The Heroes of Olympus The son of neptune

orpher posted on Feb 12, 2011 at 05:42AM
Hey guys! I'm kinda new at this thing so it probably won't be perfect. There might be some spelling mistakes so I apologize now. I wrote this thing as an article in the heroes of Olympus here goes nothin.

Ugh I thought, why did that weird kid have to come here? Three days ago, a guy about her age, sixteen, washed up on the camps shore. Lupa told me not to kill me after she found me with my sword at his throat asking him who he was.
He said he didn't know who he was or where he came from. My friend Hazel said he probably had amnesia or something and that I shouldnt worry about him.
I was in my room trying to read an English book but these days I had been having trouble after Jason had disappeared. We had started going out last year. I remembered his blond hair and that little scar he has on his lip. From trying to eat a stapler.
There was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. It was Hazel.
" Hey Reyna!" she said cheerfully.
I slammed the door in her face and told her to leave. Hazel was nice and all but last time I saw her my hair turned white. And I looked like an old lady.

Yes I'm done. Sorry but I'm so tired. Can't wait for tomorrow. I placed a bet with my brother to see who could stay up all night. Seems like ima lose. Well hope you liked the chapter. I know it was short but next tome I'll do a longer one. Peace!

The Heroes of Olympus 65 replies

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over a year ago percyrulz said…
cant wait
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
cool ch.!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
Awesome, can't wait for chapter 2!!!!
over a year ago orpher said…
Sup guys! Sorry I was gonna post this yesterday but I was asleep all day long. I barely woke up an hour ago.

"Reyna!" I shouted," sorry 'bout last time."
"You made me look like a fool in front of everybody." I heard Reyna say.
" Really. I'm sorry, I was just wondering how you would look with white hair. happened."
She opened the door and saw from her face she was tired. Those shocking and intelligent gray eyes were wanting to close. Her honey blond hair was a little messy. She was wearing her purple camp t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and some old Vans.
" Look, I really don't want to talk." She told me.
" It's the guy. He started to mumble in his sleep in a weird language. Lupa told me to come get you."
When I told her this she became more interested in what I was saying.
We walked over to Lupa's room. Reyna knocked on the door. Lupa came out in her wolf form.
She had grey and white fur. Her eyes were blue. Kind but strong. She had been like a mom to me.
" Hello Hazel, Reyna. Lupa said.
Me and Reyna bowed.
"You called me?" Asked Reyna.
" Yes. That young boy you found looks like he wants to wake up. At 5:00 you will go to the nursery and watch him." Lupa ordered." I have been watching him and I am ready for bed."
Lupa left for bed it seemed. I wondered if she had secretly hidden her teddy bear in her fur.
" Great! I'm sleepy and I've got to watch a guy sleep. How unfair is that!" Reyna complained. She left with an angry face.
I walked to the nursery. I had to watch the guy for right now.

When I got to the nursery I found him sleeping on a bed.
He had black hair. He was wearing an orange shirt with CAMP HALF BLOOD written on it.
I stayed there doing nothing for at least 2 hours, when Reyna walked in. When I saw her feet eyes I rememebered I had named the guy, Waldo.
over a year ago Avery09 said…
I really like it! especially how u named him waldo :)
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
little confusing on the POV. in the first chapter reyna was referring to herself as "I" but then it switches to third person and then back to her point of view again.

but other than that it's pretty good keep going! :)
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
WHERE'S WALDO! haha i don't know if that's what you were going for but i like it.
over a year ago orpher said…
Kay guys ready for chapter 3? Sure you are.
@ Avery09 thx! Yeah I actually got that name cuz it sorta sounded like water. Sorta. And well percy is a son of posieson(did I get that right?).
@ PJhero02 I'm as confused as you are. Cuz I'm not really good at that kinda stuff, so I don't even know what is third person.

