The Right To Bear Arms Updates

a video was added: How Do We Own 50% Of The Worlds Guns But Not Lead The World In Gun Violence? 14 days ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Men With Machine Guns Ambush Prison Convoy Killing Two Officers In Gun Controlled France 16 days ago by ROTJ
a poll was added: Vote for a New Club Banner 19 days ago by ROTJ
a poll was added: Vote for a New Club Icon 19 days ago by ROTJ
a video was added: 12 Years In Prison For 4 Rounds Of Ammo Accidently Left In Luggage 1 month ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Wow, Law Arming Teachers Causes Kids Used As Pawns To Storm Capital 1 month ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Mass Stabbing In Australia Left Citizens Defenseless Until Government Came To Save Them 1 month ago by ROTJ
a video was added: David Hogg Gets Destroyed By Chinese Immigrant On Gun Control 1 month ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Home Invasions Plummet After Florida Sheriff Says Shoot Home Invaders To Save Tax Payers Money 2 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Man Shot at Anti-Violence Meeting 2 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Biden Restores Veterans' 2A Rights? 2 months ago by ROTJ
a comment was made to the video: This UK News Anchor Just Proved They Will Eventually Ban Hammers & Sharp Objects 2 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: House Democrats Demand The Ability to Block Veterans From Owning Guns 2 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: This UK News Anchor Just Proved They Will Eventually Ban Hammers & Sharp Objects 2 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Armed Citizen Stops Cop Killer 2 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Debunking Joe Biden's State Of The Union Anti-2A Speech 2 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Assault Weapons Before the Second Amendment 4 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Assault Weapons Before the Second Amendment | Part II 4 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Wow, Watch Kurt Russell Destroy Hollywood Reporter On Gun Control 4 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Biden Mocks AR-15 Owners Thinking It Can Protect Them Against Government Tyranny 4 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: New Study Shows Violent Crime Down After Passing Constitutional Carry 4 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Anti-Gunners Shocked Buyback Guns Sold Back To The Public 4 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: The Media Is Lying To You About Mass Shootings & Here's The Proof 4 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: How Is The Murder Rate Dropping With Gun Ownership Rising? 5 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: UK Police Given New Power To Seize Large Knives Proves Gun Control Will Never Stop 5 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Debunking the Viral Gun Control Propaganda: Why the Swiss Love Their Guns More Than Americans 5 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Hollywood's Gun Hypocrisy Exposed 6 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Secret Society Helping NYC Bodega Workers Obtain Concealed Carry Permits 6 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Yellow Flag Laws: Failure By Design - Razör Rants 6 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Why Is Democrat Gun Ownership At An All-Time High? 6 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Michigan Town Forms Militia to Fight Gun Control 6 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Armed Texas Store Owner In Shootout With Young Robbers Sending Them Running 6 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: LAPD Revoked Carry Permit For California Man Who Used Gun To Defend Against Armed Robbers 6 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Armed Los Angeles Father Tells All About Viral Shootout Video With Robbers - Colion Noir Podcast 6 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: WATCH: Armed Los Angeles Man Has Shootout With Would-Be Robbers To Save His Family 7 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Maine Mass Shooting Proves Gun Free Zones Get People Killed 7 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Dana Loesch Provides Updates on The Maine Murderer | The Dana Show 7 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Armed Homeowner Shoots At 3 Armed Burglars Pretending To Be The Police In Washington State 7 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: California AR-15 Ban Ruled Unconstitutional By Famous Federal Judge 7 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Israel Now Wants As Many Citizens Armed As Possible Reversing Their Strict Gun Control 7 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: 13-Year-Old Shoots Home Intruder After Taking Gun From Hesitant Mother In Phoenix AZ 8 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: New Mexico is a Gun Control Trap - Razör Rants 8 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: NM Gov Wants This Boutique Owner Defenseless Against Criminals After Pleading To Government For Help 8 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Active Shooters Get Stopped By Armed Citizens Over 41 Percent According To New Data By John Lott Jr 9 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Jacksonville Sheriff Says What The Gun Community Has Been Saying For Years 9 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Watch Armed Resident Open Fire On Intruders Posing As Maintenance Workers 9 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Wow, Oakland Wants Citizens To Use Air Horns To Fight Criminals Due To Surge In Armed Robberies 9 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: New Firearm Study Proves People Lie In Polls Denying Firearm Ownership 9 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Armed 75-Year-Old Woman Goes John Wick On Armed Home Invaders In Oakland 10 months ago by ROTJ
a video was added: Memphis Police Shoot School Shooter Who Couldn't Get Inside Hardened School 10 months ago by ROTJ