Total Drama Island Fancharacters zombie apocalypse RP!

casacada1007 posted on Dec 08, 2012 at 03:20PM
i was bored so i decided to make this one XD

10 years after the zombie apocalypse happend the world is grey and cold. there's almost no food left and the people who are still alive are being hunted down by zombies. however there is a safe place called "the dome" where there's enough food and water and where you can live in peace. but the question is, where is The Dome? and will you ever find it?

you can start where you want (in a city, in The Dome, in a forest) and you can also play some zomies if ya want to. use your imagination ^^

stuff in backpack?:

(i don't need your personality, we'll find out while doing the RP)

you can always join but be nice and don't ignore people. i hope you join ^^

Total Drama Island Fancharacters 406 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 406

over a year ago casacada1007 said…
big smile
(please, join if ya want to ^^)
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…

name: jinx
age: 16
weapons: bat
stuff in backpack?: cans of food

name: zara
age: 16
weapons: sniper
stuff in backpack?: knifes

name: maddie
weapons: pan
stuff in backpack?: blanket, matches, can opener, pots and spare clothes.

name: ronnie
age: 17
weapons: guns!!
stuff in backpack?: mostly snickers and guns, wrking in a gun shop had its ups :P
over a year ago colecutegirl said…

name: Riley evernite
age: 16
weapons: hmm, a bat, a katana and a frying pan XD
stuff in backpack?: food (sweets) some drinks, blanket, ammo in case she needs to use her gun, gun,

name: Sayu Jeevas
age: 16
weapons: Gun, sniper, knife, katana, hand to hand combat (she's good with anything)
stuff in backpack?: Rosary, ammo, blanket, phone, charger, ds, food, drink,

name: Grace Sullivan
age: 17
weapons: hand to hand combat and gun
stuff in backpack?: ciggarettes, ammo, food, drink, blanket, spare clothes, lighter, matches, pan

I'll add pics later
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
weapons:sniper, t3k urban machine guns
stuff in backpack?:water bottles, medicine and a compass

weapons:dual 9 mm pistals
stuff in backpack?:fishing pole, lighter, pipe bombs

weapons:tombstone shotgun
stuff in backpack?:ropes, blanket, climbing gear,
picture:discrip: structured like Raymond, with brown skin, blue shorts, same shoes, plain green shirt and a shaven head with a flame tattoo over his head
last edited over a year ago
weapons:sniper, t3k urban machine guns 
stuff in backpack?:water bottl
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
(yeah people! XD and hi colecutegirl!)

name: mirra
age: 17
weapons: a bow and arrow and some knifes
stuff in backpack?: a map, some food, a blanket and a couple of pictures.
picture: (sorry for the draw over,i'm trying to make her myself but i just can't)

(i'll start ^^)

mirra: *she's sitting in a tree, trying to catch her breath. she just ran away from a group of zombies*
(yeah people! XD and hi colecutegirl!)

name: mirra
age: 17
weapons: a bow and arrow and some kni
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
( lol havnt role played with you in agesssssssssssssssssssss :P
*screams* its mirra o3o )

ronnie: ITS MY SNICKER D; *shoots zombie in head and gets snicker from its dead corpse * 6-6 its still yummy *eats*

jinx: *sat in tent prepariring food singing* its always a good time
zara:*throws wood on fire* maddie?jinx?
jinx: im doing food.
maddie: im looking for zombies
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
(i know right XD)

mirra: *sees there are no zombies close to her and she jumps down the tree on the ground, she has her bow in her hands as she walks*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
ronnie: I LOVE YOU DARLING*eats snicker* oh well ^-^ *walks into ruins of her old house and opens door down to a secret basement*

jinx:*walks out tent* hears the food to cook*
zara: finally *grabs can and puts beans on pan above fire*
maddie: *sighs and watches for zombies*
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
mirra: *heard someone and puts an arrow on the bow, slowly walking towards the old house*

(i'm gonna addit these 3 to ^^)

name: gio riverclaw
age: 18
weapons: a machine gun, a knife and iron claws.
stuff in backpack?: food and water
picture: he's slightly tanned, golden eyes, handsome, strong and dark brown hair.

name: donovan yentlren
age: 18
weapons: a bat leth and 2 katanas
stuff in backpack?: blankets and tents
picture: right one

name: damen yentlren
age: 18 (brothers with donovan)
weapons: two guns and a sword
stuff in backpack?: a map, compass and some food
picture: left one

