The Heroes of Olympus Son Of Neptune~ No Zombies Allowed!

partypony posted on Dec 19, 2010 at 07:05PM
First Book
-Title: The Son of Neptune
-Rating: YA 'cause I'm paranoid
-Type: I think it’s adventure/fantasy.
-Characters: Percy Jackson, Carmen Felton (OC), Jerry Daggré (OC)
-Synopsis: Percy lost his memory, but he’s getting flashes of it back. Together with his two best friends in The Camp, he goes on a quest to find the missing camper (Jason) and possible gain his memories along the way. Will they succeed, and find Jason and his memories? Or will they get lost, and fail on their quest?
Second Book
-Title: The Rise of Gaea
-Rating: YA 'cause I'm paranoid
-Type: I think it's adventure/fantasy
-Characters: Jason Grace, Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase, Jerry Daggré (OC), Rosalie Nigh (OC), Simkren Jarr (OC), Riehle Logan (OC), William 'Bill' Crémonne (OC), etc...
-Sypnosis: Percy Jackson and Jason Grace has an almost impossible task ahead of them. They need to unite the two camps and work together to fight in the war.
But one problem: Percy and his new friend Riehle disappeared. Now Jason, Piper, Leo, Jerry, Rosalie, Sim, Bill, and Grover have to go on a quest to find and locate them.
Will they succeed, and beat the crap out of Gaea? Or will they fail, and die fighting each other?
Third Book
-Title: Night Rain
-Rating: YA 'cause I'm paranoid.
-Type: I think it's adventure/fantasy
-Characters: Araxie Raine (OC), Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Jerry Daggré(OC), Rosalie Nigh(OC), Percy Jackson, Rye Doshen(OC), et cetera...
-Sypnosis: Araxie Raine has come back to life! Now she and her friends must fight in the Giant War against Terra. But as well as fighting in the war, they must also convince Percy to fight with them. Rachel's confession gave them a hope that his heart is not truly lost. Will they succeed and rescue Percy from the darkness in his heart and defeat Gaea/Terra? Or will they fail, plunging the world into Gaea/Terra's reign, and forever keep Percy's heart in shadows?
-Disclaimer: I don’t own PJO or HoO. Do I look like Rick Riordan? First of all, he’s a middle-aged guy (I think) and I’m a teenage girl. There’s a big difference. Even if I did own those series, I would be working on something else right now *cough*son of Neptune*cough*.
-No meaningless spam please. Only praise, constructive criticism, or ideas.
WARNING: This fanfic is a bit OOC. Don't say I didn't warn you...
A/N: The trilogy is done! It didn't go as well as I expected, but it's good enough for me (I think.) This is dedicated to the people who inspired me to write. Especially my English teacher (yeah, that's right, I'm super lucky to have the most awesome English teacher in the world!)

Hope you enjoy this!
last edited on Jul 01, 2011 at 07:58PM

The Heroes of Olympus 1110 replies

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over a year ago halfblood963 said…
ok cant wait.
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
neither can i
over a year ago partypony said…
(Percy's PoV)

I sat around the campfire, listening along with my friends.
It's been about 2 months since they found me lying in the Wolf House, unconsious. I still remember it...

