The Heroes of Olympus Ringo's Son Of Neptune

usmc9823 posted on May 25, 2011 at 09:02AM
OK ive been reading alot of Son fanfics and i decided to write mine down hope u enjoy it comment plz like it or hate it


last edited on May 31, 2011 at 06:04PM

The Heroes of Olympus 360 replies

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over a year ago usmc9823 said…


Percy woke up in a strange place with no memory of how he got there. He looked around for any thing that looked familiar but couldnt find anything that even remotly looked like he had seen it before.

'Ok, how on earth did i find my way to the middle of a forest? Where am I?
Better yet, who am I?'Percy thought to himself

he walked up to a tree and looked at it for some reason he knew it wasnt like the trees he was used to being around. There was a huge red oak tree and it was surrounded by evergreens in a perfect circle.

'Well who ever owns this place has a wierd since of taste ill give them that.'Percy thought as he sat down with his back to the oak tree. 'Ok well since I have no idea who or where I am lets see what I do have.'

He reached into his pokets and emptied them. he laid every thing out on the ground and looked at his meager posessions that included a wallet, a ball point pen, a leather necklace with four beads on it, and a few tissues. He put the tissues back into his poket and looked in the wallet.

In it there was a learners permit, a note, a couple movie tickets, and $50. he put the money back in the wallet and looked at the permit,'Ok so my name is Percy Jackson. I have black hair with green eyes and I live in Manhatten. Too bad this dosent look like Manhatten to me.'

With the permit not jogging his memory on how he had gotten there he put it back and picked up the note. It read: Can't wait to see you on Christmas break and dont forget to come pick me up for the trip back to camp see u in a couple days, Annabeth

'Annabeth why does that name make me feel like im in alot of trouble right now? Maybe it is a good thing im lost in the woods right now.'

He picked up the picture that was in the wallet. It showed him with his arm around a girl with blonde hair and very startling gray eyes. as he looked at it he could almost see the gears moving in her head a million miles an hour like she would be able to solve a math question before he could even begin to think about the the picture they were standing on the beach with smiles on thier faces. they looked so happy to be in each others compaany it made him a little sad.

'I bet she could tell me what is going on.' he thought he put everything back in his wallet and looked at the necklace. The four beads were each different. One was of a lightning bolt another was of a pine tree, the third was of a maze and the fourth was of the empire state building with letters too small to read spiraling all around it. As he looked at them he knew that they all represented a major event but as he tried to remember anything about them his head began to hurt so badly he put the necklace away and sat there with his head in his hands.

He put the wallet in his poket and was about to pick up the pen when something caught his eye. There was movement in the shadows of the trees to his right. On instinct he picked up the pen and hide behind the tree.

"Where are you little demigod?" he heard someone say "I know your out here."

Percy peaked around the edge of the tree and saw some one running from tree to tree trying to put as much distance in between the person chasing them as posible. He ran to the circle of trees ringing the one he was behind and grabed the other person covering their mouth so they couldnt scream. He looked at who he had grabbed. It was a young girl about twele years old. She had salt and peper hair and satphire blue eyes. He put his finger to his lips in a sign that obviously meant not to scream and to stay quiet. He let go of her mouth and grabbed her hand then started pulling her around the ring trying to get behind what was following them.

Percy had his back to a tree trying to see what was chasing them when the entire tree was yanked out of the ground. Percy pushed the girl ahead of him and yelled "RUN"

The little girl ran as Percy went forward a couple of steps turned and pulled out his pen. He looked at what had pulled up the tree and his mouth dropped open. standing there was a huge person. he was fifteen feet tall with matted brown hair and one big blood shot eye in the middle of his forehead.

The gaint guy looked at Percy and smiled as he said "Finaly got tired of running little demigod? Good because i was getting tired of playin hide and seek for my meal."

in his panic Percy uncapped the pen and threw it in one motion hoping to buy himself some time to run away. He turned and ran as fast as he could in the direection the girl ran in hoping to find her and stick together.
he heard the monster grunt in pain and hoped he mannaged to hit it in the eye as he ran. He found the girl about 20 meters away and picked her up mid stride and continued to run.

They ran for a long time and nothing followed them. Finaly they ran into a clearing and saw a house Percy immeadiatly changed course and ran into the house he ran into a room shut the door and locked it when he turrned around his heart sank. He ran into a room and locked the door to a room that had no back wall, he was staring at forest on the other side of the room.

The girl he had been carying stepped infront of him looking really mad.

He looked at her and said while trying to catch his breath "sorry...had to...get you away.....from that thing. what was that by the way?"

the girl didnt answer, instead she kicked him in the crotch and yelled "What do you think you are doing? That was my test. Now i have to tell Lupa I failed."

As Percy laid there holding his groin in pain a wolf too big to be real stepped in to the room from the forest.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
ill add another chapter in a few hours depending on if i get replies
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…

I love it
"Why does that name make me feel I'm in a lot of trouble right now"
so something Percy would say
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 1


As percy laid on the ground in pain the girl turnned to the wolf and knelt.

"Lupa I have failed the test due to this outsiders interferance i request to retake my test when you deem it is fitting and I fully accept the consequences for my acctions." the girl said

"You did indeed fail young one but not by your lack of training or courage. I will let you retake the test at a later date you may take your leave."

"What about him ma'am?"

"Do not fear child I shall have a talk with our uninvited guest before I talk to you about when u shall retake the test. Now DISMISSED!"

The girls eyes widdened at the force put in to the last words of Lupa and ran into the forest from where the wolf appeared. Lupa walked over to Percy and sniffed him. Percy wondered what was going to happen next, unfortunatly he didnt have to wait long. Lupa raised one of her paws and raked Percy acrossed the chest.

"AHHHH" yelled Percy but the strange thing was he felt no pain. It then dawned on him it didn't hurt when the girl kicked him either.

"It is as i thought. Who are you demmi-god? What are you doing in my forest and why did you feel the need to help that girl?"

"My name is Percy Jackson and I dont know what I am doing her as for the girl i couldn't let that thing kill her now could I? Now could you care to explain why im not dead right now or why when that girl kicked me it didnt hurt?"

Lupa laughed if u can call it that to Percy it souned like a mix of barking and growling at the same time.

"It is strange that you do not remember anything. As for who that girl is she is one of my soldiers in the Roman legion. You do not need to know her name right now. As for why you are not hurt I can not tell you. That is something you must remember on your own for there is an important reason why you dont remember and I have a bad feeling you will be needed soon."

"Needed for what? Do you know anything about me? can u tell me what is happening to me right now?"

"I can not child, for it is for your saftey that you remain oblivious to your past right now. I can tell u this though. I do not like the fact that you are here and had i not made an oath to whom i have u would be dead right now. It is very dangerous that they decided to try the fools game but it was enevitable. For now you will come with me. There are some things we must discuss before I let you be mognst my campers. The very thought of you being here means only one thing, that it has begun as I feared."

Percy got up and followed Lupa to a tunnel until it forked off in two sperate directions. Lupa headed down the left but Percy could here noises comming from the right. Not wanting to get in more trouble he let it go and continued to follow Lupa. After walking for 5 mins the tunnel opened into a small cave. Percy thought that this must be where Lupa stayed because it had a lived in feel to it. Lupa stopped and turned around.

"Sit Percy"

Percy sat down then thought about how foolish he must look to be following orders like how a master tells his dog to do a trick for a treat.

"Percy what do you know of the gods?"

"The gods are real but we shouldnt sacrafice live stock or people to them they want to be honored and respected."

"So you know that the gods are real?"


"You have already been claimed havent you child?"

"Yes I have but i dont remember who i was claimed by."

It took Percy a few minutes to realize that they were talking in not only english but latin and greek as well.

"Who ever sent you here made sure that you were prepaired."

"But didn't you say you knew who sent me here?"

"I do know child but i can not tell you."

"I will warn you to not show that necklace you have in your pocket to anyone here in camp just the sight of it could get you killed. I also warn you to use the Roman names of the gods here child my campers do not know that the gods have two personalities."

"So use Roman names speak latin and keep my necklace out of site anything else?"

"Yes we will need to get you a new weapon your sword will not be used here child."

"Sword what sword?"

"The one in your pocket Percy."

Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out his pen. He was surprised that it was in his pocket and said "But i threw it at that monster how is it back in my pocket?"

"It was a gift from your parent so natrually it is enchanted so you can not loose it young one"

Percy removed the cap and saw the pen grow into a three foot double sided celestial bronse sword. He swung it a few times and noticed it was balanced perfectly for him.

"Percy you will stay in the Mercury cabin for tonight tomarrow we will work on getting you a new weapon as well as finding out who your parent is. Go and get aome sleep child I know you have had a long day. You will find that not everything has to be hard when you make hard decisions."

Lupa led Percy to camp. He was amazed that it was already night time out. Lupa called for a boy to come over and lead Percy to the cabin.

"Percy this is Bobby consul of the Mercury cabin he will show you where you wil sleep tonight." Lupa turned to Bobby and said "this is Percy Jackson a new arrival and unclaimed demigod show him where he can sleep for the night and make sure he doesnt end up in the girls side Bobby."

"Yes ma'am." Bobby said and led Percy to the cabin it was to dark to see who Percy was following he was only able to see Bobbys silhouette.

Bobby led Percy to an empty bunk and told him to get some sleep. Percy walked around the bunk and hit his knee in the dark. several pillows came flying at him so he laid down and fell asleep fully dressed.

'Ill just have to deal with everything tomarrow he' thought as he fell asleep.

over a year ago usmc9823 said…
ok ill try to post again tomarrow
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Its good! I like it, can u read my fanfic?
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 3


Percy was dreaming of himself talking to a very tan man that had black hair and green eyes. The man was wearing khaki shorts and a tommy bahama shirt. He had a scowl on his face but the lines around his eyes said that he smiled alot. They were standing in a cabin made out of rock from the sea floor and it smeeled or the sea breeze. Percy was trying to convince the man to do something but he was proving difficult to convince.

"Dad u have to . You know that if i got there with all my memories ill say something and they will all try to kill me on site." dream percy said.

"I understand what your asking son and I know that it is the right choise but at the same time you will lose knowledge that will save your life. Not to mention that the very thought of me taking your memories away pains me greatly. You have done so much for Olympus already why must you choose to be the one to do this?"

"Dad you know the Romans respect only power and discipline. I know when it comes to discipline I fail badly but i am the strongest in the camp and Im the leader. This exchange will only work if the leaders are swapped no one but me can go. If someone else goes and thier leader and i dont get along both parties will end up getting killed dad."

There was a bright flash and hera entered the dream.

