The Heroes of Olympus Thee Sonn Off Nepp !

Lovetowrite posted on Jan 26, 2011 at 09:59PM
Hi i'm new. but i love the series!

Percy woke up. He sat up, rubbed his eyes and looked around. He was infront of two huge metal doors with a giant gray metal wall wrapping around something giant. the walls were huge, maybe as tall as a house. He stood up and looked at his clothes, he wasn't wearing a shirt, but he was wearing bathing suit trunks. weird. He tried to think about where he was, but strangely he couldn't think of anything. He couldn't remember his name, where he was, who he was, where he came from, nothing. He realized he was wearing a neclace with a few beads on them. He studied them when finlly one made his heart sink. He didn't understand why though, he read the names, Charlie Beckandorf, Silena Bouragard, Michael Yew. He knew these people. He was scared where was he? He decided to knock on the doors. He waite about a minute before someone started to open the door. It was a girl, she had black hair and hazel eyes, she was kinda cute, but the weird thing was, she wearing armour and percy could see a knife at her side. "uhh.. sir, im sorry, this is.. uhmm Dakota!" Another girl came to the door she was spanish and had brown eyes and blonde hair, she was even prettier then the first girl. The girl dakota looked strangely at Percy up and down. "Must be a mortal" she whispered to the first girl. "yeah, i think your right, but how do i get rid or him?" "ill take care of it" dakota siad. Uhm i'm sorry sir you must be lost. Listne this is a summer camp. "why are you guys wearing armor" percy asked."uhm.. hazel, he can see us whering armor" "i know thats weird". "Are you uys demi-gods"? Percy had no idea why he asked that, he didn't even know what that is."are you?" the girl Hazel asked. "i think i am. but i don't remeber anything! just the armor looks familiar". "you can't remember anything? thats weird". "But i know for a fact im a demi-god, ive been called that before. i know it." "uhmm.." "PROVE IT." the girl dakota yelled. without even thinking Perc dug his hands into his pocket, he felt around them, and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. no, it wasn't a piece of paper, it was a picture. Percy studied the picture, it was of a girl, she was gorgeous, he could tell he had no make-up on. She had grey eyes and blonde hair. Percy felt a strong connection to her, and he knew she was one of the most important things in his life. He shoved the picture back in his pocket and looked at the pen, it had greek writing on the side that he translated to Riptide. He clicked the pen. It grew into a 3 footed sword. But Percy wasn't suprised, he didn't exacly understand how a pen became a sword, but he some how knew it was going to happen. Hazel and Dakotas eyes went huge. They stared at the sword then at Percy. "how.. how.." Dakota took out her sword, "fight me". "uh.. i don't really remem-" before Percy knew it she slashed at him he blocked and slashed at her aiming for her arm, he cut her. They kept fighting but Percy knew what to do. He blocked, slashed, hit, rolled until he had Dakota at her throat.
last edited on Jan 26, 2011 at 10:29PM

The Heroes of Olympus 20 replies

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over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
big smile
that's pretty cool! is this your first time writing? i just haven't seen you before today and was wondering how a newcomer like you could write so well. anyways i love it. you should be very proud of yourself for writing so well!
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
Haha, thank you. yeah this is my first time writing on here!
but i do like to write in school and stuff lol. Thanks so much! i just read yours. Your stories are great as well!
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
chap 2.

"your..your.." "AMAZING." hazel screeched. "Dakota he's amazing. But ive never seen fighting like that before, where did you learn how to fight like that?" "I don't remember." "Well we HAVE to take you to Lupa." "no hazel! remember the rules, he can't come in if he hasen't passed.. the test." "oh right! I'll be right back im gonna go get Lupa!" the girl ran off inside the camp. "get your sword away from me" Dakota said. "oh uh sorry" Percy clicked his sword and it magically turned back into a pen. He put it back into his pocket and pulled out the picture again. "who's that?" Dakota asked. "I have no idea, but i think she's important. So, what is this pace?" "It's SPQR training facility for halfbloods."What's a half blood?" "you said you knew" "no, i just said i knew the name." "A halfblood is someone who's have mortal half god." "Do you know if your dad is god or your mom?" "my dad, i think. I don't know why but i feel like ive prayed to him before." "youve probably have, ive praid to my mom." "who's your mom?" "my mom's demeter". "God of what?" "Goddess of agriculture and the harvest." " OOh cool." finally hazel came back, but she wasn't walking, she was riding something, she was riding a giant wolf. Percy took a stem back. "don't worry boy, i'm not gonna hurt you..yet." the wolf didn't really talk but Percy could understand her on how she moved her ears and her mouth and her facial features. "you are a" "uhm yes, i think so." "come child, we must begin your test."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Good job!! :)
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
thanks (: !
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
i like!!
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
chapter 3
the "test"

