The Heroes of Olympus Annabeth's point of view of The Lost Hero

Percysclique posted on Feb 02, 2011 at 10:58PM
Hey!! I think it would be so cool for all of us write the lost hero from Annabeth's point of view. :) Write a chapter for the story! You can only post a chapter a day. :/ Remember what happened in the book, so we can make it as acurate as possible! And make up stuff too! :D Hope you join!!

The Heroes of Olympus 373 replies

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over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Awesome!! yes! Oh yah!
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
big smile
cool! i don't have time to post now, but i'll try later. you know i was thinking that someone should do something like this. great job
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Chapter 1

Finally i thought it's over, the last day of school and soon i'll be at camp. it was the last day of school until winter break i've been waiting for this for EVER!!! it's so boring for a child of Athena to be in school, were just to smart for it, it's like trying to teach Eisenstein. so i ran out of the school and ran for my house, my dad ust to be a jerk but he's umm getting better, i ran into the house.
"Annabeth, are you ready"
"Yes, Blackjack is picking me up in 2 minutes and then in probably a hour we'll be at camp"
"Yes it is" i hugged my father and ran up staris and got my bags and changed my shirt to my camp t-shirt. i heard a horse gallop in the driveway and my dad scream.
"THANKS,DOWN IN A SEC" i headed down hugged my family and jumped on blackjack

3 hours later i arrived at camp and saw my boyfriend Percy Jackson

over a year ago HoO_PJO said…
Chapter 2

I was riding Blackjack, and I noticed Thalia's tree. We were finally there. Percy was waving his arm side to side waving to me. I waved back. Then we landed.
"Hay Percy!" I said
"Annabeth! You got back quick." Percy said
"Yeah, well I wanted to get back quick so I could see you." I said hugging him.
"Well, since we are here you want to duel me?"
"Alright Seaweed brain, lets see how much better you gotten" And with that we were running off down to the arena.
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
This is my first time posting my writing. All my friends say I'm good but i don't believe them. Well, here it goes!

Chapter 3
As we were running to the arena I was staring at Annabeth. Her curly blonde hair was waving behind her and she looked drop-dead gorgeous.
" What?" She asked when she noticed me staring.
"Nothing, it's just great to see you again." I said and I couldn't help but blush.
"Ha, I won" Annabeth declared when we arrived at the arena.
"You did not. I so won." I said.
“Shut up Seaweed Brain” she said punching my arm.
“Are you really going to go through all this before you kiss again?” an unknown voice said. Clarisse La Rue stepped out of the shadows with an all knowing look on her face that I didn’t know even existed.
“What are you doing here?” I said trying not to blush.
“It’s the arena. What do you think I’m doing? Throwing a tea party?” She replied.
“Well we wouldn’t mind you leave, like now” Annabeth said her hand on her hip.
“Look missy I came here to train not argue with your sissy boyfriend” Clarisse said. I wanted to punch her so bad but Annabeth said,” Percy… “with warning in her voice.
“Don’t ever talk to Percy or me like that again!” Annabeth shouted at her.
“Oh, you’re so weak Jackson that you have to have your girlfriend stand up for you!” She roared with laughter.
Clarisse was too busy laughing she didn’t notice Annabeth walking near her. Annabeth punched Clarisse in the nose so hard she was frozen with shock.
“Let’s go Seaweed Brain.” I took her hand as she exited the arena. We walked to the Athena cabin and sat on Annabeth’s bed.
“Thanks,” I said.” No problem. You would have done the same for me.” She said a-matter-of factly.
I stared into her mesmerizing stormy grey eyes and I leaned forward and kissed her. Her lips tasted soft and sweet. We stayed like that a few seconds until we heard an uncomfortable cough behind us.
Malcolm, Annabeth’s half-brother was looking at us with his mouth open. His face was completely red.
“Uh…” he said very un-Athena-ish-ly.
"Annabeth, I wanted to run a blueprint by you but if your busy I'll come back later" he said.
"No, no we were just finishing up." She said in a small voice.
"You should go Percy,"
"See you later," I said then kissed her on the cheek. Malcolm gave me a look that said "you better take care of my sister mister or else you'll answer to me". I walked out of cabin 6 to find the entire Athena and Aphrodite cabins outside smiling at me.
" I-I was just talking to Annabeth" I stammered with my face red.
"Sure," Rowan said, a 13 year old daughter of Aphrodite said." Well then I bet you'll want to "talk" a lot together later." She said with a smug look on her face.
Giggles exploded everywhere as I ran as fast as I could(which wasn't that fast) to the Posidon cabin, my face burning.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HoO_PJO said…
big smile
Chapter 4
I was running to Poseidon's cabin thinking what just happened. Man that was so embarrassing for TWO whole cabins outside when I came out. I opened the door to my cabin when I got crushed in a hug.
"Percy! Boss said that I could take the whole summer off and come visit you!" Tyson said
"Thats great big guy, but um can you get off me. Your about to break my spine" I said
"Sorry brother, I'm just so happy that I get to visit you"
"Hey Tyson, have you been cleaning the cabin?" I asked
"Yup. Look at the ceiling"
I looked at the ceiling and there was pictures of everyone at camp and all of our adventures.
"Tyson! Thats so amazing. How did you get to the ceiling though?"
"I had the Hecate cabin use some of there magic to help me" He said while blushing.
The bell went off for us to go to dinner. When I got there it was amazing. Apparently they decorated the place. I sat over to the Poseidon table with Tyson. We sacrificed our food and sat down and started eating. After eating Chiron announced that Capture the Flag is going to happen tonight. Everyone was cheering, but only the Ares cabin cheered the most. Annabeth and I were putting on our amour, while Chiron was announcing the teams. Athena, Hephaestus, Hermes, Dionysus, Aphrodite and Hecate on the red team while Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Demeter, Ares and everyone else on the blue team.
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Chapter 5
Capture the Flag
Percy and I looked at each other. For the first time I would be competing against him.
-Well see you out there. He said
-Yeah, good luck. I said quietly.
Percy kissed me on the cheek then walked over to his team.
I overherd Clarrise telling Percy,
-Listen, no playing nice just because your her boyfriend. Hurt her if you need to.
Percy looked at me sadly then nodded.

