The Phantom Of The Opera You Know You're Obsessed With POTO When....

Phantomess posted on Aug 23, 2009 at 01:14AM
So, this can probably be classified as another game. Basically just start coming up with the most insane stuff you've actually DONE to prove your fanatical devotion to Phantom and we'll all compare notes. (hehe Notes! *probably shouldn't be listening to the OLC while typing this*)

1. You want yellow coloured contact lenses.
2. You've been known to wander about in public in masks and capes when it's not even close to Halloween.
3. You catch yourself doing Lon Chaney motions/poses without actually intending to.
4. You're thinking of redecorating your room to resemble Erik's as closely as possible. Including the coffin and keyboard.
5. The actors from the tour remember you specifically from a city other than where they're at now, possible from several months prior.


The Phantom Of The Opera 30 replies

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over a year ago MrJessYlonen said…
-You've spent (sp?) a whole night... reading phanphiction or watching/looking for Phantom movies
-When you plan to dress as one of the characters for Halloween *extra point if you plan to dress as Erik even though you're a girl~*
-You've named any game character as something Phantom-related

Those are the only ones I've done (or planed to do) yet *is new in the phandom x.x*
over a year ago Phantomess said…
-You're actually seriously researching how to navigate the catacombs under Paris for the sole purpose of breaking into the Opera cellars.
-You've reached the point where you don't even bother to entertain the notion of a suitor unless he is passably versed in POTO and can stand your passionate rantings and ravings....not to mention be ok with the fact that you're always going to love a 'fictional' character more than him.
-Whenever you spend any amount of time in a graveyard, you just hope and pray to hear a violin.
-Screw 6 Degrees to Kevin Bacon. 6 Degrees to POTO. And you're REALLY good at it.
-When someone talks about the Phantom movie, you sincerely ask "which one?"
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Aha, these are so true :)

-You go to random locations in a Phantom costume
-You make any kind of Phantom website
-You flame people with your Phantom beliefs
-Your friends and/or family has memorized a song from the musical minimum
-You've read the original book more than once and treat it as your Bible
-You refer to your cat(s) as Ayesha
-You can relate anything to Phantom
over a year ago Phantomess said…
-You can quote more than one full page from memory from either the Kay the Leroux or both.
-When you crack a joke about bringing down lighting fixtures your coworkers actually look sincerely nervous for a minute.
-You've worked really hard so you can sing both Erik and Christine's parts. In the correct key.
-You not only have a Phantom costume (which gets worn far more than any normal person might believe possible) you have VARIATIONS, i.e. this version is for Leroux!Erik, this is for Charles Dance Erik, this one's for ALW Erik....etc.
-You have a fiendish desire to use the pointy bits from the K in Erik's name to stab the people who spell it with a C even though it's plastered all the hell over the damn websites!
over a year ago TGITPC said…
Ah, I only dream that I had variations of Phantom costumes.

