Wolfblood Memorable Quotes!!!!!!

no1drwhofan posted on Nov 03, 2012 at 06:01PM
Post your favourite quotes from the show, here. :)
Post your favourite quotes from the show, here. :)

Wolfblood 20 replies

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over a year ago no1drwhofan said…
Jimi: You look a right idiot!
Maddy: Yeah, I do. But...I can take these off- you're stuck with that face!

'Wolfblood', Series 1, 'Lone Wolf'

over a year ago no1drwhofan said…
Tom: (referring to Rhydian) He loved you, Maddy. You do know that?
Maddy: He told you that?
Tom: He didn't have to.

'Wolfblood', Series 1, 'Irresistible'.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago no1drwhofan said…
Tom: I'm terrible with girls. I mean, Maddy will never want me!
Shannon: You don't want her; she's a monster...we have to go to this party!
Tom: What? No way, I'm not going to sit there and watch her play Tonsil-Tennis with Rhydian, Shan!

'Wolfblood', Series 1, 'Maddy Cool!' :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago no1drwhofan said…
Katrina: (reading her magazine) I want to look like her.
Kara: That's Justin Bieber (Katrina scrutinises the picture).

LOLs! :D 'Wolfblood', Series 1, 'Maddy Cool!' :D
over a year ago no1drwhofan said…
Tom: Surprise! Surprise! No Rhydian, no Maddy- probably smooching on the beach somewhere.

'Wolfblood', Series 1, 'Occam's Razor'. :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago no1drwhofan said…
Tom: Better take my new jacket off, eh?
Maddy: Yeah.

LOLs, awkward!!! :D
'Wolfblood', Series 1, 'Wolfsbane'. :D
over a year ago no1drwhofan said…
Tom: I don't know how Rhydian got Maddy to go out with him!
Shannon: Maybe he carries around with him a supply of doggy chews...
Tom: Urgh, don't start this again, Shan!

'Wolfblood', Series 1, 'Maddy Cool!' :D
over a year ago no1drwhofan said…
Rhydian: You think you're funny? Laughing at a confused kid?! That's what you're all like, isn't it? You see someone different and you treat them like a joke, because deep down, you're scared of anyone who isn't exactly like you!

'Wolfblood', Series 1, 'Irresistible'.
This particular quote of Rhydian's appealed very-much to me, as I believe through this, he was able to demonstrate his abilities to defend his rights. :)
over a year ago no1drwhofan said…
Tom: So-
Jo: No.
Tom: What?
Jo: You were either going to ask me if you could help or find out something personal about me. Either way, the answer is 'no'.
Tom: Brrr...it's cold out!
Jo: Pretty warm, actually.
Tom: Wasn't talking about the weather.

'Wolfblood', Series 1, 'Caged'. :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheHostLover said…
big smile
Emma: Like I told Rhydian, a Wolfblood can always track a cub
Maddy: Mum! How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not a cub
Emma: Don't you flash your eyes at me
Maddy: Well stop calling us a cub
Emma: Well stop behaving like one and I will
Maddy: Stop treating us like one, and I I'll stop behaving like one
Emma: You don't set the rules Maddy
Maddy: What does it go to do with rules?
Emma: It's got everything to do with rules
Maddy: Why you changing the subject?
Emma: I'm not changing the subject
Maddy: Well your obviously are like you always do
(They keep on continuing, but I couldn't hear because of Daniel talking)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago canis_lupus said…
Maddy: Whatever you did out there, it's your business, but the next time you annoy a pack leader so much that he breaks all the rules, enters the human world, lets himself get photographed...just give us a bit of warning, yeah? 'Cause those shots would've looked a whole lot better on a 35 millimeter camera.
Rhydian: I'm glad I came back.
Maddy: Not half as glad as I am.
over a year ago canis_lupus said…
Rhydian: A wolfblood can always find his pack.
Shannon: Hey! We're your pack.
Rhydian: You're not wolfblood! (Tom and Shannon walk away) Guys! I gotta do this!
Tom: Well, do it, then!
Season 3; episode 2 "Alpha Material"
over a year ago canis_lupus said…
Maddy: Shannon's putting us all in danger, including you

Season 2 episode 7 "Top Dog"
over a year ago canis_lupus said…
Maddy: We almost lost everything
Shannon: I'll get a hard drive
Maddy: You know that's not the point!
Shannon: I promise this won't happen again
Maddy: How can you make promises like that?! We trusted you with our lives, or secret! Everything! You were supposed to keep us safe!
Shannon: Well that's what I've been doing. I didn't know Sam would--
Maddy: None of us did! But you can't protect us from something you can't see coming, Shan
Shannon: I could try. Maddy, please. Don't ask me to!
Maddy: Look, I know it's difficult
Shannon: No, Maddy! You don't know! For years after the beast on the moors, everyone thought there was something wrong with me! This evidence, it's...it's... It's proof that all those horrible things people said about me don't matter! It's proof that I never have to doubt myself again!
Maddy: Shannon, the real proof's right in front of you. Me, Rhydian, Jana, your friends. How's a few photos and videos gonna change that?...You can keep your research, or you can keep us safe. Today's proved you really can't do both. We'll talk tomorrow.
Shannon: Wait...(Shannon deletes wolfblood data) Ever since primary school, looking for the beast has been my whole life. Then it was all about you guys. What am I supposed to do with all this free time?
Maddy: Come on. There's more to you than just "Shannon the beast hunter"
Shannon: Yeah (shakes head)
Maddy: if you wanted to, you could reinvent yourself. New hobbies, new everything. New you. Or you could just carry on being you. Wonderful, loyal,...clever you.
over a year ago canis_lupus said…
Maddy: I'm like you. You saw that.
Rhydian: You may be like me, but you think the same as them! You're just trying to make me better! But you know what? What I am, what I turn into, that is better. It's better than anything I've ever known, and I'm not letting anyone take that away from me!
Maddy: I'm not gonna let you go!
Rhydian: Go ahead. Chase me. Stop me! Use your wolfy powers and see how long it takes for someone to find out what you are! 'Cause none of your mates know your little secret, do they? Thought not. I've got nothing to lose here! Unlike you.
over a year ago canis_lupus said…
Jimi: "Cry babies of the moors?" I didn't cry.
Liam: Sam did!
Sam: Did not! Jimi did!
over a year ago canis_lupus said…
Tom: If you really think it was me,(takes UV light) check it yourself. (Maddy shines light on Tom's shoes) Thanks, Mads. Some friend you are
over a year ago canis_lupus said…
Shannon: You are mental, Rhydian Morris! Just because you want to waste your own time, doesn't mean you get to waste everyone else's!
over a year ago canis_lupus said…
Daniel: Maybe we could get to you by boat.
Maddy: How are you going to explain that to the teachers? You wouldn't get here by 8:30 anyway unless you can paddle with your paws.
over a year ago RhydianWB said…
Daniel: Mostly speaking, living with two alpha females is a total joyride.