I woke up with a horrible headache. There was a girl sitting on a stool right next to my bed. Apparently she was sleeping. She reminded me of someone I knew. Someone. I couldn't recall who it was.
I sat up." Excuse me." I said.
Her eyes flew open. She looked at me.
" Your awake?" She asked.
" Apparently." I answered.
" Who are you!"
" Hey! You're that girl that got me out of the water and tried to kill me!" I said recognizing her.
" Answer my questions!" She told me.
I would've told her my name, but I noticed...I didn't know who I was. I was starting to feel desperate.
"I don't know. I don't remember anything about me. Or anyone. All I remember is waking up underwater. Then you got me and-"
" Woah wait. You were underwater? 'Cuz when I found you, you were laying in the sand and you weren't wet."
I wanted to yell. I needed to find answers.
" Im Reyna by the way."
" I'm..."
" Waldo." Reyna said.
" Why Waldo?" I asked.
" Don't ask me. Ask Hazel."
"Who?" I asked.
" Daughter of Trivia."
" Who's that?"
" Goddess of magic."
I knew I wasn't the smartest guy but the magic goddess wasn't Trivia.
" You mean Hecate?"
" Well that's the Greek term." She answered.

Hey guys I'll write te rest tommorrow cuz I'm way to tired and I got school tomorrow. Dang it! Hope you guys don't mind. Peace!
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
big smile
over a year ago orpher said…
Sorry I haven't posted but I'll try and post tomorrow
over a year ago hero100 said…
hey orpher got round to reading it and i think its great Waldo (lol) great name and thanks for reminding me hecate was trivia's counterpart id completly forgot. post soon :D
over a year ago orpher said…
Hey guys so here's the continuation and the next chapter.

" What's Trivia?"
" Roman." Reyna answered.
When she said that something in the back of my head said, red alert I'm not supposed to be here!

Well yeah that was a short continuation. Here's chapter 4

"Are you okay?" I asked Waldo. He had this funny look on his face I couldn't help but laugh.
" I'm not supposed to be here." He told me.
I stopped laughing." Why not?"
" I don't-"
Just then Hazel came in. She had brown curly hair and brown sparkling eyes. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Waldo.
" Oh my gosh. He's so hot!" Hazel said. Waldo blushed.
I couldn't help agreeing with her. Looking into those sea green eyes reminded me of the ocean. He wa different then all of us at camp. He was better than all those drooling boys. Oops! I remembered Jason. Couldn't forget I was going out with him.
" Hazel get out of here!" I yelled.
She looked hurt." Sorry!" She said sarcastically." But it's my turn. Waldo you need to stay here. Lupa said not to get up."
" Are you Hazel?" Waldo asked.
" Yes."
I got up from the stool I had been sitting on and walked out of the room. I was walking towards Minerva's cabin, or should I say, my cabin.
It was a grey stone sorta building. Low but high enough for us to fit. I opened the door and found my siblings either reading or fighting over what was easier math or science.
" Both are!" I yelled at my fighting siblings.
" That's what I've been trying to tell them. But unless you want to taste a shoe I recommend you don't tell them." My half sister Damaris said. She was a short woven year old. Blond hair and grey eyes.
" Thanks for the advice Damaris." I told her.
Inside the cabin was huge. There were at least eight rooms with two bunks each. When you walked in you came in to this big living room which had a hall that lead to the rooms.
I went into my room. I didn't share with anyone. I sat down on the bed to tired to think. I layed down, closed my eyes and went to sleep.

In my dream I saw a teenager my age sitting on a bed. She looked like a Minerva's daughter. Honey blond hair and grey eyes.
" Oh Percy." She sighed. She was looking at a picture that looked exactly like Waldo. So that was his real name, Percy. I woke up. I needed to tell him this.

So that was chapter 4. I probably won't be able to post this weekend because I'm going on vacation! Maybe, maybe I'll be able to post on Monday. Maybe. So hope you enjoyed it. Peace!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
that was really goooood, an awesommeeee chapter
over a year ago orpher said…
I just gat home from the trip and I had a tough weekend. First I was just diagnosed with ADHD. So now I'm not only dyslexic but I'm ADHD. I know I gat a messed up life. The I got ran over by a stampede of people at the mall. Cuz Rihanna was at Macy's an my sista wanted a pictur so I went craling on the floor to take a picture when evrone started to run and I got my leg briken. Guess I'm full of bad luk. :(
P.S if you guys can do me a faver, can you plz spred the word bout my story plz.