-You have at least one Phantom themed birthday party no matter how old you are.
-You've seen more than just the 2004 movie.
-You're posting on fanpop
-You belong to multiple forums
over a year ago Phantomess said…
(a lot of it's just varying the mask, occasionally the shirt style, and switching between bowtie, cravat, or what have you)
over a year ago Phantomess said…
-People in the actual cast from the show demand to know where you got some of your costume bits.
-You're waiting for the episode of Ghost Hunters International when they go to the Palais Garnier. (not happening as far as I know, but DAMN it'd be awesome!)
-You own more Phantom soundtracks/movies than most people are even aware EXIST.
-You've sent notes to Erik. (ok, so I was 15 and I shoved a note for the Phantom under the door of Box 5.)
over a year ago Diesirae said…
-You're reading this forum for ideas of what to do with your spare time
-You managed to pull yourself through the Phantom of Manhattan
-You challenge others who claim to love PTO to a trivia contest to prove your superiority
over a year ago Phantomess said…
-You've ever snuck out to see Phantom/do something Phantom related.
-You feel like crying when other fans obviously haven't bothered to do any form of even cursory research on the time period Phantom is set in. (Seriously, the rampant anachronisms that go running through this fandom are insane sometimes!)
-When you feel uncomfortable in a weird place your defense mechanism is raising your hand to the level of your eyes.
-You have (or have had) all of the characters for Phantom made in your Sims game, as well as having built a house based on the Opera, complete with stage, secret passages, torture chamber, and two-way mirror. (I really wish my HD hadn't crashed on that compy. I spent an insane amount of time making sure Erik's lair in the downstairs area was Leroux correct, right down to the umpteen gazillion flowers, Cesar, and lake.)
over a year ago phanatic4life said…
When the only reason you even own a computer is to update yourself on the Phantom and anything and everything you can possibly buy, view and or pursue
When you have converted all family members to your obession through viewing the play in front only seats and repeated playing of the music and movie of the Phantom of the Opera
When your offspring have moved several thousands of miles away and all that yourself and they can think of is that they are closer to another city that plays a stage version of the Phantom of the Opera
and the kicker folks( and its actually true!) you are so obsessed that your legal initial match Phantom of the Opera!! (TOP THAT ONE!)
over a year ago Phantomess said…
-You wear a piece of jewelry just for Erik. And it never comes off
-You can readily identify, by name, more than 5 Phantoms by a single feature. (hands, voice, eyes, jawline)
-You had a picture of the Opera Ghost. (So not kidding. I took almost 2 rolls of film in the Palais Garnier when I went in high school. All the picts came out great, except one where there was this weird shadow that looked like a head and shoulders. Ok, whatever, weird trick of the light or something, but it wasn't on the negative at all. I really REALLY wish I still had this pict, but it got lost a long time ago. Yeah, yeah, I'm crazy. Whatever.)
over a year ago TGITPC said…
-You decide to spend your homecoming dress money for a more suitable Phantom cape
-You have or had a glow in the dark Phantom shirt
-You sing the chorus of the title song whenever lights turn out suddenly
-You think you hear organ music playing from your basement when it's really just your cat leaping about on your keyboard.
over a year ago Phantomess said…
LOL I used to have one of those shirts when I was like, 13! I didn't know it was a glow in the dark until I woke up in the middle of the night once and couldn't figure out WTF was all green and bright on the back of my chair. It was all scrunched up so I couldn't tell it was the mask!
over a year ago TGITPC said…
The same thing happened to me! Those shirts can be quite tricky to identify.

-When you hear the 12 Days of Christmas tune, you think of the Phantom lyrics to it before the original
-Your holiday list has at least one Phantom item on it
over a year ago Phantomess said…
Special holiday obsessiveness

-While watching one of the umpteen million versions of A Christmas Carol, you can't help but think "Erik, in PONR (stage version)" when you see the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
-Everyone in the card shop looks at you strangely when you come in, press the button on the musical POTO ornament (that you own or are in there to buy) and squee.
over a year ago xXEriksAmintaXx said…
-You name your dog Phantom and teach him to come to you when you play the POTO title song
over a year ago ramengurl said…
-For every audition you ever do, for ANYTHING, you sing Think of Me. And you even have the instrumental version on hand.
-You also have the karaoke for POTO, All I ask of you, and Wishing.
-You have a manikin (one of those things you pose to draw with) in a position as if he was Erik holding his cape to his face, and as if he had a punjab lasso in his hand. (I'm looking at it now. I should draw it for you guys.)
-You obsessively look for various Phantom references in everything you watch or read.
-Every time someone mentions opera, or even singing, you start singing the title song or Think of Me.
-Every time someone says they don't know what Phantom is about, you yell at them and smack them upside the head, pointing to the nearest library that carries the novel, and order them to have it read by the next week. (True story... Twice... Okay, so I didn't smack them upside the head, but I wanted to!)
over a year ago bendaimmortal said…
Some of those are deadly hilarious!
But my favorite is this:
"-You name your dog Phantom and teach him to come to you when you play the POTO title song."


I didn't make up these but these are a few of my favorites from a similar list I read years ago somewhere:

-> When you sit in a movie thearre all alone and when you're being asked to leave, you claim you can still hear the end credits.
-> When you crawl around a theatre floor, looking for trap doors and calling out Erik's name.
-> When you practice the cape swinging thing, and when somebody asks you, you claim to be practicing on new dance moves.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Phantomess said…
-When you get so desperate for rare/OOP/unusual cast albums that you start emailing composers for information on their shows. (Bonus points if you actually get said albums out of the pestering!)
-You wear your Phantom costume enough that you have developed "mask etiquette" rules for yourself when going out in public.
-Your apron and server book for work is covered in Phantom buttons and pictures.
over a year ago bendaimmortal said…
"-You wear your Phantom costume enough that you have developed "mask etiquette" rules for yourself when going out in public."

over a year ago phantomphan24 said…
-When you have a crush on a guy who's name is Erik (Not eric)
-When you have phantom posters all over your room.
-When every year you dress as a Phantom charecter for Halloween.
-When you spend your spare time writing PhanPhiction novels (As I do.)
-When you constenly make Phantom bookmarks.
-When you hear the name Erik or Christine you sqeel.
- When you listin to the original cast recoding at night.
-When you beg everyone you know to read the Leroux novel.
-When you read the Leroux novel so much you know every line.
-Whenever you spend your time writing this,and being on fanpop looking up Phantomy things.
-Whenever this is your wallpaper on your computer.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago renrae said…
"-For every audition you ever do, for ANYTHING, you sing Think of Me. And you even have the instrumental version on hand."

