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The Winchesters Question

Why is it that "everyone" thinks that Dean is better looking and or "just better"as someone said-when clearly Sam is-just freaking awesome and in my opinion far better looking and

both fit, sam is better however, i agree :) yes please!! :P
HorrorFan101 posted over a year ago
ok 1st of all they r both damn hot but dean is just a lil bit hotter than sam and deans a good guy hes always looking out 4 sam and sam does the same 4 dean
smg09 posted over a year ago
i`m with ya on this one sam is soooo much better looking than dean is....... sams a hottie....x love him......x
katej1975 posted over a year ago
hello matter of opinion because dean is not hotter than SAM by no means ,SAM is the hottest man on earth I mean that body oh I need a cold shower now hahahah!!!!lol
debie24 posted over a year ago
 LOTRlover posted over a year ago
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The Winchesters Answers

Natalie88 said:
they're both the most good-looking and hot men I've ever seen! but fans just confront the brothers with each other and they get satisfaction from this. Why do we need to struggle about who's sainter, who's more sinner, who's righteous or who's hotter and such senseless questions.. honestly, I'm tired! BOTH are humans, BOTH have their positive and negative sides, BOTH have their unique disposition and they're BOTH our favourite characters and brothers, aren't they? :)) though I prefer Sam, I just LOVE him and I'm his fan,I don't give a damn if "everyone" adores Dean, but it doesn't mean that I don't like him. I LOVE THEM BOTH! and your question is correct, I agree with that :)
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you, both of them are sexy. lol :]
katie1234 posted over a year ago
i vote u best answer ;D
smg09 posted over a year ago
oh, thanks! :)))
Natalie88 posted over a year ago
* put that a LOT better than I did..haha...make sure to re-phrase if I have another question....
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
67impala said:
Blame Kripke for casting two of the most gorgeous guys ever!! But still, people tend to choose one over the other as their favourite. I think it comes down to how you look at their personalities. Dean is the rugged, strong, confident (on the outside!) hero who can handle any situation and be absolutely charming while he's at it. What girl wouldn't choose a guy like that?? :D

Well...Sam girls! Sam is more sensitive, intellectual, less confident around women, and he seems totally unaware of just how attractive he is. He is casual, unassuming and often stands in the shadow of his big brother - he's the underdog, and some people relate very strongly to that. At the same time, though, you can also feel how strong and capable he is beneath that gorgeous exterior!

I love them both, they're perfect as a team, but yeah, I'm a Samgirl. Those puppy eyes and heart-melting smile do it for me! :DDD
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posted over a year ago 
Oooooh, so true! I think you said it best about both of them- but especially Sam. ;)
shomill posted over a year ago
amen sister to your comment on SAM !!!!!
debie24 posted over a year ago
LoisLane1417 said:
They are both pretty amazing. I think that almost everyone who watchs the show choose a favourite. I was reading the comments and everyone is saying how everyone likes Dean/Jensen better but everyone i know who watchs the show likes Jared better. I like them both but to be honest i like Dean better, his character is more interesting to me. You know his struggle with Heaven and God and the feelings he has for his brother.
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posted over a year ago 
thanx...yah I didnt mean to say no one likes Jared/Sammy--Its just that,adn I agree wiht you,they are both reallly intersting in there own that I was also confused on why(the people I know)were ponly interested in Dean etc now what I mean? Deans older brother-thing is hands down one of the best things about the show:D
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
i think everyone see's what the like in men in both of then , for me it's jesen eyes they show more of him in it the more softer than jared for me but both are every sexy . and deaan is a little bit of the bad boy to .
h3ll13 posted over a year ago
every word u say is so true......i agree with u.....i like dean better2..
jodith posted over a year ago
Yukari12 said:
this seems more like a pick question than a quiz question, because it's an opinion. And that's also my answer, yes I do like Dean more but that's a personal choice and why do you care so much that 'everyone' likes Dean more. It's just a matter of opinion ;)
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posted over a year ago 
I dont "care so much"....I just wanted to know what everyone thought about it,get some answers I guess,as to why it is that MANY(and I have no probelem with Dean, love him lots)fans like Dean more, or mostly the people I know that dont think Sammy is awesome...I was just curious and Im for opinions, thats what makes everyone and everything interesting in the world, if everyone had the same exact opinion than life would be I apolozise that I didnt think before I,really I am...I was just sick and tired of hearing the same answer over and over again and wanted to know if everyone else felt that they should both be equally recognized....which I also forgot to put in my question..
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
hmmm yeah you're right, I kinda lashed out to you, sorry about that
Yukari12 posted over a year ago
Angel_W said:
becouse dean is allready awsome
sam is unormally tall....196 is sooo tall...dean is 184 and its best love both of them but dean better
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posted over a year ago 
"unnormally tall"? He's like the perfect height!!
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
pudding said:
i think it is because of dean is absolutly awasome but that is my opion everybody has thee own opion