"What your son says is true Poseiden, listen to him."

"And I suppose i have you to thank for my son asking me to do this?"

"Yes, as he has the curse of achilles his destiny is in the fates hands we can do noting to him unless he willingly lets us Poseiden you know that. So when we came up with the plan to unite our childeren I knew no other demigod would be able to fulfill this part."

Poseiden seemed to be ignoring Hera because he kew she was right and didnt want to give in.

"Poseiden you agreed that the camps needed to be brought together. Your son is one of my least favorite demigods and you know that but he is the only one that can do this part of the plan. You know my husband will hear nothing of Gaea's awakening. He is too pround to remember that heroes were nessisary the first time we fought with the gaints and now he will hear nothing of that subject. You know it is going to happen just as quick as the first time."

"Son you know that it breaks my heart to see so many hard choices put on your shoulders, you have made so many sacrafices already I can not in good conscience let you do this."

Percy looked at his father and said "Dad I know you look at me and see the hero of olympus and your son but this is what has to be done so we can fight the giants and win. In the last war i bathed in the river styx because we would not have stood a chance if i didn't. Kronos would have walked right through us and won dad. If there were another way around it I would take it but there isn't and you know that. I wouldn't be asking you to do this if I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do dad."

Poseiden looked at his son with his face full of concern.

"Percy you suprise me every time you take these choices on. Every time you choose a path I wonder if I could have done something to ease your troubles that come with it."

"Dad I know that you are wanting me to stay out of this fight. You and Athena are just now putting aside your arguements so Annabeth and i can be happy but I can't sit still and hope you wont need me in this fight. I know that Annabeth will be mad at me but I cant do anything about it if she knew she would want me to take her along and i cant risk losing her dad. While I'm at the Roman camp everyone here will be looking to her for direction and that is her role to play in this. With my memories with me I will want to come back and that will make Hera's plan fail without them i can become one of their most repected leaders and get them used to haveing a greek demigod in there camp so they know we aren't the bad guys we have to get all seven together and we can't do it without your help."

Poseiden looked at his son and sighed "It shall be as you wish Percy just know I will help you when and how I can."

"Thank you father" Percy said as he knelt infront of his dad. There was a blinding light and the dream ended.

"Percy wake up it is time to go. Percy get up we will be late for breakfast." Bobby said as he shook Percy.

Percy opened his eyes and saw Bobby for the first time. He was skinny and short with blonde hair cut short and blue eyes. when percy got out of bed he noticed that Bobby only stood as tall as Percy's chest.

Percy asked "What time is it?"

"Four ten am, now lets go we are already late for breakfast." Bobby said as he pulled Percy from the cabin.

Percy and Followed Bobby as they sprinted off towards the rest of the cabin that had already left for breakfast. As they caught up to them Percy remembered today was the day he was going to really get used to the Romans camp and he was really hoping he wouldn't screw it up.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 4


Bobby and Percy caught up to the rest of the cabin as they reached the dining pavillion. They all sat down and waited while the naiads brought food to the tables. Percy was about to start loading his plate when he noticed everyone was staring at a raised section of the pavillion. As Percy wondered what they were waiting for the rising sun hit the raised section and Lupa walked into view.

"Good morning campers" Lupa said.

Everyone answered "Good morning ma'am" in unison

"Percy would you please stand." Percy did as he was told. "This is Percy Jackson a new demigod to our camp. as of right now he is unclaimed and needs a guide to show him around and get him a weapon for this weeks battle royal of the legions. Who among you would like to voulenteer?"

A girl stood up from another table and looked at Percy. He noticed she had almond colored hair. Her eyes caught his attaention as well they were red around the pupil with red spikes sticking into orange that made up the rest of her irises. To Percy it almost looked as though her eyes were on fire. She was of average highth and very athetic looking.

"I Reyna Slight, Praetor of the third legion and Consul to the Apollo cabin voulenteer." The girl said

Lupa said "Very well after breakfast collect Mr. Jackson and come to me."

"Yes ma'am" Reyna replied then she sat back down.

Percy took it as a que to sit down and he did. No one seemed to object or tell him otherwise after he sat so he turned his attantion back to Lupa.

"Now on to more pressing matters. As you all have probably guessed Jason Consul to the demi-gods and Praetor of the first legion army is still missing. Do not fret I have in good standing that he is safe and working on a way to return here. You will all see him again so train hard and do not let his absents get you down. Show him we have missed him by being stronger than when he left."

Lupa puased for a moment and looked around she could tell this wasnt the news everyone wanted to hear but it would have to do.

"In two days we will Have a senate meeting to discuss the new great prophecy. Until the train until noon. At that time Consuls bring your cabins to the arena for Percys legion placement. After breakfast go to your sperate legions and train until 15 mins before his placement is set to begin. Is that clear?"

Again everyone answered in unison "Yes ma'am"

"That is all now enjoy your breakfast campers."

After Lupa finished she turned around and walked out of view again. Every one got up and filled thier plates then formed a single file line infront of a brazier. one by one they made thier offering to thier parent or the god of thier choice. Percy didnt know who to sacrafice to so he just said to the gods as he scrsped his food into the fire then went back to his seat. he saw that no one had sat down so he didn't either until some one yelled "SIT" then every one sat down and ate.

After ten minutes Reyna walked up to Percy and Told him to follow her. he followed Reyna to a cave mouth where Lupa was waiting.

"Reyna I need you to explain how camp works to Percy as you escort him today. Don't be hard on him tho he has no memories and can't answer any questions you may have."

Reyna looked a little disapoiinted but answered "Yes ma'am."

"See if you can find a sword for him then take him through the basics of combat. While you are talking to him about the basics head to the arena and spar with him so he gets the feel of his weapon."

"Yes ma'am."

"That is all, dismissed."

After being dismissed Reyna led Percy down the hill to a big shed. She opened the doors and told Percy "You may pick any weapon you like but be warned that some of them were put here by the gods for when one of thier childeren earn it. No one knows witch weapons the gods put in here but if they do not like u using it they will let you know in a very painful way." As Reyna saw the look on Percys face after her last sentance she stifled a giggle. After Percy didnt move for a minute she said "Well we don't have all day pick one."

Percy walked into the shed and started picking up various weapons but after holding them for a few seconds he would put them back.

"whats wrong with those?" asked Reyna

"They don't feel right." Percy answered

After a few more minutes of the same thing a sword laying in the back corner caught his eye. It looked like the rest of the gladiuses laying around but it had something written on the scabbard in latin.
It read Turbo Onis Percy translated the latin in his head the swords name was Hurricane. Percy picked it up and unsheathed it after he had been holding it for a minute the sword shimmered in his had and the form of it changed. Reyna gasped as it changed into an exact copy of riptide but made out of imperial gold.

Percy said "Ill use this one."

Reyna walked over and looked at the sword "Id be carful that one was probably put there by a god. Did it say anything on its scabbard?"

"Yeah it said Turbo Onis. The swords name is Hurricane."

Reyna looked at Percy like she was trying to find out if he was suicidal or not. "I'd be really careful with that Percy it was probably put there by Neptune. Maybe you should find another one."

"But I really like this one though. I don't think Pos- I mean Neptune will mind if I use it."

"Its your funeral. Don't say I didn't warn you when Neptune shows up and kills you for using it."

After a few minutes of Reyna trying to talk Percy into not using that sword but having no luck she gave up.

"Fine use what ever sword you like. We need to get over to the arena so i can get you used to wielding your new sword."

As they walked to the arena Reyna walked Percy through the basics of gladiatorial fighting. As they approched the arena Percy stopped and looked in awe at the arena. It was an exact replica of the coliseum from Rome, except it was about one tenth the origonals size. Reyna led Percy into the ring and he looked around. The arena could easily seat eight hundred demigods with no problem.

Reyna walked five paces infront of him and turned around to face him.

She looked at Percy gawking and pulled out her own sword. She walked up to him and easily knocked him down and held her sword to his throat.

"Rule one of the arena: as soon as you enter it be ready to fight. Now get up and get ready like i said."

Percy got up and pulled out his sword. He got in a stance that felt right to hime Reyna just laughed at him.

"What type of posture is that?"

"Dunno just feels right."

"Suit your self but i don't think you will last long with that stance."

Reyna started to spar with Percy. Fought for twenty minutes with out either of them being knocked down or disarmed. After they both broke apart from thier last sword lock Reyna asked "Where did you learn to fight like that? Ive never seen that type of style before."

Percy answered as well as he could "Don't know just felt like it was the right way to fight. Hey, at least it looks like ill be able to hold my own in the placement trials."

"Don't bet on it you will be fighting the second strongest in each Legion and if you beat them you will have to fight the Praetors and if it gets locked like we were just then dont think that the others will hestate to use the abilities they inherited from there parent."

Reyna looked at her watch and said "Take a thirty minute break."

"Why? I feel fine"

"Well in thirty minutes it is time for placement to begin. Sure you don't want a break?"

"On second thought I think I will take a break."

Reyna laughed "ok I'm going to go get a drink and go sit in the stands."

With that she strode through the doors out of the arena and disappeared. Percy sat down to rest and was wondering what type of abilities would he be fighting against. As he sat there resting he saw some of the campers entering the satands.

'Looks like it's almost time.'Percy thought

When the stands were a third of the way full Percy stood up and wlked over to the bench near one side of the arenaand sat there until it was time to begin.

After Lupa arived ten minutes later she looked around and said "Percy Jackson you shall now fight other demigods to see what legion you will be put in. Understand that this will be like a real fight. The campers will not stop until you yield, are knocked unconscious, or are killed. Do you accept the trails rules?"

"Yes ma'am" Percy answered

"Very well. Your first opponent will be Micheal the Duplicarius of legion four. Are you ready?"

Percy took a deep breath and answered "Yes ma'am"

over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I like it
Can't wait for the next chapter
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
Good start! Sounds really good plz continue!!!
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 5


Reyna was sitting with the other praetors in the stands. They were hounding her with questions about the new demigod Percy. She held up her hand for silence. After the others quieted down she started explaining what she knew about Percy.

"Something about him is off." She went on to explain about the sword Percy chose to fight with and the other things about him that puzzled her. "I really dont understand why Lupa is gaurding him so much."

"What do you mean rey?" one of the other praetors asked

Reyna told them about the meeting they had with Lupa after breakfast and every one became silent while they tryied to think about this.

Another Praetor broke the stagnent silence by asking "Well how well does he fight?"

"His fighting style is wierd. It isn't like how we fight but he is fluid in motion while he is fighting and it seemed to me like he has been fighting for as long as we have or maybe longer. I would not be supprised if we end up having to fight him ourselves."

