The Vampire Diaries Couples Wall

Displaying wall entries 21-30 of 317

deluv said …
"Careful Damon, I might think you care"

You know, this line would have been more interesting if Bonnie didn't look sort of serious while saying it. She could have said it in a teasing way. But her face was serious and the whole thing was OOC. Just My Opinion..of course. Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
She did say it in a teasing way, she was smirking.....I dont think it is out of character......I think it is a starting bock for a friendship *hopefully next season, where we begin to see Damon attually care, as Damon needs a friend Stefans got Caroline, Elena is like the love intrest in the middle..... over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Come on lets not forget the start of the Delena journy she was all I am your friend in between him abuse an trying to kill one best friend, trying to kill the other in front of her, finding out he turned her mother, him turning Vikki, him killing Stefans best friend, not to mention he snapped her brothers neck, there is nothing realistic that she could forgive all that, it is all rather unrealistic coz in reality no one would like Damon. As for Bamon this season they have been growing a acceptance of one another they didnt just go from hate to dancing together, there was Bonnie Damon scenes in between, like when she helped him with Mason, an working together in the plan an going to the witch house, Bamon havnt hated each other for awhile *Damon never hated her*......when it comes down to it no relationship on this show is foul prof, an ship Delena or not they certainlly have alot of holes too. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I actually do think Kat was smiling then-well that's how always saw it! I think Bonnie would actually kill Damon but she dosen't think it's right and they have learnt to work with each other! Bonnie hates the idea of spilling innocent blood which damon has done which will still mean something to her-so she won't be too keen on him but i musat say i though 2x19 was a connection with bamon over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
And then the swelling thing burst.
There was, to Damon, a palpable if not audible crack as the stone encasing his soul burst open and a great piece fell away.Definitely a maiden, and not a child, he thought dizzily, whatever the writing on that infamous scrap of pink nylon had claimed. He clutched at her as if he needed her for blood—as if they were in hurricane-tossed seas and to let go of her would be to lose her. Posted over a year ago
averyj77 commented…
epic over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
EPIC LOVE.. Bonnie was the only one to set his soul free. Gorgeously Bamon! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
very intense over a year ago
deluv said …
Damon: The vampires were all AHHAA and you were all RAHHH
Elena: And we won
Damon:*Pulls her hands to his chest* Yes WE Did]
Me: avngitidncjjwwsskho88u!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
TVD_rocks commented…
Aww, I LOVE this scene! So cute >3 over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
Delena<333333333333333333333333333333 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
Five words to describe your favourite couple on TVD? book/show...
Mine- cute, witty, equal, beautiful, hot Posted over a year ago
DarkSoulz commented…
Sexy, passionate, hot, funny, and real. (:Book Bamon<333 over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
passionate, destined, amazing, meaningful and beautiful. (this is fun!) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Mine - Primal, Passionate, Equal, Fiery! and destined. (thanks tigerlily, <3) over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
Honest, deep, passionate, destined, epic. <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
MMVAs 2011: Muiz Jaffer attends Kat Graham

"I thought she (Bonnie) was gonna go for someone as edgy like her.."

That totally fits Damon. <3
Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
I don't think Bonnie is edgy. Setting Damon on fire doesn't make her edgy. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@Katie - What is cute to you? It's freckles and pigtails. It's not heart of battle, not facing down monsters, grief and death, and facing it alone.You don't do that without an edge. Dictated too - by who?Like to see someone force her to do anything. I think Ian and Kat know their characters better than we do, I'll trust their judgement on who they are. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@aceg - apparently she's as harmless as a kitten. ;) That's one hell of a kitty cat! over a year ago
KatherineRules said …
Katherine&Stefan <3 Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
<3 over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
<3 over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
<3333 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
Are we supposed to vote for banners? I know it closed yesterday.... Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*gasp* Where do we vote? over a year ago
katie15 said …
Off topic but trying to get books ready for when I go on holiday to put on my kindle (I know I'm so sad lol) and was hoping for some suggestions. Any books people can recommend? I love most genres : romance, chick lit, YA, science fiction, horror, crime, history (mostly Tudor era), biographies, real life stories...

Also I've read A LOT of YA and have already read: Vampire Academy, TVD, Mortal Instruments, Dagger Brotherhood, Midnight Breed, Dark Hunters... so please don't recommend them lol. Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Also read evermore series, and twilight (though hate it lol). Would be grateful for recs anyway!! over a year ago
darkdoll59 commented…
If you hadn't read the Hunger Games try them over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Thank you for the suggestions guys <33 over a year ago
deluv said …
You'd think Damon confessing his Love for Elena when he was dying would convince some people that he truly loves her. But no people still think he's just obsessed with her. He was DYING . The truth always comes out at that moment I don't know what else people want to believe that he actually loves her. This goes to both books and TV series Posted over a year ago
SammylovesGina commented…
i really think that DAmon loves her.i don't ship thembecause i don't like DE but Damon LOVES's fact. over a year ago
katie15 commented…
ITA. It became apparent them when a vampire gets bitten what they desire most comes to the forefront hence Rose's need to go home and Damon's need to be with Elena. over a year ago
deluv commented…
What definition of Healthy Love??? over a year ago
big smile
SammylovesGina said …
xD.i came to this spot and had to check i really wasn't accidently in the Delena spot.i am not a shipper of them but respect to kinda...conquered everything here...:) Posted over a year ago
it's because for over a year there was only SE and BD in the banner. the look is changing soon though and it will include most of the couples in the show over a year ago
SammylovesGina commented…
ok i understand thx:) over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
“It’s going to be interesting to see what she thought was a goodbye kiss, turn into a hello kiss.” - Nina Dobrev about DE.