The conch horn blew and the game began. I put my cap on my head and turned invisable. As I was walking to the creek I saw Percy cross into our territory. I decided to follow him. He reached Zeus' fist anad saw the flag. We had archers in the trees surrounding the flag but he didn't know that. I saw Will Solace amimg for him back. If by chance the arrow him the small of his back he would die.
-Percy! Run! I shouted still invisable.
-Annabeth? he said sounding confused.
-The trees!
He looked up and saw them Will let go and I screamed. I couldn't see Percy because one of the arrows found me and peirced my shoulder. I was starting to black out.
I heard yells from the blue team then cheering.
With all my strength I pulled of my hat and groaned -Percy.

When I woke up Percy was sitting next to me in the infermiry along with the Athena cabin.
-Annabeth, are you okay? he asked very concerned.
-Annabeth, why did you warn Percy the Apollo cabin? We lost because of it. Malcolm, her half-brother yelled.
-Because if I didn't Percy would have died. But I geuss it doesn't matter to you. I got up and ran out the door before anyone could follow me. Tears raced down my face as I ran to the beach hoping Percy would find me there.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
OMG your writing is sooooo good!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Ya so amazing!!
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
Totes great!
over a year ago Percysclique said…
Very! I screamed whenever you had annabeth get hit with the arrow. Very unexpected. I love you guys so much for writing!! This is everything i was hoping it would be!!
over a year ago Percysclique said…
Ok. Lets see....Annabeth went to the beach hoping percy would find her...I think i can do that. :)
Chapter 6 - Beach Party

Well it happened to take Percy fifteen minutes to find me considering he isnt the sharpest crayon in the box. (Sorry, Percy, but it's true.) But when he did, he had a concerned look on his face which made him look really rugged and cute.

Percy sat down beside me on the sand and stared out at the water. I think he knew I needed some space. Then finally, he spoke.

"Umm...thanks for ya know...what happened out there. You saved my life and ummm...yeah I know that was hard betraying your team and everything. So thanks." Percy finally looked in my eyes. I know that had to be hard for him to say. He wasnt really one to express his feelings.

"It was no big deal." I turned my head and wiped away my tears. It was getting dark and I remembered when Percy and I had watched the 4th of July fireworks together and smiled to myself. I slid my hand over to his.

He took it and held my gaze. He didnt need to say anything. I had missed him so much and I finally got to see him. I wanted to make the most out of every moment I had with him. And after the incident in the woods, I realized anything could happen.

Percy leaned in and his lips met mine. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me close. As we kissed, I listened to the waves crashing and the distant laughter and talking of the other campers as they made their way to campfire. It was really peaceful for camp.