"Even if he beats all the duplicarius and everyone before me I will put that runt in his place."

Reyna didn't have to look to know who was talking there was only one person who thought they were the strongest in camp.

"I don't know Dakota. Something about him makes me think he might give you a run for your money."

"Doubtful. I bet Micheal has him wooped in under 3 minutes."

"We will see but while sparring i couldn't get him to yield and he wasn't showing any signs of fatigue. I told him to take a break after we were fighting for nearly twenty minutes straight."

"Well lets just see how he does fighting a son of Vulcan before we get to excited." Said a Praetor that hadn't spoken yet.

"As always Gathering all information before you speak huh Gwen?" Was all Reyna said

They all looked at the arena as the doors started to open on the side opposite of Percy. When the doors were about a third of the way open an object streaked out of them and flew straight at Percy. Even from twenty five meters Reyna could see that Percy's eyes about poped out of his head. Percy dived to his right just as the javalin imaled it self in the wall where Percy's head had been just a second before. As Reyna watched it looked like Percy was just regestering what had happened when he had to dive again. Micheal had thrown his second javalin and it landed once again right where Percy had been.

"Ha Micheal hasn't even made it out of the tunnel and Percy is already crapping his pants. This guys gonna get up to us? Yeah right!" said Dakota.

Reyna thought about how fluid Percy's move were while they were sparring and wondered if it was just a fluke. She didn't belive it was but then she thought 'Well Percy how are you gonna handle things from here?'

Micheal stepped out of the tunnel and leisurely walked towarrds Percy. Reyna wondered if it was just her imagination but Micheal looked to be a little over confidant about having rattled his opponents cage and make him run around without attacking back.

Acrossed the arena percy got to his feet and drew his sword. As reyna looked at Percy's sword her mind drifted back to how when he unsheathed it, it changed to look the way it did.

She thought about this more and started thinking along the lines of the extreme. 'What if he is...' She shook her head "Impossible we would have known about him sooner. He would have been brought here sooner. He would not have arrived the way he did. Just then the arena eruppted in cheers. Reyna looked up and her jaw dropped. In the three seconds she had been thinking Percy had some how disarmed Micheal of not only his gladius but his pugio as well. Percy was now standing over Micheal with his sword over his throat. Reyna noticed that Micheals arm was bleeding badly from a very deep wound.

Reyna turned to Dakota and shouted over the crowd "What happened?"

Dakota had his mouth open and didn't answer. Reyna elbowed him in the ribs and asked again.

"What do you mean what happend? Weren't you watching?"

"I was thinking about something. Now tell me what happend."

"It was Amazing. Micheal charged Percy you could see he thought it was gonna be his victory but when he swung his sword Percy met with his. Then things went wrong for Micheal. Percy did something that was too quick to see and Micheal's sword flew out of his hands. Micheal pulled out his dagger and as he did so Percy tripped him. Micheal was gonna fell on his dagger but in stead of a fatal fall Percy grabbed his arm and spun him so the dagger went into his arm instead of his chest. Percy bent down withdrew the dagger from Micheals arm and checked the wound. Then Percy seemed to remember he had to make his opponent yield or knock him unconscious. He got up and pointed his sword at Micheals throat and asked him if he yeilded when he said yes everyone cheered."

Reyna was upset that she didn't get to see Percy fight for her self and thought that she will just have to wait for the next match.

Lupa stood up and said "Well done Percy. Would a member of the Apollo cabin please tend to the wounded combatant and move him from the field. Percy you have won this fight are you ready for the next one?"

Percy looked at Lupa said "Yes ma'am I am."

"Very well. Your next opponent is Laura Duplicarius of the third legion. The fight will begin in five minutes."

Percy walked over to the water cooler sitting on the wall and got a drink then he headed over to the bench and sat down. Reyna thought 'Ok i may have missed one fight but im not going to miss the next.'
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 6


The doors opened in the arena and Percy looked a little nervous. It looked like he was wondering witch way he was gonna have to dive first. Reyna smiled and thought, Laura is a daughter of Trivia and one of the camps top magic users if he plans on just running around and not attacking Laura has got this in the bag.

Laura stepped out of the tunnel and her hands erupted in blue flames. Percy stood up a little straighter and smiled as if he had faced things like this all the time that finaly things were gonna progress normaly for a change.

Laura threw her first fireball at Percy and Percy didnt even flinch he just hit it with his sword and started toward her. She threw another one this time he raised his hand and caught it.

'What? Is he nuts? You dont just catch a fire ball as if you were catching a baseball, expescialy not one of Laura's. She has destroyed more than one tree in the weekley tournoments with her magic. But Percy just chaught it with his bare hand!'

Percy was now ten paces away. Another fireball was caught. Eight paces. Laura was starting to panic. she created a huge fireball and threw it. Percy was raised his hand and pushed through it.

Laura turned and ran as far as she could from Percy and she started to get her next spell ready. She reached in to her pocket and pulled out a small needle.

Reyna smiled she had seen Laura use this spell many times before it was a vision spell that showed protective auras on your oppenent, but inorder to use the spell you had to draw eyes on your eyelids in blood. Everyone watched as Laura finished the her spell and she oppened her eys looked at percy and went white as a ghost. Percy just kept walking slowly toward her then the weirdest thing happend. Laura fainted when she looked at Percy the second time.

Lupa stood again "Well done Percy you have beaten Laura. Would a healer please go into the field and collect Laura? Make sure when she regains consciousness she is givin nectar for the shock."

Lupa addressed Percy again "Are you ready for the next opponent?"

Percy asked a question in return "Ma'am would it be ok if i fought the next two opponents at the same time?"

Lupa thought for a moment and said "You may if it is ok with them. Daniel Duplicarius of the second legion and Consul to the Murcury cabin is this ok with you?"

Daniel Answered "Yes ma'am"

Lupa turned towarrds a girl "Jamie Duplicarius of the firt legion and Consul to the Mors cabin is this ok with you?"

"Yes ma'am" Jamie said.

"so be it the fight will take place in ten minutes please make your preparations and proceed to the arena."

Reyna watched as Laura was set down with the rest of her legion Reyna got up and went to talk to her second in command.

Reyna dissmissed their legions healer and helped Laura sit up. She handed the nectar to her and let her take a drink of the godly drink before asking her any questions. Laura still looked really pale and Reyne didnt want to make her pass out again but she needed to know what she saw.

"Laura I have never seen you pass out from just looking at someone before. What did you see?"

"I was told by Lupa not to tell ma'am. Lupa said she would explain why at the senate meeting."

Reyna thought hard about this newest development. 'Why does Lupa keep us in the dark about Percy when we find out anything about him? Does Percy's being here pose some kind of threat to camp? What does this have to do with the Great Prophecy?'

"I can tell this to you though ma'am. Do not fight him. He has one of the most powerful auras I have ever felt. His is even stronger than Jasons was. When you fight him just give up and do not go down there."

"You know as well as I do I can not do that Laura."

"I know ma'am but I had to try to warn you."

"Thank you for your report and get some rest the others will want to talk to you. Tell them nothing you have told me. I do not want you to waste any more energy than you already have. Get some rest and watch the rest of the fights. If you see anything else that you can tell me let me know."

"Yes ma'am"

Reyna left Laura to her legions healer and went back to the other praetors that were waiting to hear the reason why a Duplicarius would faint on the battle field. Reyna told the others that Lupa had forbidden Laura from her telling them anything and that Lupa would explain during the senate meeting.

Everyone fell silent and watched Percy more carefully as he prepared for the next fight.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 7


Percy had gotten a wild and crazy idea during his last fight. When he deflected the first Blue fireball he didn't feel any heat from it so he thought it was just for show and to make him loose his cool. The next one Laura threw at him he caught to see if he was right and it turned out it only felt lightly warm to him. He could tell that there deffinatly was force behind it though. As the fire ball hit his hand he felt the impact throughout his whole arm. He was , however tired of these campers trying to make him look like a fool.

during the ten minute break Percy walked over to the water container and got a drink then refilled his cup and poured it on himself during this he got his stratagey ready.

Percy walked over to the two javalins and pulled them out of the wall and the ground he put them just in reach where he would be when the next fight began. He then wen over to Micheals gludius and stuck it in the grond about fifty feet to the right and forward of the door. He grabbed Micheals dagger and put it in his belt loop on his pants.once he was ready he went over to the javalins and sat down in between them.

He looked at Hurricane and studied it. He noticed that it wasn't an exact copy of Riptide beyond the fact that it was made from imperial gold. The golden hilt was ingraved with the swords name but on the reverse sid ewa an immage of a sky view of a hurricane like you might see on a news telecast. It felt balanced in his hand when he swung it like Riptide but unlike Riptide he didn't feel like it had seen Acctual combat before today. He didn't even think it had been touched be fore he picked it up this morning. Whatever the reason was he really didn't care but this sword was his now and he was going to put it to use like it was made for.

When the doors started to open percy stood up and waited for his opponents to make the first move. They both came into the arena and stopped. Niether looked like they were new to cambat and they were both looking around surveying the battle field. Percy ran through his stratagey again and sheathed his sword.

He picked up the first javalin and looked at the two demigods standing acrossed from him. he pulled back and threw the javalin at Jamie. He chose her because she was the fastest looking of the two and he was glad to see he was right. She dived to the right and rolled to her feet with her sword drawn.

Daniel had used this oopertunity and charged at Percy. Percy was waiting for this though. He grabbed the second java liv and threw it at Daniel who had to dive forward. Percy took three steps forward and was to the side of DAniel and kicked him in the face knocking him out.

'One down one to go.' thought Percy

Percy turned to where Jamie was to find she wasn't there. He immeadiatly rant to the nearest javalin and waited without pulling it out. Jamie seemed to come straight out of the shadow of the javalin Percy was standing near and started to attack Percy head on.

Jamie swung her sword straight down towards Percys head and Percy dived to the right. As he did so he grabbed the dagger from his belt and threw it at Jamie who caught it and threw it right back at Percy.
Percy was barly able to draw his sword in time to deflect the dagger flying at his head. Percy hit the ground hard on his shoulder. Immeadeatly he had to roll to the left as Jamie drove her sword into the ground where he had been laying.

Percy rolled and got to his feet. Jamie threw the dagger she had strapped to he side at Percy who ducked the dagger and swung his sword upward toward Jamie. Jamie blocked Percy's sword with her own obviously anticipating the counter attack. Percy ran to the javalin nearest them and sliced it in half at an angle so it had a point. He then cut the other end to a one sided point as well and threw it at Jamie who side stepped it and pressed forward. as she and Percy fought Percy let her think she was forcing him back but was hoing that she didn't notice he was leading her to the other javalin. When they reached it Percy turned and cut the second one like he did the first. Again he threw his double ended spike at Jamie this time though she did not side step it.