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posted over a year ago 
lol..." because Dean is absolutly awesome"they should put on an icon for Dean...its great:D
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
SPNtwilight said:
I think that Dean is better looking in the face but, Sammy has a waaayyy better body! like Jared said Jensen just has to roll his pretty butt out of bed. but they are both h-o-t-t!!!
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posted over a year ago 
I wasnt meaning to say that my opinion should be law(lol) or anything..I was just curious thats all-AND I do like them both,their great actors and on-screen and off-screen brothers:D...I was NOT in any way attempting to put them against each-other I wasjust sating my opinion&asking what others sorry that all of that was not clear in my question.
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
ugh-I meant jeyboard is acting up...
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
i know i was just stating my opinion
SPNtwilight posted over a year ago
haha.......I just had to clear that up:).....
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
samlover316 said:
You are so right! Everyone I talk to loves Dean and I'm like, uh, Jared is equally as delicious, and ripped!! And tall!!!
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posted over a year ago 
lol!!!......thankies:).....I guess........
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
katej1975 posted over a year ago
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
Leyton4ever89 said:
Simple.. Because everyone has their own opinion and their own taste in guys.
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posted over a year ago 
-LittleKitty- said:
Both of them are good looking!) And both are sexy! And just someone prefers Jensen (Dean) and someone Jared (Sam) It's just a question of taste)
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posted over a year ago 
indeed it is:)
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
jared-lover-27 said:
I love Sam cause he shows his emotions and dean well dean is dean
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posted over a year ago 
lol...yes, I see your point, but if Dean wasnt "Dean" than most of us would be mean SOMEONE has to be "the Dean" at some I know what you mean:)
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
talent said:
like u said: its YOUR opinion:P
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posted over a year ago 
deans_gurl14 said:
i think there both the hot but i think dean is absolutely gorgeous, everyone has different opinions and its there personal preference, but sam is still hot too :)
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posted over a year ago 
I wasnt trying to make anyone "choose" or put up agianst each other, I just wanted to gather opinions on why Dean usually has more fans than Sammy...fact of the matter is, I need to choose my words more carefully in the future as to avoid mass
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
ugh.....*put them up agianst each other* keyboard hates me:(
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
shomill said:
You know, so far I haven't heard one answer actually say WHY Dean is hotter. The basic sentiment among Dean fans seems to be, "Cuz he is, that's why!" Not that I don't like Dean, and I think Jensen's really hot on his own, but Sam... I mean, you're right. He's tall, he's got an amazing body, a really sexy voice (or at least I think so), and that cute smile and fluffy dark hair. I've only just started watching Supernatural (first five eps on TNT), but I've already decided I like Sam best. lol I'm thinking I'm goonna hafta go back and change my answers on the Sam vs. Dean questions on the other clubs so they all say Sam, not Dean, is the hotter one.

P.S. Not that I don't like Dean- I love him, too!- but, well, this is just my opinion, that's all.
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posted over a year ago 
lol...well I think that the pure-Dean-lovers,have nothing more to say than "cause he's Dean etc&he is better"... cause its pretty self-explainitory-lol-and we all know Dean's not a man of many words...haha...I could be wrong cause Im not a pure-Dean-lover though...
LOTRlover posted over a year ago
debie24 said:
I like both guys too,but I dont think dean is hotter or better than SAM at all,both guys are very handsome ,but SAMMY good grief the man is just totally hott,I think anything dean can do so can SAM,so what hes emotional ,doesnt mean hes not capable ,or strong !!!just means hes different,I love SAMMY the best!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Flickerflame said:
It's mainly just personal preference, I think. But maybe Sam's storylines, the demon blood and accidentally starting off the apocalypse and all that, might put some people off him? Dean's storylines tend to be simpler, somehow. For myself, Sam's complexity is one of the main things I love him for, but maybe I'm just weird *shrugs*
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posted over a year ago 
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