Flashback (2 months ago)
I woke up, and saw clear blue skies. Standing up, I saw I was in a ruins of a house. I got a feeling I'm not supposed to be here.
That's when I met them.
I heard a noise. All of a sudden, a wolf jumped at me. Looking into its eyes, I knew it was a she, and would not tolerate wimps. I forced myself to take action. I pushed the wolf off me, and felt around my pockets for something to use. I pulled out a pen.
Damn. If only I can write the wolf to death. But I have nothing else. The wolf came at me again, snarling. I uncapped it, determined to stab it. What a shocker. The 'pen' turns out to be a sword. 3-feet of bronze grew out of the pen. But the wolf didn't even break stride.
I sidestepped, missing the wolf by a few inches. I did an underhand cut, but the wolf was too fast. It unsheathed its claws and jumped at me again. I blocked it with my sword, then tried to stab it. It jumped above me before I can have the chance. It sank its teeth into my neck... and felt nothing. The wolf grunted. I reached back and held the wolf by the scruff. Then I threw it into the ruins of the house.
A few seconds later, it came back again. I raised my sword, prepared for another attack, but amazingly, it spoke.
Can wolves speak? Apparently this one does. It sauntered towards me and said, "This is a sacred place. No mortal is allowed to be here." It sniffed me. "But you're not a mortal, aren't you. Your blood smells different... like the ocean."
I have no idea what it's talking about.
"And you have skill with that sword," it continued. "Only half-bloods have that kind of training."
I decided to take a chance. "I seriously have no idea what you're talking about."
It nodded. "Of course. You're new. You don't know what you are yet. But you know how to weild a sword, so you know about monsters and how to defend youself?"
"You must be a loner. Come." It turned away and led me deep into the trees. And I followed.
We emerged into what the wolf called 'home'. The wolf told me her name was Lupa, and she was a goddess. For some reason, I feel safe with her, even if she did try to kill me and almost did. She told me of the existence of demigods and the gods.
"Gods?" I asked. "Like, the Greek gods?"
She seemed amused by my question. "Yes and no. Roman gods are the ones that exist."
"But aren't the Roman gods like the Greek gods?"
She hesitated. "Yes, but the Romans were just as great as the Greeks, if not better, therefore their gods existed."
She told me of the camp she has. Training, half-bloods, pegasi, monsters, etc...
I feel like I've been through this before. Weird.
After a few days, it happened.
We were playing the weekly game of Seige the Territories, when a couple of Mars guys attacked me. It was no problem for me, but soon the entire cabin (aboout 13 people) came at me. I backed away. Pretty soon, they're gonna break through and capture my territory. My feet touched the water. I felt a surge of energy, and a tug in my gut. The river behind me rose up in a swirling mass. I had a deja vu.
'dark haired girl, looking angry. Me, smelling like I've been shocked by electricity....'
The water doused the Mars kids, at the same time as my team beat the defenders on the other territory. We won. Lupa appraised me. She called the other campers and announced, without emotion, "He is determined. A son of Neptune."
They moved me from the Mecury cabin to the Neptune cabin. Another deja vu.
'Horse-man, hellhound, cabin made out of the ocean floor...'
~End of Flashback.

Carmen, daugher of Apollo, and Jerry of Mars sat in either side of me. We were discussing battle strategies in case we get attacked. The whole camp does this every day. Talking about strategies of defending and attacking in every scenario imaginable. Lupa said it will someday help us if any of the things happen.
We were talking about how to attack a monster territory surrounded by turrets and patrolling guards.
Bobby, son of Minerva, said that we could sabotage the turrets using coffee. It was a pretty good idea. And Hazel of Mercury cabin suggested to use evaporated sleeping potion to knock out the guards. Dakota of Mars also included to take the territory using brute force, not that the defences are down.
After all the strategizing, we all went to out cabins.
I fell asleep almost instantly.
And had a dream.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
that was so epic nice description of the lupa and percy fight but do they know percy's name.
over a year ago partypony said…
i'm telling that story in another flashback
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
good chapter
over a year ago partypony said…
you guys want another chapter now? or tomorrow?
over a year ago partypony said…
Ok here's another chapter.
Oh, and I'll only be updating at random intervals, and by that, I mean whenever I feel like it.

Dreaming a flashback
(Percy’s PoV)

I was back in the Wolf House. Strangely, the earth seemed to be moving. I reached for my pen-sword, and uncapped it. I felt a little better at having a weapon in my hand, but the uneasy feeling still lurked around in my head.