Jamie Now with a sword and a double sided spike lashed at percy with both weapons. Percy lost his footing and fell onto his back. Jamie held her sword to his throat and said "Yield or die" Percy though. had other plans he brought his sword up and hit hilt to hilt with hers he then twisted his wrist an Jamie's sword went flying. Percy then responded "You wish I would yield."

Percy hoped his taunt would work and it did. Jamie Brought the spike down with all her force. Unfortunatly Percy was hoping this would happen he brought up his feet and kicked her in the chest with all his might. Jamie flew back and was landed on the spike percy cut from the first javalin. As the spike penatrated Jamie Percy was already on his feet running towards the now wounded Jamie. To his relief the javalin had went through Jamies shoulder and it had not been a fatal wound. Percy pulled the Javalin out of her shoulder and called for a healer.

Lupa yelled "The fight is still going on. Your opponent is not knocked out nor is she dead."

Percy reached up and hit Jamie in the back of her head with the butt of his sword knocking her out then glarred up at Lupa.

"Well done Percy. Healers please tend the wounded. There will be an Hour break before we continue."

With that Lupa turned and walked out of sight. Percy pulled Jamie over to where Daniel was Laying and laid her down. He then went over to Daniel and checked on him he wasn't in bad shape at worst he would wake up in another hour with a splitting headache.

The doors to the tunnle opened and two Apollo campers came out and collected the two officers. As Percy watched them leave through the tunnle Lupa appeared in the tunnle and motioned for him to come over to her. Percy walked over and Picked up his sword sheathed it and walked to the tunnle where he was sure he was going to get yelled at.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 8


Percy entered the tunnle where Lupa was waiting for him.

"You have been fighting well Percy. However, I would like to know why you check on your opponents after you have defeated them."

"I was checking to make sure that their wounds were not fatal and that they would be able to heal well."

"Why would you do that for an enemy?"

"They are not the enemy. They are demigods just like me and are just fufilling their duty to the camp to fight me."

"What if this were a real war would you still only wound and knock out enemy demigods?"

"I would"


"In the Titan war I fought many demigods that were only helping Kronos because they felt abandond by thier parents. Even tho their parents would like nothing more than to help their childeren they can't. The Fates will not have it. As we are the childeren of the gods we have to find our own way and even if the gods gave us the answer to our problem the Fates would make those answers invalid." When Percy finished he grabbed his head, fell to his knees and started screaming in pain.

Lupa was worried about Percy and as she reached out to touch his shoulder Percy stopped screaming. Percy's head snapped over. Percy'e eyes were glowing and he opened his mouth but Percy's voice wasn't the one that started speaking.


Lupa's eyes were wide as she recognized the voice. Just then the voice stopped and Percy passed out.

Lupa imeadiatly ran to the stands and got Reyna. She ran back into the tunnle with Reyna right at her heels.

"Take him to the infermary. Be very carfule with him though. What Ever you do DO NOT try to ask him any questions or tey to rose him in any way. If you do you might die on the spot child. After you get him in a bed tell two Mars campers to watch him but tell them to let NO ONE IN OR OUT until I have arrived. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am but-"


"Yes ma'am" Reyna answered now really scared.

Reyna picked percy's limp body up and ran toward the infirmary. Lupa turned and walked into the arena.

"ATTENTION CAMPERS. The placment is hereby postponed. Praetors Collect your legions and start training on thier close ranged combat. First legion send two Mars campers to the infirmary. They will be givin orders by Reyna. Train until dinner time there is something urgent that i must tend to. That is all. DISMISSED."

Lupa watched briefly as the Praetors stood up and started shouting orders. After Lupa was sure the Praetors had everything uder control she ran to the oceanshore that was just two miles outside of camp.

Standing on the shore was Neptune himself. Lupa turned into her human form and approached when she got near she knelt and waited for Neptune to speak.

"Lupa stand."

She did as she was told and was now looking Neptune in the eye.

"Why were you questioning Percy?"

"Percy is not like any demigod i have come acrossed, My Lord. I wanted to know why he acted the way he did when he fought the other demigods."

"Lupa you knew Percy had no memories now his mind is on the verge of breaking. He is the Hero of Olympus and one of the seven in the new prophecey."

At this Lupa's eyes went wide again now knowing how important Percy was.

"My Lord I must ask was Percy the demigod that fought with Saturn?"

"Yes he fought my father for three days and nights while defending Olympus. He fought and defeated Hyperion. He used his witts to kill the clazmonian sow. Now he is about to die because of one question."

"My Lord tell me what i need to do to save your son."

"There is nothing anyone can do for him now. All we can do is wait to see if he is strong enough to keep his sanity. Understand this Lupa, if Percy doesn't pull through he will go on a rampage and you must kill him by hitting his Achilles spot on his back right behind his navel."

"Yes My Lord."

"When you get back to camp put Percy in a tub filled with sea water that is all we can do to help him now. Make sure you keep the tub above half full and DO NOT let any other demigods near him. One of the seven may die but we will not take the chance that another will die as well."

"Yes My Lord"

"Good now go Percy is very weak and needs to be put in the tub as soon as possible."

"Yes My Lord"

With that Lupa turned and sprinted back to camp. Lupa could hear Percys screams from the entrance of the camp and it sounded as though he was being tortured endlessly on the brink of death but who ever was torturing him wouldn't let him die. The whole camp had gathered about twenty meters away from the infirmary but no one was brave enough to go any closer. Lupa set to work in doing exactly as Lord Neptune had ordered. After this was taking care of she went to get everything in order.

She immeadiatly made the whole Mars cabin surround the infirmary and gaurd against anything that may come near. She told them to warn the demigods once and if they continued to approach to wound but not kill them. Even Dakota, Praetor of the second legion and Consul to the Mars cabin was told to help gaurd to infirmary.

No one went to dinner that night everyone stayed out side the infirmary where Percy was still screaming. Some of the demigods went to thier cabins to try to get some sleep only to return out side of the infirmary thirty minutes or so later due to Percys screams. Lupa sat at the entrace of the infirmary and only approached the thrashing and screaming Percy to fill the tub back up with salt water.

Lupa approached Percy as he had again pushed alot of his water out of the tub. She was almost done filling the tub again when Percys eyes glowed Bright sea green and Percy created a Hurricane in the infirmary. As the intensity of the hurricane grew Lupa ran outside and issued a command.

All the Mars campers started yelling for campers to move back quickly. Then the whole infirmary started groaning and shaking. Just as quickly as it had started it stopped. Lupa ran back inside to find that all the water was now floating about the room around Percy who was still thrashing in the now empty tub Lupa ran and filled the tub back up. Every time the water left the buket it formed in to another sphere of water. Lupa kept doing this until the whole infirmary was filled with water. Percy was floating in the middle of the room still screaming and thrashing about.

Through out the whole night Percy screamed and thrashed around not letting anyone get sleep. At about noon the next day Percy finaly stopped thrashing and stopped screaming. The moment Percy stopped screaming All the water he had held in the room rushed out of the screen walls and saoked everyone standing around outside. Percy fell back into the tub and was motionless. Lupa dared approached and to her relief Percy was still alive.

Lupa ordered all the campers to go to sleep for the rest of the day but the Mars campers had to had five gaurds posted at all times until Lupa told them otherwise.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percysmile said…
Awesome i loved it please post more
over a year ago percysmile said…
Really really really good it was awesome I loved it !!!!!!!!! I love how Percy does not wasn't to hert them so sweet ;) well that's Percy for you btw when are you going to post a nother awesome chapter can't stand the awesomeness
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I like it also, can't wait for next post
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome chapters they were amazing ur a good writer cant wait till you post again !!:DDDD
over a year ago percysmile said…
^^^^^^ I soo agree ^^^^^^^^^^
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 9


Reyna walked into the woods alone to think about Percy. The woods were the one place that she could go and think. Just the quietness of the trees calmed her down. Right now however the woods were haunted by the screams of maddened pain and suffering that Percy was going through right now.

Reyna wanted nothing more than to question Lupa about how Percy wound up in the state that he was currently in, But knew the wolf wouldn't tell her anything about it.

'Why does this have to happen now? Why does things always go wrong just when they're starting to get better? The whole camp saw how Percy fought against each legions Duplicarius and even fought the second legions and first legions with out so much as a scratch being put on him. Even Jason had cuts and brusies. Not one person could even hit Percy. He embarassed the most saltworth soldiers beside the Praetors of the legions. That in itself is by no means an easy feat. Yet after he had won each fight he still went and check the wounds of each opponent.'

"What is it about him that makes me know he was a leader where he came from?" Reyna asked aloud.

"Because you can see the truth where no one else can." A voice said. Reyna jumped and turned around. Standing in front of her was a blonde guy in roman battle armor with sunglasses and a bow on his back.

"Lord Apollo!" Reyna sqeaked as she sunk to one knee.

"Rise Reyna I am here to talk to you about Percy."

Reyna stood as she was told and said "Lord Apollo why does Percy intrest you? I thought that the gods didn't know about him."

"Girl the gods are very much interested in Percy. We have watched him grow into a very good Hero and he has done more than anyone here knows. He is the reason we are all here he made many hard choices that cost him alot more than just his memories, and as you can hear even now he fights to make sure no one else has to take up those consequences, never have to make those choices."

"What do you mean My Lord?"

"Ok can we drop the MY LORD thing? How bout you call me Dad? Or even Apollo? I was never in to the whole power trip thing like Jupiter was."

"As you wish Apollo"

"To answer your question, It is because Percy carries the hopes of all mankind with him. He knows when to question orders and when to bend the rules. He shows compassion and stregth more than anyone else has. That kid even made us look bad last year. HE-" Apollo stopped like he had said too much.

"He What? What did he do last year?"

"I can not tell you. When the time comes he will tell everyone himself. Know this though all of Olympus owes him a great debt that we will never be able to repay. Even now gods are prayin that he will be ok."

"Gods praying for a demigod? You make him sound as if the gods wern't the ones to defeat Saturn that Percy was. Who do the gods pray to isnt that a little silly anyway?"

Apollo looked like a little child that got caught whith his hand in the cookie jar as his daughter spoke. Seeing this Reyna paled.

"We pray. The Fates have thier own plan for Percy. The gods are nolonger in control of him. I think that scares Jupiter the most though. Not the fact that he is our greatest champion and is in dire need right now. But that Jupiter is not in control of Percy."

