My Gallery

726 photos (click to enlarge)
i&# 39; m so very fly oh my.
"Oi, Flitwick
&# 34; Oi, Flitwick&# 39; s l&# 39; ttle bruthah! It&# 39; s me - a clown.&# 34;
"And I plan to be a screw up, until my late twenties... maybe even my early thirties." marissa photo
&# 34; And I plan to be a screw up, until my late twenties... maybe even my early thirties.&# 34;
"and I think of you whenever life gets me down, think of you whenever you
&# 34; and I think of you whenever life gets me down, think of you whenever you&# 39; re not around&# 34; ♥
it can creep up inside you and comsume you; actin
it can creep up inside you and comsume you; actin&# 39; like a monster.
hey hey my my rock and roll can never die. marissa photo
hey hey my my rock and roll can never die.
"this one
&# 34; this one&# 39; s for the ones who stand, for the ones who try again; for the ones who think they can.&# 34;
I&# 39; ll drown the urge for permanence and certainty; scrawl my name with yours in wet cement.
"So take up your makeup and pocket your pills away. We
&# 34; So take up your makeup and pocket your pills away. We&# 39; re kings amoung runaways.&# 34;
"All this time lingers, undefined. Someone choose who
&# 34; All this time lingers, undefined. Someone choose who&# 39; s left and who&# 39; s leaving.&# 34;
"And it
&# 34; And it&# 39; s true that the clouds just hung around like black Cadillacs outside a funeral.&# 34;
&# 34; I&# 39; ll read him stories &# 39; bout mermaids, kings, and sunken treasure.&# 34;
"oh snap! look at that. there you go - where you at? Slow it down, baby, we should go crazy." marissa photo
&# 34; oh snap! look at that. there you go - where you at? Slow it down, baby, we should go crazy.&# 34;
"I used to be a little boy/so old in my shoes." marissa photo
&# 34; I used to be a little boy/ so old in my shoes.&# 34;
honey understand, i
honey understand, i&# 39; m already alone.
live a life less orindary/live a life extraordinary  with me. marissa photo
live a life less orindary/ live a life extraordinary with me.
"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” marissa photo
&# 34; Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”
"I miss you, you hurt me, you left with a smile." marissa photo
&# 34; I miss you, you hurt me, you left with a smile.&# 34;
"sometimes there
&# 34; sometimes there&# 39; s nothing left to save/ that&# 39; s how you sing amazing grace.&# 34;
"the stars, the moon - they have all been blown out." marissa photo
&# 34; the stars, the moon - they have all been blown out.&# 34;