The Phantom Of The Opera That Girl in the Phantom Costume

TGITPC posted on Aug 31, 2009 at 04:23PM
A fun and new Phantom site that follows the "adventures" of one girl (myself) and one Phantom costume. I go to random locations and make a fool out of myself while in Phantom garb.

Introduction to the site:

And the site itself:

Please feel free to leave comments or send me an email with suggestions. :)

The Phantom Of The Opera 37 replies

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over a year ago Phantomess said…
Oh! I wish I still had the pics of me in Phantom garb at Disneyworld! You know they don't allow masks in the park? Good thing I always do full makeup underneith! >:)
over a year ago TGITPC said…
No masks at Disney? Aw, well I can cross that off my list, can't I? What a silly rule...

Anyway, a new video has been posted on youtube where I become the Phantom of Genuardi's. link
over a year ago Phantomess said…
Yes, it is quite a pity. Though I still had quite the enjoyable time when I would randomly turn and catch a look of shock from my makeup and attire.
Just out of curiosity, my dear, how long have you been running about in your mask and cloak? I've been doing mine going on 7-8 years so if you need any tips or advice please let me know.
I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one out there who enjoys portraying Erik outside of Halloween!
over a year ago Phantomess said…
big smile
Enjoying the site so far. May I make a few suggestions from one Erik in drag to another? The hat does wonders for hiding your hair, trust me. Also, I recommend doing at least cursory deformity makeup under the mask since there WILL be places that will make you take it off, if only briefly to appease security. I don't know if you do it already, but it's a good precaution, and quite fun if you decide to go all out on it. They usually just end up being sorry they asked. If you're looking to improve your costume, never underestimate the glory that is Good Will diving and digging up the clearance racks at Wal Mart. You never know when you'll find gems of costuming such as suit jackets or fabulous Phantom boots, and sometimes with a little creativity you can even scrounge up some decent hand props. Cheap fake roses are nice, and black rope trim from the crafts aisle makes for a wonderful punjab lasso! Bonne chance!
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Haha thanks so much for the advice!

The "Phantom" visited Baybarry Cove, New Jersey and even got to take wedding pictures with a bride at the beach, sing, and just be very Phantom like. It was great fun! I'll update the site as soon as I get pictures from my sources and upload videos.
over a year ago Phantomess said…
Very nice!
I still wish you could come to NYC on the 23rd for the anniversary. Should be a ton of fun! Unfortunately our Raoul has to work so we're down him, but as long as Mme Giry doesn't end up with a prenatal appt on that day she's still in, and our Christine is all up for it!
We're going to hit the Museum of Natural History before the show as well as some wandering around Central Park. I'll post picts on here and my DA account along with any really interesting stories. I'm so excited!
I look forward to seeing your Jersey video, especially crashing the wedding! I bet that was loads of fun!
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Haha, I really wish that I could come too, but it's unfortuantly not possible. School and such *sigh*. Anyway, definitly tell me the stories (I'm sure that there'll be plenty).

Ah, yes. I definitly did feel like I crashed their wedding. I was like "I'm so sorry!" but all they wanted was my picture. The video is almost done so it should be up soon.
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Viola! C'est ici:

over a year ago Phantomess said…
big smile
I have to throw you kudos on the haircut. I don't make many concessions to my girliness, but my long hair is one of them. I don't think I'd have the heart to chop mine all off regardless of how much easier it would make....ohhhhhh 90% of my costumes since I usually tend to dress in man-drag.
Nice job on the Boardwalk BTW. It was lovely.
I also have to congratulate you once again on the ease and comfort with which you wear your mask. That takes a healthy dose of self-posession. I really look forward to seeing where you end up next.
Make sure to take full advantage of the Halloween season. You can get away with SOOOOOOOooo much more in October than any other time!
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Oh, of course! Halloween is like my feeding-frenzy time. I'm thinking of going to some kind of haunted house and try and scare the people who try to scare me. I may film some kind of trick or treating session as well. We'll have to see I guess.

Thanks about my hair, too. I'm a major Audrey Hepburn fan so I guess that I wanted to try something like that. It definitly makes the costume so much easier.

