The Heroes of Olympus , The Son of Neptune, ac's version

green-art-ac-pj posted on Apr 28, 2011 at 05:27AM
Well I've been reading sooooooooooo many fanfictions out there that I thought,
Hm I should make my own, well here it is.


Three teens are found in a school in San Francisco. Later on, they soon get brought into a camp for people like them. They soon realize who they really are and are brought before the commander. Soon they begin there treck across the United States to unknown territory to places beyond imagination. They will never know what will come along the way. Journey with Percy, Matthew and Heather as they bring the world to safety. Danger grows apon them as time ticks. They race against time to bring the world back to safety. Would they be alone? What would come? Will she rise? You won't know until you read on into the adventure of this story.


Matthew Harrison
Percy Jackson
Heather Richards
Reyna Limerna
Bobby Fendrick
Hazel Kelly
Gwendolyn or Gwen Venion
Dakota Limbsberg
Crystal Samuels
Daniel Masykian
Jason Grace-Jupiter
Annbeth Chase
Piper McLean
And other characters in Camp Jupiter/ not name in here and Camp Half Blood.

Rated T- For I feel like it

Disclaimer- hey mr. Ricky can I own this,
Mr. Ricky- no ma'am it is mine, and y'all can't take it
Me- why and ma'am, I ma'am? What's up with the west
Mr. Ricky- fine....kid... But me ain't lettin ya
Me- blackbeard alert! And why not
Mr. Ricky- look kiddo, but I ain't lettin ya have it
So you see me don't own it, oh blackbeards rubbin of on meh,

Camp half blood is not going to be mentioned until much later, please enjoy
And please do comment, and enjoy the long list of stories ready for you.

Like it? Hate it? Comment on it?
I will not fail! I will not Previal!!
Thanks Kendra and Lindsay.
And all my friends and viewers and commenters.
The faster you comment...the faster I post!

last edited on Oct 07, 2011 at 02:09AM

The Heroes of Olympus 551 replies

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over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Oh and this is not mine
This all belongs to RR
And if I am not able to post blame it on my stupid iPod because I do everything on
My iPod
So the first chp is not from Percy pov it's the third
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
All rights to RR
first chp is dedicated to my cousin Krystal
 Chapter 1
Matthew Harrison
        I sat in boredom as my science teacher, Mrs. McCabe rambled off on her favorite study of evolution. I was  imagining about me and this arch-nemesis I had named Dan Avery. While I got deeper into my imagination my mind seemed to wander more off and the annoying sound of Mrs. McCabe being drowned out by a new sound that entered my mind.
        Immediately my mind and vision seemed to see a new item cross my mind, two boys around 16 or 17 wielding swords and fighting each other in a huge arena with only one opening, behind the fighters. I remember learning about this in stupid history. I was confused by this sight. It felt like I was actually there in person and was not even part of my third period science class. When I realized this I wondered if I really was there. I then thought about the bell that was supposed to signify the time to go to break and than history class. When I realized the bell was not going to ring, I than got really frightened because I was not even in my science class but in-front of two boys and my arch-nemesis was one of them fighting each other. 
         When spontaneously my arch-nemesis saw me and shouted my name. He had an angered look upon his face. I got frightened by this and tried to see where I was to know if I could run from Dan but noticed I was not familiar to my surroundings at all. Dan began to run upwards me with the other fighter following him. Dan motioned to the other boy to wait, and than my arch-nemesis approached me. This boy did not like this and than hit him with a big strike with his sword and then he nodded to me to get ready then left. Dan started cursing at the other boy whoever he was in Latin than he got up with a welt upon his head. For some reason I understood what he was saying. Dan then walked over to me with an evil grin sprawled across his face.
       Immediately, I was shocked by this move and couldn't think of anything I could do to this guy that hated me a lot. A wave of fright came over me and I got a little bit scared of the item in his hand.            
       Dan just gave my a wicked smile an said," So the hero has come to me!"He then cackled and continued, " So the hero has come, come and we will duel!" 
       I did not to look this and the feeling so i answered," surely I will but with what and who do you think you are Dan to just go up to people and start by asking to duel?!" 
       "Indeed why would I, well that is an exception for you for you are my arch-nemesis." he continued."But why would I, because you are in one of the oldest civilizations that will rise and destroy your race and want to see you hero dead in front of me and we should now duel!"
       I then realized that there was a sword that appeared right next to me with a bloody red glow and I grabbed it. I then got ready and then Dan charged me and I only enough to block that move. Dan started to chuckle but I cut him off with a strike that led me into a soft spot. He winced when I touched him with my sword, but I tried not to show mercy for he did not show me mercy. I continued to fight from technics that I did not even know I know. I thought this must be from my instincts.  I than did this twist type of move which than hit him in the head hard and he feel but came back up even more angry. Immediately I felt much better for getting him and continued and thought what more powers I had that I could and so how much my power would restrain me, but just when I thought i was winning this duel Dan hit me and knocked me to the floor. This gave me so much pain I cried out. 
        Next thing I knew was that I blacked out. 