Flashback time again (Set before Siege the Territory)
The campers gathered around me, curiosity in their eyes. They all wore purple, but some of the tougher looking kids wore armour over their shirts. I looked down at myself and saw I was wearing an orange shirt and a jacket. The shirt said Camp Half-Blood. I zipped up my jacket so no one can see it.
“Heroes, we have a new camper today,” Lupa said. “His name is...” She looked at me, a question in her eyes. Thank gods she changed into her goddess form.
I started to speak when I realized I don’t know my own name. I racked my brain, but all I got was a massive headache. “I... don’t... know...”
Lupa raised her eyebrows and the campers started whispering among themselves, looking suspiciously at me. “You don’t know your own name?”
Immediately after she said that, I felt a voice inside my head, whispering a name. “Percy.”
“Well, you do know your name.” She raised her voice. “This is Percy.”
A girl, about 15, stomped in front of me. She eyed me suspiciously. “Do you know Jason Grace?”
“Don’t lie to me!” she yelled.
“Reyna,” Lupa interfered. “I found him in the Wolf House, unconscious. We talked on the way here, and my instincts tell me he does not know Jason Grace. How can he know when he doesn’t even know his own name.”
“He knows his name,” Reyna pointed out. “He said, and I quote, ‘Percy’.”
“Be that as it may, he is a demigod just like the rest of you.”
“But doesn’t it seem suspicious he appeared around the same time Jason disappeared?”
Lupa conceded the point. She said they will discuss this in private.
Reyna glared at me, and if looks could kill, I’d be very dead by now.
Lupa, Reyna, and I went inside the Master Cabin. It was a huger version of the other cabins I saw on the way. We sat around a comfortable fireplace in armchairs.
Reyna started off the discussion with, “This is ridiculous.”
Lupa looked at Reyna. “And how is this ridiculous child?”
“Percy,” she shot me one of her killer-glares. “Clearly knows where Jason is.”
“I told you I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I felt I needed to defend myself. This girl is really annoying.
“How do we know you’re not lying?”
“Enough,” Lupa said. “We are here to discuss, not bicker. Reyna, you will treat Percy like any other camper and give him a chance to explain himself. Is that clear?” Lupa had a really dangerous look in her eyes. Like, say-yes-or-I-will-turn-into-a-wolf-and-dev­our­-yo­u-p­iec­e-b­y-p­iec­e.
Reyna nodded, seeing the Look. “Kay then.” She turned to me. “You heard her. Explain yourself.”
I said, “I don’t know what to explain. I don’t even know what we’re talking about. And I don’t know what your problem is.” I said to Lupa, “Is she always this hostile to other newbies?”
“No. But your... untimely arrival is very suspicious.”
“How is it suspicious?”
“You arrived at around the same time one of our campers disappeared.”
“Jason.” I heard the name being whispered by the other campers.
“Yes. You can see why Reyna may be hostile to you.”
Reyna snorted. “More like violent.”
“Kay, here’s the thing. I don’t know this Jason person. I don’t know who you are. I don’t know where I am. I don’t even know WHO I am. So long story short, I don’t know anything.”
“You know your name.”
“That’s what the voice in my head said!”
“Voice in your head?” Reyna shook her head. “I suppose you’re going crazy now.”
I stood up. “WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM?!”
Reyna stood up too. “WHY DO YOU KEEP LYING!?”
Reyna and I jumped. Guess she never heard Lupa shout angrily too. We both sat down.
“Reyna,” Lupa said in a much more calmer voice. “My instincts tell me that he is not lying, and my instincts are never wrong. Return to your normal duties.”
Reyna still looked angry, but she did what Lupa said and left the room.
“ Percy, you will stay in the Mercury cabin until we know your immortal parent. You will go to Carmen of Apollo cabin and ask her for a tour of the camp.”
“But I don’t know who Carmen is.”
But Lupa already had her back to me. So I left the room.
That’s how I met Carmen.
I saw a girl my age, who smiled at me. “I’m Carmen. Welcome to camp. Hope Reyna’s not too strict with you.”
“Nah. She just shouted at me and called me crazy and stuff.”
She laughed. “You’re lucky. Normally she would hold you at swordpoint at force the information out of you.”
We walked around the camp. She showed me the river with naiads, the stables with pegasi, the arena with kids fighting each other, the dining pavilion with around a dozen tables, etc.
The sun was setting by the time we were done.
“We should head back. Dinner starts soon. And today we play Siege the Territory.”
“The what?”
Carmen smiled at me mischievously. “You’ll see.”
~End of Flashback.