Yayyy <3 :D Posted over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Can't wait <3 over a year ago
courtneykutie commented…
!!:D over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
Yayyyyyy<3 over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
<33 over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
"I could never hate you Tyler"- Caroline

"Thank you Caroline. For taking care of me."- Tyler
"You're welcome."- Caroline

Forwood <3 Posted over a year ago
TiBiscuit commented…
Awww ♥ over a year ago
courtneykutie commented…
!!!:) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
cute! over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
awwww<33 over a year ago
big smile
deluv said …
Nina, Ian,Paul. Candice, Joseph, Julie and Kevin are gonna be at Comic-con. Can't wait. Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
OMGGG! Can't wait! There are all my favorite castmates, lol *_* And obviously JP and KW, haha! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
*____* Yay! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Would love for my Katerina to be there too! over a year ago
darkdoll59 commented…
That is going to be so awesome over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
link link for banner Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
put it into twitter for it to work Wahinetoa over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
hey bb, I'm not in twitter though. :( over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
it's on images and on the forum anyway! Click to inlarge! over a year ago
deluv said …
I hate how LJ tries to please all fanbases. I think that's why she was fired!! Its like Stelena, Delena then Bamon then back to Delena ALL one fucking book. I hope she could make a choice cuz I find her really unprofessional Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Yeah i think she wanted everything so tried to cram it all in which didn't work! You have to make decisions if you're a writer or it looks unrealistic and looses the rhythm and memento over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I agree. Though I am still sad about her firing I don't think she should have played all of the fanbases like she did :(;I was very disappointed in her when the Return trilogy books were coming out over a year ago
katie15 commented…
I never take what she says seriously now. I just don't get why she feels the need to please everyone now, especially seeing as TVD has become more popular that she doesn't NEED to lie. over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
Hey guys

Found a funny survey on the couples spot if any of you are bored :)

I did a TVD one but you can choose any show!

link Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
This was really fun! Thanks for sharing! :) over a year ago
kirstyjayne said …
Well good news for Bamon fans after hours is finally been put up again with the new improved version an has been specified persifically as the REAL first meeting of Bonnie....


Also for none Bamon fans of the book LJ promises she has an Elena one coming up. Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
not really different from the original I wish she would have cut the ohhs out of it, they annoy me.....but other then that it is sweet, kinda reminds me of some sweet innocent fairytale encounter.... over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
:) Whoop Whoop! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
I really wonder what will happen to Alaric-maybe him and Andie will end up together-just throwing it out there! Probs unlikely! I wish Jenna would come back! :( Posted over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Maybe Matts 'mum will come back and try to steal him away lol over a year ago
i honestly think they'll bring in Meredith for Alaric over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Yeah they could do that! Wonder if they'll make her a student or not-probs if she comes! over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
Awww okay, I was going to comment on Nian cuteness last night at MMA but here isn't the place lol :D
Btw, when they got on the stage Selena Gomez made a little interview and asked about what's going to happen in s3 between DE since everyone got excited after Elena kissed Damon etc.. Nina said "Well I can't say anything, but I know some people who will give you a lot of it!" or something like that XD So do you guys think that they've already talked with the writers or are still just suppositions? Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
what's MMA?? over a year ago
tina-kiss commented…
^Much Music Awards. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Found out straight after i asked-I want Nina and Kat's dresses!!!! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
Does anyone know what episodes there was Tyler/Bonnie-I never knew they had any scenes maybe I just missed them! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
None that I can think of either. So I'm no help. *blush* over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
They where in one scene together where Bonnie takes a picture in the final of last year, but they bearly speak an it is really short. over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
They also interact briefly during the Halloween episode at the party. Its a scene with Tyler Bonnie and Caroline. over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
In hopes of making this spot more than just a DE/DB/SE war zone I'm vowing to talk only of other TVD couples on the wall posts for a week (See how I go lol).

"I love you Stefan. We will be together again. I promise."- Katherine.

Stefereine <3 Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
<3333333333333 Love them. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
When does she say that? I wonder what she'll do now! Will she try and rescue him!!!! over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
@Tigerlily888 She says it in Memory Lane when she goes back and kisses Stefan when he is dying on the ground. over a year ago
sweetyetsimple commented…
I think stefarine has alot of potential i hope they get together sumtimes over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
Guys, for those who have read the books, do you know who the hell Keri is?! I'm reading of a lot of people on twitter wanting her with Damon, making petitions to have Keri on the show.. O.O Since I've always knew that the two ships were just DE and DB for Damon in the books, I actually have no clue of who Keri is. Lmao. Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
There is no one as I recall called that, no clue where that has come from but it isnt in the books.... over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Keri? Never heard of her in the books. ;| over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
^^ I actually think I know who she is now: It's a role play character someone made up on Twitter over a year ago
deluv said …
Just a reminder. Submit your Banners by Friday. Also, I'm gonna need some suggestions for the Icon Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
I was thinking, perhaps just the vampire diaries couples, but with a different background to what the others have to make it stand out over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I was thinking have the writing "The Vampire Diaries" the black background and yellow writing then add couples to it! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I thought we had to have a icon in the banner! One less thing to do then! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
I'm MAKING a banner for the competition for this spot! Does anyone wanna add any couples???- (in alpha. order) Bamon, Beremy, Datherine, Delena, Catt, Statherine, Steforine, Stelena, Taroline
Have I missed any couple?-probs have!!! Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Forwood? For Forwood fans, but I think it's only YOUR choice to add the couples you want. Later the fans will vote. (: over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Oops, you did add it. *facepalm* over a year ago
deluv commented…
yeah. Put it on forum. Deadline is Friday over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
HeyOop All, I just wanna say-
Look if I offended anyone earlier-i'm sorry but I never meant my "double" post with malice or in anyway trying to provoke a war! We all want to defend our ships and thing usually get out of hand. I suppose we all can seem bitchy/idiots at times but as another fanpop user wisely quoted from H.G Wells on the TVD spot.
"If we don't end war, war will end us" We all love TVD after all! We all have opinions too remember! Happy Fathers Day!X Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
^ IA. Unfortunatly, I have to say that TVD ships are truly the most messed up and worst ones when it comes to respect, understand other ships thoughts etc and etc, even worse of the Twilight and OTH ones and I said everything! Kinda sad b/c I'm actually one of them sometimes, and I'm so sorry about that because after all we're all TVD family and we should at least respect and try to understand the other, IMO even without agreeing. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^This is beautifully said. I'd like to add my apology too, if I offended anyone. Vivala: I could cuddle you right now!<3 Beautifully said too. <3 over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
^ Awww :) <3 over a year ago
sweetyetsimple said …
Dear bamon fans,
if your happy,we're happy,so please IF ur trying to piss us off with the posts in this wall STOP, it just makes you look immature.and if ur not trying to do that plz dont comment and focus in the word IF.
Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Please dont genralise, there is behaviour of annoyance to others coming from both sides. over a year ago
sweetyetsimple commented…
im not.i actually said IF that means nice BD shouldnt worry about what i said :) over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Ohh ok, I will give you that one ;).....but same goes to all fans :P..... over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
I hope we're getting Steferine in S3. (: Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
^ If I can't have Steroline, and they build-up Steferine good like in the first episodes of s2 then I want them too. :) I just hope that they won't throw their storyline away like they did from half s2.. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I hope Klaus doesn't kill Katherine-I will be soo annoyed if he does! Or maybe Klaus will make Stefan kill her *shudder*! He said they would find her! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Oh me too! I think it's best if she stays at the salvatore house-then Klaus can't get her! and Stefan won't kill her...hopefully! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
Who do you think Caroline will end up with? Matt, Tyler, other? Me thinks Tyler Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
I want her to end up with Matt, but I guess Tyler is..ok. (: over a year ago
sweetyetsimple commented…
i hope she ends up with matt over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'd love her with Matt, he was the first to see her for her. But Tylers okay too. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
"And she's hot"-Ian about Kat (Bonnie) a swoon!
Cannot wait for TVD S3-hope there's some Taroline as well as Bamon! Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Tigerlily888 commented…
But 'deluv' posted a comment about what Ian said so why can't I? I was saying it for Bamon fans who did not know and because I was happy-and a Bamon fan found out! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE this quote!! De post quotes all the sodding time, don't see us being abusive. Why can't we be SQUEE too? over a year ago
deluv said …
When Damon is with Elena, He's Home