*gio, donovan and damen are walking close to the camp of the girls*
gio: who gave damen the map again?
damen: don't worry! i know where we're going!
donovan: dear brother, you're holding it upside down.
gio: just great!
mirra: *heard someone and puts an arrow on the bow, slowly walking towards the old house*

(i'm gon
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
( o3o *dies* )

ronnie: *places gun on table and starts un packing her back pack*

zara: *moveing beans around in circles in pan*.... you spin my head right round right round, when you go down , when you go down down XD

maddie:*falls out tree* ouch -.- *walks into jinx tent* jinx i fell out the tree -.-
jinx: .... *gets first aid kit*
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
(oh noz don't die XD)

mirra: *walks into the house*

gio: *his eyes widen and pulls up his machine gun* did you guys heard that to?
donovan: *his eyes narrow and grabs his bat leth*
damen; wha?
gio: *slaps the back of his head*
damen: owie!
donovan: stay here, i'll be back. *his very quik and crawles secretly to the girls' camp*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
ronnie:*hears foot-steps upstairs * .... *grabs gun and whispers* please down fin the entrance....

zara: you spin my beans right round right round when you go down, when you go round round...

jinx: all done, your fine...
maddie: *looks at plaster on her arm* yayz *looks behind jinx* is that a paninting?
jinx: kind of... i tried ...
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
mirra: *walks to the kitchen*

donovan: *thinks: a group of.....girls?*
damen: *crawls to donovan* hey bro.
donovan: *his eyes widen and wispers* go back damen!
damen: wha?-*sees the girls* HOLY! LIVING PEOPLE!
donovan: *puts his hands on his mouth*
over a year ago vegeta007 said…

Jason:find anything?


Vino:*scaling the mountain*I don't see the dome! *spots ronnie and friends' campfire*hold on looks like there are a few a others that way*points*

Jason:*checks compass* that's east

Vino:i think we should check it out!

*all nod*
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
mirra: *thinks: no one here.....i better go* *walks outside the house*

(by the way ronnie and mirra are on a different place then the others ^^)
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
riley: *sneaks up behind jinx and hugs her* human glomp! :3

(Omgeee u still has mirra! she changed! Riley has too though XD I remember when we used to rp all the time XDD)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
( yh i was litrially about to say that XDDD)

ronnie: *opens secret door and looks at mirra* hello ?

zara: *hears damen* O.O I WASNT SINGING* drops beans on floor and runs in tnent* THERES A ZOMBIE.... IT WAS SINGING TOO .....
maddie: D:
jinx: D:
maddie: D:
jinx: D:
zara: pass me a gun idiots ...
maddie: ... *passes zara a gun*
zara:*runs out tent and points gun at bush* OUT ...UH ... FOUL BEAST ?
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
*Jay, Ray and Vino make it to their camp*
Jason:looks like a nice little group
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
mirra: *sees ray vino and jay, she hides behind a tree*

damen: foul beast?! where?!
gio: *walks to damen and donovan* i'll handle it *holds his hands up and walks up to the tent slowly* we won't harm you girls and we aren't zombies.
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
( heheheh i love damens adorable stupidness o3o)

zara: ..... *looks behind her to jinx and maddie and riley then back at him* fair enough *puts gun down*
jinx: *pops head out from tent*
maddie:*pops head out from tent*
(ooooo you needed a photo? oooppps XDD, hear they are , pink haired is maddie, blond jinx and bluish zara)
last edited over a year ago
( heheheh i love damens adorable stupidness o3o)

zara: ..... *looks behind her  to jinx and maddie
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: *waves happily* HEYA!
gio: *smiles sweetly at them*
donovan: *stands up and brushes some dirt of his pants*

(i didn't really needed a photo but just so people know what they look like ^^)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
zara: hi...*looks at beans on floor*.....
maddie: my foood DDDDDDD: *runs out tent and to beans * nooooooooooo D: *stomach grumbles*
jinx: *looks around shyly then back in tent*
( XDD oh weeeelllll )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Jason:whoa relax, we're not zombies but*shots one behind her*that is

Vino:we're looking for others

Raymond:you know what they say there's safety in numbers
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: you hungrey? we have food!
donovan: and we are willing to share.
gio: *nods and keeps smiling* i never thought i would see other people....i'm giovanni, call me gio. that is donovan and he is-
damen: *points at himself with a big smiley face*
gio: is damen

mirra: *narrows her eyes at them and takes one step back*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
zara: nice.... and thanx , we only have a few cans left...
maddie: HIYA!!*stands up*
zara: im kiara, call me zara ..
maddie: im MADALINE!!! call me maddie *smiles*
zara: the girl in there is jasmine, call her jinx...
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: *walks to the tent and opens it a little* no need to be shy, we don't bite.
damen: i bite!
donovan; not it humans.
damen: oh......well maybe somethimes....
donovan: *takes a couple of cans from gio's backpack and gives them to zara* here.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Jason:what's wrong?

