Ugly Betty Ana Ortiz On Season 4

waichingliu81 posted on Jul 14, 2009 at 12:25AM
“I would love to see Hilda pregnant”, says Ugly Betty’s Ana Ortiz when asked by EOnline’s Kristin if art will imitate life.

“I think she’s going to be hysterical because she’s very vain, and she likes her tight outfits. She’s such a crack-up, but she also loves being a mother. I think that’s where she gets the most pride, from her son and her family.”

True. They had a great opportunity at the end of last season, but I understand why Ana’s pregnancy wasn’t written into the show. With the attention of the plot lines so scattered, not enough attention would have been given to any hypothetical storyline about a Hilda pregnancy. Would have been cool, though. Maybe they’ll go with the idea of a Hilda pregnancy being a political scandal for Archie.

Ortiz says she’d love to see Elena back, but it isn’t likely to happen. She does say, when asked about Hilda playing matchmaker for Papi, “That’s genius! I’m gonna pitch that. That’s hysterical. She could set him up with one of her salon customers and keep trying to do that, and it’s always a disaster.”

She then makes a good point: the Suarez family is stuck in Queens, and never gets to have screen time with the show’s wonderful guest stars. “Yes! I always tell the producers, ‘They have to come to Queens! Every once in a while, you’ve gotta bring some of these fabulous guest stars to Queens. Or else let us go to Mode once in a while!’ But yes, I get jealous of the guest stars; I get jealous of the clothes they get to wear.”

About working with Ralph Macchio: “It was really fun. I remember him from back in the day, and I was a little starstruck at first. But he’s so normal.” (Ana, I’ll try not to read too much into your saying “was fun” instead of “is fun”.

She mentions the move to Friday and implies the storylines will get edgier with Ugly Betty airing Friday nights at 9. “They’re really going to push the envelope even more.” Hmmm. I hope I can still watch the show with my kids. It’ll be great, regardless, I’m sure.

Then, Kristin reopens the old wounds, asking who Betty should be with. Ana, plays coy, then picks a side: “Honestly, I think Betty should be with Betty for a while. It’d be really interesting for her to get back into that Betty groove and leave these guys in the dust for a little while and work on herself—get into a professional groove even more. But if I had to pick…It’s a hard choice. They’re all so juicy. I’m a little partial to Gio because it’s Freddy Rodriguez. I mean, c’mon.”

Besides, it turned out that Chris Gorham has a darker side we didn’t know about. Those who watched Harper’s Island know what I’m talking about.



Ugly Betty 1 reply

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over a year ago BeSafe said…
Hmmm interesting...did she tell us anything about Season 4 though? lol very elusive!