Kevin Williamson Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Home isn't always a nice place! over a year ago
deluv commented…
Lmao!!! What's better than Home??? seriously? over a year ago
katie15 commented…
OMFG. Stop being biased. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
Why is the banner at the top just DE-i thought this was TVD couples-not just Delena! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I totally agree with you! We're getting it changed hopefully to include all couples as it should be. :) over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Didn't see you saying that when DB were in the banner... over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
I am literally doing a happy dance-Ian thinks Kat is hot
"Damon might get some witchy action in S3" *SexySmirk*!!! Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Don't hold your breath, he doesn't know anything about Season 3. Nothing. He just knows its going to be character based that's all. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Kat IS Hot and yay for the witch action!! Absolutely LOVING the Bamon possibilities.. and he mentioned how what started out as hate (Ric and Damon) became so much more. Truce, friendship and then possibly more. YES! Thanks Tigerlilly, brightened my day! over a year ago
katie15 commented…
They are so end game now. Lol. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
With Stefan gone, there's no one responsible to be mediator between Damons violent tendencies and the public, and Damon&Bonnies antagonistic chemistry. Ric might have to step up, poor sod. lol. Truce and forced into close quarters will certainly make them reluctant, but it will be a benefit to a stronger team. Sure as heck, DB are the two most powerful ones on it, together, Bamon are unstoppable! Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
I don't think Bonnie is THAT powerful, she can barely light a candle withouts getting nose bleeds. Even Elena can kick some ass she killed Elijah!!! And she doesn't have any powers!! over a year ago
aceg commented…
@Wahinetoa: You said it beautifully!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
((huggles aceg and Realist)) =) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Nina also wanted to see where they're gonna take Damon and Elena as well. What consequences there will be. Ian said that Paul is gonna be wickedly great. YAY! Bromance ftw! :) Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
^ Yeah JP said that too, the kind of awkwardness that there will be, what that kiss really meant and what it will take to the three of them. Though I'm pretty sure that Elena will be back with Stefana and help him, then who knows. :] over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I WOULD love to be a TVD writer right now!!!! Wonder if they ever have fights over what they want to happen!!! over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
Me too! Even though I think that TVD writers are really geniuses when it comes to twists and storylines, I'd pay gold to be one of them. But IMO, who wouldn't?! DE fans would make everything about DE, and DB about DB. lol. I think that at the end of the day are just JP and mostly KW who take decisions for the central plot, the other writers are just like you know 'supporting' writers even if I think that they of course have opinions, preferences, they share ideas and maybe they get to decide all together. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
With both of you!! :D Although. I'd be a horrible writer.. I'd only write Damon, Stefan, Tyler and Ric half naked ALL THE TIME. Or have them wrestle in warm oil.. the options are just plentiful. :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"Dobrev thinks Elena’s heart will always belong to Stefan, even if he’s enjoying a taste of the dark side. “You always want what you can’t have, and that’s why for so long [the writers] have been keeping [Elena and Damon] apart because they want the fans to want what they can’t have,” she says. “Now that Stefan is gone Elena will want what she can’t have and she’ll miss him and wonder if he’s ok, and I think it will make their relationship stronger.” Nina Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
aww that is soo cute, I agree in the long run I think it will make Stelena stronger as we know it isnt the end for them, as what does not kill you *or distroys your relationship* makes you stronger. I have no dought that Elena will always no matter what she feels for Damon run back to Stefans arms.... over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
^ No the exact quote isn't that her heart will always belong to Stefan, what you copied is just an article that took Nina's words and messed them a little. :) She said that now that Stefan is gone Elena is gonna miss him etc etc, even other things but I'm very sure she didn't say that. At the CW Upfronts she's even said that in s3 she may fall in love with Damon, I guess she didn't say those exact words! x) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
The stuff in the quote marks hopefully are Ninas. Otherwisethe website mod might have to be informed. :O lol. Yeh, it's amazing the misquotes about the place aye? Thanks for replying though. :) over a year ago
kirstyjayne said …
What would you feel about a thread about common miss conseptions people have of the different ships, an a chance to set it all straight and have a MATURE discussion, as I feel like every ship misunderstands each other, an I have looked into the Bamon an Delena rant threads, an the rants our the same just the other way round, it would be a good chance to get an understanding of each of the different ships on this form, as I am tried of all the not true genralising as I am sure everyone is. Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Don't bother, I can never understand why people ship Bamon..and trust me I've read ALL your reasons but still don't get it.Let's just leave it this way over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
well I didnt mean it in that way, I meant it being the misconception in the fandom, but yer probs not a good idea. An you clearly have not as you still generalise in a way that show you dont an your tone of post was a little condescending, I just done see the point of the couple thread if it is us an them, as it seems like a place to just be like look my ship is better then yours instead of it being about them all as a whole. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I completely agree with you Kirsty. Even the reply was immature, which is a shame. I like this club, that we ALL can be here and squee, it's just the constant bickering and hostility is tiresome. It was a lovely idea, bb, and I admire you for putting it out there. heh. Crazy fans from Bamon? ;) Don't we know it! :D over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
"It felt very much that it was earned for Damon to finally get some kind of acceptance and compassion and reciprocation to the feelings he’s made very clear. He needed it, and Elena, needed to give it to him. She obviously cares about him in a lot of ways, and that’s going to be a big struggle for her next year — for all three of them, actually. What did that moment between them mean? How do they recover from it with Stefan? And where do those relationships lead?" - Julie Plec Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
+ "In that moment, Damon needed her forgiveness and her love, and she needed to give it to him. It was very pure for her." over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
<333 over a year ago
deluv commented…
Tigerlily88: And Damon will always choose her. over a year ago
deluv said …
I like you now, just the way you are

