Total Drama Island Fancharacters Super Hero RP 3

dxarmy423 posted on Oct 07, 2012 at 08:47PM
Set in a city where crime runs the city.

You can be a hero and stop crime

A villain and help crime

Or just a citizen and try to survive


1. No god modding
2. No over powered powers (Example: Immortality)
3. No killing with out permission
4. No other rules unless needed later


Total Drama Island Fancharacters 70 replies

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over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*In the city*

*A light snow is starting to fall over the city as the sun sets in the distants*

*A sharp chill is in the air as the wind lightly moves across the street*

Cole: *walking down the street* *sighs*

Cole: *stands next to an alley* *takes out a cigarette and starts to smoke it*

*On the other side of the city*

Alice: *standing in a crowd of people*

Mayor: *walks onto a stage*

Alice: *says to self* Great what is this fool gonna say now?

Mayor: Ladies and Gentleman we have a great problem in this city

Mayor: Crime is rampent, everything from mutants and freaks to drug lords and crime bosses

Mayor: well today I will introduce you all to the new force for good

*Several heavily armored people walk onto the stage*

Mayor: these people will protect the citizens of this city from now on

*An explosion destroys the stage and sends the mayor and the guards flying*

Alice: shit! *ducks behind a car*
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
~The car~
Lance: *Parks new car and gets out*
Drew: What's up, bro? You going to football practice today?
Lance: Maybe. The coach is cutting me slack since the last game when I scored our last touchdown, so I don't think he'll care if I don't.
Drew: Aha. Nice. Did you check out the new girl yet?
Lance: Nah. I'm dating Hazel again.
Drew: Really? I thought you were dating Sydney.
Lance: Dumped her. Too clingy. *Laughs*
Drew: For real? What did she do?
Lance: Always trying to kiss me. It got so damn annoying. Then she threw a fit when I didn't.
Drew: *Laughs* Wow.
Evangeline: *Arguing with Scott*
Scott: What? How are you going to blame me? I'm not the one who friggin pissed her off!
Evangeline: So? I'm your girlfriend! Why would you take her side?
Scott: You started it!
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*Over by Alice*

Alice: *stands up* damn, wheres your security force now.....

*The Mayor and the security run off into the city*

Alice: *dusts herself off* well I wonder who is responsible for this.....

Alice: oh well *starts walking to the park*
*Over by Cole, right next to Lances car*

Cole: *smoking* *Hears the explosion* well looks like things are kicking off

Thug 1: Hey kid, get off of our territory

Thug 2: yeah get the hell out of here

Cole: *still smoking* You can't tell me what to do

Thug 1: thats it! *goes to punch Cole*

Cole: *sees the world as slow motion, counters the punch then throws the thug into Lance's car*

Thug 2: woah!
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
*Lance's car alarm goes off*
Lance: Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?

over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Paige- A psychic
Jorge- Animal Shapeshifter
Corey- Super speed
Aiden- Power over elements

Paige: What was that explosion?!

Jorge: Who knows. Just hope whoever did it doesn't come after us.

Corey: Agreed
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*Over by Cole*

Thug 1: *hurt on the ground*

Thug 2: *goes to kicks Cole*

Cole: *Sees the everything in slow mo* *throws Thug 2 onto Lance's windsheild*

Thug 2: *goes through the windsheild*

Cole: *drops his cigarette but catches it before it hits the ground*

Cole: *looks over at Lance and the others* Sorry about that, I would pay for it but I don't have the money

Cole: *sees Evangeline* oh well hello...whats your name?
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Evangeline: *Looks away*
Scott: (Cole) We're kind of having a discussion here. >3<
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*Over by Cole*

Cole: *takes a drag of his cigarette* *to Scott* Not to be an ass but I was talking to the lady, not you pal

*At the Park*

Alice: *looks at the sky* Damn, its too cold here....I miss the good old days before I had to hide from everybody

Alice: oh well....I hate this city....
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: *Walking to school, taking a shortcut through the park and drinking hot chocolate; Sits down* Maybe I can relax for a bit. *picks up a chunk of snow and breathes on it slowly, turning it into solid ice*
~The School~
Scott: >8U
Evangeline: *Trying not to laugh*
Scott: I was talking to her before you came along and interrupted us.
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*In the Park*