        End of chp 1
I hope you liked it this was all typed up on my iPod as said
This is my first fanfic not essay Pff fanfic thank you
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Oh and I okay with spam but not toooooo much

over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Wow people must hate me because I'm the only one posting
over a year ago percyrulz said…
no its good
over a year ago mmdr10 said…
big smile
I loved it!!! Im also writting my story maybe you could stop by X)
over a year ago underwater said…
big smile
i no i think you did an awesome job on the chapter!!!:D
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Thank u sooooo much!! As I said ur gonna be my fans
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Try to guess who the other boy is he's an important chara
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Well I am kinda good mood now I think I'll post the 2nd chapter and this is dedicated to all of those who at least posted and also
@mmdr10 I'll try to read urs

Well this is my second chp not that long but 3 an 4 much longer
And hope you like it

Chapter 2 Of SoN
Matthew Harrison
       Next thing I knew was that I was In the white nurse's office or infirmary. There was a curtain on my left side obstructing me from seeing what was on that side. I wondered then how I got there. I then realized that there was a young boy next to me that seemed to be awake also. He looked around 16 or 17 of course. He had black hair and sea green eyes. I seemed to see him a lot of him in most of my classes. 
         The boy then noticed that I was looking at him and said," What are you looking at?" I than realized that he was the boy fighting the other dude in my dream or daydream. He seemed to be very confused on where we were. than he asked," who are you? Wait, who am I? Where am I?" I was surprised he didn't know who he was, where he was, and who i was. I was like the clown in this whole entire school.
       I started to laugh because you don't see a boy like this that often. He than glared at me and than took a pen out of his pocket. It was one of those pens that are like 30 cents at a school store. The next thing that happened was that he took off the cap and next thing you know he was holding a sword that was 3 ft long in his hand. I yelped when he showed it to me. This boy than grinned. He pretended to jab it at me.
   I asked," Who are you? What's your name?" I didnt know this boy even though he was in most of my periods.
   He answered,"All I know is that my name is Perseus Jackson or Percy and that I have no memories. 
   Immediately he said, that a girl about the same age with blonde hair and gray eyes with a purple shirt with jeans with a knife threatening o kill us asked Percy," What have done to him!? Where is he? Where's Jason? what are your names!?"
   Percy than said," my name is Percy and I have  no memories other than my name and this is.... Is...."
   While he stuttered, I interrupted," Matthew Harrison and who's Jason and what are you taking about." 
   "I'm Reyna Limerna, and I am a daughter of Minerva if you know anything about the Roman Mythology."
   Percy than said," Don't you mean Athena and Greek Mythology? And you're a demigod?"
   Reyna was surprised he new so much and answered," You are somewhat true but the Greeks are now dead and we don't want to use that weak term but yes I am a demigod."
   Percy looked unsure of this but after that his face into great pain and he yelped and fell back on the bed he sat on. We immediately rushed up to him and checked to see if he was okay but all Reyna said was that she too did not know what was happening.
End of chp 2
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Ill tryto find a foto of Matthew and reyna I just have to do that when I get back home from my vaca in sedona O and google it or u find a descriptive pic
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG that was awesome!!! I like how you didn't start off with Percy's point of view like most people!!!
it's a great start!!!! :D
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Thank u soooo much jas55jar I appriciate it that u read mine i
Also love ur fanfic
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Common people I have had like 135 views in less than one day but not alot a comments I'll be ur fan and if u have a fanfic Ill see it if u put the link
over a year ago underwater said…
* thumbs up
AWESOME, wait AMAZING, no EXCEBLMO(i just made up that if you ask me wat that means i'll be clueless like you guys)!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D<3<3<3<3&l­t;3­;3
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome chapter
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
dude im not even going to spam unless its a super-dum-hatefull-really bad-stupid story, so do good!!!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
ya-no i need to start reading the comments BEFORE i write my own that way i dont have a bunch rite next to eech other
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
AAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! i need to work on wat i explained above!!!
wen do u post and if so, when will u post next???
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Really good loved the chapters !!!!:)))))) can't wait for the next one and I really liked how you just jumped into the action post soon !!:P
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
This is really good. Ive actually been reading it since you posted the first chapter, but I was on my iPod, and I can't write comments (or anything, for that matter) on my iPod to save my life.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
ill post tomorrow because i posted this morning and
@underwater thx and nice word ha ha
@everyone thank you for saying wat u think about this
Thank u everyone thank u everyone and i mean it and those who at least view it
next pov is percy's and ull meet another demigod
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
can u please give me a good irish last name pls
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
awesome dude, i like how u set it out but can u explain the background scenes a little bit more i kinda got confused about when reyna jumped in and stuff but overall it was immense!!!!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
@funkyguy10- I'll try to describe the scenes beter
@everyone+ viewers- thxs again for viewing this I am soooo happy
@ everyone+viewers- third chp is dedicated to all of u and my mom because she wanted me too