So freaking UNCONDITIONAL, Makes my heart swell. Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
IMO. <33333 Can you imagine Elena's ILY? And their first real kiss? And their first time?! Lool so much more to looking forward to, slow build-up *_* over a year ago
deluv commented…
Can't wait either..This "I like You" Is coming closer and closer to Damon's ILY..IMO! They ILY form Elena will blow our minds!!!!!!! Its gonna beat Damon's..haha Sorry Damon :P over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
^^^you are right xD over a year ago
katie15 said …
Okay I've just seen the banners posted and although they are beautiful, it's just occured to me: Why are Bamon in the banner and not Tyler/Bonnie? Both are AU couples with fans, so why if Bamon is in the banner can't Tyler/Bonnie? If they can't be in it, then neither should Bamon. Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
^ Stefan and Caroline have to be there too. I agree, since this is a spot for the couples from the TV show, Bamon is an AU couple so yes, ships like Tyler/Bonnie or Stefan/Caroline have to be there too. The problem though is that Tyler and Bonnie didn't share any scene, lol. XD over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
What has really been done is adding couples that our the most active to the fan base now (well that is what I did) Tonnie from at least TVD discussion site isnt really in the same postion Bamon is in terms of talking an fanbase.....but Bamon arnt the only ones I added Caroline and Stefan an Elena an Elijah. An lets face it we cant have every possible paring in the banner as some people ship there fav characters with everyone, it is just about getting the balance right between fans, in which Tonnie fans that I know our shippers of different ships first, so at least all the fans our catored for. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Couple most active, agreed with Kirsty. All couples. LOVE your banners. over a year ago
deluv said …
After Damon had either
1) Left without taking any of the contestants or a forwarding address; 2) knelt before Bonnie and said, “You were the human I met first in this godforsaken town. You were the first girl I kissed here. I know how badly I’ve treated you. Can you ever forgive me?”; or fought with Elena and ending up kissing her madly in mid-argument and whispering, “Run away with me. Now. On this wind. This moment.
LJ Smith :) Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Hey deluv, where did this come from? LJ discussion site? love it defo book couples completely Delena---intence passionet love, Bamon-----sweet kinda fairy tale esc love ;). over a year ago
deluv commented…
^ Yes, its from an interview after she was fired. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
IKR? All those years working and having it ripped away like that is unforgivable. Could we even imagine someone other than KW or JP writing our faves? Okay, maybe.. JossWheldon 'cause his female characters ROCK. over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
"In S3 we're going to see that as Katherine said, it's okay for Elena to love them both." - KW

+ In the same days he said that DE will get even more closer in S3, bond in a more deeply way, and it's going to be 'explosive'.
Can't wait to see Elena's POV for her feelings to Damon, since S2 has all been his POV. Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
wuhu season3 is our season go Delena <333 over a year ago
deluv commented…
Can't wait for them to struggle to be together. Hope its done right and slow. I have a feeling its gonna continue till S4. over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
Yes, honestly when it comes to that SE fans are truly unfair. Hell, you got all lovely-dovey SE for two whole seasons! You know that D/E/S is the central triangle! For dear life Elena didn't jump between Damon's legs, it was a very sweet goodbye kiss. Man, he was DYING and he had told her that he loved her. I would have done the same, honestly. Even b/c let's face it, Elena is falling in love with Damon. She has feelings for him so ppl should stop calling her a slut.. my god I can't even imagine when DE will really happen. :\ over a year ago
big smile
Wahinetoa said …
Would love Bonnie, Caroline and Elena to be like Rics angels and go rescue stefan and kick tooshy. I ship them and Defan (Ninas word for the brothersLove!) as the true lovestory of Mystic. More of it needed. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
BAMON! Witch Action.. so maybe a little confrontation, or working together more closely to get stefan back. Maybe a roadtrip with more witch/vamp bonding, snark and bamon trucing. Can't wait!! Posted over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
Hopefully. It would be the next step towards working to a friendship or some kind of an understanding. over a year ago
aceg commented…
i barely come to this spot let alone commentating but I couldn't hold my breath on something I see so here. Vehement critisism on a actor for her opinons is utterly ridiculous and mocking actress is even more asburd. Plainly, Your cognition of actress stay barely in range of her comments that's it. How could it be fair to give assumption which negate that actress's personality? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@aceg, Thankyou!! Said beautifully... last thing we need is actorbashing on top of all the other mud that gets slung. I'm with you - this needs to be stopped. over a year ago
deluv said …
DE are refered to as Soul Eternal mates in the books, right?? Then why are DE fans called delusional when they refer to DE as Twin Flames?? It was in books..... Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Well I wouldnt say delusional, but I do know that twin flames was not in the books, and soul eternal mates possibily was but it was not meant in a litteral way, as LJ Smith on her site said she never added any form of soul mates into this series but she has in other books so it has probs come from there (though I must say I dont agree with her as I think she did) but ya know that is just my opinon as she had Stefan an Elena attached by heart to a piece of string, but hey that is what she siad, so I have no idea where twin flames attually orginated from, but there was soul mate kinda themes in the books even if she says there was no intention for it. over a year ago
deluv commented…
^KW said Katherine has 2 true loves. Damon and Stefan over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Well so both not just one, well umm I am not sure on that as 'true love' would be a love in return which Stefan never gave *or admits to* so isnt to me true love, as if he loved her to that kinda extent I would have to question why he would deny wanting to be with her, an same goes with Katherine an the way she treated Damon.....have to differ with KW there, I think the writers are too quick to use love to depths that havnt been shown or formed yet. over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
KW about a possibly Steferine endgame [this interview was a while ago, so what he said about SE was legit]:

