X-Men Mutant of the Week {Husk}

Alycat4848 posted on Aug 02, 2011 at 06:28PM
Here is where we can discuss the Mutant of the Week. Talk about things you like about the character, your favorite stories with them, or even things that you don't like. This week we voted on the New Mutants and Sam Guthrie won!
Week 1= Havok
Week 2= Jean Grey
Week 3= Cannonball
Week 4= Rogue
Week 5= X-23
Week 6= Nightcrawler
Week 7= Psylocke
Week 8= Gambit
Week 9= Mystique
Week 10= Emma Frost
Week 11= Hope
Week 12= Magneto
Week 13= Deadpool
Week 14= Cable
Week 15= Husk
Here is where we can discuss the Mutant of the Week. Talk about things you like about the character,
last edited on Nov 15, 2011 at 07:11AM

X-Men 80 replies

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over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
Okay new question. Who do you think Magneto is closest to? I ask this because this is truly a hard question to me. I mean he's never really been close to anyone even though I think that he wants to be close to his kids even though that never works out. What do you guys think?
Okay new question. Who do you think Magneto is closest to? I ask this because this is truly a hard qu
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
I agree that he truly hasn't been close to anybody, but looking back at his history, it seemed that, even with the Holocaust, he was pretty much normal until his first daughter was killed and his wife took off. I'd say he wanted to be closest to those two. If Anya hadn't been killed and Magda had stayed (she wouldn't have left if Anya hadn't been killed in the first place) then he wouldn't been the bad guy he is today.

Now if we're going from Wanda, Lorna, and Pietro, I can't say, because he's really been a royal jerk to all three.
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
His life is so depressing. I just want to give him a hug even though that would probably only creep him out / anger him. This is really only touching on the Mutant of the Week but if you could bring back like five or ten characters who would they be and why?
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
Nightcrawler - It felt like they only killed him off to make way for their new characters.

Wallflower - She was killed off too soon.

Wither - What the hell were they thinking with what they did to the poor guy?!

Jean Grey - Umm...apparently she's not actually dead but lost in space somewhere?? But that still means she isn't here so I want her back. The same could be said for Polaris, Havok, and Marvel Girl, but I heard they're coming back soon.

Mystique - Honestly, when people think comic book female villains, she's near the top of the list. Put her back in people!

Cable - I don't think I need to explain this one to you of all people.

Jenskot - Yeah...I'd like to see what she could do other than appear in flashbacks and stuff.

That's more than five, but I don't think it's too bad since I could add about 50 more to that list. There are characters they haven't even killed off that I would like to see back. They've just left them alone for the past [fill in big number for the character here] years.
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
I always have a hard time with this because we all know some of these characters are coming back. Like how Cable will be back at the end of the year and we all know Nightcrawler won't be dead for long. I always go for those characters that are pretty much never coming back (sorta you never know with Marvel).

Banshee- I know that the whole point was to make Terry come to terms with it and that bringing him back would just totally ruin everything but I would still like to see him again.

Jenskot- Like you said it would be interesting to see her do something other then be in flashbacks. I would also love to see how she interacts with Scott and Emma. I could only imagine how much Emma would like her.

Tyler- We barely got to see him do anything but be an evil madman. I want to see him actually be a good guy for once. I would also love to see what Hope thought of her "brother".

Copycat or Kane- I like both of them but I'm not sure how well it would work out if they were brought back. If you bring them both back then you get the Wade love triangle again. If you bring Copycat back Wade would be happy but I personally prefer Kane and would like to see him do more. So it's a toss up for me

Anya- I was just thinking about her and I think it would be nice if she got brought back. Magneto would be happy and it would give him a chance to be a real father and not screw it up this time.