Soo I just came back from Sedona, Arizona and I was struggling for wifi but home wifi a happy and I'll stop rambling here's chp 3

Chp 3
This is chp 3 and it's a summary first of chp2 and then it's all perches pov

Chapter 3 of SoN
Percy pov
     I wake up all of a sudden feeling horrible. I was in a white room where a curtain was pulled over a section of my bed. I and realized I was wearing a orange shirt and jeans. I shrugged and felt all my limbs Hurting and a lot!! When I woke up I saw this boy next to me and he was staring at me so I was wondering why so I just yelled at him. While we began talking I showed him my sword, anaklusmos, also known as riptide. I then realized he was the boy from my dream before I came to this infirmary. 
      We then continued talking until this girl Reyna came asking for this dude Jason. She also carried a dagger in her hand and threatened me. I answered trying to be nice even though I wanted to bash this girls head to the wall.
     When she started talking about who her mom was and said it was Minerva I thought she meant Athena but she insisted on the roman mythology and I didn't like it that much but continued. One problem was that after I got confused I realized that the girl in front of me looked like someone I knew and this was very weird because I had no memory. I then saw a picture of a girl screaming my name with the exact same features as Reyna. I then got a searing pain behind my eyes that was very intense and I feel on the bed. 
      After a few moments, I opened my eyes to see Matthew and Reyna in front of me with a worried expression sprawled across their faces. 
      "Are you okay," says Reyna
      "what just happened, we were so worried when you started to fall back on the bed with a scrunched up face." Matthew continues.
       "well I, saw someone that looked really like you," I answered.
       "Hi, did I miss anything."says a brown-haired girl with a pink tank top on who came into the room. She immediately shrieked when she saw my sword and Reyna' s dagger. Matthew started to laugh hysterically. Reyna and I just looked at Matthew. 
     "what's so funny! You're carrying weapons and then you laugh! Why are you carrying weapons Percy and Reyna," the girl continues.
     "why are you so afraid, Heather! There just weapons, and I just got one I think. Hm. Guess not"says Matthew
     " well Matthew I had to watch Percy and then next thing you know he's... He's... Carrying a sword or something. I was in history with him when we had to learn about Cleopatra and he passes out next thing and I had to carry him here."
    " I'm surprised my mist worked," Reyna mutters under her breath so I could only hear her.
    "I passed out in science, okay? I was sooo bored." matthew grumbles.
    "you passed out in your dream also." I say
    " soo that was real" matthew muses.
    " how did you fight like that! I bet his dad is Ares." I say
    " you mean Mars?" says Reyna with a raised eyebrow. "how do you know so much?"
    " I don't know it just came to my mind"I said"
    "hey Percy, why was Dan fighting you and me."Matthew questions.
    " that was a dream for me, and I think we were in the roman coliseum but that boy was just a person I thought I remembered, wait he looked like someone I knew."
     " weird, anyway Percy I have a question, we have almost every class together and next thing you know, I pass out and you don't remember anything and seem to know a lot about the gods, how?" "one more, where did the sword that I had come from?" Matthew then took a deep breath.
      " well I don't remember anything other than the gods and  my name and that dream, oh and that sword, I was behind you when you were fighting so I threw my sword to you so you could use it." 
     "thanks."Matthew groaned.
      "well that was interesting, and I don't know what you're talking about."heather says
     " I think shes a demigod or half-blood." i said
    " I agree, but Percy where did learn about that? Never mind we'll find out later."said Reyna