Kevin: That's a really good question. But at least right now is all about Stefan and Elena.

KW about Bamon [I'd like to say that he had a 'WTF' voice when he answered, lol XD]:

Kevin: Damon and Bonnie? They have good chemistry because Bonnie hates him. So I probably wouldn't hold my breath for that anytime soon. Posted over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
I LOVE Steferine. They have so much potential. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Nateheartserena.. ;) Love your icon btw.. Ian.. why can't he be cloned for us? Make life better, right? ;) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Bamon FTW-Ian wants it! over a year ago
deluv said …
I don't ship Forwood....They make me cringe. Weird huh? I think Bonnie and Tyler would be better...I mean I'd like to have some Bonnie and Tyler scenes to see if they'd well work together. Posted over a year ago
IvanaDyP commented…
haha, yeah-weird.. :D over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I read somewhere that Kat and Michael have been good friends for a long time...they'd probably have awesome chemistry :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Would love some Tonnie!!!! (but adore my Bamon more) over a year ago
emmalouisee said …
as much as i LOVE delena i think we should have all the couples in the banner :) Posted over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
I think we're changing it soon, since we have the change banner thread in the forums section:) over a year ago
emmalouisee commented…
okaay thanks :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
All couples FTW, agreed. <3 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Agree! over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
Think they're kinda cute :P (Totally AU though lol- can't abandon Beremy and Steferine)

link Posted over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Totally:) over a year ago
jereimy commented…
I like that combination over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
aww stefonnie.. love them in s1, totally wish they had more scenes together. <3 over a year ago
ducky8abug said …
Totally heart Bonnie and Damon. I don't know why, but I can't bring myself to care about anything else but them. Love them to bits.
Posted over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
Love them 2 :) over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
<3 Same. (: over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Me too!! over a year ago
jereimy said …
It is sad this spot was only for Bamon and Stelena fans then Delena fans came and now it seems an anti Bamon fans spot, you said so bad things about Bamon fans that it is not funny anymore. Please if this is Delena spot you should change the name and said Delena spot or something like that not TVD Couples because here there is nothing about stelena or steferine or bamon, yes , bamon like a couple because there is so much fans they want them together so why ignore them?? Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Ok, How was this spot only for Bamon and Stelena when its called the TVD Couples Spot??? hmmmm..... No one is ignoring Bamon fans they just like to play victims over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Agree- It's for everyone-WE ALL HAVE OPINIONS-and even if Bamon seems ridiculous to DE fans then there's no need to be rude-De is ridiculous to me! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agree completely with Jereimy!! Agree with Tigerlilly, de is ridiculous to me too. over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
For all the haters who were already jumping in exctasy for what Ian said about Kath/Elena. He actually said that it's probable that Damon might still have feelings for Katherine b/c well, he loved her for 145 years, BUT what he has with Elena is something amazing, and he probably wished that Katherine had all Elena's qualities b/c she's such an amazing human being. And IMO, it's clear that Damon is over Katherine for a LONG time.

Why BD and SE fans have to get excited for nothing?! Jeez. :S Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
I'm sick and tired of seeing all this hate; IAN (and I mean, Ian, not the writers so who knows it might be his own opinion) said a couple of things and everybody's freaking out. For what he said here ^ now I'm seeing a lot of hate for Damon and more hate from DB/SE fans, when it really can mean nothing, since Kevin Williamson said that S3 is going to be EXPLOSIVE for DE and ELENA will understand that it's okay to love them both. I think that people want to see what they want to see, but spreading the hate and shooting crap on other ships is completely normal.. god, and then you get excited b/c Ian just said that Damon may get some witch action on S3, which could be nothing at all too since he could have speak about witches in general helping Damon to find Stefan, or was just joking around since actors don't know nothing about S3, and considering Damon's feelings towards the witches it could have been absolutely a joke. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Wow-we get the slightest joy and you want to squash it! If Ian went "Oh and Nina's hot!" I doubt you'd all be like "It means nothing" IAN SAID "Damon might get some witchy action come S3-" HE ALSO SAID KAT/BONNIE IS HOT-why can't you deal with that? over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
He said that about Katherine-so what! I don't care-Bamon are pleased and you're trying to take that away-I'd say you're getting over excited with trying to be a rain cloud! over a year ago
kirstyjayne said …
Ian said about season 3

”Damon might get some witch action” when asked about bonnie..