Lupa turned and went inside. Hazel followed and so did Dakota. She told Percy to come inside so he did. The place looked like a bootcamp. He looked around and saw pretty cool stuff. A rockclimbin wall that was spewing out lava..? a old country looking house, a place with more than a dozen lunch tables, stables that looked like it was for horses, a stadium that looked like it was for a baseball game, a giant table that had paint, and other arts and crafts stuff on it and cabins that made a U shape around fire pit. 12 in all Each cabin looked exactly the same except for a different sign above each door. Three of them looked a little bigger than the rest. "Dakota, why are those three bigger than the rest?" "Oh that's Jupiter, Neptune,and Juno's cabins, their the most powerful so they get the most biggest, but theirs no children inside, you see the big three Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto they all made a pact not to have any children, but Jupiter broke it and had.. Jason". Her head went down and she said his name sad and ashamed like she felt bad for him or something. "and theres no other children of the big three at all besides him". "No. thats wrong." "what do you mean its wrong? theres no other child of the big three." Percy shook his head "theres more, i..i know it!" "ok whatever you say..hey whats your name anyway?" "my name?" "uh.. yeahh" "uhmm..i think it's.." a voice familiar voice inside his head whispered the answer. "P-percy". "ohh okay, cool.His name is Percy! he remembered!" "ok great you remembered!" Hazel screamed. They stopped in front of the stadium, he could hear yelling and screaming coming from inside, Percy guessed they were gonna watch the fight. "now half-bloof, the test consists of 3 challenges, you must win 2 of the three, usually people only win the first two, no one has ever won the third except for Jason. all magic weapons or powers are aloud, understand?" "uhm, yes, ma'am." Dakota opened the door, it was just a dirt floor, but their was about 100 kids sitting and watching. "Everybody likes to watch the new comer" Hazel said. "good luck Percy, and remember the monster can play with your emotions look into your soul and make fun of your most valuables". "uhh..thanks." Dakota, Hazel and the she-wolf walked up the stairs, but the wolf wasn't a wolf anymore, it was a beautiful woman. He walked to the center of the ring. Everybody started cheering and yelling and screaming. Percy was so nervous he didn't exacly know what was going on but he held his ground, he pulled out his pen out of his pocket, someone yelled, "what you gonna do with a pen? write on it?" Percy ignored it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Yep I like giving monsters tattoos!!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
it's an uncappy pen NOT a CLICKY PEN!!!!!!!! sorry I just get really annoyed at details like that but your writings awesome!!!!!!!!!!! keep going also if you want to improve a tiny bit you could start a new line every time the dialogue switch. for example
"Minnesota's the bestest place in the world!" PJhero02 announced.
"I know right?!" wisegurl responded.
"Apollo graced it with the arts instead of warmth!" Calypso_ inserted into the conversation. exc.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
i made up my own mosterrrr.
chapter 4
i show who's boss.

The Monster came out of a door in the back, Percy was so scared, he had no idea what that ting was, it was blue with a serpent like face and two reptile legs and human arms, its eyes were red and it's tongue was fork like.
"dinners gonna be good today!"
Percy TOOK OFF THE CAP of his pen and shoved it in his pocket, his sword instantly grew into a 4 inch sword. The monsters eyes widened as percy went into a stance and started charging to the monster. But in the middle of his charge a familiar voice rang inside his head.
"Seaweed Brain no!"
Percy stopped right in his tracks and stared at the monster with a hurt face. He knew that voice. He took out the picture of the girl and knew it belonged to her. Then he remembered what Hazel said, "The monster can play with your emotions look into your soul and make fun of your most valuables". He was playing with Percy's head. He shook out of it and charged the monster, it looked scared. Percy slashed his arm hen his shoulder then he finally stabbed him in the stomach and it dissolved into powder. The crowd cheered but Percy knew he wasn't done. Was the next opponent another monster? Percy could barely fight that monster, how could he fight another one?
That's when the door opened. It wasn't another monster. But strangely Percy was even more scared.
A girl came out, she had brown hair and hazel eyes, but she was pretty. She had a hard and tuff face on though. She obviously had a lot more experience than him, but he felt like he had some too.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
the rest of chapter 4