    " what the is a demigod, and why are you talking about Harry Potter?"
    At that point Reyna and stared at each other and started laughing. " Harry potter" I laughed( Reyna and I continue to laugh) 
   " well I've got to get you to the camp." Reyna says with the laugh wearing off.
   " what camp?" Matthew says.
   " yeah, all I'm here for is to watch you guys or just Percy and Matthew." heather says
   " well you're coming to camp, and this camp is called camp Demi"Reyna says
   " you mean like where Demi lovato lives?"Heather questions
   " ha ha! No!" it's the only place safe for demigods." 
   " that's not right." I say
   " what are talking about?" 
   " nevermind"I say even though I was unsure of that," where are we anyway?"
   " we're in Frisco." heather answers
   " what?! I'm not supposed to be here!" I then realize.
   "What why not?" Reyna and Matthew said at the same time with questioning look. Heather gives me the same look.
   "I don't know all I know is that I'm not supposed to be here." I said knowing that what I said had to be part of my past.
End of chp 3
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I keep trying to load pics but I'll hav to do it computer soo ull have to wait tit bit longer and hope u like chp 3
Pls comment because I'll want to know if I should continue because I've only gotten up to chp 5
over a year ago fameless said…
big smile
Its really good! keep posting i like it! And plz dont stop posting because other ppl on fanfiction just stop writing and never post again and dont say why and that really annoys me. So yea love the story so far!
over a year ago fameless said…
^ i meant fanpop
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Thank you everyone and
@fameless- I thank u sooo much and I give j my thanks because I could have stopped but writteng is actually fun. Weird
Thank u everyone
Please i really thank everyone for the comments and yes there's a second pg in just 2 or 3 days eek
over a year ago percysmile said…
At first your like I might stop and then I'm like noooooooooooooo and your like I will continue and im like yessssssssssssss and now I say that your story is fantasicly awesome (your typing on your iPod 2?)
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
i doo everything on my ipod or itouch so i cant put pics unless im on computer
thank you percysmile
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
i wont be posting tomoro until i get at least 5 comments other than the ones b4 this post 5
and 555555555555555 i say
u viewers he he
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Well I guess I'm not posting!!! I said 5 and I'll take away 2 for the ones before this so three more
I actually liked this chapter 4 &5 are my favs
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
I'm commenting!!! your story is awesome!!! you like that I read u fanfic cos u read mine, awe that's nice!!! c'mon you have to post!!!
over a year ago thilahector said…
Come on people are here to read your story man
i like it u could put some cliff hangers but make sure that it is in the middle of an adventure or some thing you know will make your viewers interesting . just constructive critisim .

but other than that i like your story
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
im commenting !! cant wait till you post ur an awesome writer !!:DDDD
over a year ago percysmile said…
Please post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your story
over a year ago percysmile said…
Rats that's 4 one more please one more
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Well good job everyone 5 while j made it to 3 well
@jas55jar- I read urs an u read mine ha ha that is funny thxs
@thilahector-I'll try on putting some cliffhangers
@blackrose12-thank u very much and I'm glad that u commenting actually everyone Im happy that everyone posted
@percysmile-yes I'm glad ur excited about it and also u did actually make 2 comments I said that I'll ut it to 3 but at least u got to 4

So here is chp 4 and I'm glad that u got to at least 4 after and about 2 before so here is your chp 4