I hope to get some development next season, a friendship..... Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
SQUEEE!! Not romantic yet, and I'm okay with that, 'cause frankly they're no where near that stage. Don't want her near the mess that is the triangle of doom, but I'll squee for them going toe-to-toe in fighting to get Stefan back, and a burgeoning friendship under all that primal challenge. Like aceg said, the actors reflect where the writers are taking S3. I'm looking forward to seeing Damon eat his words too. :D Great news! over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
Can't wait for season 3!! Love to see a Bamon friendship :) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
WHOOOOP-YES! over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
DELENA=EPIC♥ Posted over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
couldn't agree more <33333 over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Yup! Delena FTW! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Disagree! over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
Ready for 'explosive' DE on S3?! I can't waittttt. KW tweeted that he's very excited for S3 and this week has been awesome in the writer's room. :)

Plus for Staroline fans, at the convention Paul said to one fan that he really loves Stefan/Caroline friendship and it's something that the writers want to develope in this season. <3 Posted over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
OMG I CAN~T WAIT FOR SEASON 3 is going to be all DELENA<3333 over a year ago
Thug-Angel commented…
Can't wait!! i miss Delena <3 over a year ago
IvanaDyP commented…
steroline/forwood and DELENA! can't waait! :) over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
Got my die-hard medal! Posted over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
Congrats!!<33 over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
congrats :)! over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Thanks! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Bamon <3 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Absolutely! <3 Hopefully we get more scenes S3, rockin' it out! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Bamon<3 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
LOVE IT! BAMON FTW over a year ago
angiii7 said …
yay I got my dedicated medal in here :D (not sure how xD) but still YAY! Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Congrats :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
hehe. congrats! over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
thanks guys :) <333 over a year ago
angiii7 said …
666 fans (:c Posted over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
muahaha over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
Part of the London convention: Even though Jeremy will be facing fresh challenges with his newfound abilities, McQueen and Graham don't see the twist as a sign that trouble is ahead for Jeremy and Bonnie. "I don't know if the whole seeing dead people thing will affect that [relationship]," McQueen confessed. "But at the end, Bonnie admits her love for him. I don't see them pulling apart at any time soon, I see things hopefully growing stronger."

Happy, Beremy fans? :) Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
On the subject of the pair's longevity, Graham observed that, despite the slight age difference between their characters, fans seem to have really connected with Bonnie and Jeremy's romance .- "Jeremy makes Bonnie weak in the knees," Graham laughed. over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
Yay! :) I love them <3 over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Beremy :) over a year ago
forwoodrox said …
YEP I'M REJOINING ! Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
YES! :D! over a year ago
90210ggtvd said …
Drama drama drama! This spot should called TVD Drama Central and the motto should be"where all shippers can come to bitch and complain" !!!!! i mean seriously if this spot is for all couple shippers shouldn't we all be nice to each other ! gawd whats wrong with people these days....... Posted over a year ago
90210ggtvd commented…
and i garantee that even when the banner and icon have changed people will still bitch and complain.... over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
this is why im not going to join the spot. :( over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Totally agree with you all. It's supposed to be for all of us. The pettiness and name calling is just vile. We deserve better, and glad that there's more of us that agree. <3 over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
I think the new banner should be the couples that kissed and are real Posted over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
^and sorry if you are not agree im just giving my opinion over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Bamon is a romantic to-be couple in the books. Or is this just DE being meanspirited yet again? :sigh: We should ALL be represented. Bamon included. over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Sorry for my rant earlier, guys... I just need to let it out. And of course, I don't have anything against DB being in the banner. over a year ago
kirstyjayne said …
I am glad the banner is changing, an I hope with it, we can be more friendly with one another, as going through the wall, it just isnt the case, which is sad as this is the couples wall where all coupling should be respected. As if we arnt going to try an respect an see each other POV what is the point in a couples spot anyway?

I personally although arnt a fan of some ships wont hold that against the shippers in them, an will be open to them, that is the point of spots like this. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Completely agree! I also dislike the less than friendly and often times immature and petty vindictiveness on the wall, or to fans themselves in name calling or personal attacks. We all deserve better than that. Beautifully said KirstyJayne!! <3 over a year ago
deluv said …
LOL!! Bamon fans on twitter saying Damon doesn't love Elena. hahaa. Whatever gets you through the night my darlings. *rolls eyes* Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
baring in mind this is a spot for all fandoms including Bamon, an although it is obvious Damon is in love with Elena, can we not sterotype the fanbases under a view you get from certain members......also lets try to keep the Delena fans sais this the Bamon fans said that to a minimum, that is what rant threads our for. over a year ago
sweetyetsimple commented…
True we all bitch out from time 2 time lol :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
:sigh: Oh, for freaks sake.. can we stop with the pettiness? DE think they're end game, I'm not gonna degrade their opinion because I don't agree. Do the same. over a year ago
deluv said …