" So why did you name me Waldo?"Asked Waldo.
There was a sad story behind it. I had never told anyone about it, but looking into his gentle eyes, I knew I could trust him.
" Waldo was the name of my last boyfriend. He was a nice caring guy who loved magic. I never told anybody I was dating him. Well, only one person. My mortal sister." I said.
" What's her name?" Waldo asked me.
" Nancy. Nancy Bobofit, a kleptomaniac girl who gies to Yancy Acadamy in New York."
When I said her name, something in Waldo's face changed.
" Keep going." He said.
" Well, one day we decided to go for a walk. We started to talk about magic. He told me that magic was starting to get a little childish." My eyes got water." My mom hates anyone who says that kind of stuff. I knew what was coming. I should've done something to protect him from the magic my mom used. He turned to dust and blew away. I never told anyone he died. I kept all the pain to myself." I was crying hard now.
Waldo hugged me. I positioned myself so my head was on his shoulder.
" It's ok." He said.
He smelled of the ocean. I loved that smell.
Just then Reyna came running in. She stopped when she saw me and Waldo hugging. I pulled back and wiped my eyes.
" Waldo I know your real name!" Exclaimed Reyna.

Hope u enjoyed!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
whoa, that was sorta sad, nancy bobofit OMG!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago orpher said…
This is from my iPod actually it's always been from my iPod so that's why most of the times the words are spelled right.

" What do you mean you know my name? Who told you?" I intogerated Reyna.
" I had a dream." Reyna stated.
" What's my name?"
" Percy." Reyna said.
" Just Percy? No last name?" Asked Hazel.
When Reyna said Percy I knew that was my name.
" Percy. Perceus Jackson." I said." Thats my name."
I got up from the bed.
" Where you going?" Reyna asked.
" Gonna go meet Lollipop." I said.
" Lollipop?" Asked Hazel.
" Yeah. The one who said I couldn't get up."
" Oh, Lupa. Not lollipop!" Reyna giggled.
" Yeah, her." I said.
" I'll go to." Reyna said.
When we got out of the infirmary I almost had a heart attack. It wasn't no ordinary camp with cabins made out of wood. It looked like military bases. All the campers were from about 5 to college age, and they all wore armor. None of them smiled. They all had serious faces. Some though would smile at me when I saw them, I would just smile back.
We were walking towards this huge stone building. At least ten stories high.
We passed the cabins on the way. There were two rows. With space on the middle so we could get past.
First cabin on the left row was tall and mighty with high pillars. It was white with lightning bolts coming out of the windows. Two was like the first but a little shorter and no lightning. There was a peacock on the side walls. Three was low but long. It was made out of grey stone and the walls had waves that looked like they were actually moving. Four was black with skulls painted on the walls. Five was red, well painted, and a real boars head pinned on the door. Six was grey stone and low. The inside was filled with kids that looked like Reyna. Seven was dark like the night sky. Eight was orange. I could barely even look at it since it was so bright. There were many more.
" Here we are." Said Reyna. We had stopped at the big building I had seen before. There were two soldiers gaurding bother doors. One was a boy and the other a girl. Both were wearing full armor.
" Hello Reyna." Said the girl.
" Who's that?" The boy asked pointing at me.
" I'm Perseus Jackson." I answered myself." We came to see Lollipop."
" Lupa." Said Reyna trying hard not to laugh.
" That's what I said."
" She's in the room. By the way, I'm Dakota." Said the girl, Dakota.
" I'm Bobby." The boy said.
They took off the things on their head. Dakota was extremely beautiful. Bobby was a cool looking guy with black curly hair. They opened the doors and me and Reyna walked in. It was a huge lobby. We got into the elevator and went to floor ten. I noticed we were the only ones there in the elevator.
" So how did you figure out my name?" I asked Reyna.
" In my dream there was this girl that looked like a child of Minerva. She was looking at a picture of you and she said your name."
" By Minerva do you mean Athena?" I asked.
" Yes, but can you please stop talking about the Greeks. Theyre an enemy. We're Romans and we don't get along." She said." Anyway the Greeks are dead."
Yeah right! I thought, but I didn't say anything.
When the doors singed open I found a sword at my throat.
" Heard you were coming up punk!" Said a tough looking girl. I stood my ground.
" Does your breath always smell five feet away?" I asked.
" Karina it's not time to fight." Reyna said.
" It's always time to fight!" The girl growled. I reached for my pocket instinctively. Nothing there. Strange...I knew something was supposed to be there.
Karina hit me with the hilt of the sword on the side of my head. I blinked alot of times. It didn't hurt. The sword had just bounced off. She looked surprised, but if we were on a best-surprised-face contest, Reyna would've won. Her eyes were wide open and her jaw looked like it would fall off any second.
Then I heard a door close. I turned towards the noise and found a grey wolf looking at us hungrily.
" What's all this racket. A wolf here is trying to sleep." It said in my head. Ooo-kayy, I thought. I was pretty sure I was going crazy.
Karina and Reyna both bowed. I didn't know what else to do so I bowed.
" Percy, Lupa. Lupa, Percy." Reyna introduced us.
" So your the new camper?" She asked in my head.
" Yes." I thought. She told Karina to leave. She gave me the I'll-kill-you-later look and left. We followed Lupa to her office. About half way there, she turned and pounced at me showing her fangs.