I pulled away and smiled. "I think we should go to campfire before someone finds us."

Percy gave me a confused look. "Are you saying you dont want to be seen with me?"

I laughed and punched his arm. "No, seaweed brain, Im saying I dont think Chiron will like it if he sees us making out. He might not let us go on another quest together."

Percy blushed. "I dont think I would survive without you."

And I knew he was being serious.

We got up and brushed the sand off our pants. Percy put his arm around my waist and we headed up the hill. We heard it before we saw it.

I grabbed for Percy's shirt. "Percy," I hissed.

I felt him fumbling in his pocket for Riptide.

"Get behind me," Percy whispered, pushing me back.

Then it jumped and I screamed.

I hope you like it! I left the attack for someone else to write because I have to get off. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisegurl said…
That's an awesome chappie!!!!
over a year ago Percysclique said…
big smile
PS Love ur icon. :D
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
That was awesome! I LOVE cliff hangers!
over a year ago Percysclique said…
Haha. I was almost about to not add it and then I thought well this story needs some excitment so i did. I would have done the fight myself, but my mom was making me get off... so if anyone wants to write it go ahead. I can do it if i get an idea for an awesome monster.
over a year ago Rachbug123 said…
<3 it!!!!!!!!!!! :)
over a year ago Percysclique said…
Chapter 7

A huge snake with two heads, one in the front and the other coming out of its butt lunged at Percy and me. Percy swung with his sword, but the monster-snake jumped out of the way.
"Whoa!" Percy yelled as the front of the snake spit acid at us. We jumped to the side and rolled.
"What is that?" Percy whispered. He pushed his black hair out of his eyes.
"Amphisbaena," I said awestuck. I had never seen one in real life, probably because I thought it was dead. "A serpent with two heads that spits poison."
As if on cue, the serpant spit again. The poison hit a tree and it sizzled. Percy pulled me behind a bush.
"Do you have your dagger?" He asked me, searching my eyes.
"No! I left it in the infirmary."
Percy bowed his head. "Get help. I'll hold it off as long as I can."
"I can't leave you here alone!" I exclaimed as the amphisbaena came closer.
"What else are we going to do! You can't hold it off without a weapon," Percy hissed, grabbing me by my shoulders and shaking me. My injured shoulder throbbed with pain.
"I can destract it! Percy, please-"
"No!" Percy's face became hard. "I dont want to lose you."
The serpent charged at us and I jumped up. "Too bad."
Jumping out from behind the bush, I waved my hands and yelled, "Hey, over here you liitle lizzard!"
The amphisbaena whipped both of its heads toward me and snarled. I ran so that the dining pavilon was about 100 feet behind me. From the corner of my eye I saw Percy sneaking toward the middle of the serpent. If he could just strike it from the middle, we would be good...
"Wow. You call yourself a monster?" I asked with more courage in my voice than I really had.
The monster squinted his eyes and gave me a mean look. He swung his head and hit me, throwing me a few feet away. I landed on my shoulder and winced. But I had to get up.
I forced myself up off the ground and ran again before he could spit at me. Percy jogged backwards so the amphisbaena wouldnt hit him.
We were running out of time. The serpent was getting mad. I prayed to my mom that the campers heard us and would come and help us.
Thankfully Athena answered my prayer because Clarrise, Butch, Connor Stoll, and a few other campers came running.
"What the-" Connor asked as he ran up.
"What is that?" someone else shouted.
"Who cares? Help!" I yelled at them. I grabbed my shoulder. I felt faint.
The campers pulled out their weapons and startes swinging.
The serpent seemed to laugh at us. But Henry Marlow from the Apollo cabin shot an arrow at his left eye. It hit perfectly and the amphisbaena roared in pain. Percy took this as his chance and slashed the middle of the serpent and Clarrisse hacked off the injured head. The monster roared and burst into dust. We were left with a pile of dust and sweaty campers.
Connor and Henry cheered and Percy glared at me.
"I thought I told you to go get help. You were in no condition to fight! You could have been killed!" Percy yelled and threw his sword on the ground.
"But I wasn't!" I said rubbing my shoulder.
"So? You know, whatever." Percy turned and jogged toward his cabin.
The other campers looked at me and then walked away.
"Percy!" I called after him.
And I ran after him, hoping to make things right.


I hope you guys like it, Ive never done a fight before.