Sumbit your banners here. To those that are concerned and want Banner changed Posted over a year ago
CrazyFruittt commented…
ammm,what about icon? over a year ago
deluv commented…
I was thinking we make a pick and people vote. But then realised a certain couple (lol) will always win so maybe each couple gets to be on the icon for a month then we change it to the next couple next month over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agree with Kirsty! over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
Just to clear something some people dont seem to know or understand, this spot was a Bamon and Stelena spot BEFORE, that's why the banner was BD and SE. The Spot has been changed into TVD Couples since then, the banner was still BD/SE for some times, then came the Delena shippers complaining about it, understable, Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
but now it's ALL ABOUT Delena when the name of this spot has been changed since a long time now, and that's very wrong. and De fans feel the right to call others Hypocrites...This Banner need to change, or just make it clear it's a De spot°2... over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
sorry im trying to be mean or anything but i tried to change my own spot name and i couldent i said you can change when people joined your spot, so how did ya change it ???? over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
^it over a year ago
deluv said …
OMG! Some Bamon fans intimidate me... Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
*facepalm* Don't worry, how about some Delena cake? Bamon smoothie? Stelena muffin? :P over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Anyway... are you going to eat the cake or not? over a year ago
deluv commented…
i'll have the smoothie *winks* over a year ago
Barbara-DE1 said …
♥ DELENA ♥ Posted over a year ago
AnnaGilbert said …
Anna and Jeremy will be always my favorite :) <3 Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
They're my third favorite pair on TVD after Damon/Elena and Stefan/Caroline. :) It's such a shame that the writers always kill off the best characters, the ones with the more potential. Like her, or even Rose! I really liked her! Even John was becoming a better person and I would have liked seeing his relationship with Elena growing... over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Should pornographic images (a shipper manipulation recently added) be accepted on a site that includes minors? I can't be the only one who thinks it shouldn't.. right? Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
pls you exaggerate bcuz of this only pic over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
It has boobs, it's not like it shows penetration. Could you be anymore of a prude? Jesus. over a year ago
sweetyetsimple commented…
Ur most welcome :) over a year ago
HaleyDewit said …
I think we should change the banner. I'm a total Delena shipper, but it's not fair towards other ships. Delena fans, we know we're better than this :) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
((hugs from the 'other' ships)) Thank you. I'd love everyone included too. <3 over a year ago
HaleyDewit commented…
Only fair, right :) over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
The thing we need to keep in mind is two wrongd dont make a right, I have only joined soo cant really say much on the banner front before, but it isnt just about Stelena/Bamon/Delena....what about all the other ships that have never been on it, an this is the spot for all couples so can we try to be friendly with each other, I like interacting with different ships as it is intresting to get over view points, but remember even if you dont agree with a ship to try and respect it whilst on this spot. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
I think the gorgeous locals are ready for a Banner/Icon change to something that includes us all. :) Yay! Posted over a year ago
Daninoc said …
Love the banner&the icon<3 Posted over a year ago
helomusic said …
Come on I can agree it wasn't fair when the banner was only SE and DB (even if I wasn't there I don't even know why I'm stating that but I have to I guess) But at least can we change the banner and the icon into a DE and Forwood or Steferine or whatever other couple because just DE won't help to make people come! The spot really look like a only DE spot and it doesn't help. Sorry if I sound rude or mean but I really want to see that spot work and not became a war zone. Posted over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
It was an SE/DB banner for months, nobody complained that's complaining now. WE complained and you guys brushed it off, telling us we weren't even welcome here, etc. I wish people would stop being so hypocritical and just DEAL WITH IT. over a year ago
sweetyetsimple commented…
No need 2 disscus it anymore cuz they will change the banner anyway and im sorry u feel we're being unfair but even if u dont care about DE maybe you can understand that we are pissed off not becuz u want a banner with all the couples but becuz now thats a DE banner everyone seems so upset and pissed off about it and i kno u dont care why we are angry but i thoght u mite wanna know over a year ago
sweetyetsimple commented…
No need 2 disscus it anymore cuz they will change the banner anyway and im sorry u feel we're being unfair but even if u dont care about DE maybe you can understand that we are pissed off not becuz u want a banner with all the couples but becuz now thats a DE banner everyone seems so upset and pissed off about it and i kno u dont care why we are angry but i thoght u mite wanna know over a year ago
forwoodrox said …
Jus delena !!??? Sorry but i'm leaving ! Posted over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
Bye then over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
Gooodbye :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
DON'T GO!!! You have every right to be here, just like all of us. Don't go - stay. Speak up, post artwork and write. Your voice matters. <3 over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Aw, no... over a year ago
veronicaaa said …
I hate the new flag
What is this a new club for fans Delena?
oh and it already is "vampire diaries couples"
have to be clear but also stelena Delena, bamon, staroline, catt, Forwood, beremy and all not only one that changed ridiculously obsessed fans

I leave this club official
Delena elsewhere if they wanted to Change it's name or create another that this is no longer partners
Posted over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
link over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
handle must be the official one is perfect and I love over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Katie,SpuffyDelena and Vivalavida.. oh, really? I saw the SE/DB banner all of one day. So no, not hypocritical. Btw, Spuffy, interesting you should call us hypocrites, when you attacked me for my support and then proceed to claim your innocent in this? Pfft. Stupid fandom being cruel and stupid. STOP the name calling! over a year ago
RachaelF8 said …
Ummm I love the banner, but I thought this was the TVD couples spot? Posted over a year ago
Allison__ commented…
it isn't TVD couples club. it's only about Delena. ;/ over a year ago
Allison__ commented…
sorry, i'm not in this club. ;p over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It's supposed to be, but apparently not. :( over a year ago
elena2567 said …
i like the banner♥ Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
love it <3 over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
love it<333 DELENA<3333 over a year ago
sweetyetsimple commented…
Awsome! over a year ago
sweetyetsimple commented…
Awsome! over a year ago
kirstyjayne said …
In other spots everyone is free to make Banners an then do a vote on it, but also in other spots like lets say Katherine an Stefan spot, you would not see a Banner with just Katherine an no Stefan it defeats the object of what the spot is about.

I think there should have a re-open of the banners again with the main 5 or so couples on them, then a fair vote on them, but in the mean time let the Delena fans have it like this as yes it was Bamon/Stelena for awhile which was not fair either. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I agree. We can let the DE fans have the banner/icon for now. But please stop with all of the bashing picks. That was the main thing I had a problem with. over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Yer this is a place for all couples not to start arguements on which one is better, this isnt about one single ship it is about respecting all the different ship options TVD has to offer over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agree with KirstyJane and Maximumridefan, this spot should have ALL couples on, not just one ship being forced on all others. over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
I guess almost everyone wants an all couple banner/icon. ;P Posted over a year ago
helomusic commented…
Oh and also if people could just spare us the kind of hateful picks like which is worse or better it's just stupid and since everyone have different preferences it could turn into an occasion to insult the different ships too! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
^ It's hurtful and mean too... ;p over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
<3 over a year ago
Can we change the banner/icon please? I personally LOVE it, but this isn't just a DE spot Posted over a year ago
helomusic commented…
Thank you!!! over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
have all the reason there are too many sites as Delena ara to change this over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Lol I agree mates love the banners back then but the new ones plz stop ok I like DE but um ya making meh hate them again mates,Inlovewithdamon you rocks mate. over a year ago
big smile
deluv said …
Loving the banner and Icon. LOL!!!! But yeah..i guess it needs to be changed so all couples get a chance. But this is soooo beautiful. Can we keep it for atleast a week or two :D Posted over a year ago
helomusic said …
It's the first time I come here but I have a question: Where is Staroline, Catt, Forwood, Steferine, Kelijah, E/E, Kathamon, Daroline, Klaus and Elena, Klaus and Katherine, ...