over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
please post. it is KILLING ME.
over a year ago orpher said…
I'll try and post later cuz I got homework....
over a year ago orpher said…
Ya um I was gonna post but I don't even have another chapter. So I'll have to work on it.
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
That was awesome! (:
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Post soon pleaz!!!!!! :)
over a year ago orpher said…
I'll post later today. Promise(somtimes I don't keep promises)
over a year ago orpher said…
Kay sorry I'm late but I had to much homework. Then my laptop broke down and my iPod wouldn't work my iPhone isn't working so I came over to grandmas in Montana just to post this. So ya. :)
@Artemis_8 welcome to the spot.

Reyna Goldinmire
I was thinking on how to rescue Jason when I saw Lupa turn and attack Percy. Percy fell to the floor with Lupa on top of him growling.
" Romans don't suck. And no, the Greek gods don't live."
" Yes they do." Percy said.
" How do you know?" Lupa asked.
" Because! I am a greek demigod!" Percy shouted.
My jaw dropped open. Could it be true? Where the greek gods still alive? Is that why he always uses the greek terms? No, I decided. Greeks weren't strong enough. No way they could've survived all these years.
" Percy what are you talking about?" I asked. I saw frustration in his eyes.
" I...don't know. "
Lupa was about to bite him. No, I thought. Then the strangest thing happened. The water fountain next to me started rumbling. I looked at Percy. He showed no fear in his eyes. Lupa was like two inches from his neck. The fountain exploded and the water was like 10 feet tall. Too late, Lupa had her teeth sank into his throat. But he didn't look hurt. Lupa looked up like she sensed trouble.
All the water fell on her. I couldn't even see them with all the water. When the water cleared up all I saw was Percy. I ran up to him.
" Percy where's Lupa! And why aren't you wet?" I asked noticing he was completely dry.
" I don't know."
" You don't anything." I murmured. I helped him up. We walked out of the place and sat on a bench. I told him about my friends. Gwen, Dakota, Bobby, even Jason.
" So, he's like gone?" he asked.
" Percy we don't know. He was just there." I said pointing at the cabin in front of us.
" Jupiter's cabin." he said.
I looked at his neck where Lupa had bitten him. Nothing.
" Your not hurt."
He felt his neck.
" Have you ever felt so frustrated that you just want to explode? Like you want to remember something but you can't?"
" No." I answered. " Percy you'll be staying at the Mer- I mean Hermes cabin. If you need anything look for me at Minerva's cabin. Or Athena. However you wanna say it." I said pointing at my cabin.
" Kay, but where's Hermes's cabin?" He asked.
I smiled." You'll find it."
I got up and walked to my cabin. I opened the door.
" Stupid homework." My brother said crumbling up a piece of paper.
" Marth there's no need to hurt paper." I told him. Marth was an eighy year old. Honey-blond hair and grey eyes. He was the only one in this camp with dyslexia and ADHD.
" What do you need help on?" I asked.
" This." I looked at what he was pointing at.
" Marth, that says Name."
" What am I supposed to put?"
I rolled my eyes." Your name, dum-dum."
He looked at the paper." Psh! I knew that!" He went back to work. I went to my room. I fell asleep dreaming about the past.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Great chapter glad u posted!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!
over a year ago fictioaniac said…
hey guys!
m new to this fanpop and i totally thnk that u r amazing orpher
i hope ull post the nxt chapter soon
over a year ago fictioaniac said…
wen will u post more?
over a year ago orpher said…
hey guys sorry i havent posted but i had a lot going on. So her it is....or after this.
@blakerose- thx
@fictioaniac-Welcome. Hope you like it here. And glad you like my story.
Guys, you know I wouldn't mind more comments and cronstructive critism.