She had two knives strapped to each of her thighs. She took them out and held them in each hand. She then made fighting stance. The crowd cheered REYNA! REYNA! Percy saw by her stance and knew that she was already good. Percy held up his sword to show that he was strong, but it didn't really give the right message. The girl started charging Percy holding each sword in her hands. She got to him and immediately slashed at his arm, he blocked and hit swiped at her side but she blocked. She slashed at his shoulder but it just bounced off, she was so confused as so was he, but he used the distraction. He swiped his leg under her feet and tripped her making her drop one sword. He hit the other sword out of her hand and put his sword to her throat. Percy won the battle. Everyone was staring at him, even the girl. He pulled the cap out of his pocket and capped the pen. He held out his hand and the girl slapped it. "Ow"
"i don't take pity"
"i wasn't try-"
"no one ever defeats me, except for Jason"
With that she ran out of the stadium leaving her swords behind.
Lupa stood up from her seat. "Percy, please come with me."
She walked down the stadium stairs and walked out of the stadium with the girl Hazel and the other girl Dakota following her. Percy followed them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
chap 5

They walked through the camp.
"Hazel, did I do something wrong?" She looked at him, her face looked hurt but surprised.
"You beat Reyna. She's the best swordsman at this camp"
"Yeah! Your amazing, Percy, but theres something strange"
"What's so strange about being good?"
"It's strange how you just show up at the camp not remembering anything but your an amazing swordsman and you have a magical sword that can turn into a pen"
"Oh, i guess that's a little strange."
"Here we are!" Dakota said.
They stopped at a small farm house.
Lupa opened the door and stepped inside, and the rest of them followed.
post the rest of chap 5 later im so tired
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
the rest of chap 5

Lupa led them through the house. It was like a regular old house. They walked inside one room that had a table that looked like a table held for meetings. It had chairs all around it.
"Please sit down"
Lupa sat at the head chair while Hazel and Dakota sat next to her on the side, Percy sat across from them.
Percy didn't really notice, but he saw Hazel staring at his stomach, he looked down and realized he still wasn't wearing a shirt and that his 8-pack was showing.
"Uhmm, you wouldn't have to happen a shirt do you?"
"Ofcourse" Lupa got up and walked to the back of the room, there was a closet, she opened it and took out a purple T-shirt.
"Here you are"
Percy put the shirt on and sat down, he had a strange urge to take the shirt off but he didn't know why.
"Ok, so would you guys like to tell me what happened?"
Hazel explained everything with every little detail. How Percy woke up in the forest with no shirt on to when Hazel got Lupa.
Lupa just nodded.
"And you don't remember anything?"
"Well,I remember my name, i remember sword moves, and uh.. this girl"
Percy pulled out the picture of the girl and handed it to Lupa.
"She's pretty" Lupa said. "You know who she is"
"No, but, yes, but no."
"What do you remember about her?"
"I- I remember her voice, and that she's really important and that she's naturally beautiful."
"sounds like a girlfriend" Dakota said.
Percy hoped he didn't blush too red. But he had a feeling who ever this girl was, that she might be his girl friend.
Lupa handed him back the picture.
"Well, Percy, you finished the test, no need for the third challenge, we burn- uh tattoo your sign"
"burn? burn what?"
"But Lupa, we don't even know who his immortal is yet." Hazel said.
"He will be claimed soon I hope, do you remember if it's your mother or father?"
"Oh right, you remember praying to him" She said smiling to Hazel.
"So you will stay in the Mercury cabin for now, I will give you a schedule. When you find out who your father is you will get your tattoo. Okay?"
"tattoo- what tattoo?"
"Hazel take Percy to the Mercury cabin"
"Yes Lupa, Come along Percy"
"wait what tattoo!"
They left the room and started walking to the cabins.

over a year ago DrewTorres said…
OMG!! i that series 2!!
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
whatt? lol
over a year ago Lovetowrite said…
chap 6!

Annabeth was tired, but she just couldn't leave. She was in the Poseidon cabin, sitting on Percy's bed staring at a picture of him and her. His arm was around her and he was looking at her smiling and she was looking at him smiling. It was the day right before the last day of camp and Annabeth insisted they took pictures so they could keep their love alive. Annabeth started crying. What was the use of staring at their picture? It wasn't going to bring him back. It's not going to restore his memory. What if he never gets his memory back? Annabeth sighed, put the picture back and left the room in tears. She went inside her cabin and went to her bed and sat down. Her brothers and sisters were trying not to look at her, she must of looked terrible. Then someone answered the door. "Uhm hey, do you know where Annabeth is?" It was Piper.
"Hey Piper" Annabeth called from her bed and walked to Piper, Annabeth must of looked really bad cuase when Annabeth reached Piper, Piper's eyes widened.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Post !!!!
over a year ago POJO45 said…
Please post!