The Heroes of Olympus DemiTitans of Olympus

Perseus54321 posted on Apr 24, 2011 at 12:09AM
My friends give me a lot of good ideas for stories and this is one of them. They thought it would be cool if I made children of the Titans like Zoe or Calypso (although, technically they weren't demititans since they weren't half mortal. And I'm adding some not demigods but not mortals. And this is about 13 years after the Last Olympian and Percy and Annabeth, Jason and Piper, Leo and Reyna (I wanted to come up with another couple)and Grover and Juniper are married.

Disclaimer: I do not own some of these characters, you know which.

Characters: James Derand, son of Kronos. Julius Karek, son of Atlas. Robby Shered, son of Hyperion. Amy Silland, daughter of Oceanus. Maria Mendum, daughter of Rhea. Alex and Emma Jackson, twin children of Percy and Annabeth. Tommy Grace, the son of Jason and Piper. Jesse Valdez, the son of Leo and Reyna. And last but not least Rose Underwood, daughter of Grover and Juniper. There will be more characters but I do not want to name them all.

Also since this will be my third fan fiction along with the Roman Titan War and my Son of Neptune, I will post maybe once every three days since I will try to give one to my others.

The Heroes of Olympus 8 replies

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over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Sounds awesome!!!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Hope you guys like this

Chapter 1

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re gonna think that it’s so great to be a demigod (or in my case a demititan). Fighting a monster everyday I’m outside camp borders, sounds fun doesn’t it? The only bad part is when the monster kills you, then guts you like a fish and eats it for dinner. I’m not trying to make the idea sound bad, it’s just the idea is bad. You don’t know how to fight you are toast (actually you’ll be the thing the monster puts on toast. But now I’ll start with the story.
The last day of school, it started there. I was walking to school with my two friends, Julius and Robby. Just so you know Robby and me were in ninth grade but Julius was in tenth. Julius probably had the record for most detentions in the tenth grade at Chicago High School ever. In the ninth grade it was most likely me and right behind me was Robby. Just looking at Julius you could tell that he wasn’t even close to a teacher’s pet. He was tall and nearly always had a proud look in his eyes like ‘try to mess with me and I’ll snap your neck’. His skin was light brown and had unruly dark hair. He would never take an order from a teacher or figure of authority.
I was kind of like that, but I didn’t look anything like him. I had sandy blond hair and, well, most people freak out when they see that my eyes are the color gold. My mom always said that I took after my dad. Although I had never met him. Robby was the third most rebellious, it wasn’t exactly his nature to not follow rules but he did anyway. From hanging around Julius Robby had developed a sneering look that he could never stop. He had blond hair that hung over his eyes and his eyes had maybe a stranger color than mine. His eyes were red like a flame.
Se we were walking to school, until we saw Amy and Maria. Amy and Maria were best friends and were seldom apart. Maria was the devil in disguise. She got along with everyone except Julius, Robby and me. She was more like a wart hog than a girl. She had blond hair and a snooty look in her blue eyes. Amy was exactly the opposite, she was very pretty. She had black hair and dark blue eyes. I would have tried to get her attention a long time ago except for Maria. As soon as we were up to them Julius said
“Hey guys, I didn’t know wart hogs and crocodiles could have children.” Pointing at Maria. Robby and me snickered.
“What do you want?” Amy said in a tone that made me suspect she was gonna pick a fight.
“You think we’re scared of you?” he taunted, “You couldn’t do a thing, because you’re a girl.” Julius said. Maybe he was asking to get hit in the face, but it felt good to taunt them. Then Amy noticed my snickering and she (key word) tried to punch me. But then time literally slowed down. She moved at a pace of one millimeter a second. I grabbed her wrist, then time started going again.
“What were you trying to do exactly?” I asked sarcastically. She just stormed away. Maria however decided to look coldly at us for the few minutes while following us.
“For crying out loud, she’s stalking us.” Robby said as we got in to school.
“I know,” I said.
“See you guys later,” Julius said and left.
“Come on, man. We gotta get to algebra.” I said. I fell nothing short of the expectations from Mr. Danier, the algebra teacher. In the first five minutes I fell asleep. Robby lasted longer, he went six minutes until he fell asleep.
“Detention!” Mr. Danier yelled at Robby and me.
“Crap, we fell asleep again.” Robby said. I heard a snicker in the front. It was from Amy and Maria; I would get them back for that. I didn’t need to.
“Detention,” Mr. Danier said to Amy and Maria. I cracked a grin. Detentions were nothing to me, but to Amy and Maria they were torture. The teacher’s pets, I thought. There was another laugh from the front. It was Rose, she didn’t really seem like the type to laugh at detentions but she did. Mr. Danier gave her detention. So it would be Robby, Amy, Rose, Julius and me. I didn’t know what Julius had done but I was sure that he had. Teachers absolutely hated Julius on sight.
Through the rest of my classes here were my trouble stats

