasn't exactly the most ideal place to be in the middle of a crisis, but that's exactly where Adam found himself in the most insane turn of events. And he had no idea where he was. That couldn't be right. The last thing he remembered, he'd had an Archangel inside him with a plan to set things right — at least that's what he'd been led to believe. But if that was gonna happen, then what was Adam doing here? It didn't make any sense.

    But he didn't get very far before he realized...
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Angels and Demons

Warning: This part includes elements of torture and cruelty. Especially concerning Sam.

    Not that bright, white room endless rooms made nervous or anything, but he'd been inside this room for God knows how long, and there was no sign he was every getting out. He was silently cursing Michael for trapping him in here, even if that was slowly becoming the most confusing thing Dean had ever experienced in his short life. Why would Michael have to save him and his family? Why would he want to?

    "Hello!" Dean yelled, hearing his voice...
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Chapter 7

(big lovers quorl between Sam and Sarah)

“She’s a what?” Sarah asked excitedly, leaning over her cup of coffee, sitting in the chair uneasily next to Kay’s bed.

Sam sighed, collecting himself. It had been a long day already, from Castiel suddenly appearing with a possible secret agenda, to learning about the girl in question. Kay Forster was different from most people because of her supernatural gift. She was alone in her curse and the only people who knew about her were all lingering around in her room…including Sarah.

“Kay is an empath.” Sam had repeated the second...
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Chapter 6

Bewildered of the new twist of events, Sam looked at Dean, who took the opportunity to Q & A their doe-eyed trench-coated angel.

“Ah, Cas you wanna run that by us again?” Dean retorted, pinching his temple; almost as if he had a headache coming.

Castiel tilted his head sideways, lifting his gentle firm eyes to each brother. Then he caressed his hand on the bed poll. “Kay is an empath, a human with the capacity to share another person’s feelings and emotions.”

“Wow that’s original.” Dean snorted. “A babe with a bad case of the warm-fuzzies. Didn’t see that...
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    Sacrificial Blood

    Halfway between Sioux Falls and New Hope, Sam and Adam were already thinking the worst, especially with the way Cas had whisked Dean off less than two hours earlier. Even with a fool-proof method of tracking Dean firmly in place, they were still too far away to do anything about it. And that worried Sam. It worried him a lot.

    "Anything besides northeast yet?" Sam asked Adam as he sat in the passenger seat of the Impala manning a regular compass as it continued to point them in...
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Chapter 2

When Sam and Dean read a sign displaying a hotdog wearing a chef’s hat and apron above bold letters entitled “Ricky’s Diner” they’d realized it was the place Sarah suggested to meet at. Though armed with his 9mm Taurus tucked away in his jacket, Dean’s stomach had betrayed him. The smell of cheese burgers sizzled in his brain, while Sam’s nerves kicked into gear. What if this was a trap? Why would she call now after so long?

Carrying his laptop slung around his shoulder, Sam and Dean entered the diner in hopes of spotting a familiar face waiting for them. Whether it...
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Orphan cont'd

    Dean made the 20-hour drive from Syracuse to Sioux Falls in just under 10 — even with a stop in Chicago to get breakfast. They were both silent most of the way as Dean drove and Sam looked up more information on the Lilin.

    The good news was that everything Cas had said was true. They were Lilith's children. The bad news was that was all Sam could find out on the subject. There was very little lore on the Lilin, and most of what Sam did find only repeated what he already knew. It was no wonder no one — not even Sam had thought...
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Orphan cont'd

    The clockface of Sam's watch read two a.m. before he laid Mary in the back seat and climbed into the front seat to sit next to Dean. In the last few hours, the only sounds that had filled the inside of the car had been a radio station Dean hated. But Sam had insisted on putting Mary to sleep, and the only thing he knew to do was hold her until she relaxed in his arms.

    "Okay," Sam said, settling into his seat in the darkness and turning his attention on Dean. "We need to talk, and I wanted Mary to asleep before we did that."

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Disappearing Children cont'd

    When Dean and Sam pulled up to the curb in front of Henry and Alana Thompson's house, the first thing they noticed was the police tape still making off the wrap-around porch. But what interested them more was a disrupted line of salt also wrapped around the porch.

    "What do you think?" Sam asked. "You think they knew?"

    Dean glanced around the porch, spotting other magical charms meant to keep out other supernatural creatures — not just Demons. "They knew something," he said certainly. "Let's...
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Chapter 14

Opening his eyes for the second time, he heard something behind the door. It sounded like a shuffle of feet slowly gliding heavily across the hard floor, feet clumsily doting through a cluttered area. They had followed him inside the shop where his sadistic heavenly alter ego decided hold up for a recharge, though the nineteen yr old ex-med student from Minnesota couldn’t figure out why.

Hiding in a small bathroom wasn’t exactly a smart idea, considering more of those things to catch on to the scent of blood from the wound on his arm, where Pestilence had injured him back at...
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Chapter 13

(this chapter contains a scene of violence)

It was just after seven in the morning when Dean decided to pull the impala to a nearby gas station off on the highway. The place looked deserted as far as the brothers could tell which was perfect considering they’d planned on looting the place for food and fuel. Sarah and Kay awoke to the growling noise of their stomachs, neither of them had eaten anything since yesterday morning and they were too exhausted from hunger to continue any further. Before the girls could step out the car and stretch their legs, Sam and Dean took it upon...
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    "You wanna what?" Dean demanded as he and Sam both stood across their hotel room from Mary, who was now huddled in a corner.

    They'd only been back in the safety of the room for half an hour when Sam had made this stupid suggestion. Dean could only guess the idiot had hit his head, even if nothing had fallen on him. Maybe Mary had cut off oxygen to his brain when she'd been holding onto his neck on the way down the trellis.

    "It makes sense," Sam argued, glancing over...
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