The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune

POJO45 posted on Feb 14, 2011 at 11:12PM
Okay you don't have to like it but please read this! This is my first time writing so I hope I don't suck! Please enjoy!

Chapter One

I woke up shaking.I looked around confused. It's day? Why would I sleep during the day? Wait. Am I in an infirmary? No way. How did I get here? Whoa. Just wait one second. Who am I? This is trippy. How do I not know who I am? Do you know the feeling when you know something and it's on the tip of your tounge, and it's killing you. Yeah, that's how I feel right now. Only it's ten times worse because it's my name I can't remember. I felt for some reason, that I've been here before. Just then I had a vision appear, crystal clear.

I was wounded and there was a blond girl leaning over me, feeding some type of liquid. She was wearing a orange t-shirt and had grey eyes. So vivid they were almost piercing. She had a hopeful look on her face as if she had been waiting for something and she finally found it. For some reason I felt compelled to her. Then the vision faded.

I blinked just to bring myself back to reality. Just then I noticed a girl in the corner. She eyed me like a poisonous snake. She looked very stern, but in a different way than the blond I saw in my vision. She looked like a person with angst and hatered. The blond looked more soft and loving. "Who are you!" she shot at me coldly. I examined her, then I relized what I was doing and brought myself to say, "I honestly have no idea." "You're lying." she accused with a dangerous tone in her voice. I relized the danger and somehow I popped "Percy. My name is Percy." I had no idea where that came from. I just knew in that moment. I have to admit, I was kind of proud of myself. The girl nodded with satisfactory. "I see." But that wasn't enough for her, "Why are you here?" This time I had no bright lightbulb in my brain. I was blank. "I have no idea, I just woke up a couple of minutes ago." I explained. She looked annoyed. But now she had a certain look in her eye that gave me the feel "get out of her way"."" Tell me" she gritted through her teeth. "I CAN'T!" I can't explain what happend.Just something inside of me snapped. I was getting mad. Nobody accuses me of something I didn't do. Nobody. When I yelled she looked like somebody slapped her. Finally, she charged at me. She pulled out a knife, her face red and slitted two cuts in my skin. Or it least what should be instead the blade bounced off my skin. She was stunned. But she put on a brave face. She raised her knife to my throat and said, "let's try this one more time, why are you here!" she growled. "I don't know!" I pleaded. She looked in my eyes and saw the honesty. She lowered the knife. " Fine." she spit, "but if you are any trouble watch out!" With that she turned and left. I had no choice. Though I still stung from whatever brought me here , I sprinted after her.
last edited on Feb 15, 2011 at 12:14AM

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