The New Moon Cast What I think about the cast.

mrsblack_1089 posted on Apr 19, 2009 at 10:45PM
Demetri-Charlie Bewley
Caius-Jamie Campbell Bower
Felix-Daniel Cudmore
Marcus-Christopher Heyerdahl
Jane-Dakota Fanning
Alec-Cameron Bright
Heidi-Noot Seear
Aro-Michael Sheen
Harry Clearwater-Graham Greene
Emily-Tinsel Korey
Paul-Alex Meraz
Jared-Bronson Pelletier
Quil-Tyson Houseman
Jacob-Taylor Lautner
Sam-Chaske Spencer
Embry-Kiowa Gordon

I'm actually not happy with most of the cast. However, I don't like to judge a book by its cover so I'm not going to say that they'll do a good or bad job until I see the movie.
I've never heard of Charlie Bewley, but he's pretty cute haha and I think could pull off the LOOK of a's just his acting that needs to be tested.
I LOVE the fact of Jamie Bower in New Moon! I really liked him in Sweeney Todd, and he's totally hot but I can't really picture him as Cauis. He's more like an Alec to me.
Daniel Cudmore is perfect!! I always like to think of Felix as the 'evil Emmett' lol. Felix and Emmett are alike in many ways, I think. He's got the muscles, but not so much the look... anyway I think he'll do pretty good.
Christopher Heyerdahl is well...scary-looking haha! I'm not really sure what to think about him. I'd love to hear your opinions though, if you have any.
Dakota Fanning as Jane is a perfect match! She's not a little girl anymore; she's grown up, and she can handle bigger movies like this. She's also a great actress and a gorgeous girl, so I'm completely happy with her!
Like I said, I'd rather have Jamie Bower as Alec, and I don't like the idea of Cameron Bright. He doesn't look as 'angelic' as he's supposed to, in my opinion.
I was cheering for Anna-Lynn McCord for Heidi. She's beautiful, as Heidi is supposed to be, and I think Noot Seear looks a little plain.
I didn't give much thought to who Aro should be, but most people wanted Ben Barnes so I guess I ended up wanting him, too, lol.
I never really pictured Harry Clearwater in my head, so I don't really know what to say about Graham Greene.
And I was cheering for Megan Fox--I wanted her SO BAD as Emily! Hopefully she can be Leah!'s where I start to blabber haha...THE WOLVES!!!
Alex Meraz is perfect. He's sexy, muscular, funny, and all the things a wolf should be haha. I'm looking forward to him as Paul!
I'm not really happy that they changed actors for Sam, but this one does have a better look for Sam than Solomon Trimble. Plus, he didn't even have a big role in the first movie so that makes me happier about the whole thing.
Bronson looks younger than Jared's supposed to look, but I'm not judging of course lol so I'm open to this.
Kiowa definetly looks like Embry, which I'm impressed with. He DOES have big shoes to fill, and I hope he does good!!
OMG so NOT A QUIL!!! I was brutally disappointed. This guy looks kind of nerdy to me. >=( He's supposed to be muscular and solid, just like a wolf, instead he's skinny and lanky.
TAYLOR LAUTNER=THE MOST PERFECT JACOB IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­! He's everything I imagined Jacob to be and more! I could go on forever about him but I better stop there lol.

Sure, they are my thoughts NOW, but I'm sure they'll change haha. I usually like something the longer I have to get used to it. I didn't even like Taylor at first but you saw what I just said about him up there!

What are your guy's thoughts?

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