"I have come to you tonight to tell you this Reyna. IF Percy comes out of this ok he will need someone to help him. Becarful around him for the next few days and no matter the cost DONOT LET HIM LOOSE HIS TEMPER! If he does win his fight right now he will not gain control over his abilities until he has regained his memories. Percy has had a great deal done wrong to him but he will need to over come this so he can keep going and face his destiny."

"Yes sir I will do my best."

"It is time for me to go daughter and before I leave i will warn you of one more thing. Do not fall in love Percy. He is an outstanding person but you will both get hurt if you do."

Reyna looked at Apollo and he gave her a very sad smile.

"Take this and know that I will be waiting to see what choices you make in the near future." Apollo handed Reyna a charm braclet and walked past her.

"Apoll-" Reyna started as she turned around but she saw he had already gone. She looked at the charm braclet her father had givin her on it was three charms one of a lyre another was of a bow and the third was a flaming arrow. She put on this braclet and headed back to the infirmary.

As Reyna came out of the forest she saw that all the campers had gathered around the infirmary. Some of them were wispering to eachother and some were crying. As she walked past she overheadr a piece of the conversation that was going on.

"-this is maddening why not just kill him and put him out of his misery. Its not like he is that important."

Laura who was one of the ones crying as she was walking toward the infirmary walked straight up behind the wispering demigod and punched him in the back of the head so hard the kid fell forward onto his face. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO THAT IS IN THERE OR WHAT HE HAS DONE! HE IS A TRUE HERO! HE IS THE HERO OF OLYMPUS AND YOU SHOULD BOW TO HIM! HE GAVE UP HIS right to become A GOD!" She yelled then realizing what she had said covered her mouth with both her hands and gasped.

Reynas eye widend. Suddenly she saw the whole truth falling into place and now knew why Lupa told her not to say anything. When Laura cast her spell she saw the aruas that are show what extreme choices a person had made. Laura saw Percy for who he really was and fainted by just being in the presence of some one who made those sacrifices.

Reyna grabbed Lauras hand and pulled her out of ear shot of everyone else.

"Tell me everything you know about Percy" She demanded.

"I can't. You know that"

"Fine . I'll talk just nod if I'm right."


"Percy is a demigod who did something so great he was given the choice to become a god and turned it down." Laura looked like she wanted to faint but nodded. "He is a leader isn't he?" Another nod.

"Do you know anything bout his choises?"

Laura shook her head "He has many auras. Working from farthest in to the farthest one out the colors are Black, Gold, Red, and last is Blue."

Reyna wored out what the colors meant in her head. Black was for the curse of achilles, he is invulnarable except in one spot and his destiny is no longer in the gods eye. Only the fates know of his future. Gold Was for the option of becoming a god. For one to become a god all the Olypians have to agree that he was worthy. Red was for courage, strength and compassion. It is also known as the leaders aura. Blue is for having made a choise so hard it causes saddness about having had to make such a choice and carrying aound the burden of people questioning it when they themselves would have ran in face of it.

Reyna understood her fathers warnings now. Percy wasn't just an ordinary demigod he was a true hero his heart let him face what no one else would have and he did not faulter. He kept his head up even in the face of death and peril.

Reyna looked at the infirmary and was listening to Percy's screams and started to cry her self. 'If I was in his place would I have had the resolve to do as he did?'

As Reyna stood there crying she saw Lupa bolt out of the building and yell and order. Lupa's eyes were full of fear and as the Mars cabin was backing everyone up Reyna heard why. She gaspped as she heard the whole building shake and strain under tha sheer force of Percy's ablities starting to go haywire. After thirty seconds the building sounded as if it was about to be ripped in two. Reyna could literaly FEEL Percy's anguish and it made her heart ache as she cried harder. 'No one should be forced to make this choise and sacrifice.' It was too painful to hear Percy's screams of pain. She couldn't imagine what Percy was acctually feeling. Reyna turned and hugged Laura as they both cried for Percy.

Both of the girls stood there the whole night as they awaited the fate of Percy. Even as some campers left to go to sleep niether of the girls moved knowing what they did they couldn't. They could only stand there and listen to Percy's struggle.

At around noon the next day Percy finaly stopped screaming and everything went as quiet as death itself. Lupa came out of the Infirmary and told evryone that Percy had survived the night and that the rest of the day she wanted everyone but the Mars cabin to go get some sleep. She told the Mars cabin that there had to be five gaurds awke standing post at all times until she said otherwise.

Dakota sent a Mars camper to thier cabin for sleeping bags so they could all sleep outside of the infirmary incase something happened.

As Reyna reluctantly grabbed Lauras hand and they started to walk towards Lupa.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Thank you for your comments everyone! Im writing just as fast as i can but i have to get some thoughts in order before putting them down otherwise they would make no sense lol! Just want you all to know i think your all great!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Nice plz post agin, Today's my birthday!!!!!
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 10


Pain was all percy could feel. White hot and searing every inch of his brain. His body thrashed uncontrolably trying to free itself from the sorce of pain. He couldn't think, couldn't breath, couldn't do anything. Then he found his breath felt his mouth open and heard all the pain that he had ever felt explode forth for every one to hear he couldn't stop it. All his sadness, all his anger, all his fear at everything he had done ecsaped him. All his raw emotions were now on display for all to hear.

Images flashed in his mind. First to come were his sadest moments. He watched as his friends died infront of him. He had held them as they died. He had watched them get killed . Had watched them sacrafice them selves to save others. He honored thier memories and carried the guilt of being the one to have to carry on when all he wanted to do was trade places with them so they would live. He watched as he made the choice to leave when he wanted to stay. Knew he was hurting the one he loved above all others. Knew he was doing the right thing and didn't hesitate. The images wouldn't stop. Repeating over and over til he couldn't stand it. He wanted to die wanted the pain to stop wanted to let it all go and slip into the depp and resounding darkness of death, but something would not let him.

Then he saw other images. A titan in bright gold armor, A kid that looked like he should be in college but he had golden eyes, a god that had framed him, all the things that had angered him to the end of his sanity flashed infront of him for what seemed like hours.They kept repeating them selves and he felt every second of it he HATED THEM. HE WANTED TO KILL THEM. They had threated and killed his friends. They had tried to kill him. He would alow them to go no further. HE would end thier threat before they could finish what they had started.

He felt the rage fill him completely felt himself ball it all up in his gut used it as fuel. Felt his gut wrench in the pleasent pain he knew. HE WOULD STOP THEM. He felt all of his rage start swirling around him. Difiantly he screamed and let it all go getting stronger and stronger till there was only one thought. The thought of his rage shreading his enemies like meat in a food prossesor. He let all of it go HE WOULD HOLD THEM. He would make the sacrifices no one else would have to bare the pain, bare the wieght that he did he would keep them all safe.

Then he felt the pergatory of it all. He knew that this in itself was a fight only he could do.

Then out of nowhere and everywhere a voice spoke to him.

"Hero of Olympus, Chosen one of the fates, Bearer of the hopes of all mankind. You are the only one who can give the nessisary sacrifice of the trial to come. You bear the wieght of humanity and are its greatest hero."

"Why me?" Percy asked

"Because you take the wieght for others you make others problem yours until it is resloved that in itself is a quality very few have and you are the one that has the most."

"Who are you?"

"We are The fates and have come to talk to you in your hour of need to offer you a choice."

"What choice?"

"You have to choose one of two paths. Would you do everything you have done up to this point in your life again if we gave you the chance? OR Would you let the responability fall on to another?"

Percy thought for a long time about everything he had done. All the people that counted on him all the times when he could have givin up but didn't.

"Would you sacrafice everything again? Remember this question young hero for it is the most important question of your life."

"I would. Without a second thought I would. I will take the pain so others may live without knowing it. I will make the choices others would run from. I WILL CARRY THIS BURREN SO OTHERS DON'T HAVE TO!"

"Understand that this is path you have selected is a path of great pain. Do you still wish to walk this path?"

"I understand and I will still walk this path."

"So be it. You will now face all the pain you have saved others from having. Know that you are the one that bears the hope of man."

With that the voice faded and the pain hit like a thousand different tortures at once. Percy's voice was ripped from his body viciously. He felt the pain of every single person at once. Just as it started to become constant in increased in severity. Again he was hit with pain. It felt as though his soul was being burned by the worst flames. It was worse than anything he had ever feared he would have to endure. Again it intensified til Percy could nolonger think could feel nothing but pain. Again his voice found the raw maddening pitch that showed he was without a doubt about to be driven insane. Again it increased and Percy returned to nothing but White hot pain.

What felt Like hours to Percy were mere seconds to those standing aroud outside. And it was out side two demigod girls were hugging and crying for him.

After what seemed like an eternaty the pain withdrew at a snails pace. Still screaming, still thrashing Percy felt every milisecond of pain. Then when it finaly ended pery couldn't find the energy to even breathe. He let his body fall through the endless blackness that was no doubt his death he had failed the Fates.

Percy fell silent and fell back into the tub. Lupa aproached cautiously and examined the frail body of the son of Neptune. His pulse was slow but steady, Percy was alive.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Happy birthday Green art! And yes your wish has been granted 6 chapters today!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 11


After Luupa made her orders clearshe noticed that Reyna and Laura were walking up to her both looked about as nervous as they could be.

"Lupa we need to talk to you." Reyna said

"Very well. Let us go into the forest as not to worry the other campers though."

The girls followed Lupa into the forest. Lupa stopped and looked around sniffing.

"alright we are alone what do the two of you want to talk to me about?"

Reyna told Lupa about her visit from Apollo and showed her the charmbraclet he had givin her.

"Reyna hold out your arms like you would if you were holding a bow."

Reyna did as she was told as she finished a bow apeared in here hands.

"Now pull back on the bow string."

As Reyna pulled the bow string back a flaming arrow apeared notched and ready to fire.

Reyna was wide eyed and in awe of the prestent her father gave her.

"Now against demigods it will harm but not kill. Against monsters it will surely kill." was all Lupa said.

Reyna let the arrow fly at a tree a few yards away the arrow went through five trees before the arrow disapeared.

Lupa turned to Laura. "And what did you want to talk to me about, child?"

Laura and Reyna explained what they knew about Percy and what happend last night.

Lupa was upset but did not punish the girls for they only knew very vague facts about Percy they would not be able to put it together, but none the less Lupa made the girls swear on the river styx that they wouldn't tell anyone what they knew about Percy.