Chp 4
Well this one of my fav chappies I hope u like it too!
Chapter 4
Percy pov

So even though I felt like I shouldn't be here I still followed. We went into the school parking lot to see a boy leaning against a tree eating an apple.
      "Hey, Bobby! Yo! We need to get to Camp before monsters will come find us," Reyna shouts
      " Hey, who are these, demigods"Bobby says
     " oh! This is Percy Jackson, Matthew Harrison, and Heather... What's you're last name?"
    " oh! I'm Heather Richards."Heather says
    " and this is Bobby Fendrick." Reyna continues
    " nice to meet you, demigods"" I'm as said Bobby Fendrick, son of Vulcan."Bobby states.
   " you mean, hephaestus, the god of fire, etc?" I say without me noticing.
    " yes, and can you say the gods in the roman form because the Greek form is very weak." reyna groans
     " sure, whatever." i say sullenly 
     " well so who's my mom. My dad said he died when she died on an airplane trip which crashed into the ocean and was not found but I don't believe him," heather says cheerfully.
     " are you good at planting flowers?" Bobby asks
     " how about, geometry ?" Matthew says eyeing Reyna.
     " do you like makeup?"Reyna asks trying not to laugh
     " how about agriculture," I ask
     " I'm horrible in geometry, I hate makeup to the bone, and flowers I kill every flower in reach, agriculture? Don't even ask me." heather answers
     "Well, Athe-Minerva, De-Ceres, Aph-Venus, and Per-Proserpina are all crossed out, well we'll find out when we get to whatever place,"I state
      " yes let's find out later, and we should get inside the car,"Bobby says
      " yes, we should." Reyna says
 "Why do I have to follow you?"heather says grumbling
 " Because we're you're only hope,"Bobby answers
 "come on!"reyna says" the monsters may come soon."
  We than walked up to a car and started to get in. 
  "Who wants to drive,"Bobby asks
  "oh, oh me!" heather than squeals
 " how old are you?"reyna asks 
 "fifteen," she than
Says sullenly 
 "I'm also 15! So I can't drive?" Matthew whines
 " no!" Bobby demands
 " hey, how old are you?" reyna asks me
 " um... I don't know," I answer stupidly
 " I think you're at least sixteen, youre driving,"reyna says
 "why?! Aren't you guys sixteen?" I whine
 " well because you have to and you don't want me to drive and Reyna has to look at where we're going,"Bobby answers, I groan and get into shotgun.
 " okay, I'll show you where to go, and you listen, okay?" reyna states
 "m'kay!" I just say
 " okay let's gooo!" Bobby shouts
 "watch for mt. Tam," I say. Immediately I say that I realize that Bobbys and Reynas faces have dropped butthe don't day a thing. I try not to question there  stressed faces.
  "Look! It's the Golden Gate Bridge."heather exclaims
  " yes, hey Bobby do you see caltomet tunnel?"Reyna says
 " not yet,"Bobby answers
 "Watch out! It's a, wait it's Dan! I think!"Matthew shouts
 "Reyna! You jinxed it!" I shout angry
 " sorry!" we climbed out of the car hiding it behind a willow tree and approached him or whoever it was.
 "you think you could have escaped me?"i took my pen and uncapped it and got ready.I realized this was Dan or whoever that guy was in my dream.
 " you think you're little petty little toothpick could hurt me?"Dan said"I am the son of Vulcan! I have fought Hercules,"
 "your... Your... Cacus, the fire-breathing giant!"reyna said after some thought.
 " yes, I am Cacus, I stole the cattle from Hercules."
 "Hercules beat you with his club for his tenth labor."
 " But I was smart enough to hid it, an he would not have found them if the cattle did not make a noise."
 "He was smart enough to find you, and kill you."Bobby shouts
 " oh, hello brother, do you really think that the gods have helped us, and here I am once again, join my mistress, she rises."
 " no, stop Bobby, he's tricking you!"Heather shouts.
 " stop! Don't listen to her, I will kill you all, for I do breath-fire."at that moment the giant then began To grow in size until he was about 10 ft tall. He than grinned at us with yellow teeth and blew fire. 
    I just had enough time roll away before he could have burned me and the others did the same. I tried to get everyones attention and then when I got their attention I shouted, 
   Matthew and Heather just give me a questioning look and a mouthed to them to separate an fight.
  Reyna, Matthew, and I ran in to attack.
 " For the gods!" I shouted and the others shouted the same battle cry.
 While we got there I asked Reyna if she had spare weapons.
 "I have some more,"she then handed a collapsable spear to Matthew and tossed a sheathed dagger to Heather.
  I fought with moves that I never knew an I just let my instincts kick in dodging the fire everytime Cacus blew. I hated the fire, I thought if I would be able to stop the fires. I felt a tug In my gut and then right when Cacus was about to blow, water gushed by from the beach we were near and hit him in the mouth and hit him with such force he fell back. That drained my energy horribly but I jabbed my sword in his foot. Golden ichor pored out of the wound. Right when that happened, heather shouted something and then the earth opened up and Cacus fell through. 
     We were all breathing hard and Reyna got a scratch across her check and Matthew had a cut on his arm. I seemed to be the only one without any injuries. Everyone seemed to be looking at Heather on how she opened up the earth.
   I then got really tired and then next you know, I blacked out once again.
End of chp 4