7 yells
4 threatens for expulsion
6 pranks pulled
0 pranks caught
1 detention (the one in algebra)

I call it an all time high. Let’s just hope that no one finds that python I put in the teacher’s lounge. Now for the detention, where it all started. Like all detentions, I was bored out of my mind. ADHD makes time much slower when you’re bored. Robby and Julius were making paper airplanes. Rose was looking at a plant she brought in. Is their show and tell in detention? Amy and Maria were doing the thing that gave me the most pleasure. They were quietly sobbing into their social studies books. Why would you bring social studies into detention? It’s bad enough doing it during class. I joined in the paper airplanes with Robby and Julius but when Robby wasn’t looking I took out a lighter and lit his plane on fire. He didn’t even notice until it was in the air burning. He got up and stamped it out.
“What the crap, man.” He said.
“That was hilarious.” I said cracking up.
“Holy crap, you’re annoying. Who lights a paper airplane on fire?” He asked.
“I do,” I said. “I love it that the teachers almost never check on us. And when they do, you can hear their footsteps a mile away.”
“Dude, check out Amy and Maria. They're crying into their books. Kinda looks like they've never been in detention.” Julius said.
“Oh, you think?” I said sarcastically. We heard footsteps. A teacher was coming. I quickly put away my lighter and Julius and Robby stuffed the airplanes in their pockets. The door opened and it was Mr. Danier.
“Hello students,” he said stiffly, “detention is over. You may leave.” Everyone got out of their seats and began to leave but Mr. Danier said “One last thing. You must DIE!” and out of his mouth shot fire.
“What the?” I yelled. Mr. Danier started transforming. His hands and feet were turning black and looked like they were taking the shape of hooves. Out of his body was white fur. Sprouting out of his back was a ten-foot long diamond-back serpent. Mr. Danier was growing golden yellow hair that looked like the mane of a lion. His face turned into a lion and he was still breathing fire. “What is that thing?” I yelled dodging the flames that shot at me.
“That’s the chimera,” Amy yelled. “A monster from Greek mythology that’s part lion, goat and snake!” she nearly got blasted. Wait, I think the flames did hit her but she wasn’t showing if she had any pain. Mr. Danier or whatever he was was now on all fours. I had been so busy trying to not get hit by fire I didn’t notice the serpent that much. But I did when pain flared through my leg. I realized the snake had bitten me. I crumpled to the floor. The poison was going to kill me. Then, like this morning, time stopped. The pain of the poison stopped, maybe if time stopped, I could get time to reverse when the snake bit me. Then suddenly time started again and my leg was fine. Out of no where Rose threw what looked what looked like a xiphos sword. I don’t know where that came from but I knew it was a Greek sword. I think she was aiming for the chimera but it flew right past him. It was blade first and heading for me. It would have turned me into a shish kabob if I hadn’t made time freeze. Right before it sunk into my chest I grabbed the handle and made time start again. Then I jumped on the chimera’s back and took him for a ride.
“Get a long little goatie! Or lionie, or snakie! It doesn’t matter right now!” I yelled. The chimera kept bucking me until me and the sword went flying. The sword speared the wall right above my head and when I hit the wall I slid down. I quickly got up and removed the sword from the wall and charged again. Things went better this time around. I was about to just try to flat out stab him when vines came out of the ground and started to wrap around the chimera. I quickly chopped off the snake head to make sure I didn’t have anymore problems with that. Then I slid under the chimera and stabbed him in the gut. As I got out I asked
“What the crap just happened?” Rose responded
“You just killed the chimera. Now it’s time to get you five to the safest place for half-bloods.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Come on, I thought you guys liked my writing, I normally have at least three replies within a day, I've gotten one and that was before I even started. Just tell me if you don't like it.
over a year ago Randomdemigod said…
I like the story. You are a really good writer. It was also funny how he was all calm at first, the shouted, 'you must DIE!' I cracked up at that.
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
lol i had capslocks on
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
that was good
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
^no it wasnt good, it was GREAT!!!!!!!!
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
amazing post soon