*poke* That's not a very good idea. Most people running auditions are sick of Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals being used for auditions.
over a year ago Phantomess said…
Have you been on Phanwank lately? Even some of the PHANS are getting sick to death of the overuse of Think of Me!
over a year ago eriks_angel said…
big smile
-when you have at least 5 different versions of 'Music of the Night' on your ipod/mp3 player (i have 22)
-When you have the choreography from the stage show memorized for 1 or more scenes, even down to hand gestures.
-When you talk about it/listen to it/watch it so much everyone else in your house also has most of the show memorized, even when they haven't seen it
- When you have huge collections of Phantom music/videos/pictures saved on your computer
-When you can relate something completely (seemingly) irrelevant to Phantom (ex: spiders, apples, and words that randomly remind you of song lyrics)
-When you have a top 10 list of favorite Phantoms (John Cudia, John Owen Jones, Howard McGillin, etc.)
over a year ago renrae said…
@Phantomess: No as a matter of fact I have not. *opens a new tab*

I have nothing to really contribute here that hasn't been said already, SO. Um, does collecting bunches of footwear count?
over a year ago Phangirl7 said…
*When you're the Phantom for halloween EVERY YEAR. (I'm ashamed to say, in the 5 years I've been a Phan, I have never done this. Was going to one year for a Halloween party, but that got canceled. I will definetly be doing it this year, though. I am determined.)

*You start relating non-POTO, non-musical songs to Phantom. (Among them, Kelly Clarkson's "Because of You" and Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back To Me Now."

*Your username for ANYTHING online is Phantom-related. (In my case, my two are:
angelgirl (main one)
Phangirl7 (backup, in case the other doesn't get accepted.))
over a year ago xXEriksAmintaXx said…
-When your mother thinks you have a boyfriend because you have 'Erik' tattoed all over your arms in sharpie
over a year ago TBUGoth said…
When you search for Phantom of the Opera Sydmonton 1985 audio on Youtube six years after the people who run Youtube deleted it, and you find it! All but the song "Notes" that Buffyphantom had...
over a year ago TheaterQueen said…
You know you're obsessed when...

You plan to walk down the aisle to the instrumental version of the title song
Furthermore, you will be wearing an EXACT replica of Christine's wedding dress
AND your husband will be dressed like Erik, complete with mask
Your husbands name WIl be Eric, Erik, Andre or Raoul
Your children will be Carlotta, Christine, Meghan (variant of Meg) and for a boy, Erik, Raoul and/or Andre
You sing the Phantom version of the 12 days of Christmas while Christmas caroling
You burst out laughing whenever somebody passes you a note
When you see a note, you imagine it signed O.G and have to resist the urge to sing "These are both signed O.G! Who the HELL is he? Opera ghost!"
Your dream is to be called twisted in every way, as you consider yourself to be twisted in every way
You style your hair like Christie's
And although you are a mezzo-soprano belter, you have trained yourself to sing ALL of her songs, in the right key.
And you can sing "Music of the Night" in the right key
over a year ago wanderingchild7 said…
- You write everything with red ink that you can.
- You use Erik's phrases in your composition letters for English class. (even if your classmates think you are insane when they read " your obedient servant" etc.)
- You catch yourself replying for completely normal conversations with poto quotes.
- You want to name your son Erik.
- You spend a lot of time wandering on the corridors of the school basement imagining that you are under the opera.
- You know The music of the night by heart even on several languages you can't even speak.
- You have to buy new memory card for phone beacuse it went bad because of the amount of poto stuff you store on it (fortunately I had everything on my computer too so I didn't lose anything)
- You never sit under the chandelier when going to theater.
- You fall asleep every night for Michael Crawfords original version of The music of the night. (and you have seen the video more than a hundred times just this month).
- You plan a poto inspired wedding. (Most important: you want to dance with your husband for the instrumental version of The music of the night)
- Everytime you find a full-length mirror you search for Erik behind it.
last edited over a year ago