I hope u like it but I am not even able to post pics on here because he computer is not fully working and u see that I actually post from iPod touch

Thank u sooooooooooo much for commenting and actually from now I'll have at least 5 comments before I post each next chapter and zoo from here at least 5
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome chapter write more
over a year ago percysmile said…
Noooooooo do not and I repeat do not leave us hanging like that I was not nice what will happen ok now I'm just rabaling but I all ways rableb like that want I know some things going to happen that is vary bad and then it kills me mentally not pyacally but after that wow it just wow ok I think I sould stop but I can't please post it's killing me LITTERALY

OK LISION UP CUPCAKES THIS IS CONMENT 2 IF YOU WANT HER TO POST A NOTHER AWESOME CHAPTER THEN CONMENT I DO NOT CARE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A PROFILE MAKE ONE THEN POST !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!­*!*­!*!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
gosh my ipod is horrrrible it makes soooooo many grammar mistakes and comment 2 ill try to post daily and said 5 comments before post sooo tomorow he he
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
awesome and omgssss heather opened the ground !! dun dun dun cant wait for the next chapter !!:))) post soon !!!
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
aaaahhhh.stupid kindle. i hear your pain. i had a comment and it had to ruin it. anyway thanks for the add and i love your story.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
whoa that was so awesome, stupid giant LOL, is heather a daughter of Pluto????
over a year ago percysmile said…
Good that was five now he can post so please post
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Good job
Chp 5
  Here I am, once again in the infirmary. I wondered how I got here because this was a different infirmary than the other one I was in. This infirmary also has a white curtain, but here the wall was brown and had people with broken arms and everything else. I also heard people taking about that dude Jason Reyna was taking about.  While I was thinking, Reyna came in looking weary.
  "hey, are you feelin' any better?"
  "yeah, other than my head feeling like it's on fire." I groaned
 "well, yeah, heather blacked out after you did, but she's fine now,"reyna said
  "where is she?" I asked
  "she's taking a tour of the camp with Matthew and Bobby, they should be back soon," reyna said
  "This camp is awesome with all it's machinery!"matthew shouted while coming through the door with heather and Bobby behind.
 "what? How do you like all of this!"heather scowled
  " camp? We're here already?"I said
 "yeah, we had to lug you all the way here and brought you to the infirmary," Bobby said.
  " Hey heather, I have a question," I said
  " yes," heather said
  " well, how did you open up the earth, it's like you were a daughter of Ha-Pluto."I said
  " I don't know."
  " are you sure it's you're mom?"reyna asked
 "I'm positive, my dads a full blooded mortal," Heather said
 "well we should tell that to Lupa during dinner. Right now I'll show Percy the camp and Bobby you will bring Matthew and Heather to whatever your cabin is doing right now other than the armory," Reyna commanded
  After Bobby, Heather, and Matthew left to the climbing wall, Reyna and I walked outside and Reyna showed me Camp Demi. 
  " hey, Reyna, when I was in the infirmary a lot of people talked about this dude Jason, who is he?" I asked. Immediately I said that, Reyna's face darkened. "Did I say something?"
  "well, um... Jason is... was the greatest fighter in the camp. He did many things into saving it. Oh Hey look! It's Hazel." we than saw a group of kids that were playing volleyball. Hazel was watching them play making little things happen around the players, like the ball moving away.
   "Hey, Hazel, this is Percy. Is it okay if you watch him and finish the tour of the camp for me, I have to teach sword fighting."
