The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune

hawk213 posted on Jan 31, 2011 at 10:08AM
Hi to you guys.
This is my first ever fanfic so please don't be to harsh. I may or may not update often, so please don't bug me about that.

DISCLAIMER: I do not and never will own the rights to the PJO and the HOO. It all goes to Rick Riordan. The characters I make up are mine but the rest are his.

hope you like it! :)

The Heroes of Olympus 3 replies

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over a year ago hawk213 said…
Chapter 1: What the Hades is happening?

Okay, so I wake up on this bus. Everyones staring at me.
“What?” I say.
“You just yelled ‘STOP!’ at the top of your lungs, idiot! That’s ‘what’!” One guy said angrily.
“Oh. Sorry.” I feel so confused. Where am I? What am I doing on this bus? I start to have a full-scale panic attack, because I can’t remember any of my memories.

Okay, calm down, Percy. There’s gonna be some reason for this.

I decide to get off at the next stop. I ask the driver when it is.

“We’re gonna stop a’ San ‘Frisko next, lad. ‘Nother few hours, I excpec’, if all goes well.”

Yeah, like that’ll happen.


My heart sinks horribly at the fact of another few hours on this thing. Most of the men onboard, for they are all men, leer and glare at me. I hope that San Francisco comes quick. I sit back in my seat and rack my brains for anything, anything at all of memory. I get a quick flash of a girl with blond curls and grey eyes sitting next to a smallish boy with slight horns and a wispish beard. Then it’s gone and I can’t even recall who they are, or what they mean to me.

Whats happening?!

I keep trying to remember more about the girl and the horned guy, but I just can’t. I found a bag that says “Perseus Jackson” on it, which I know is my name. Theres nothing in it, just some chocolate and a cell phone. Something inside me says “BAD BAD BAD” so I chuck it out the open windows beside my small seat.

There are trees on the side of the road. Large, green trees. I catch sight of a creek before it’s whipped out of sight. The road is bumpy, and on one particular jolt, I bump my head against the hard glass.

“Ow!” I mutter. That hurt!

“Watchu say kid?” A guy leered at me.

“Nothing.” I say back. I wish I had my memories!

The bus pulls over just outside the city San Francisco.

“Out! This is where you who are getting of at Frisko get out!” Yells the driver.

I grab my bag thinking what the hell and shrug. Once I’m outside I try and find some water in the forest surrounding the road. As I head in, I have the peculiar sensation I’m being watched. I continually trip on the big roots of the massive trees that stick up out of the ground, as I’m trying to see whoever’s watching me. As it gets dark, I stumble in a creek and lay down in it, willing myself to stay dry. Surprisingly, it works, and when I get out of the creek, I’m perfectly un-wet and dry. I try to sleep, but its hard, knowing that something watching me.

Hope you like it! :)
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
great job! you're off to a great start! I especially like the someone watching part!

eagerly waiting for more
over a year ago dexter2016 said…
big smile
Very good First Chapter
hope you post Chapter 2 soon