Seriously guys you're arguing on the wall for the wrong reasons... I mean I know the 3 main fanbase couple are DE, DB and SE but it's not the only couples people ships so maybe we should actually try to reunites all the differents fans and then decide how the spot should look like. Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Aaaah j'ai essayé de faire une "banner" mais j'ai oublié Katherine/Elijah, Daroline, Klaus/Elena et Klaus/Katherine. J'suis dégoutée. Enfin de toute façon c'est pas très joli ce que j'ai fait xD. I agree though, we should just do things right. We have amazingly talented people in the TVD fanbase, we could have both a fair and a beautiful spot look. over a year ago
helomusic commented…
Ouais je me doute bien mais franchement c'est du boucan tout ca! On devrait essayer de reunir tout les autre groupes de fans et la après on choisirait un truc pour la bannière du spot. Et sans icone pcq c'est trop petit et on ne pourra mettre tout les couples! over a year ago
helomusic commented…
I'm okay with that. over a year ago
katie15 said …
It makes me laugh that before, when the banner was SE/DB, DE fans said why don't we have a banner with ALL couples, but no one listened to us. Now that the banner is DE, everyone is all for it. Posted over a year ago
KrissyDelenaFTW commented…
My icon should be the banner lol over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
FOR REAL!! What a joke. The SE/DB fans LOVED the banner and didn't want any other couple besides them, and now... it's all "Why is DE on it?!?! They aren't the only couple" LMAO! Can you say "Hypocrite"?! Lol. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
there is no problem with Delena but not the only couple and is totally unfair should this clear but not stealing any flag icon and over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Oh is this the delena spot or vampire diaries couples spot? Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
Why was there even a vote with banners with only one couple?stupid over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Have you seen the DB banner? The person was lazy when making it. It looks crappy. :p over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
:]] over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
Lannieluv7 have all the reason they are thinking over a year ago
angiii7 said …

Even though I don't agree with the spot look either, IT WAS FAIR
Just saying ;) Posted over a year ago
90210ggtvd commented…
What it was totally not fair, why wasn't there a choice for a banner that had all the couples? over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
Only one person made an all couples banner. If people WANT an all couples banner maybe somebody should actually MAKE an all couples banner. Geez. over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
if the flags were horrible but why accept them if they were not partners? never accept any if he had no more than 3 couples over a year ago
SpuffyDelena said …
Maybe you guys should all stop bitching and deal with it. We had to. Posted over a year ago
90210ggtvd commented…
your really bossy :D over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
and you'RE really annoying, over a year ago
katie15 commented…
LMAO, of course we did. But obviously it's only okay for DB fans to moan... over a year ago
katie15 said …
Why is it when there was a DB/SE banner, it was okay and DE fans were told they were rude and being stupid for getting annoyed, but now it's the opposite way round people think it's okay to complain?? Seriously this fandom is ridiculous. Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
I know the spot looked too much Bamon and Stelena before and as a Bamon fan I didn't care at all, I'm honest, ok?, but that compared with this is sooo different... This is called "The Vampire Diaries Couples", no "Delena"... there is a lot of real and not-yet real couples in the show and this spot... it is so biased now... I think it does need a change of look really soon or I'll spot being fan and I know a lot of people will do it too... TVD is not about Delena... Ok? Posted over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
You just said you didn't care when it was all Bamon, so how does this make anybody want to sympathize with you? over a year ago
katie15 commented…
^And having a club saying "The Vampire Diaries Couples" and not allowing DE fans to post isn't going to make us mad?! over a year ago
Saku15 commented…
Don't woory about the spot look! After the kiss the Delena fans are very excited and - I hope - the spot look'll be change soon. over a year ago
elinochka said …
who made this spot? BIASED MUCH? Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Actually the person who made this spot was a DB fan, forsaken something. And if you had seen the spot before, it had just SE and DB on it. And now you're complaining about it being biased now?! over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
Lmao. over a year ago
elinochka commented…
hmm?? sure, I guess someone took over it, because she'd never post an icon and banner of only one couple. This spot needs a new banner, with every couple in there/ over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
It had SE and BD in it because it used to be a SE and BD spot, but of course the Delena fans had to come and troll. That's why it's an ALL couples spot. We weren't being biased before. over a year ago
angiii7 said …
even though I love the banner and DE, I think it should be changed, because we fought a lot with DB and SE fans because of the previous spot look and we're doing the same thing they did now :/ Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Yeah I think we should have a pretty banner that includes all the pairings so that everyone is always represented in this spot, and we could rotate the icon/motto. I mean, right now you guys are happy but when it's turn to have a SE banner or a DB banner, you won't like it :/ over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
agreed :) over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
yeah. change it so ALL couples are on the banner and the icon is the tv logo over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
angiii7 epicdelena4ever and if you two agree perfectly reasonable over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said …
Who made the banner? It's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! >:D Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Hope everyone in the US is okay, and around the world dealing with the tornadoes, floods and earthquakes. Just sending some tvd love from NZ to everyone. Keep the faith, you'll get through! Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
It has been rainy! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
lol. Ewww.. DE banner too? They have their groups, this is ours. Can we have a banner that includes ALL of us? Thanks. Posted over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Yeah I would have prefferred a banner with all the couples/pairings/ships if that's possible. Maybe we shoul rotate only the icon and the motto. Too much is too much xD. And I'm not saying this because it's DE, I just think that all of us should be represented :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yeh, it would be nice. Thanks FrenchGiirl. <3 over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
I like the rotate plan... :D over a year ago
bussykussi said …
love the new banner so dam amazing Delena best couple ever good job ;) Posted over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
<333 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
LOVE the new banner Yay, STELENA and BAMON! Posted over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
The banner is Delena, but I agree - It IS gorgeous :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
What's with the pettiness? Love is love. over a year ago
angiii7 said …
NOW, THIS ONE IS A GOOD ICON <3 Posted over a year ago
FallenLove said …
Damon and Elena, Tyler and Caroline and Jeremy and Anna <3 Posted over a year ago
big smile
bussykussi said …
Hey my DE fans in every Pick we are the winner !!!!!! and why?? Bcuz Delena is the best .romatic.and most intersting realitionship of all of them and second place is of course Forwood <3
Delena+Forwood 4-ever Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
^^ my opinion!!!!!! over a year ago
DelenaTVD commented…
I agree <3 Delena and Forwood are IMO best couples in TVD. over a year ago
emmalouisee said …
love the new icon, but could we get a banner with all of the couples :) Posted over a year ago