Percy? No memorries? Lost? Jason? Killed? Me? Am I going crazy? Nah! Just...worried. Yeah! That's it, I'm just worried.
There was a knock on the door. The door slammed open and two girls ran into my room.Two identical twins. Dakota and Gwendolyn.
"Hi Da. Hi Gwen. Why the visit?" I asked curiosly.
"It's about this guy." They both said. Oh no, I thought. Last time they talked to me about guy trouble it was seven in the night. They talked for at least seven hours.
"But first, whats up with this creepy cabin of yours? It's all creepy with vases and potions and other things I don't even know."
"Your in a magic cabin. You should expect potions and that stuff."
Gwen and Dakota were both daughters of Venus. They were twins and both had black, short, wavy hair with eyes like a kaliedescpoe. Both were wearing purple shirts with black skinny jeans. The only way I could tell them apart was that Dakota was a little taller than Gwen. Okay, I'm about to go into Boredomland.
"Ok who's this guy?" I asked them.
"Just the perfect guy, with a dazzling smile, and green eyes." They both said as if they had been reciting for a play.
"What's his name?"
"Um......I'm........not sure yet." They both said.
"WHAT! You like a guy you dont even know?"
"Apparently." Said Gwen.
"He talked to me once." Said Da smiling.
"Okay I might be able to help you. What does he look like?" I asked them.
"Black hair and sea green eyes." Said Da.
"I saw him wearing an orange an orange t-shirt." Said Gwen.
"Oh, wait! I remember his name. Perseus Jackson." Da said proud of herself.
"Ooo! Even his name sounds hot."
I couldn't belieave it. PERCY!
"You can't like him!" I said.
"Hazel...." Dakota gasped."You like Percy!"
"Then how come we can't like him?" Asked Gwen.
"Beacuse." I thought."Because your sisters and you can't like the same guy."
They thought about it.
"That's true." Said Gwen."But, he's mine."
"No. He's MINE." Said Da.
"He has a girlfriend already." I lied.
"So!" They both said walking out the door. You know, maybe it wasn't a lie. I wouldn't be surprised if he was already going out with a girl. I felt embarrased from blurting out that Percy was hot, back in the infirmary.
I got out of the room I shared with Margot, Margie, and Masha. There was a hallway straight ahead of me to get to the front of our cabin. So if a monster came in ready to kill someone I'd be the first one to die. If I turned to my left or right there were 5 more rooms.I walked through the hallway and came into like the family room, I guess you could call it. On the right were the restrooms. And to my left was the kitchen. We only used it to put our potions in. We called it the 'experiment room with a stove.'
Man, how i hated that stove. Or all stoves. They were the cause of my sisters dead. But, more on that later. Right now I was going to try out a potion I made with ketchup, cow manure, monkey fur, and milk.
A few minutes later when I drank it my haired poofed up and I looked like I'd just been shocked.
"O.k. Guess it didn't work." I murmured. Man, was I bored. I went into the tv room and turned on the television. I kept going thruogh the channels. NO, no, no, no, no,no. Is there any channel I like?

I've decided to put up a chapter every day. Until I feel like it. Keep in mind i'm forgetfull. And ill try to stop being lazy and write my chapters longer. Kay? Peace! Next chapter up tomorrow.

over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Nice chappie (:
over a year ago orpher said…
Shiz I forgot all about the chapters now tomorrow I'll have to post three.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
great chapter!! can't wait for the three chapters!!!
over a year ago orpher said…
Hey I got grounded so I won't be able to post until Saturday. Sorry guys.
over a year ago percyrulz said…
post fast
over a year ago orpher said…
I figured the posting a chapter everyday isnt gonna work out for me. I'll still post the three chapters I was gonna give you but not today.


over a year ago underwater said…
it's Saturday!! now post if you can
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Plllleazzzzz post !!
over a year ago percyrulz said…
aweome chapie
ill ask u to post and beg u to do so
over a year ago orpher said…
I'm not in the mood for posting since I was locked out and its raining so i got wet but I owe you guys so here it is.