Alice: *walking around the park* Looks like no body is around, I wonder if I still have my powers

Alice: *sees Katie* I think that girl goes to my school, lets see if I can see her mind

Alice: *jumps into Katies mind*
*At the school*

Cole: *still smoking* As I recall I didn't interrupt anything

Cole: *to Evangeline* So theres a dance coming up, need somebody to go with?
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Scott: No! >8U She's going with me.
Evangeline: No, I'm not. -_-
Scott: W-What?!
Evangeline: *Smiles* So now you care?
Scott: Yes. Angie, come on! You know I've always cared!
Evangeline: Perhaps you're right... Oh well, too bad. C:
Scott: D8
~The Park~
Katie: *Feels an odd presence* -_- (Alice) Find anything you need so far, princess?
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the School*

Cole: *drops his cigarette to the ground and puts it out*

Cole: *to Evangeline* So that a yes or what?
*At the park*

Alice: *in Katie's mind* How did you know I was here?
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Scott: No!
Evangeline: Yes.
Scott: Yes as in no. C:
Evangeline: No... Yes as in Yes.
Scott: Oh... So yes as in yes as in no?
Evangeline: ._.
Scott: :D
Evangeline: I'm going to the dance with him.
Scott: D:
~The park~
Katie: I'm not stupid. -_- I'm a superhuman. My senses are strong.
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the Park*

Alice: *in Katies mind* well I guess I don't need to be here

Alice: *standing right next to Katie* So you're one of them too?
*At the school*

Cole: All right sounds like a plan, I'll pick you up at 7.....

Cole: *to Scott* you need to calm down man, just chill *smirks*
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: *Sighs* Yup. I'm assuming you are too... Pretty fancy skill you have there. Just try not to get caught...
~The School~
Evangeline: Yeah. *Chuckles*
Scott: Angie...
Evangeline: See what happens when you pick other people over your dates?
Scott: B-But.
Evangeline: *Puts finger over his lip* Shh. Cool it.
Scott: -_- See you later, Angie. *Leaves*
Evangeline: *Smirks*
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*In the Park*

Alice: well I've already got people trying to find me, elite government agents and what not

Alice: *sits next to Katie* So when did you find out you had powers?
*Over by the School*

Cole: what is his problem?

*A group of 8 thugs run out of an alley and surround the group*

Thug 3: we're gonna get you for attacking our friends!

Thug 4: yeah!
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: Last summer. I was electrocuted at the hospital... You?
~The school~
Evangeline: Shut up, I'm talking dammit! *Knees thug 3 in the groin*
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the school*

Thug 4: thats it you're gonna pay *takes out a knife*

Thug 6: *takes out a gun*

Cole: *thinks* Dammit, this just got real
*At the park*

Alice: I honestly can't remember, maybe when I was little....I could always tell what people were thinking

Alice: My mom and dad were scientists, they found out and tried to see what my powers could do

Alice: I felt like a science fair project my whole life...
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Evangeline: -.-' *Laser eyes their weapons out of their hands*
~The Park~
Katie: Well that sucks. I never told anyone. Only a few of my friends find out. *Pauses* Well... we used to be friends. I'm only close to one now. Two of them, I hated and the other one turned into a cocky football player. We just grew apart. What about your friends? Do they know?
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the park*

Alice: I never really had friends

Alice: There was this that was in the same program as me, apparently he had powers too

Alice: I don't know how they knew he had powers, he acted totally normal

Alice: one day he said he can see the world in slow motion sometimes....I never really believed him but I guess he could have been telling the truth

Alice: I guess he was a friend
*At the school*

Cole: Laser eyes!