Thanks for your comments as always.
over a year ago Phantomess said…
big smile
Ok, so Baltimore is actually pretty ok with random psycho walking around in Phantom garb.
After I got off of work yesterday I was feeling kinda jazzed and I had my nice new bottle of liquid latex that was just SCREAMING for a test run before Wednesday, so I went home and threw on my Phantom junk for an outing.
1. Liquid latex BURNS! I'd forgotten this since it's been damned near 8 years since I used the stuff. I remembered it being mildly irritating, but this was awful. Fortunately today I only ended up with a little bit of irritation on my cheek and chin. I was convinced yesterday I was going to wake up looking like Gerik, covered in mildly unattractive skin rash.
Anywho first, went and walked around the Inner Harbour. Several people stopped and got pictures with me, I had a lot of fun and ended up having a glass of wine at a piano bar. The piano guy even played MOTN for me and the people I was sitting with offered to buy my drink for me. And, yes, I pimped the HELL out of the anniversary. And the fact that the stage show will be at the Hippodrome there next April.
Then me and my roommate went to do pictures at the Westminister Burial Grounds, which is where Poe is buried. I cannot express how cool everyone was with us being there. But then again, they're used to weird looking goths coming to chill with Poe. I'll be posting those pics on my photobucket and DA accounts. But we went on the tour, got to see the catacombs and the old church, which is now no longer a church and can be rented for parties and stuff like that. The tourguide was VERY nice and allowed us to take pictures in the hall and even said that if we called up the place sometime later we could probably come in for more picts, and hey, we have a bigass Halloween bash too. So YAY for awesome locations that are cool with cosplayers!

And on a completely unrelated note: Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, everybody! ARRRR!
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Aw, that's so cool! You see, I'm just a lowly teen so I don't have much access to do such things willy nilly. There's planning, waitng, and oodles of frustration. But, it sounds like you had fun, so good for you!

Oh, aye me lassy. Tis talk like er pirate day.
over a year ago TGITPC said…
I made my own sort of tribute to Phantom's 100th today:
over a year ago Phantomess said…
big smile
Bravo! Pimp that Leroux love!

Anyhow, the trip was smashing! Although the entire right have of my face ITCHES like the very devil. (God bless aloe vera, though. No rash, just a little dryness in spots and some tender bits) Went with one of my friends as Christine and we saw the 2 o'clock matinee at the Majestic. We sat in what is technically listed as Box F, but it's printed on the ticket at Box 50. Back when they used to rip the tickets I'd sat there before in costume and the usher who took my stub at the stairwell literally fell over laughing because the '0' had been ripped off. So he got to point "the Phantom" to "Box 5"! It was fabulous!
Anyhow we got all settled in. We were the only ones sitting in any of the boxes and we ended up getting our pictures taken by random audience members. Quite a few of them actually. And I know it was us they were snapping at least part of the time because the people in the first few rows had to turn towards us to take the pictures!
We found out after the show from an extra that the cast had gotten just the biggest kick out of us up there! Apparently we were all they talked about backstage. During Hannibal he told us that the Carlotta (who was awesomely fabulous, BTW) had leaned over to him and told him "Look in the box!! Look up in the box!!!" And another cast member tried to convince the marksman to fire at us instead of Box 5 on stage! He didn't, but it was still kinda cool.
We went to the stage door after to see if we could catch some of the cast going to snag lunch between shows and I had a very proud moment because the wardrobe mistress pretty well attacked my friend's dress (which I had loaned her for the occasion) and declared that the fabric was almost exactly the same as the stuff on Christine's dressing gown, only heavier. *Inner costume diva beams with delight!* We only ended up getting John Cudia's autograph, because apparently everyone else was staying inside, but he talked to us for a minute and got pictures and was really quite sweet!
After that we walked down to Jekyll & Hyde's for some food. This place has got to be my favourite restaurant in the whole damned universe! It's so kitchy and cheesy and weird! I feel right at home there! We took some more pictures there, as well as having gotten one or two in front of the theater. Unfortunately with only the two of us I didn't get nearly as many photos as I would have liked. But we're already planning another quick jont at the end of the anniversary, January 10th. May as well catch the thing on both ends, eh?
Considering how very blase NYC was to the ALW version of the costume, I may attempt to do Leroux for the finale of the 100th anniversary. This time we actually will have a full compliment, I think, because a couple of my friends who didn't get to come this time have already started marking calendars so that they can request the day off. :D
Anyhow, I will upload the pictures to my photobucket soon. Hopefully before I leave on official vacation to Disneyworld.
I hope everyone had a wonderful kickoff to Erik's anniversary!
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Sounds like you guys had a blast! I actually only went to NYC once in Phantom costume, but similar things happened to me. Can't wait for pictures!

Anyway, I plan on having the "Phatom" write to the Great Pumpkin. A little humor thing is all. Hershey Park or a haunted house, as I said, are hopefully next!
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Update! If you're not a phan of the Phantom sequel, watch my newest video that pokes fun at the Phantom's "announcement of global importance".


over a year ago TGITPC said…
Finally got that update video posted. C'est ici.

over a year ago Kitannah said…
Loved the video! I can't wait for all those updates that you promised... :)
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Thanks so much Kitannah.

