Ugly Betty bad news detty fans: horta wants henry AND betty in the end!!!

waichingliu81 posted on Nov 18, 2009 at 03:48PM
If Ugly Betty, which has been struggling in the ratings cellar this season, concludes its run at the end of this season, as is widely speculated, series creator Silvio Horta would like to reunite his awkward leading lady with MIA beau Henry Grubstick, whom Horta believes is the true love of Betty’s life.

(In all the other international versions of the show, Betty has ended up with the Daniel boss character). This comes as exciting news to actor Christopher Gorham (Henry).

Admitting it’s been difficult to watch Betty with other boyfriends (like Gio and Matt) since he was released from the cast over a year ago, Chris tells me, “I’m certainly attached to the idea of Henry and Betty being together.”

Read more: link

damn you horta!!

Ugly Betty 10 replies

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over a year ago RpattzIsLove said…
Nonononononono!!! She HAS to end up with Daniel, I won't rest until they do.....or until I burst into tears when seeing Betty end up with Henry...
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
totally agree. silvio horta is a fool- he is ruining the show and doesn't care what the detty fans think. he's a joke really.
over a year ago beatrice1979a said…
Horta doesn't know how to handle business. I want Gio back but still saying his love interest preference in the middle of this season was just plain silly. No surprise ratings are falling down.
over a year ago sba_85 said…
Oh crap!I don't want him to come back!Besides, shouldn't he be in Tucson raising his kid with Charlie.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Okay I may be a TAD bit late but *cussing* seriously?! What the crap? Does Silvio realize how very FEW Henry fans are even left? I mean the ones that are still holding on offense intended delusional! I mean okay I would rather her be with anyone but Henry (unless Walter is in the mix, whom I really detest as well) Gio and Matt are even viable options over Henry! I mean how could anyone want her to end up with him? Okay sure let's say he was her first love and that is a big deal, which it is, but that doesn't mean he has to be her forever love, and I think it is clear that he shouldn't be after the way he acted. I mean really doesn't she deserve twenty times better than that? He wanted to take her AWAY from her dream and everything she had worked toward her entire life, shouldn't TRUE LOVE take you TOWARD your dream regardless of if it is convenient for them?
over a year ago beatrice1979a said…
Horta is delusional.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ohiolovesbetty said…
I like the ideal of Betty and Henry .Betty and Daniel are just best friends.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
I understand thinking Betty and Daniel are just best friends, I mean that is all they are (right now and I put this because there is a possibility for more) but I just honestly don't understand why people like Benry...I'm not being mean but I think she deserves twenty billion times better, so since you like them could you explain it to me?
over a year ago ohiolovesbetty said…
I think Betty loves Henry and always will she will always She told henry she would always love him .thats why she was so crazy at the ballgame with Henry and Matt. I just don't think betty looks at Daniel but at a great Friend.
over a year ago RpattzIsLove said…
I'm siding with you BeSafe on that one!! Waiting for an explanation here... coz indeed, the one true love should not lead you AWAY from your dream!! That's why DETTY is soo much better, Daniel, as selfish as he might have been in the past, even he realized that in order for Betty to be happy he had to "let her go" in order for her to pursue her dreams!!
last edited over a year ago