   "Oh hi, I'm Hazel Kelly daughter of Trivia," said Hazel. She had red hair with green eyes and looked like a girl that was always happy. She reminded me of someone but I didnt know who. 
   "Hi," I said
  " you must be the boy who was unconscious when brought here." Hazel mused
   "Cool, whats up with Reyna?" I asked
  " oh she's been like this for like three days after um Jason disappeared." 
   "Well, she was laughing earlier," I said 
  "I have a feeling that she's being very suspicious of you."
 "what? Why?"
  " well, Jason disappears three days before and then you appear three days after with no memories, wouldn't you be suspicious," Hazel speculates
  " well, would I?"I muttered.
  " We'll talk about it later, I have to finish the tour for Reyna."
  "Um, okay."
  " that's the climbing wall, the lake, that's the creek, that's the armory, that's the..." she continued to show me the place. As she droned on an on about the place, I realized that this place looked like somewhere I knew.
    " okay, that's it, and we play capture the flag on Friday's. We should go see Lupa now."
  "okay," I then say.
  "when you see her, never ever show fear, she does not show mercy, good luck,"Hazel said
  We then went into the forest and walked about 5 minutes until we came upon a little hut in the middle of nowhere for me. There was a little cave next to the hut. 
  We then approached the hut where there were wolves roaming around. We went inside to find a
Room filled with spoils of war. We then went a little deeper and found another room where there was a wolf that was bigger than all wolves.  
   I turned to look at Hazel but realized that she was kneeling to the wolf so I kneeled too. When I looked up I realized that the wolf was now looking at me. 
  -/ Welcome Perseus Jackson
 "She can talk," I said stunned
 "Don't be rude," Hazel whispers to me.
 -/ Of course, Perseus I can talk, How did you come to my presence. Lupa spoke. It seemed to me that she didnt even move her lips but speak through my mind.
  -/ Hazel, you may join the Trivia cabin.
 "yes, Lupa. She bowed before she left.
 -/Do you know where you are, Perseus? Something about her voice changes
 "Um, that this is Camp Demi?"I just answer stupidly
 -/ Do you know where you are from?
 "Um no, but I know that I don't belong here and deja vu."
 -/ This is not good, not good, what has Juno done
 " what? What are you talking about"
 -/ you were just speaking Greek and everyone here speaks Latin.
 "what?" I said after switching back to English.
 -/Juno has done a very dangerous gamble to doing this.
 "Juno do you mean Hera?"
 -/Try not to talk about the Greek gods to the others and don't show you're shirt to anyone
 "What? What about my shirt!" I looked down and realized, for it said Camp Half-Blood in Greek
 -/ There is a shirt for you in the first room by the window, and you will be staying in the Mercury Cabin. I'll see you at dinner.
 She then left to another room behind the first. I then went into the first room which I had named "the room of mementos". I found a purple shirt by the window seal. I pulled it over my other shirt and i then walked out.

End of chp 5

over a year ago percysmile said…
That was really awesome I loved it it was soo fantastic it was it was oh I do not know ...................………
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over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Sorry I couldnt say anything earlier it's because I had like only 3mins to post the chp and I took the opputunity. This is actually for before an after the chp
@persesjr-why would I not... Of course I will write more
@percysmile- I'm glad ur soooo enthusiastic into my writing because my cousin got bored because she hates reading
@jas55jar- the giant stupid Cacus right? Well is she a daughter of Pluto? That's what made it interesting right? Well I think chp 3 I said her dads the mortal so makes even more intereting he he find out in chp 6
@blackrose12-SHE Opened te ground! Weird huh? I did take a long depression time to think that one out
@myth-freak214-let's suffer altogether, thanks for commenting

Also guys 4 more comments till next chp heck ya thanks percysmile again
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percysmile said…