The Originals - Icon Contest [Round 21] [ Deadline: May 28th]

Sakkara98 posted on Oct 02, 2013 at 05:46PM
Hey everyone !

This is an icon contest about The Originals.

Here are the rules :
- I give a theme,and you'll have to make an icon fitting the theme.
-You have to use characters from The Originals (They can be from TVD episode, since they're in The Originals.)
-The winner of each round will receive 5 props.
- You can't vote for yourself.(I'm checking)
- You have 7 days to update and 7 days to vote.
- All icons must be squared. (100x100, 150x150, 200x200)
-Have fun,and respect everyone.
-Props will be given for the winner,if I forget to give them to you,don't hesitate to tell me ^^

ROUND 1 : Blood
ROUND 2 : 1x01 Always & Forever
ROUND 3 : Cami
ROUND 4 : Black & White
ROUND 5 : +1
ROUND 6 : Least favorite character
ROUND 7 : Favorite character
ROUND 8 : Favorite ship
ROUND 9 : Color focus
ROUND 1O ► SPECIAL ROUND : 7 Deadly Sins
ROUND 11 : Full body
ROUND 12 : Faceless
ROUND 13 : Phone
ROUND 14 : Text
ROUND 15 : Josh
ROUND 16 : Sitting
ROUND 17 : Body part
ROUND 18 : Klaus
ROUND 19 : A witch
ROUND 2O ► SPECIAL ROUND : Different factions.
ROUND 21 : Genevieve
Deadline : May 28th
last edited on May 21, 2014 at 09:38PM

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