Ok, I was dreaming. The ground was shaking more violently. A woman rose out of the ground. She wore a brown dress that blended to the background.
“Hera’s plan will not work.” She sounded creepy. Like somebody who’s been asleep for a million years and never woke up. “As soon as you meet each other blades will be drawn, and hostility will arise.”
She disappeared, and the scene changed. I saw the unfinished frame of a boat. Don’t ask me how I knew it was a boat, I just know. It was being built by kids. A guy that looked like a Latino santa elf was directing orders, and a blonde girl with stormy gray eyes was looking at a blueprints.
The woman appeared again. “As soon as they set sail, they will be doomed.”
I woke up.
I realized the blonde girl looked familiar. Like an old friend. And who was that lady? I remembered her saying that the people will be doomed when they set sail. I shivered. I looked out the window. It was still dark. I got out of bed and went outside.
Yeah, that may be a bit boring, but what do I know?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
i thought leo had black hair.
over a year ago partypony said…
whoops. typo. ok its edited. thanks.
over a year ago partypony said…
Ok. I now made a total of 13 chapters ready to go, but I like to keep you guys waiting! I know what it feels like.

Scattered Memories
(Percy’s PoV)

I walked to the river and down in a patch of grass. I thought about how my best friends, Carmen and Jerry, became my best friends.

Flashback again (Set after his first Siege the Territory game)
The people on my team were impressed that I was able to hold back the entire Mars cabin. They congratulated me, clapped me on the back, etc. Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and one of the Mars guys was there, with a grin on his face.
“That was awesome dude! How the heck did you learn all those moves?”
“I don’t know.”
He laughed. “Right! You can’t remember. I’m Jerry, by the way.”
“So I’ve heard. Hey, you mind duelling me tomorrow?”
“Well, I wanna see how well you’d do one-on-one.”
“Um, sure.”

The next day, I met Jerry in the arena.
“Kay, this is how it works. The first one to disarm the person and have him at swordpoint wins. Get it?”
I nodded.
He attacked me first. He went for a sidecut, but I parried his blade. He immediately did another stroke. I blocked it. We went like this for several seconds when I saw an opening. I blocked his underhand cut and stepped back. He lunged at me again, but I ducked his stab and knocked his legs out. He fell forward, but got back up again. He sliced at me, but his legs were still unsteady so he missed me. I went for his hilt and twisted. Jerry’s sword clattered to the ground. I had my sword under his chin. And I had a déjà vu.

A blond guy, sparring with me...

Jerry was grinning at me. I held back my sword and helped him stand up. I uncapped mine and it turned back into a pen. I noticed writing in the pen. It looked like Ancient Greek.
“Wow. You’re good.” Jerry picked up his sword. “You might have a chance against Reyna if you ever have the bad luck to get on her bad side.”
“I’m already on her bad side.”
“Oh. Be careful then. Reyna’s the second best fighter we have. Well, I guess she’s the best now.”
“Jason used to be the best swordsman. But now he’s disappeared, so yeah...”
We stood in silence for a while.
Thankfully, Carmen came over and broke the awkwardness. “Hey guys. Any of you wanna fight me?”
Jerry snorted. “You’re no good in melee combat.”
“Not true!”
“Well, you Apollo kids are good at long range weapons, but you kinda suck at close combat. No offence.”
“I’ve been practicing.” She said to me, “You wanna fight me?”
Jerry said, “You have no chance!”
Carmen drew her sword from its scabbard. “We’ll see about that.”
She came at me. I could tell that she wasn’t very good. I dodged her sword and jabbed at her. She backed away quickly. Then she did something very unexpected. She threw her sword at me. I barely dodged it. The sword clattered to the ground behind me.
“That’s so fail!” Jerry exclaimed. “Carmen, that was very, very, epic, I have to admit, but you can’t just go around throwing swords at people!”
Carmen hung her head. “Sorry. Guess I got carried away.”
“Hey, it’s cool.” I picked up her sword and handed it to her.
She said, “Thanks.”
Jerry asked, “Can’t you just stick with archery from now on”
“No. I WILL practice and I WILL beat you someday.”
She asked me if I want to practice archery with her. I said yes, even though I had this bad feeling that I shouldn’t have said so.
We reached the archery range, and about half the people there were amazing. They kept hitting the bulls-eye over and over again. The other half were mediocre. Carmen and I picked up bows and went to the targets.
Carmen really should stick to archery. She hit the bulls-eye every time, and each one was like one millimetre away from each other.
Me, I sucked. I couldn’t even hit the targets. Carmen checked my technique and told me to use my back muscles to draw the bow. It was a bit easier, but I still couldn’t hit the targets. After a few tries, I gave up. Carmen promised to train me.
We went to lunch together. I headed to the Mercury table, but Lupa told me to go to the Neptune table instead, where nobody was sitting.