Picture of amphisbaena:
last edited over a year ago
Chapter 7

A huge snake with two heads, one in the front and the other coming out of its butt lunge
over a year ago POJO45 said…
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Chapter 8
I got up and ran after Percy. Stupid, loving, over protecting, adorable, Percy. I reached the Poseidon cabin and opened teh door without knocking. Percy was sitting on his bunk with his face in his hands.
He looked up.
-Oh it's you. Look I'm sorry I just didn't want you to get hurt. he said taking my hands.
-You were right, I was in no condition to fight or do anything really. I replied rubbing my shoulder.
-Is it okay? He asked concerned.
-I'm fine Seaweed Brain, I said rolling my eyes.
Okay I just wanted to make sure.
Right as he said that pain seared through my shoulder reminding me of when i was stabbed by Ethan Nakamura.
-Annabeth!Percy cried.
-I'm okay, I stuttered as my forehead broke into a sweat.
-No, your not. Percy helped me up and took me to the new salt water fountain in the corner. He placed one hand on my shoulder and one in the water. I saw him close his eyes and mutter something. A prayer to Poseidon. A sensation as if my arm was dunked into a bucket of water raced up my arm to my shoulder.
The pain dissolved in my shoulder and I said a prayer of thakns to Percy's father.
-How's that? He asked smilimg.
-Great, thakns. I said kissing him on the cheek.
-Let's go to campfire. He said taking my hand.
No one looked at us weird as we sat down together. Apollo cabin lead sing along and passed out smores. Percy kissed me good night then walked backed to his cabin.What a perfect I thought. Boy was I wrong.
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
soooooo gooooood!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago percyrulz said…
pos t someone pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­ppp­pll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lll­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zzz­zz
over a year ago Percysclique said…
Ok I will write, but one question. Did Annabeth have her dream from Hera the same night Percy went missing? I dont remember.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
I don't think so. I'm not sure though. Post soon!
over a year ago Percysclique said…
Ok. Ill probably write the dream or when he disappeared and someone can write the other one.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
K;) when will it be up??? Just curious. Don't rush:)
over a year ago Percysclique said…
Chapter 9
After campfire I walked back to the Athena cabin with my half brother Malcolm and my half sister Callie. Callie was humming the tune of a campsong and Malcolm kept sniffling because of the cold he had caught at his school in Maine. Normally I would have yelled at them to be quiet, but I was in too good of a mood from seeing Percy and getting to kiss him every time I saw him.
I smiled to myself and added a little bounce to my step as I thought of my amazing boyfriend.
"What's up with you?" Malcolm asked with a knowing look in his eyes. He could pretend that he didnt know, but come on, he was a son of Athena, goddess of wisdom.
"Nothing," I lied. "Just thinking."
"About Percy?" He questioned.
"Maybe." Its not like I would get excited about what we had for dinner.
"Annabeth, I think we need to talk." Malcolm put his hand on my arm and stopped me. "Callie, you can go on ahead. Annabeth and I will be there in a few minutes."
Callie gave us a questioning look but nodded and left.
I stared at Malcolm. "About what?"
Malcolm looked at the ground. "I think you know."
I raised an eyebrow.
"Annabeth, you and Percy have been spending a lot of time together, and I know you really like him, but I dont want you to make a big mistake."
My jaw dropped. He was not going to give me this talk. Yeah he was older than me, but I doubt he had any experiance. "Malcolm, please tell me you arent talking about-"
Malcolm sighed and interrupted me. "I just dont want you to do something you will regret."
"Im not going to. Please, Malcolm, you dont need to tell me this."
"Im just trying to make sure you understand. At this time of the world, we cant risk one of our best campers being unable to fight."
I took a step back. I waited until a few campers passed until I spoke. "Unable?"
"You know if you're..."
I rolled my eyes. "Malcolm, this is my life and I can do what I want. And trust me, I wont do anything worth regretting."
I turned away from him and walked off.

