True Blood So who hates how they ended first episode

EdwardJ posted on Sep 08, 2008 at 01:30PM
The show looks awesome I didn't move an inch for whole show but the ending I just hate when they leave ya hanging like tha. Thouhgts?

True Blood 10 replies

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over a year ago nosemuffin said…
It was dark for sure, but after seeing the promo for the second episode... I have a feeling it had great importance.
over a year ago djb2010 said…
how could they do that? it was just so intense! i glued to my seat and then it ends. so mad!! but it was just sooooo good;)
over a year ago debim said…
The show follows the book, Dead Until Dark, approximately one chapter per episode. Sookie being beaten by the Rattrays was the end of chapter one. Those of us that have read the books fully expected the first episode to end there, but of course since the show was soooo good, it didn't make it any easier. Now I look forward to Sunday nights, instead of dreading them because of work on Monday.:-D
over a year ago Phinale said…
This show is awesome, and since I already know what happens I can wait for the next episode with a little patience. I just hope that they don't end every show with a clif-hanger like this. It has my stomach all tied into knots. ANd the preview for episode two is making me crazy....
over a year ago JenniferDempsey said…
Can I ask, okay I live in Ireland so i am watching True Blood on line here at Fanpop and btw I love it already ^^ but im so mixed up on the schedule, Ive seen episode 1 and 2 cause they were posted here and i watched them friday night that just passed,12th, but then by my count should someone not have been so kind (lol) to post episode 3. So then I went to look like all over the internet for it and only found promos. Please give me a hand im so confused lol :) xx
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Phinale said…
True Blood airs on Sundays nights. So episode three will not air until this coming Sunday (the 21st). But when it does air I'm sure someone will post it on fanpop.
over a year ago ebathory said…
Loved the first episode, I liked the ending - what can I say, I'm a sucker for a cliffhanger.
over a year ago blackrose322 said…
The ending is what hooked me to be honest. It left me wanting more...So I sprung for HBO. Thanks alot for the free video Blockbuster! lol
over a year ago fan007 said…
i just found the dress that Sookie wore in episode 5 "Sparks Fly Out"!!!!! its being sold on Ebay from 2 different sellers... they are pointe-dancer5678 and zastor!!! the address is link and link. they both have different sizes!!!! Its so awesome!!!!
over a year ago judesmommy said…
So I DVRed all the episodes and last night began watching. Let me just say that the first episode was so good that I just wanted to stay up and watch them all. Can't wait to start the next episode tonight. I also love cliffhangers, dating back to the "who shot JR" days of TV.