Well, since then I've posted a Christmas video (why you'd want to see it now, I don't know)

But more importantly, a video that tell you to back off on the Raoul hating and leave him alone. Watch even if you don't care for Raoul, it's supposed to be funny.
over a year ago JustHuddy said…
I LOVE the "Leave Raoul Alone" video! XDDD (I'm a huge Raoul fan.) Nice job!

over a year ago renrae said…
Your Raoul video.... is amazing. I commented on it. (I'm hazellwood.)

So when's the next time you're gonna get out of your lair and wreak havoc on the citizens of your hometown? :)
over a year ago eriks_angel said…
big smile
you guys are AWESOME for going around in costume!!!! i wish i could get some of my friends to do that with me... :)
over a year ago Phantomess said…
Don't wait for your friends. Some people just can't understand the great fun it is to pile on the oddness and make people wonder about you. ;) Just be careful where you go about in costume to. Some places may require mask removal (all the more reason for some EFX makeup, eh?) or toss you out entirely (although it IS rather amusing when you're informed that security hadn't been able to find the girl going about in a mask and cape although they'd been looking for nearly two hours)
over a year ago eriks_angel said…
haha, thanks. it just looks like all you guys that dress up have so much fun, i am definetly considering phantom for halloween in maybe a year or two (i already have a different costume planned for this year, so maybe next year(hopefully :)
over a year ago renrae said…
(although it IS rather amusing when you're informed that security hadn't been able to find the girl going about in a mask and cape although they'd been looking for nearly two hours)

Do tell.

Eriks_Angel, if you aren't brave/crazy enough to go out by yourself, wait til October. It's considered perfectly normal to go around in costumes.
over a year ago eriks_angel said…
actually, i am planning on saving up $$ to go see phantom in NYC, and if i do get to go i will probably go in costume. everyone that i have told so far that i want to go around all day dressed as Erik just kind of looks at me like i'm crazy, but in all honesty i really dont care. it'll be so much fun!! (once i actually get the $$...)
over a year ago ramengurl said…
big smile
OMG! It's you! Gah! Your The Countess from TPO! OMG! I'm dreamfairy101, phantom.romance, or Hana, if you prefer. Remember? We had the big long discussion about whether or not we can really love Erik? Heya! I just joined Fanpop.
over a year ago Phantomess said…
Now that sounds like a very interesting conversation. I would be interested in hearing the finer points of it sometime.
(BTW, I am of the opinion that one CAN actually love Erik even if he is most likely a fictional character.)
over a year ago ramengurl said…
It is probably still in the thread of The Phantom's Opera, under Don Juan Triumphant, and Erik. I argued that Erik COULD be loved, at least by someone like me. I deal with that sort of stuff every day with my boyfriend (i.e. temper tantrums, bouts of depression, extreme jealousy, demented thoughts, musical genius, the list goes on). TGITPC argued that due to Erik's compulsive and irrational behavior, no human could live with him, let alone love him. Especially because of his madman disposition. Killing people and such. Threatening to blow the opera to smithereens because the grasshopper "hops jolly high!" (I THINK that's what he said. Don't quote me on it) I thought, according to Kay, that if he had been raised differently, been through a different life, then maybe he wouldn't have done those things. As it stands though, Erik is a fictional character, so all we will have is speculation... and FAN FICTION!!! Mwa ha ha!

Okay, I'm done now.

That's what was said, right TGITPC? Correct me if I'm wrong on your part.
over a year ago ramengurl said…
Also, we came to the general conclusion that society as a whole could not love Erik, though certain individuals (like myself) or even Christine might have been able to love him (though she was blinded by her love for Raoul).
over a year ago eriks_angel said…
i would (and do) love Erik, even if he is a fictional character. though that could be because i also have short bouts of insanity...although i havent killed anyone (yet...jk)i think that if someone was willing to love Erik, he would try to change for the better because of them.
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Hello there, ramegurl/dreamfairy! Yes, I do recall that discussion that went somewhere along those lines. Ah, Phantom's Opera! Good times, good times....

over a year ago renrae said…
Hey, TGITPC, your forum thread is cool enough to be spammed!
over a year ago TGITPC said…
YAY! Or at least bumped...good God
over a year ago renrae said…
Aw, the spam got removed, now it looks like I spammed you.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Aw, noodles. Perhaps another time then, heh.
over a year ago Phangirl7 said…
I've seen your site and I really, really liked it. And your Youtube channel. I especially liked your LND rants.(Especially the rumors one. I mean, come on, a Hot-Dog Eating contest? Who makes this stuff up? It's ridiculous!)
I just joined this site today and I'm also on The Phantom's Opera, except I'm angelgirl there.
(Tried to get that username here, but the site wouldn't let me, so I just used my second username, which gets accepted by sites a lot more. I have no clue why.)