Now I'm even more lost than before. I was in a forest not knowing where to go. When Reyna had left me sitting there awkwardly I decided to go explore. So there I went, Percy, the guy who barely even knew this place, walking my head down. I guess that's how I got lost. Mental note: Always look where your walking to. So I didn't know if I should go to my left or right. To my right there was a lake. And to my left.....another lake. I could tell that the right one was fresh water and the left was salt. Didn't know a lake could actually have salt water.
I heard a noise like a branch break. I stood still. Then I heard like someone breathing. No not someone, something. I turned around and saw the biggest dog ever. Hellhounds, I thought. It had to be at least forty feet tall. I knew I had fought and killed a hellhound before.

ill post the rest tommorrow kay
over a year ago orpher said…
srry ran out of time
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome short chappie swankiest cant wait for tomorrow !!:)
over a year ago TheRedQueen said…
When wil you post?
over a year ago orpher said…
ill post later on today
over a year ago orpher said…
wats up pupils! heres chapter 9 continued. sorry i havnet written in so long.

I remebered something. There were lots of kids all wearing different armor. All fighting different monsters.But just like that, it left. This hellhound was different though. It's fur was red with flames burning around him. His eyes were white. No pupil or nothing. He growled and I saw his teeth. One touch by those fangs and you'd probably die. What was I going to do? I had no weapon, no kind of protection, no memorries.
Still, like the time I fought Karina I knew something was supposed to be in my pocket. Riptide, something in my head told me.
Now to kill this monster...water, my head said again. The hellhound sniffed the air like as if it smelled blood. Good thing he was big. At least he couldn't see me.
I had to think that. Just then he looked down at me.
"Hi!" I waved. If hellhounds could smile this one sure did. Hmmmm, what takes out fire? Something told me already. Water! Ain't I smart? So what, should I just fill up my hands and splash Mr.Flames(that'd be the hellhound)?
The hellhound growled. "Go on Persues, fight it," I heard an ancient voice say, though I saw no one.
I saw the hellhound about to crush me with his big paws of his. Just then I felt a tug in my gut. I saw the water in the likes rising. That tug felt exactly like the same way it felt when I fought Lupa.
The water gathered up to form a ball. The hellhound looked surprised and started to back up a little. I pointed to the hellhound and sure enough the water followed.The flames on his fur died and he dissapeared into the trees.
I looked at the lakes and the water was still there. As if it had never turned into a water ball. I turned to look at the fresh water lake and saw something shining the bottom. I walked over to the lake. I saw the shining was really a pearl.
I walked into the water and saw I could actually BREATH underwater. I reched the pearl and picked it up. Suddenly, the water around me started to move. My vision went blank and I passed out.
I woke up to the sound of waves crashing on shore.
"Wake, Persues." A soft female voice said. I opened my eyes and saw a lady. Eyes sparkling and long brown hair with a few grey streaks. She had the warmest smile and I felt as if I should her. She ran her hand through my hair. I felt safe with her.
"Who are you?" I asked.
She looked sad. " I guess it wouldn't hurt if I told you I was your mom."
"Mom?" Something in me ignited. Like when you can't see anything but then someone turns on the light and you find what you where looking for. "Sallly Jackson."
"Yes, son."
"Why can't I remember anything?"
"Hera. She took your memories and you've got to get them back?"
"I have to go, Percy." Mom said. "Your father found a way for me to talk to you, but not for long." She hugged me. It all faded and I was back at the forest. My father, who was my father?

"Percy!" I heard Reyna's voice. I got up from the ground I'd been sitting on and saw Reyna in armor.
"Where have you been?" She asked me obviously mad.
"I haven't even been gone for an hour." I said looking at the watch on my wrist. Before I could take a better look at it, Reyna told me we had to go back to camp.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome so glad you posted was getting desperet for another chapter so post soon and great chappie can't wait for the next chapter !!!!:)
over a year ago cookiemonster90 said…
big smile
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
it was really good and awesome and cool and you added Percy's mum, i liked that!!
over a year ago underwater said…
come on post!!!!!!!
over a year ago orpher said…
shit i forgot all about this. ill post saturday
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
big smile
Awesome idea to include Percy's mum. Post soon (:
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Poster pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !