WARRIOR CATS (FOR YOUTUBE PEOPLE ONLY!) Join the Miststar's story animation team or voice act for Miststar's story (Prologue)

Lpsyoutubefan posted on Apr 17, 2013 at 12:17AM
Hi! I need animators, and I need voices. If you have a YouTube account and you want to voice act, make a video and leave it as a video response here: link

Ok, here are the voices I need:
Kestreltail- Brown tom with five dark brown spots on his stomach and amber eyes
"No! You're... our mother. Please help us become better warriors." (Sad)
Squirrelnose- Ginger she-cat with green eyes
"Please don't say these are your final words." (With grief)
Flamewhisker- Flame colored she-cat with yellow eyes
"But the prophecy was: The four cats who will succeed will be a leader's heart!" (Shocked)
Sandfur- Tannish- ginger she-cat with light blue eyes
"What does that mean, Miststar?" (Questioning)
Snowpelt- White she-cat with deep blue eyes
"Miststar! You're losing another life!" (Sad, worried)
Miststar- Gray and white she-cat with ice blue eyes (Taken by Lpsyoutubefan)
"I know. That means you are my kits and will always be in my heart. You four are the cats in the prophecy, and I am the leader in the prophecy... Now, the new prophecy is: One leader must challenge another, to foreclose the darkness in our land." (Calm)

Animator announcement:
I need some animators and painters. Animators are people who animate something... And Painters are the ones who color cats and backgrounds. Both have to work HARD. I am an animator AND a painter. I work hard every day. :( People who are good or great at animating are main animators. People who are okay at animating are Co-animators.

If you want to apply to be a main animator, do so here:
If you want to apply to be a Co-animator, do so here:
If you want to apply to be a Painter, do so here:

That's all for today. Bye! ;)