Back at the cabin I was studying maps and making designs for new bridges in the dim light of the cabin when the youngest camper in our cabin came up to me.
"Annabeth?" Jenni whispered in the silence of the room. Most of the campers were alseep.
I looked at her. The ten year old had on pink pjs and her hair was braided. "Yeah, Jenni?"
"Can I ask you something?" Jenni sat down on the floor.
"Go for it."
"Well, I was wondering when you met Percy?"
"Umm...we were both 12 and Percy had just had a really rough day..." I launched myself into the story of how I had nursed Percy back to health and of our adventures. Jenni sat mesmerized as I talked.
An hour later, I finished. Jenni smiled.
"I hope I meet someone just like you did whenever Im your age."
I smiled back. "Im sure you will. In fact, I know you will. And you might even find someone better."
Jenni grinned. "Really? I hope I have a hero like you." And with that Jenni got up, hugged me and ran back to her bunk.
It was then that I realized I had a boyfriend that was a hero and someone people looked up too. I turned off my lamp and crawled into bed. It was about midnight.
As I fell asleep, I felt a pain like something was wrong. At first I thought it was just my shoulder, but then I realized it was something much worse.
Something very bad.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG, what's the very bad thingy???? Such a cliffhanger LOL
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Chapter 10
The next morning I woke up very happy.
Malcolm looked at me then shook his head, but everyone else seemed normal. I got dressed and walked to the Poseidon cabin to meet Percy for breakfast.
When I got to cabin 3 I knocked on the door. No answer.
I knocked again.
No reply.

I opened the door and a forgot how to breathe. His matress was on the floor, minotaur horn broken badly, and clothes all over the floor.
The worst part was that Percy wasn't there.
Before I panicked(even more) I walked to the salt water fountain in his room. I could find him alot easier if I just IMd him.
I piched up a drachma and tossed it in the rainbow.
-Oh goddess except my offering, Percy Jackson, Long Island New York, Camp Half-Blood.
The rainbow shimmered then said, Unable to make call please try again.
That only ment one thing. He wasn't here.
I sprinted to the pavilion sobbing my head off.
Everybody was already there when I arrived.
-Child, what's wrong? Chiron asked while everyone stared at me.
-Percy, he-he's gone, I chocked out tears rolling down my face.
The whole camp gasped and started shouting quesions at me, Chiron, and Mr.D.
-Silence! Chiron shouted, I am calling a war council, and Malcolm you better come too.
All the campers left or started towards the Big House. Chiron and Malcolm remained.
-Chiron, I- He-, I couldn't get the words out. I started sobbing again and threw my arms around Chiron.
-It's alright, don't worry, he will come back. He said patting my back.
-We can't keep them waiting very much longer now can we? Chiron lifted me and Malcolm on his back and galloped to the Big House. Malcolm put his hand on my shoulder and said
-I'm so sorry.

In the rec room everyone was silent as we entered.
Malcolm had his arm around me and we sat down.
-Well, we must discuss the matter that Percy Jackson is missing, Chiron said.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Biancadi said…
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Woah, that was good, both pf you guys! ;)
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
Sweeet except, annabeth dosnt seem like the type 2 start sobing after looking 4 just a few minnutes.
over a year ago halfblood2 said…
big smile
awesome cant wait for the next part
over a year ago SonOfPosieden said…
Awsome guys, its really good keep going and why not write a mini book about percabeth(percy and annabeth)cuz that would be even better.
over a year ago Percysclique said…
@ZoeNightshade26- You totally knew what the bad thing was. :)
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Some one post!!! ;)
over a year ago Percysclique said…
I was going to, but I really didnt know what to have happen in the council meeting. :/
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
post !
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
big smile
Go for it;) if you wanna pf course if not that's totally fine.
over a year ago Percysclique said…
Ok, people want someone to post, so I will, but dont get mad if it isnt good, because I have zero good ideas right now. :)

Chapter 11

"So?? Campers go missing all the time, and it really isnt that big a deal," Clarisse muttered to the ping-pong table.
Travis Stoll gasped. "Actually, it is. But normally it isnt one of the most important campers to ever walked the earth!"
That made me want to cry again, but I held it together.
Clarisse roller her eyes. "Whatever."
Chiron stomped his hooves. "SILENCE!!"
The entire room fell silent. We could hear campers all the way in the arena practicing sword fighting. Percy should be out there helping them. I bit my lip and closed my eyes.
Be strong, I thought.
"I know that not everyone feels the same way about Percy, but he is a camper, a child of the big three, and most of your friends." Chiron said. "Now, we must discuss this matter without any negative comments from anyone. Understand?"
Everyone nodded their head.
"Good. Now when was the last time anyone saw Percy?"
Everyone in the room looked at me.
"Last night...after campfire." I choked out.
Chiron nodded. "Had anyone seen him after that?"
No one said anything.
I put my head in my hands.
Will patted my shoudler. "It'll be okay." He whispered.
I nodded. But I wasnt sure it would be okay.
"This is a mysterious matter indeed." Chiron muttered. "I would like to have some time to think about this. If we can all meet back here after lunch, it would be much appriciated. In the mean time, go about your normal activities, and if the other campers ask, we no nothing about Percys disappearance and we will keep them posted if something happens."
We all agreed and left the Big House. Most of the campers went to their normal activities, but I ran back to Percys cabin.
I needed answers.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Awesome! ;)
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
this is only the second thing I have written on fanpop so I hope you guys like it and it's not boring. I really liked how the story was going and I just wanted to add something to it.

Chapter 12


I walked right into the cabin wanting answers. There was only one problem. That one problem was a problem that no child of Athena ever wants to have. I didn’t know what to do. Me. Annabeth Chase, the girl that always had a strategy and if that fails (Which it rarely does) I have plans from A-Z. I had to face it. I was lost without Percy but I couldn’t give up. Did he give up looking for me when I was forced to hold up the sky? No. I would look for him and I will never stop believing that he is out there somewhere. I will look for him night and day and I won’t stop into I find him. I look around the cabin. Everything was still messy. It reminded me of Percy even if it was sort of trashed. I knelt by the bed. I saw the two broken halves of Minotaur Horn and picked up the two pieces, one in each hand. I put them to together gently and whispered softly
“I will find you like you found me and we will be together again.”
I wiped away the tears that escaped without me noticing roughly. I won’t think about bad things. All that matters now is finding Percy. Then I realized if I couldn’t use the saltwater fountain to find to Percy than maybe I can use it to try and talk to someone who could find him. I picked up a Drachma and was about to call the sea god when a pair of slender finger wrapped around my wrist to stop me from throwing the Drachma in.
“Now why would you want to talk to Poseidon when I could help you much more.” I groaned internally.
I call for the sea god and I get Aphrodite instead. It just figures. Who would think that my luck could be as bad as Seaweed brain’s, especially since I tease him about it so much? He’s gone I thought. Calm down Annabeth you don’t want to have a break down in front of any god especially Aphrodite. She would drive you crazy with her talk of love.
“Let’s get right down to business shall we. You want to know where Percy is right well the answer is I don’t know.”
Why did she even come here if she wasn’t going to help me?
“The point is that you love him and I can help you with that. You see I make it my job to make things complicated and exciting for couples that I like.”
Of course it’s your job, if it wasn’t than you wouldn’t be the goddess of love and beauty. Maybe I could find away to take her attention off of Percy and me. If I did that she wouldn’t like us so much and then have to make things complicated between us. I had nothing much against Aphrodite personally but when your boyfriend is missing it’s kind of hard not to get mad at the goddess of love.
“I went through explaining all of this when you got captured and Percy went to save you but now it’s your turn. Personally I still think that if you have to capture a goddess it should be a pretty one. Sadly I didn’t create this perfect scenario for you two to prove your love to each other but I am going to make the mot of it since I do favour you two. I will make sure that your story is even more tragic and wonderful than my work with Helen of Troy.”
May the other gods help me if Aphrodite had more trouble in store for Percy and me. I can see where the daughters of Aphrodite get their nosiness from, not to say all Aphrodite girls are nosy but still. At least Silena was a decent person. It wouldn’t kill them to leave me alone once it a while. Would it?
“Oh I just remembered I have a date with Ares which you will not be telling my husband about, got it. Don’t worry Annabeth I plan to make the best out of this situation. I have so many things planned out for you.” Aphrodite said with a wink.
I tried to not to groan but at this point it was hard to hold back. She pulled out a piece of paper that looked strangely like a credit card and the air folded around her. Finally she was gone! Just a few minutes with her and I already have a headache. Stop worrying about her I needed to focus on finding Percy. Since my first summon was obviously a bust what should I do now or should I say who could I summon that wouldn’t make me feel worse than I already was.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago orpher said…
People post plzzzzzz
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
That was really good!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
That was an awesome chapter, you are a really good writer
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
Thanks I didn't know if it was good or not but I really wanted to add something to the story because I liked the story a lot.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Someone Post! ;)
over a year ago Percysclique said…
What was the card aphrodite gave annabeth?
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
Aphrodite didn't give Annabeth a card. I was refering to the lightning thief when Mr.D used a card that looked like a credit card to go to mount olympus before percy went on his first quest. I made Aphrodite use the card like Mr.D because I figured that, that was a way for gods and goddesses to travel. I hope this explains things.

P.S. Someone sould post soon. not to rush anyone or anything but there hasn't been a new chapter for a while.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hellokittymacho said…
someone post!!!!!!!!!!!!