Cole: *throws two of the thugs into lances car again*
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: It's hard to make friends here. So far, I've only made them accidentally. It won't be so bad if you don't blow your cover.
~The school~
Evangeline: You saw... Nothing. >:)
Lance: *From a far distance; hears alarm go off* YOU HAVE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! >8U
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the School*

Cole: hey don't worry, I'm a super too

Cole: *throws the last thug into the roof of lance's car so hard it flattens the roof*
*At the park*

Alice: I guess, so who are you friends? I mean who were your friends?
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Lance: That's it! >8U *Walking over*
Evangeline: *Ready's laser eyes*
Lance: O-O' Never mind. *Turns right back around and leaves*
over a year ago GWENxTRENT said…
(Hm..Can I join~? I'm always in the mood to RP o.o)
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
(Yeah everybody can Join)
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
(Hello Anybody here)

*At the school*

Cole: So laser eyes...thats new

Cole: never seen that before
*At the park*

Alice: *sighs* Its to cold in this city
*In the center of town*

????: Stupid mortals feel the wrath of my robot minions!

*hundreds of robots run into the city*
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
(I'm here)

Paige: Whoa! Where are these robots coming from?

Jorge: Who knows, but they're up to no good! *shifts into a Gorilla*

Corey: Time to feel the mode.. *starts to run towards the robots*
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Evangeline: Eh. I can do more, but I'm still working on controlling it. *Realizes something* Hey... How did you move so quick? O.o
~The park~
Katie: I know, but I've lived in it long enough. I'm used to it now, but I'm moving when school's out. I can't take it here. Everything's changing so quick that it's suffocating. -.-'
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At School*

Cole: I don't have any idea what you're talking about *lying*
*At the park*

Alice: I know what you mean but do you think we could fix the fight evil or something?
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Evangeline: Dude! I barely saw your hands moving!
~The park~
Katie: Maybe we can. But I know for a fact that I can never fix the issues of my own... I guess it'll be worth a shot. Do you really think that just the two of us can though?
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the school*

Cole: *Makes the world go slow mo, stands next to Evangeline* I have no idea what you're talking about

Cole: So laser face, wanna go get like a soda or something? before you burn the city down *smirks*
*At the park*

Alice: Well not just the two of us, there has to be more than us for good supers

Alice: what about those friends you were telling me about? they have powers?
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Evangeline: Pfft. You're funny. And sure.
~The Park~
Katie: Two. One is dangerously unstable and the other one is a lame excuse for a friend and a hero. -.-
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the school*

Cole: *sighs* Fine, I do have super powers

Cole: I can see the world in slow motion but for a short time
*At the park*

Alice: well they can't be that lame if they're a hero

Alice: and how unstable? that might be good for *sees the robots*

Alice: defeating the robots running at us!

*A huge mob of robots run into the park*
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Corey: *speed punches robots*

Paige: *blasts robots* There is too many robots.

Jorge: *smashes robots* Ya think?!
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: *Covers face with scarf* Just what I need.. -_- *Rips tree out of ground and throws it at the robots, knocking some of the out and blocking their path*
Christian: *In the bathroom fixing hair*
*Robot looks into the window*
Christian: *Humming* Ew.. No... *Fixes hair a different way* Hmm... *Ruffles it a bit* Ugh... *Plays with it more*
Robot: *Aims gattling gun at him*
Christian: *Turns around* Huh? *Sees robot*
Robot: Terminating threat in 3... 2..
Christian: D8 WHAT?!
Robot: 1...0... *Starts shooting*
Christian: *Stumbles out of bathroom* AHHHH!
~The hall~
Christian: *Running down the hall, flailing arms arm around and screaming like a girl* AHHHHHHHHHHH!
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*On the street*

Cole: *hears all the noise* what the hell!

Cole: *sees the robots destroying the city* Great robots

Cole: hey sweetheart I hope you can use those laser eyes, we're gonna need them

Cole: *kicks a robot into the street*
*At the Park*

Alice: stupid robots *hits a robot with a trash can*
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: They're heading towards the school... Should we risk people finding out? I wouldn't want to call the cops though.They're pretty useless. -_-
Christian: ANGGIIIE?! *Hides behind her* R-Robots!
Evangeline: Yeah, brosef. I kinda got the memo earlier. -.-
Drew: *Looking around* Wow. Perfect timing... *Hands flame up*
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Jorge:Look! Are those other supers?

Paige: Who cares! We need all the help we can get to stop these robots! *eyes glow and a few robots burst into flames*

Corey: Nice one!