Lupa was quiet for a few minutes wondering if she should tell the girls what she knew about Percy but decided against it. It would be easier to let Percy explain what was going on. With Lupa, Reyna, and Laura to help Percy out it would be very unlikly any of the Roman demigods would attaack Percy.

At dinner time that night Lupa made some announcements.

"The senate meeting that was scheduled for tomarrow will be postponed until Percy is awake and feeling ok."

Lupa noticed that a few Praetors looked like they wanted to protest but didn't. They knew if she wanted to wait there was a good reason.

After a week went by Lupa felt it was safe to take Percy out of the tub and put him in a regular bed. She then took the tub out of the Infirmary and lowered the gaurd down to one person sitting at the door with a hunting horn. She gave them very explicate instructions at if Percy moved they were to blow the horn in a short burst. If he awakened they were to blow the horn for as long as they could as loud as they could. She also said that either herself, Reyna, or Laura would be by Percy's side at all times.

While they were at his side Lupa told them to soak a cloth in the bowl of saltwater by Percy's bed and put it on his forhead in one hour intervals.

Two weeks went by without Percy waking up. Neptune had called Lupa to the beach twice a week for an update on Percy. Each time he was disapointed with there being no change but at least his son was alive. He could only hope his son would wake up in due time.

On the final day of the second week everything changed. Lupa had just finished giving the evening announcements when a long loud hunting horn call sounded throughout the camp. As if it was a starting gun every demigod in camp jumpped up and ran full sprint towards the infirmary with Lupa out front.

When Lupa arrived She saw a shaky had hit the wall out side the door. Lupa told everyone to stay back as she approached Percy. Percy made it five steps unassisted before he fell. Reyna who was standing at the door ran to Percy's side. Lupa ran up to Percy and told him not to push himself that he should lay back down.

Percy looked at Lupa and said "I have rested long enough. From what I was told I have been asleep for three weeks. I need no more sleep for now."

"Very well, but for now you will be sleeping in the infirmary and one of your cargivers will be with you while you are awake to help you out until you are back to full strength."

"So be it." Percy said a little annoyed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 12


When Percy awoke his vision was blurry. When it came into focus he saw Reyna was sitting next to his bed asleep.

Percy rubbed his eyes and asked "How long have I been out?"

Reyna's eyes shot open and she sat bolt upright. "PERCY! Your awake! John Percy is AWAKE!"

Outside the door a hunting horn blew a lound long note. Percy put his hand to his head and said "Can you tell him to stop? The noise is hurting my head."

John stopped blowing on the horn and came inside.

"How long was I out for?"

"Three weeks." Reyna answered.

"John was it? Help me stand up."

John help Percy stand up. He put a hand out as Percy wobbled from not useing his legs.

"I'm ok. I need to go talk to Lupa." Percy said as he started to make his way out side. He wobbled near the door but caught himself on the wall.

He heard ALOT of running feet coming in his direction. He turned his head and saw that everyone from the camp had shown up. Out in front of them was Lupa. He heard Lupa tell everyone to stay back. Percy had started to walk towards Lupa made it five steps and fell.

Reyna ran to his side as did Lupa to help him up.

"Do not push your self child. You need to lay down and rest."

"I have rested long enough. From what I was told I have been asleep for three weeks. I need no more sleep for now."

"Very well, but for now you will be sleeping in the infirmary and one of your cargivers will be with you while you are awake to help you out until you are back to full strength."

"So be it." Percy said a little annoyed. "Lupa I need to talk to you. Alone."

Percy watched as Lupa turned into her human form. She was a very beautiful woman of about twenty-five years old looking. She was around Percy's hieght and had tanned skin. Her hair was silver and she had on a Silver day dress.

Reyna and Lupa each took one of Percy's arms and helped him back into the infirmary. Lupa dismissed everyone by telling them to go back to dinner. She asked Reyna to get Percy some food. After everyone left Lupa turned to Percy ans said "What do you need to talk to me about Percy?"

"I need to get to a river. Is there one here in camp?"

"There is one in the forest thatruns very fast towards the ocean will that do?"

"How deep is it?"

Lupa thought for a moment and said "I would say it is around eight feet at one area."

"That is where i need to go."

"We will leave after you have had something to eat."

"Alright." Percy wobbled his way over to the chair that was next to his bed.

"I will leave you here for now to eat. I have some one I need to contact."

"My parent?"

"Yes child, they have been very worried about you"

"Alright. Ill be ready to go in thirty minutes is that long enough for you to have your conversation?"

"It will be enough now rest until your meal gets here." Lupa turned and left the room.

Reyna showed up with a plate full of food a minute later.

"What happend while i was out?"

Reyna filled percy in on what had happend while he was asleep. She didnt go into great detail about the night Percy fell at the arena.

Percy noticed that she had tears in her eyes as she got near to when he passed out and completly skip what happend while he was out. He thought that she might start crying if he pushed the subject so he let it go.

After Percy was finished Lupa returned. She told Reyna to go eat and rest. Reyna didn't argue, she got up looked at Percy and walked out the door.

Percy saw this and waited til he was sure she was out of earshot before turnning to Lupa and asking "She didn't like, molest me while I was out did she?"

"No child." Lupa said laughing "But Laura and her were very worried about you."

"Ok, should we head out?"

"When your ready Percy."

Percy stood up with a little help from Lupa and they made their way into the woods. After around twenty minutes they reached the river. Percy let go of Lupa and fell face first into the river. After a few minutes he resurfaced and got out.

Near them there was a flash of light and a tall man with firey red hair and eyes that looked like minature nukes going off inside of his eyesockets appeared. He started walking toward Percy. He was dreesed in roman battle armor and did not look happy.

Percy reached in his poket and pulled out his pen. He uncapped it and felt Riptide elongate in his hand. Lupa on the other hand knelt to the man.

The man looked at Percy and spat into the river.

"You will put that sword away if you know whats good for you, punk"

"Lord Mars, It is an honor to have you to our camp." Lupa said

Percy capped Riptide and put it back in his pocket. He put his hand on the hilt of his sword around his waist. Percy didn't know why he felt hostile towards the god of war but knew that he didn't trust him for some reason. Percy kept expecting the god would draw a sword and start fighting percy at any moment.

"Lupa, Jupiter wanted me to make sure that the punk here was ok. As much as I would love to see him in continuous agony, he is needed later on. So what is your report?"

"Percy has just regained consciousness an hour and a half ago. He should be at full strength in a couple of days, sir"

"Very well. See to it that this punk doesn't die before he has outlived his usefulness."

"As you wish, My Lord"

With that Mars Disapeared in a flash of light just as he had when he arrived.

Lupa walked with Percy back to the infirmary and step up a cot in the corner. She called for Laura to come into the room. Laura looked at Percy and a small squeak ecaped her lips. Lupa laughed and assured her Percy was not about to start attacking her.

"Percy go to sleep. We will talk tomarrow. Laura will be asleep on the cot. Do not leave this room without letting her know."

"Yes ma'am" Percy said.

Percy looked over at Laura and for the first time looked at what she looked like. She was short with black hair that had three white streaks runnign through it. She had Satphire blue eyes and was as white as a ghost. She was wearing a black leather bikers jacket and Black leather pants. Her jacket was half zipped up and under it was the same purple shirt everyone else was wearing.

Percy climbed into bed nodded to her and said "Good night Laura."

"Good night Percy." she managed to say as she laid down on the cot and turned off the light.
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 13


A few minutes after Laura turned off the light she could hear Percy starting to mumble in his sleep. Curious she got up and walked over to his bed side and listened closer to what he was saying. Little did she know this would turn out to be her most frightining night at camp.

She didn't know what he was dreaming about but it didn't sound good. she wondered if she should call for Lupa, but decided against it. 'As long as he stays in the infirmary he should be ok' Laura thought looking back later she would relize her mistake.

She sat there And heard Percy say "We'll hold them at the park. Grover, you ready?"


Laura wondered what Percy was dream talking about. As she listened closer she strated to worry. This didn't sound like a dream more like a memory.

"Um...Yeah. well, Grover you won't be alone. Annabeth and the Athena cabin will make thier stand here. And me and....Thalia?"

Wait did she just hear him say the Athena cabin?

"That leaves the rest of you with a job just as important. You have to gaurd the other enterances to Manhatten. You know how tricky Kronos is. He'll hope to distract us with this big army and sneak another force in somewhere else. It's up to you to make sure that doesn't happen. Has each cabin chosen a bridge or tunnel?"

Wait this sounds like battle stratagey. Laura paled in relizing what she was hearing and made up her mind. She stood and ran out the door to go get Lupa.

Lupa and Laura arrived not a minute to soon. On the way back Lupa shouted for the Mars cabin to get ropes and chains to restrain Percy. Dakota started Yelling orders to his cabin as Lupa and Laura entered the infirmary.

When they entered the room Percy was standing in the middle of the room sword drawn. Lupa pushed Laura to the wall and told her not to move.

"Bad?" Percy asked

"I'll keep him busy."

"Just keep our forces together."

Laura saw Lupa eys go wide. She obviously knew what percy was talking about. Just then Percy ran out of the room into the middle of camp and for some strange reason it seemed like the wind was responding to him being outside, Then it started to rain.

Outside Laura could hear Dakota shouting to surround Percy and get ready to throw the restraints.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 14


Reyna awoke to the sounds of driving wind and yelleing. She got up, got dressed for battle and ran out side. What she saw made no sense.

Percy was standing out in the middle of camp. Every demigod in camp had been woken up by shouting and the wind that was whipping around Percy. Percy was Yelling as if he was fighting someone that wasn't there. Reyna heard only one name Percy was shouting over the whipping rain and wind, and it was the name HYPERION.

The whole Mars cabin was outside the hurricane and was preparing to attack Percy with chains and ropes as if they were going to try to subdue him.

"It wasn't hard. You titans are about as bright as my gym socks." Percy yelled

Dakota shouted "NOW!" Then the Mars cabin let the restraints fly. At the same time Reyna hear Lupa yell "NO! STAND DOWN DO NOT GO NEAR HIM!" But it was too late. The chains and ropes were already being grabbed by the now massive hurricane enveloping Percy. All the Mars campers that were holding the chains and ropes got sucked up into the hurricane.

Then things got absolutly nuts. All at once Mars campers got thrown from the hurricane. As they were flying threw the air bright flashes of light lit up the camp. At first Reyna thought it was lightning. But as the light died down there stood the gods Jupiter, Pluto, Apollo, Mars, and Neptune.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 15


Reyna could hardly belive her eyes. It wasn't the fact Percy was floating in the air. It was the fact that he was floating over a HUGE hurricane. Across the middle of the camp stood the gods Jupiter, Pluto, Apollo, Mars, and Nptune. All five gods were wearing their battle armor and had their weapons drawn.



"ALL CAMPERS GET TO THE PAVILION!" Apollo was shouting


Lupa was runing around grabbing stray campers that could not get past the hurricane to saftey. Good news was no one got hurt and all demigods were acounted for. They also have a great view of the battle field from there. The bad news was no one wanted to see the fight. After ten minutes of a stand off of godly preportions Apollo turned to Jupiter.



All the gods attacked. Apollo started shooting at Percy whith rays of sunlight. Jupiter charged in with Neptune, Pluto, and Mars. Percy Met them head on fighting five gods at once you would think that Percy was brought under control quickly. Unfortunatly he wasn't.

Percy was now obviously in another dream because he shouted "KRONOS ILL F****** KILL YOU!!" He charged all five gods and chaos ensued.

Percy met Mars first in a fight. Percy blocked Mars's huge two handed sword. Then stepped in his gaurd and grabbed his shoulder strap turned and sent him flying straight into Apollo. Both when the two gods bodies colided there was a blinding flash of light. Both gods were fine but they were quickly becoming mad it was one thing to be beaten by a demigod in a fair fight but when it is Five on one and still getting embarassed? Not cool.

Jupiter created a sword made of lightning and attacked with Pluto and Neptune at the same time it was beatuiful in a THIS IS GONNA DESTROY THE WORLD kind of way.

Percy movements were fluid and had no unneeded movement in them. He ducked Jupiter's sword and block Neptunes trident. Percy turned around bringing Neptunes trident with his sword and brought both weapons down on Pluto's stygan iron sword. Percy then jumped over all three weapons and in mid jump let go of his sword, reached in his pocket pulled out a pen uncapped it and threw it straight at Jupiter. Percy's second sword struck Jupiter in the shoulder and the king of the gods let out a groan of pain.

Neptune let go of his trident the moment Percy jumped. Neptune Made a new trident out of water and threw it at Percy's back. Percy was sent flying right toward Apollo and Mars. Both gods immeadiatly jumped on Percy. Percy let out a yell and started to literally glow.

When Percy yelled both gods were sent flying by an unseen force. Percy held both hands straight out in front of him and Percys sowrds flew back into his hands. Percy yelled again and charged. Jupiter summoned lightning and hit Percy right in the chest. But even that didn't slow him down. Below Percy huge ice spikes started forming in the hurricane.

As Percy charged the gods he launched ice shards from his hurricane. the gods were having a hard enough time dealing with percy and one sword. Now Percy had two swords and was launching projectiles as well.

As the gods deflected the ice shards from percy some flew towards the other demigods. Everyone started screaming but before anytone could do anything Percy was infront of us all and was taking the ice shards with his body protecting everyone.

Percy screamed "KRONOS YOU SHALL NOT HARM ANYONE!" and charged with renewed force. More flashes of light occured and then there were ten gods.

Vulcan, Minerva, Bacchus, Trivia, and Diana had arrived to help. Percy was now starting to golw really brightly. it was like he was turning into a gods true form. He charged at Jupiter and Minerva intecepted blocking his blow. She countered and Percy rolled out of the way his got to his feet and disarmed Mars. turned and blocked a blow From Neptune and Vulcan.

None of the demigods were cherering anyone on this wa the strength of Percy? He was fighting ten gods and niether side was winning. it was locked in a stalemante niether side getting an advantage over the other.

"IN COMMING!" yelled Vulcan as he threw six gold balls at Percy. All the gods dived aways from Percy. Percy yelled and dropped into his hurricane. Three of the balls got caught by the storm spun twice around it and were shot towarrds different gods. one hit Mars and he was wrapped head to toe in gold bands. Mars tried to break them but they were made to hold a beserzk god and didn't budge. another headed for Minerva who hit it right back at Percy who was emerging from the center of the hurricane. The last ball headed for Pluto who became a shadow to avoid it.

Percy summoned a block of ice and the ball Manerva sent back his way wound it self around it. The other three Headed right for the dining pavilion. Everyone screamed Percy looked over and ran to intercept the goled death balls. Percy jumped and extended himself as far as he could. He got hit bt all three orbs. One hit him in the hands. one hit him in the chest and the last hit him in the legs.

Percy hit the ground with a ground rattling thud. He was now the worlds only golden cacoon.

All the gods bent over sweating and breathing hard. They heard the muffled battle cry of Percy and the ground started to shake.

"SOMNUS PUT HIM TO SLEEP NOW!" Jupiter yelled up at the sky.

Percy's yell died out and the ground stopped shaking. All the Demigods started to cheer.

"DO NOT CHEER YOU FOOLS!" Neptune yelled

Everyone fell silent. Neptune was not staring at all the scared faces of the gods childeren. He was looking at Percy and looked like he wanted to cry.

Jupiter took a deep breath then said "Childeren thank you for your cheers but this is not a time to be happy. Percy was about to turn into a gods true form and you all would have lost your lives. Had the three binder not came in this direction Percy would have had to have been killed before we would have been able to bring him under control."

Reyna stepped forward and knelt to one knee. "I have a question Lord Jupiter."

"Ask young one."

"Why did Percy dive infront of us and why was he yelling about Kronos and Hyperion?"

Minerva stepped forward and turned to Jupiter "Neptune and i will handle this go back and rest, father"

"Very well. You and Neptune will remain behind to watch Percy and answer the demigods questions. The rest of us are going home."

Jupiter left in a flash of light and the rest of the gods followed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Thank u sooo much and that was fantastic, why does percy keep on fighting with agony, I hope he lives, and wool u mind reading my fanfic?
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Loved the chapters they are amazing and it's so amazing how you post so many chapters in such a short time I wish Percy gets better !:)))
over a year ago percysmile said…
That was awesome that is wow people your missing one of the best fanfics right here it is wow it's too awesome to describe!!!!!!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
pretty good
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 16


After everyone but Neptune and Minerva left. The Apollo campers started to bandage and heal the injured Mars campers that were unfortunate enough to be holding the ropes and chains when they hit the hurricane. When that was done everyone started to check the other campers to see who else was injured. Amazingly no one was.

Reyna thought back to the fighting. She remembered that every time something came near them Percy found a way to get in front of them and protect everyone. He even threw himself in front of the restraint balls that he dodged. 'He found a way to not only fight but protect all of us. Even when it was ten on one he protected us without regards to what would happen to him.' The more Reyna thought about it the more she respected Percy and though she wouldn't say it but started to really like him for the man he was.

Minerva looked around and said "Lupa lets take this disscution to the arena. The childeren are going to need to be seated for what we have to say and what they are going to hear."

"As you wish, My Lady. Praetors move your legions into the arena stands.

Reyna looked at Neptune as he bent down to pick up Percy who was still incased in thed golden restraints. Neptunes face was not the Face of a victorious god. Rather it looked like a concerned fathers.

Dakota walked forward and bowed to Neptune. "My Lord Neptune if you would like we will carry that traitor."

Neptune raised his hand and balled it into a fist. He was about to punch Dakota when Minerva grabbed his fist.

She looked at Dakota and said "It would be in your best intrest not to call Percy a traitor and to get away from Neptune right now, unless you want to die very painfully."

As fast as Dakota ran you would have sworn he was a son of Murcury.

Once everyone was seated in the arena stands Neptune set Percy down gently. He then summoned a horse tank and fill it with salt water while Minerva started to unwrap Percy's head.

Once Percy was put into the tank and his health was examined Neptune and Minerva summoned two large thrones for them to sit in.

"Now I know you all have some questions for us. Understand we will answer your questions as best as we can at this moment but we can't tell you all everything until Juno comes." Minerva said

Reyna was wondering what Juno had to do with all this when a hand shot into the air. Reyna looked over and saw it was Laura who had here hand in the air.

Lupa was sitting in betwwen the gods to act as a mediator so the gods would not be over whelmed with questions.

"Laura" Lupa said

"Why Does Percy have four auras around him?"

Neptune answered "Percy has done much already in his life. He is a leader. He has bathed in the river Styx. He made alot of hard choices as well. Lastly, he Gave up the option to become a god."

Everyone gasped and hundereds of hands shot in the air when Neptune finished.

"Reyna" Lupa called

"Where was Percy until now?"

Minervas turn "He was kept somewhere else until he arrived here."


"Why did Percy think he was fighting Saturn? And why did he use his greek name?"

"That question will have to wait til later." Neptune said

Just then Minerva put her hand to her head and said "Juno says it is time Neptune."

Neptune nodded to Minerva and said "I need you all to look away for a minute. Do not look until told."

"Turn around campers" Lupa ordered

After everyone turned around the arena was illuminateded by a light so bright it gave off heat. Reyna thought it might be the sun starting to rise. As she thought this the sun did rise but it was in front of her.

"You may turn around young ones."

When everyone turned around there was a collective gasp.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
sry guys only one chapter today. hurt my hand in a bike wreck will post only one a day til it heals
over a year ago percysmile said…
Ahhhhhhhhh no what happens this is going to kill me need to know what happens agh if Percy was a god how will he react when't annabeth find him agh agh agh agh agh agh agh (do not freak out I only freak out like this when the story is so awesome that awesome does not cut it any more so ya) agh agh agh agh IF APLLO EXITS THEN HEAL HIS HAND PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago percysmile said…
It not what I say it's what I do after reading that I brack down crying get better percy *sob sob*
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Agh!!! That was soo good!! Sorry u hurt your hand, but pls I like this! I know one per day, but pls post it
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Soooooooo good can't wait for next chapter sO much suspense I love it and i hope u get better!!!
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 17


When every turned back around to face the gods almost everyone gasped. Standing in the middle of the arena surrounded by the fading golden light was Percy.

Percy looked around as memories flooded his mind. When he saw the gods he walked calmly over and knelt before them.

"Father, Lady Athena, I take it it is time?"

"Yes my son it is time."

Percy turned to all the Roman demigods sitting in the stands and said "Demigods of Rome, as you all know my name is Percy Jackson. What you do not know but as some have guessed I am not a child of Rome. My father is Posiedon not Neptune, I am a child of Greece. I am the Hero of Olympus and I have come to get you ready."

Pandemonium broke out. Half the demigods drew weapons and charged Percy the other half screamed and ran toward the top of the stands. Percy raised his hand and all the water in the horse tank Percy was put in exploded forth. Percy moved his hands and the water formed five warriors made out of water. he raised his other hand and the ground started quaking.

"YOU WILL SIT DOWN!" Percy shouted

All the demigods that had started charging him fell off balance and the water warriors ran in front of Percy. the water warriors went around and picked up the weapons the charging demigods had and put them near Percy.