I went to the stables after lunch. I wanted to ride a Pegasus. Warren from Mercury told me to choose. As soon as the pegasi saw me, they started talking in my head.
“Oh oh pick me lord!”
“Don`t listen to him! Pick me!”
“No me!”
I looked at the pegasi and saw a pure black Pegasus. I had another déjà vu.

Black Pegasus, sugar cubes, donuts, Blackjack...

I chose the black Pegasus. But Warren warned me that he lets nobody ride him. “His name is Raven.” He said.
I asked Raven if I could ride him, and to my surprise, said yes. Warren and I raced a few laps, and it was clear that Raven was faster than Warren`s Pegasus, Ferris.
I led Raven back to the stables and thanked him. The other pegasi were muttering among themselves.
~End of flashback

I touched the river water and felt the surge of strength I always feel whenever I touch water. A river naiad stared up at me and waved. I waved back. I think she giggled. Then she went back to the depths of her river. I thought about my dream. Why did the lady show me that? And who was that girl? I felt a strong connection to her. Maybe she was somebody I knew before I lost my memory. As I was thinking about her, I felt something at the small of my back. I touched it and felt a shock course through me. I pulled my hand back. Weird. I looked up to the stars and studied the constellations. Orion, Sagittarius, Ursa Major, Leo Minor, Andromeda, etc. I don`t know how I knew this, I just knew. I saw a constellation that caught my attention. Huntress. Of course, déjà vu time.

A girl with a silver circlet in her head knocked away by a giant man, an auburn-haired girl holding up what looked like mist...

I sighed. These déjà vu were the only thing I had that was closest to memory. I decided they were memories. Why would they come to me at random times?
I heard something in the trees. I stood up, uncapped my pen, and went over to check.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
big smile
epic nice story.
over a year ago partypony said…
Oops. ur lucky halfblood936. i accidentally out a part of the next chapter in there. that meant u got a sneek peek.

but its erased now. hehe.
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
well thats not fair at all....grrrrr can't wait till the next chapters even though I haven't read the first chapters yet! And I'm too loopy to understand anything at the moment so I going to read them in the morning and edit on to THIS COMMENT yep that's me yeah k

evil cliff hanger!!! btw I lied I read it a few seconds ago and
AMAZING I love it thank you soooooo much for posting this partypony after going to the SON OF NEPTUNE WRITING GAME and witnessing all the chaos its nice to know that there's some order in this cruel world we're living in, man.... yeah anyway CAN'T WAIT TILL THE NEXT ONE!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
morning! just woke up in a great mood! here's another chapter for u guys.

Heart to Heart Talk
(Percy’s PoV)

I found Carmen sitting at a rock. For some reason, she had her bow and quiver with her. She had her head in her hands, and she was shaking. No, she was crying. I walked to her and asked, “What’s wrong?”
She jumped. Her eyes focused on me. “Oh... nothing.” Her voice shook.
I sat beside her. “No really, what’s wrong?”
She took a deep breath. “Well, remember that duel we had?” I nodded. “Well, as you can see, I’m no good at sword fighting. I’ve been trying for years to even achieve mediocrity, but...” She trailed off.
“Hey, you’re good with a bow. Way better than me. I can’t even hit the targets.”
“Yeah. But you see... I’m the worst.”
“I mean, I’m the worst swordsman they have. Even my brothers and sisters can use a sword. And you beat me in that duel. You, who’s a newbie and barely had training, beat me, a girl who’s been at camp for more than 5 years.”
I don’t know what to say to that, so I said the lamest thing ever. “It’s ok.”
She looked at me weirdly. “Uh-huh.”
We sat quietly for a while, staring at the stars. My eyes kept wandering over to the Huntress.
I finally asked, “Do you know the constellations?”
“Yup. All 88 of them,” she said.
“89.” I corrected.
“There’s only 88 constellations.”
“Yeah, but Artemis added another constellation.” I paused. How did I know that?
“Artemis? You mean Diana.”
“Er, yeah. Diana. She added another constellation a few years ago.”
“Really? Which one?”
I pointed to the Huntress. “There. It’s called the Huntress.”
She nodded. “Yeah I see it. Wait, how’d you know?”
“How’d I know what?”
“That Diana added another constellation.”
“Um...” I’m not sure what to say.
She saw my uncertain expression and said, “Oh right, you can’t remember. Well, if you remember thatm maybe your memory will come back to you over time.”
“Yeah. Must be it.” But I wasn’t so sure.
Carmen asked me, “What are you doing out here anyway?”
“Um... I had a dream. It’s really disturbing, so yeah I came outside.”
“I was at the river, and I heard something, so I came to see what it was, and here I am.”
“Well, anyway, thanks for the talk.”
“No prob.”
She hesitated. “Um... can you teach me sword fighting?”
“Sure. As long as you teach me archery.”
She smiled really wide then. “Deal”
We heard something in the forest. Something that should NOT be in the forest. I raised my sword, and Carmen drew her bow.
thats probably not my best work, but hey, im inexperienced.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago partypony said…
Do you guys want another PoV other than Percy's?
If yes, then which one?
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
i guess carmen,she's sounds nice and funny!
over a year ago partypony said…
Kay. Expect the Carmen PoV @ chapter 9.