Paige: Yeah, thanks.....
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the Park*

Alice: I don't really think that matters when robots are attacking the city

*More robots run into the park and start destroying it*

Alice: there might be people in trouble in the school
*At School*

Cole: *sees Christian* So who's the wimpy kid?
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: Then let's get the hell out of here... *Starts running in super speed*
Austin: *Flying uncontrollably*
Katie: *Running still*
Austin: AHH! Katie! Watch out!
Katie: *Stops* Huh?
Austin: *Crashes into her* AH!
Katie: *Falls* Austin!
Austin: Sorry.. I heard the robots coming and I kinda reacted too quick. I couldn't stop myself....
Katie: *Rolls eyes* Whatever! *Wraps his arms around her*
Austin: O.o What are you doing?
Katie: Shut up and hang on, clutzilla. -_- *Takes off flying as full speed*
Austin: AHHHH!
~The school~
Katie: *Lands*
Austin: *Falls on the ground and kisses it* I thought I'd never live to see you again...
Katie: ._.'
Christian: *Sees Katie* Katie!
Katie: You should probably hide...
Christian: Why?
Katie: Robots are trying to terminate the city. I've already got a few down, but as far as I'm concerned, more might be spawning and they're heading this way. *Checks to see what direction they're coming from* Dammit.. It's hard to tell where they're coming from. Just hide somewhere in the school. *Turns around*
*Christian's gone*
Katie: Christian?
Christian: *Running for his life*
Katie: Or just do that... ._.
Drew: *Walks over* Hey. How's it goin', Red?
Katie: Will you stop calling me that? -.-'
Drew: *Ruffles her hair* Why? I think it suits you just perfect. (Because of her hair color)
Katie: *Smooths hair out* Quit it!
Drew: *Smirks*
Katie: Why are you even here?
Drew: To help.
Katie: How? By being our human bullet shield?
Drew: Nah. *Shows her his hand and makes it flame up again* I saw you land over there. I didn't know you were a super.
Katie: Ditto, but no time for intros. I see more heading towards us....
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
*On top of the school*

Aiden: *sitting on the roof* Robots....really?


Paige: We need to get to the school! *flies to the school*

Corey and Jorge: *runs at top speed to the school*
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: *Kicks robot in the chest, making it's armor fall a apart*
Drew: *Takes out chain and flames start to cover it* Watch out! *Swings chain around a few robots and bands them together*
Austin: *Grabs the other end of the the chain* Pull!
*They both pull until the robot's crush together and eventually fall apart*
Katie: *Flies up and starts freezing the robots under her with her ice breath*
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Paige: Whoa! Who are those kids?

Jorge: Who knows, but they need help! *shifts into a cheetah and tackles robots*

Corey:Wait up!
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: *Glances down* What in the-? Is that a... *Squints eyes* A cheetah?
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Paige: *sees a robot about to attack Katie* Watch out! *blasts it*
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: Whoa! *Dodges* What the hell? It seems like there's way more supers in this town than I thought!
Austin: *Blasts robots with magnum, body overheating*
Katie: Hey! Cool of down there!
Austin: I can't! There's too many coming! *Brain starting to fry in his skull* I... H-Have to help!
Katie: Austin! *Flies down and helps him walk* Dammit... *Puts hand on his forehead and channels ice energy into him* You can't overwork yourself! You'll die.
Austin: *Panting and healing* Sorry...
Katie: It's alright. Just take it easy.
Austin: Who are those new people?
Katie: I don't know, but they're a big help. That's all that matters now. Now come on, let's get back to it.
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Paige: *lands next to Katie* I'm Paige.. The black cheetah is Jorge, and the speedster is Corey.

Aiden: *jumps down from the school roof* And I'm Aiden. Couldn't help but notice that all of you are supers..
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: *Speaking quickly* Katie. Grade 11. 16! Yes. We are- *Roundhouses robot and knocks it's head off* Supers, but we- *Laser eyes another* can't talk now!
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Aiden: Yeah....robot invasion... *punches some and zaps others with lightning* Hey robots are electrical right?

Paige: Yeah..

Aiden: So why not I make a huge wave to wipe 'em out?

Paige: That could work, but what about all the citizens?

Jorge and Corey: We got them..
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
*New Robot army start to march their way*
Katie: Ugh! *Holding off a few* Just do it!