The Kane Chronicles Updates

a photo was added: Pharaoh Nectanebo III 11 months ago by HighKing13
an answer was added to this question: Which god would you like to take your path in or have as a patron? over a year ago by Benjamin2009
an answer was added to this question: If you were a magician which Egyptian god would you host and why? over a year ago by Mytho-geek0408
an answer was added to this question: If you were a magician which Egyptian god would you host and why? over a year ago by MysticMagician
a comment was made to the poll: Which one is your favorite? over a year ago by titansgiants22
an answer was added to this question: If you were a magician which Egyptian god would you host and why? over a year ago by titansgiants22
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think there will be a second Kane Chronicles series, like with Percy Jackson and Hero of Olympus? over a year ago by DiscoShark
a comment was made to the answer: bes-jack black bast-elizabeth gillies sadie-indiana evans anubis-avan jogia jaz-taylor swift and thats all i got! over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: Path of Ma'at, she's awesome! Geb seems cool too, manipulating the earth. Or path of Bes . . . I'd have to buy a speedo. over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: Ma'at. She keeps the order in the universe, and also stands for truth and justice. When pharaohs chose their throne names, they named them partly... over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: The path of Set, I'd love a little chaos over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: I would choose Set, because i know he's the god of evil and all that, but i want to understand him better and i think i can do that by learning about... over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: Seshat: Goddess of writing, astronomy, astrology, architecture, and mathematics; depicted as a scribe even though I'm a guy. over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: Definately Nephthys. Because she is the goddess of the night and rivers. And i like both of those so i'd be a water elementalist. over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: I think I would choose Sekhmet. over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: I would follow Horus, Bast, or Anubis. Horus because even though I'm a girl, I can fight really good. Anubis because I'm the odd one out. Bast... over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: I do like Anubis and Bast, but I think I would take the path of Set. Everyone needs a little chaos, don't they? over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: probably either ptah,anubis,thoth, or nieth/neith over a year ago by zap4th
a comment was made to the answer: More Likely than not i would follow the path of sobek. water magic, combat magic, and animal charming crocodiles all rolled into one. over a year ago by zap4th
an answer was added to this question: Which god would you like to take your path in or have as a patron? over a year ago by zap4th
an answer was added to this question: If you were a magician which Egyptian god would you host and why? over a year ago by sweet55
an answer was added to this question: Do you think they should make a movie about it? over a year ago by labr2501
a pop quiz question was added: What is Sekhmet's name in Greek? over a year ago by labr2501
an answer was added to this question: If you were a magician which Egyptian god would you host and why? over a year ago by JoshuaKane2209
a comment was made to the poll: Witch god would be more powerful over a year ago by Hades_Shadow
an answer was added to this question: Which god would you like to take your path in or have as a patron? over a year ago by Zac_bond
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What is the spell to destroy? over a year ago by Jayspring08
a comment was made to the poll: Which of Anubis's forms do you like better?. over a year ago by anonymous-guy
a comment was made to the poll: Who's your favorite of the villainous characters?. over a year ago by anonymous-guy
a pop quiz question was added: what is Isis' Egyptian name? over a year ago by odetojoy723
a pop quiz question was added: what is Isis' Egyptian name? over a year ago by odetojoy723
a poll was added: Artemis vs Neith over a year ago by MaRoMc
a poll was added: Who is your least favorite god? over a year ago by MaRoMc
a poll was added: Who is your least favorite magician? over a year ago by MaRoMc
a comment was made to the poll: I made a mini version of set out of Legos over a year ago by Heathercloud
a comment was made to the poll: Who would be a better boyfriend for Sadie?. over a year ago by Heathercloud
a comment was made to the poll: who would u marry over a year ago by Heathercloud
an answer was added to this question: Which god would you like to take your path in or have as a patron? over a year ago by Heathercloud
an answer was added to this question: Which god would you like to take your path in or have as a patron? over a year ago by GEBGUY
a poll was added: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by piggypockets
an answer was added to this question: Which god would you like to take your path in or have as a patron? over a year ago by Yoloislife
a comment was made to the poll: Which would be your favorite couples? over a year ago by HarryPotter528
a comment was made to the poll: For the fellas only which riordan heroine would you date and merry over a year ago by HarryPotter528
a comment was made to the poll: Who do you like better, Carter or Sadie? (Also, r u a boy or a girl?) over a year ago by HarryPotter528
a comment was made to the poll: favourite crossover pairing? (feel free to add if your favourite isn't here) over a year ago by HarryPotter528
a comment was made to the poll: which pair is bets? (from RR's series) over a year ago by HarryPotter528
a poll was added: Who would be cuter as an animal? over a year ago by HarryPotter528
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by HarryPotter528
an answer was added to this question: If you were a magician which Egyptian god would you host and why? over a year ago by kittens122
a comment was made to the poll: Which god do Cater and Sadie hate more? over a year ago by hermione4life