Neptune and Minerva were both on their feet watching what Percy was going to do ready to restrain him again if need be.

With the memory from last night still fresh in everyone's mind it looked like they were waiting to be killed.

Percy raised both hands and demigods winced but nothing happened. There was a loud splash as all the warriors turned back into water and was redeposited into the horse tank.

"I am not here to start a war or to kill you. I am here to help bring together all the children of the gods both Roman and Greek."

None of the demigods moved.

"Look I was sent here as an exchange of leaders. I am here to get you all ready for the return of the giants."

"Then where is Jason?" asked a girl with black hair and gray eyes

"Think about it. I was sent here as an exchange of leaders so if I was sent here Jason was sent where?"

"The other camp." the girl said


Percy looked around again and said "OK lets start out like this I need all Praetors, Duplicarius, and Consuls to remain here the rest of the demigods can go eat breakfast."

"Neptune will you go with the demigods heading to breakfast? I need Lupa to hear this as well."

"Very well Percy."

"Make sure they listen to him Minerva." Poseidon said.

"I will."

Neptune took all the others to the dining pavilion for breakfast while Percy addressed the leaders of the camp.
over a year ago percysmile said…
That was awesome •)
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Lovedddddddd it !!!!!!!:DDDDD
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Omg your story is amazing and I really like how you have all these series of really exciting stuff and not just some
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 18


Percy turned to address the leaders of the camp after Neptune had left.

"Ok before I start on anything I need to know your names and ranks. Lets start with legion one."

A girl with black hair and gray eyes stood up. She was tan and average heigt for someone around fifteeen. "I am Gwenolynn Brown Praetor of the first legion and Consul to the Minerva cabin."Percy nodded to her.

Then a short africen girl stood up. She had black hair and brown eyes. "I am Jamie Dark Duplicarius of the first legion and Consul to the Mors cabin." Percy nodded to her as well.

A latino kid stood next. he was muscular but in a way that said he had been in alot of fights. He had Black hair and blue eyes. "I am Dakota Cozad Praetor of the second legion and Consul of the Mars cabin." Percy nooded and made a mental note that they probably weren't going to get along seeing how he embarassed Area in his first quest.

Next to stand was an athletic kid with blonde hair and blue eyes "I am Daniel Foote (pronounced foot) Duplicarius of the Second legion and co Consul of the Mucury cabin." Percy nodded.

Next to stand was Reyna. "Reyna Slight Praetor of the third legion and Consul to the Apollo cabin." Percy nodded.

Laura was next "Laura Starky Duplicarius of the third legion and Consul to the Trivia cabin." Percy nodded.

A tall redheaded kid stood next and said "I am Brad Ruthes Praetor of the fourth legion and Consul to the Iris cabin." Percy nodded.

Last to stand was a tall asian kid with blonde hair and brown eyes. "I am Micheal Smith Duplicarius of the fourth legion and Consul of the Vulcan cabin." Percy nodded for the last time.

"OK as I said I am the leader from another camp sent here as an exchange of leadership to bring the two camps together."

"If there was another camp why didn't you all come to help us take mount Tam during the Titan war? Did you guys forget to pack a lunch then said screw it let them have it? Or were you guys just to cowardly to help?" asked Dakota

'Yep not gonna be able to get along with him.' Percy thought but answered "I was leading the defence of Manhatten and mount Olympus. We fought the army of Kronos while you all were on mount Tam."

"And you expect us to believe that? We all know the gods defeated Typhon when Neptune showed up and then they went to Olympus and beat Saturn in the throne room."

"Wrong I defeated Kronos in the throne room, it was by my choice he died. Why do you think I was offered to become a god? During the war I fought Kronos and his army for two days and three nights during witch I killed the clazmonian sow, defeated Hyperion and fought Kronos several times."

"Impossible in order to fight a titan as powerful as Saturn youd have to be..." Dakota trailed off.

"Invulnerable." Percy finished "In order to fight him and protect my friends I went into Hades and bathed in the river Styx."

Lupa who had been listening the whole time stepped forward and asked "Percy why don't you tell the demigods of all your exploits? they might understand why you are the leader of the other camp then."

"Fine well before I even got to camp the first time I had to kill the Minotaur, without any training or a weapon. Then i was claimed by Poseidon after a caputer the flag game and had to find Zeus' master lightning bolt. During that quest i killed Medusa, Echidna, Chimera, and many more. Then I even defeated Ares on the beach in california and was able to give Zeus back the master lightning bolt. Then we went to the Sea of Monster to get the gold fleece, to heal Thalia's tree. During the winter between my second and third summer I had to save Annabeth and Artemis who both got kidnapped by Atlas. When i found them the goddess was under Alas's burden so i took it from her so she could fight atlas witch is where i got this stripe of gray in my hair. after Artemis kicked Atlas in my direction I dropped the sky back on his shoulders and he was stuck with his burden again. during my third summer I went on a quest into the Labyrinth. Durring that quest i fought along side Annabeth and we found out that Daedalus had been staying at our camp under a different name. Kronos's army attacked camp from the Labyrinth and we fought them off only afer a satyer named Grover caused a panic. Daedalus died after the fight thus destroying the Labyrinth. After that the titan war started. Before we got to Manhatten i left camp with a friend named Nico Di Angelo and went in search of how Luke the boy who was hosting the soul of Kronos was able to do it. After we found out we realized the only way i would be able to fight on fair grounds with him was if i did the same so i went and bathed in the river styx."

"There is no way you could have done all that with Annabeth and some sayter." Dakota said

Minerva stepped forward "What Percy says is true, though he is being modest with all he did, he did accomplish everything he said."

Everyones jaws were hanging open and Percy did his best not to laugh at them.

Lupa stepped forward again and said "I here by appoint Percy Jackson Praetor of the demigods of the Roman camp until Jason returns. What Percy says will go unless he is challenged for his position and looses. Does anyone among us say he is not worthy?"

No one answered. After hearing what Percy had accomplished and Minerva backing him up how could they?

"What should we do to get ready for the arrival of the greek demigods?" Gwen asked

"I will teach you all what problems you should expect to have with your greek brothers and sisters. I will also taech you greek fighting. As well as greek and moderen military tactics in combat."

"What do you mean tactics we fight just fine." Gwen said

"Do you? Well lets just test your tactics against mine. Well play a moderen military game called defend the fort. i will take legion three you will have the other legions and we will see how you do."

"Your on." Said Gwen "When do we start and what will we be defending?"

"You will defend the arena from us and we will start after breakfast."

With that the rest of the meeting was postponed until later. All the demigods headed to the dining pavilion for breakfast.

On the way to brakfast Percy couldn't help but think 'This is going to be a blast.'
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
That's really good, I like it
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome !!!!!! I totally loved your a really great writer !!:))))
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome chappies man post soon
over a year ago percysmile said…
That's awesome loved it
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Woot thumbnail finaly fell off two more fingernails to go! lol kind gross i know lol
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
chapter 19


As the demigods headed toward the pavilion one thing wieghed on Percy's mind. He caught up to Minerva and asked if they could talk. After they got out of earshot of the other campers Minerva turned and said "You want to know about Annabeth." Minerva guessed. Percy nodded.

"I wont lie to you Percy your disapearance has been really hard for her. It has been so hard that Juno felt sorry for her. Juno visited her in a dream and sent her to the grand canyon to get Jason. Juno did not tell her that you wouldn't be there she told her only enough not to question her and to go. When she got there and didn't find you it nearly crushed her. Even that set back didn't make her give up on finding her though. Once Jason and the other two demigods finished their quest she made sure that everyone got to building the ship that they will becoming on. She has made sure that they will have it done as soon as possible."

Percy felt horrible. How could he make Annabeth worry like that?

Seeing his face Minerva put a reasuring hand on his shoulder and said "You made the right choice not telling her. If you had told her she would have demanded that you take her with you. You already knew that without you there everyone would turn to her for guidance."

Percy looked up into the godess's eyes and said "Thank you Minerva." But he knew it sounded half hearted.

"Your welcome. However, I must warn you that you need to becarful of the demigods here. Some will take your personality and leadership as something else and try to capture your heart. I will only tell you this once young hero, if you break Annabeth's heart I will stop at nothing to make sure you die very slowly and painfully."

"I have no intention of doing that ma'am."

"You may not but that will not keep some from trying." Minerva said as she looked over toward the other demigods.

As Percy looked to see who Minerva was looking at he saw Neptune walking in their direction.

"Percy there is something I need to talk to you about."

"Yes sir?" Percy wondered something and before he could lose the courage he asked "Can I just call you father? I know your not Poseidon but you are a part of him."

"Yes Percy that would be fine with me. As you just said I am a part of him. Back to the topic at hand, I need to see your swords for a moment."

Percy handed Neptune Riptide and Hurricane. While holding the two blades together Neptune asked Percy "What do you get when you put a riptide into a hurricane?"

"Well the hurricane gets pulled into the ocean and you get a Maelstrom if the riptide is strong enough to pull the hurricane down.

"Now what is the latin word for maelstrom?"

"Charybdis" As Percy said the name the swords began to glow. Neptune let go of the swords and they started to fuse into one new sword.

Percy could only stand there in awe as the swords shifted and fused.

Once they finished Fusing Neptune handed Percy the new sword. and said "The hidden threat in the sea is Charybdis. It can appear without warning and once it has you it will rip you apart in its graceful dance of wrath."

Percy took the new sword and looked at it. It was a beautiful shade of bronzed gold. Down the spine of the blade it had swirls of gold and bronze. In the Middle of the sword there was a single silver swirl.

Upon seeing it Percy asked "The silver swirl is in rememberance of Zoe nightshade isn't it?"

"Yes it is there to remind you that every story and experience are linked in one way or another. Also to remind you that just because one doesn't end happily doesn't mean another won't."

Percy thought about the medals and asked "How did you get the medals to fuse without any backlash?"

"Your thinking about Kronos's sythe?"


"Briares was the one who made Hurricane. When i approched him with my request he said that he knew of a way to get them to fuse without any backlash. He also said that the Hundered handed ones have only made seven other weapons of its kind."

Percy looked at his new sword and said "Tell him I said thank you."

"When I told him that you would thank him he said to tell you that this was the least he could do as a thank you for giving him a purpose again."

Minerva reminded them that if they did not get to the dining pavilion soon that Gwen would start to wonder where her opponent was.

At a whim Percy touched Riptides cap to Mealstrom and to his supprise it shrank into pen form. Then the three of them headed to breakfast.