Honorable Mention goes to Frank Castle's family but one he's not an X Man and two I'm not sure how his family would react to his new job and whether or not he could give up being the Punisher.
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
Yeah, some are obviously going to eventually make it back like you said (Jean, Kurt, Mystique), but I wanted to do the ones I would like to see come back PERMANENTLY! Seriously Marvel. Stop killing off good characters you've already taken decades to establish for your characters no one cares about.
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
Comic characters are always going to get killed. It's dramatic and one of the best ways to generate sales. I forgot to add COrsair to my list! Damn my poor memory
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
What is the worst thing Deadpool has ever done?
What is the worst thing Deadpool has ever done?
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
Worst? Usually anything he does that's even a little horrible is covered by a hilarious, gut-busting line.
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
Even if it's funny it's still bad. I mean like the time he beat up Blind Al and Weasel because Weasel went to his apartment. That was pretty messed up. Or when he messed with the patient at the mental hospital. Yes it was funny but if you think about it, it's horrible. I would list when he punched Kitty Pryde but she totally deserved it.
Even if it's funny it's still bad. I mean like the time he beat up Blind Al and Weasel because Weasel
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
Horrible but hilarious
Horrible but hilarious
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
That had me laughing for a while. Yeah, some of the stuff he does seems bad but the victims had it coming.
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
Some of them do but injuring an old lady, your best friend, and a random mental patient is not very nice. But that's the thing about Wade. He isn't a good guy. He wants to be at times but he's still a long way from getting there
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
Okay there is a new Mutant of the Week which means we need a new question. When Cable comes back do you think he will join the X Men or have solo adventures? A second part to this would be do you think Cable would believe more in Team Cyclops or Team Wolverine?
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
I'm not exactly sure what the whole thing is with the X-men right now, maybe I should try and catch up but I will eventually anyway, so I'm just going to say no answer at this point. What do you think?
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
I was hoping someone else would know what the teams stood for. I think Wolverine is standing for mutants trying to integrate into society rather than separating themselves from everyone else like on Utopia. I think he would lean more towards Wolverine because he's lived in a society where humans and mutants were treated different. As for the first question I would rather he go solo or just team up with a few people but I have a feeling he's going to be on Utopia with Hope
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
Here's a new question. Who do you think are Cable's closest friends? I would list Kane who was like a surrogate son to him, Cannonball for the same reason, Tetherblood his best friend since he was a kid, and Wade for obvious reasons. I'd probably also include Irene, Blaquesmith, and Domino.
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
Probably everyone you've just said for the friends department. I can't really think of anyone else since most of the people my mind goes to are X-men, and anyone who knows Cable knows there's a shaky relationship between them, to put it lightly.
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
I remember the issue of Cable where Nightcralwer annoys him so much he chokes him. Anyways this was right after Cyclops merged with Apocalypse and Moria died so Cable was living partly at the mansion and Kurt said that most of the X Men were put "ill at ease" by Cable because he "stalks about the mansion as if he's on a search and destroy mission" and "rarely if ever smiles." So yeah not many fuzzy feelings there even though he did get along well with Moria and Storm
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
Which decade did you like Cable in the best? 80's, 90's, or 00's? Or do you think the 10's will work out better?
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
I'd say mid 90's to early 00's. Pretty much the time from his second solo series to Cable and Deadpool excluding the last few issues of the solo series where he stopped being a real superhero. I love his time with Hope but this was a much more interesting time for him. What would you say is your favorite Cable era?
last edited over a year ago
I'd say mid 90's to early 00's. Pretty much the time from his second solo series to Cable and Deadpoo
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
Probably the 90's as a whole. Like I've said before, anything that really happened in the 00's I pretty much read in online biographies, so I don't have the connection that I do with the 90's comics.
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
Just nothing with Rob Liefeld. Also I really really wanted to use this picture but I couldn't think of anything so there it is
last edited over a year ago
Just nothing with Rob Liefeld. Also I really really wanted to use this picture but I couldn't think o
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
Okay now for a Husk question. What is Husk's defining moment? I've got to leave it to other fans because I don't know Husk really well so educate me.
Okay now for a Husk question. What is Husk's defining moment? I've got to leave it to other fans beca
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
Even though she has appeared in 445 issues, she hasn't really been used as much as many fans (including myself) would enjoy. The moment in which I think I earned the most liking for her would be when she first gained her powers (the way she did), but I think her "defining" would have been when she defeated Gamesmaster.
over a year ago Alycat4848 said…
Didn't she discover her powers just by running around the farm and trying to see if she was a mutant? The biographies on her weren't very clear on that part
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
Husk. Wow! That feels like forever ago!
over a year ago Alycat8484 said…
It was. Thank you for reminding me I need to change this. I keep forgetting.... Wait I can't crap. Hmmm to make a new one or not make a new one?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
Do you think your account will be unsuspended soon, if at all? If the answer to the first part is yes, no, otherwise switch the yes and no.
over a year ago Alycat8484 said…
Yeah I have no idea. I emailed them and I haven't gotten anything back. I think I'll wait until about Sunday and if my account isn't open I'll post a new one