My Gallery

202 photos (click to enlarge)
 Laurencia7 photo
 Laurencia7 photo
<3  Laurencia7 photo
& lt; 3
"Scary Munchkins!" I love BDAvis! Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; Scary Munchkins!&# 34; I love BDAvis!
yum...want me some Julian! Laurencia7 photo
yum... want me some Julian!
"SOF" icon by Laurencia7 Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; SOF&# 34; icon by Laurencia7
"I know I know" I am going Mary! by Laurencia7 Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; I know I know&# 34; I am going Mary! by Laurencia7
"Team Legs Founder" because they just deserve it, period. by Laurencia7 Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; Team Legs Founder&# 34; because they just deserve it, period. by Laurencia7
"Boatage" for Team Chauren Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; Boatage&# 34; for Team Chauren
"Walk with Me" for Team Chauren Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; Walk with Me&# 34; for Team Chauren
"Sunning" for Me and Cheery, TC! Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; Sunning&# 34; for Me and Cheery, TC!
"<3" for Steph by Laurencia7 Laurencia7 photo
&# 34;& lt; 3&# 34; for Steph by Laurencia7
"LOL" HB by Laurencia7 Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; LOL&# 34; HB by Laurencia7
for my Cheery, hands off...she
for my Cheery, hands off... she&# 39; s mine* ;)
TC by my Cheery, get your own!  Laurencia7 photo
TC by my Cheery, get your own!
Happy Birthday Team Chauren! Laurencia7 photo
Happy Birthday Team Chauren!
"Our Baby" by Laurencia7 Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; Our Baby&# 34; by Laurencia7
"Included" by Laurencia7 for Team Chauren Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; Included&# 34; by Laurencia7 for Team Chauren
"There is only one Team Chauren" break it up ladies! by Cheery Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; There is only one Team Chauren&# 34; break it up ladies! by Cheery
"TC Approved, Stamp it" by Cheery Laurencia7 photo
&# 34; TC Approved, Stamp it&# 34; by Cheery