Vino:if you prefer to be alone just say so
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
mirra: it's not that i prefer to be alone.....i just don't trust you guys.
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
zara: thanx *grabs pan and opens a can of sausages and puts them in the pan*
maddie: *laughs* zara says one of you was singing ?
zara: ......
jinx:*hides a drawing under her blanket and looks up at gio* s-sorry.. im n-not used t-t-o knew p-people...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Jason:okay, try this, Ray!

Raymond:yep*tosses a fish to mirra*

Vino:like we said we're not gonna hurt ya
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: singing? who? not me? i can't sing?
donovan: really?
gio: *smiles sweetly* it's okay, don't worry. what are you hiding?

mirra: *she doesn't look at the fish* i don't need your food *her stomash rumbles a bit*
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over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
jinx: n-nothing*quickls sits on blanket*

maddie: she came in and said theres was a zombie singing?
zara: ... *blushes a little* it must h-have been the wind ....
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: okay.....*extends his arm* wanna come out?

damen: maybe you heared donovan's voice?
donovan: what?
over a year ago vegeta007 said…

Jason:that's your stomach refusing right
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
mirra: *rolls her eyes but then her eyes widen and she gasps* watch out! *she lifts up her bow and quikly shoots a zombie in the head who was hiding behind a tree ready to attack*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
jinx: ... i... *looks down at blanket* in a s-second...

maddie: who was at zara?
zara:... i d-dont know...
maddie: actually i think i heared it
zara: O.O n-no you didnt...
maddie: they sang something about beans and spinning?
zara:.......... it might have been the uh.... trees....
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: something is up i can see it.....what's under the blanket?

damen: yeah! i heared it to!
donovan: *smirks a bit* i think i saw who it was.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…

Jason:Vino, climb the tree to check for more

Vino:on it!

Jason:okay, now you have to decide, we all have useful skills, like me you have you have weapon skills, Vino makes for a great climber and lookout and Raymond can catch our food

Raymond:chances are we'll find more humans and zombies so what do you say
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
zara: it must have been someone from a mountain .... *glares at donovan *
maddie: *looks up at mountain* where?

jinx: its just... m-my.... j-jacket....

over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
ronnie: *walks out secret basement and out house, looks at mirra, jason, vino and ray* humans? *whispers*
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
mirra: *hesitates for a moment but then she sighs* fine, but i warn you guys, i'm not afraid to kill zombies or humans and i won't hesitate.

donovan: from the mountain? i don't thinks was closer by.
damen; really?!
donovan: yes....i dunno who or what it was but *looks into zara's eyes deeply* it has one bueatifull voice.

gio: *frowns* okay....
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over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Jason:I like her


Vino:all clear

Jason:okay lead the way captain
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
mirra: who's the captain?
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
ronnie:*watching mirra and the others* hmmm * sees zombie* shit... *shots it and hides behind tree*

zara: ... *blushes*
maddie: so now bushes, tree, wind and mountains sing? i could make an song with them :D

jinx: .... *looks down* .....
over a year ago vegeta007 said…

*Ray and Vino nod in agreement*
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: cool! maybe water can sing to!
donovan: you already tried once my brother, water can't sing.
damen: aww....well you would probably know. donovan is a genious! when he was 5 he was already finished with college!

gio: *sits down next to her* what's wrong?

mirra: say what?, i'm not gonna play the captain.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
jinx@ are y-you angry i d-dint show y-you what it w-was?

maddie: :OOO awesomeness
zara: thats cool i guess *Still cooking sausages *
maddie: they smell great... wait if i can smell them.. what about the zombies
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Jason:you probably have more offensive skills then us, i only have knowledge over weaponry

Raymond:I catch and shoot

Vino:I'm the lookout

Jason:and I'm not a leader
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: ofcourse not, jinx.

donovan: they can't. zombies don't smell actual food. they smell blood, sweat and humans but not food.
damen: told ya he's a smart fellow.
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: wow, im 26 and i feel like im still 16 ... stupid apocalypse...

jinx: o-okay...