Just for the heck of it, I'm gonna post another chapter today. later today.
over a year ago rhoyt2014 said…
big smile
Wow you are a really gold writer I love story update soon!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
k, here's the chapter.

Lamia Attacks Us
(Percy’s PoV)

A monster came out of the trees.
“Lamia,” Carmen breathed.
Lamia had a creepy smile in her face. “Hello heroes. Having a good night?” She lunged at us. Carmen and I dodged her. Carmen fired at Lamia, but missed. Lamia and I battled. She used her claws, and I used my sword. I have the advantage of a longer reach, but she has the advantage of speed. She dodged every attack I throw at her. She jumped up a tree when I tried to strike at her head.
“Fools!” she snarled. “Terra will destroy you!”
Carmen gasped. “Terra?! She’s awake?”
Lamia cackled. “Of course! She is letting out the worst monsters and souls out of the Underworld. In fact, it was because of her that I am here now. The only favour she asked of me was to dispose of him.” She pointed at me. “And I will do so gladly. I haven’t eaten demigod children in years!” She jumped straight down and landed on top of me before I could move.
Oh gods she was heavy. Heavier than I expected. How can she be this heavy?! I struggled to get her off me, but she held me down. Carmen tried to kick Lamia off of me, but it didn’t seem to bother her that much.
Lamia laughed and clawed at me. I felt nothing. She growled and clawed at me again, but no blood appeared. I was perfectly fine. She was shredding my shirt though. And that made me mad.
“Hey, that’s my shirt you’re clawing on!” I finally pushed her off me. Lamia slammed into the trunk of a tree. I grabbed my sword and ran towards her. I stabbed... into the tree trunk. She was behind me. Gods she’s fast. Carmen shot an arrow at Lamia, and it hit her shoulder. Lamia screamed. A horrible scream that almost shattered my eardrums. She sank to the ground. I held my sword and finally cut off Lamia’s head.
The monster dissolved to dust.
Carmen lowered her bow. “Lamia is back.”
“Is that bad? Never mind, of course it’s bad.”
“No, it’s worse than you imagine. She told us that Terra is starting to reawaken. And she was trying to kill you. We must warn Lupa.”
We walked back to camp. As we walked, Carmen told me the story of Lamia. Apparently, she was once a beautiful woman, who was caught sleeping with Jupiter, so Juno killed her children every time. It drove her crazy. So she stole human mother’s children and devoured them. This made Lamia ugly. Every time Lamia regains her beauty, she uses it to trick men into coming to her. She then eats them.
“But why’s she ugly now?”
Carmen shrugged. “She can only regain her beauty once in a while.”
We reached the Master Cabin. Carmen knocked on the door. A few second later, Lupa opened the door. She totally did not look like she’d just been waken up from sleep. In fact, she seemed more alert now than in the day.
“Sorry Lupa,” Carmen said. “We need to tell you something.”
Lupa nodded. She let us come in. We sat around the same fireplace Reyna, Lupa, and I argued. We told Lupa about the Lamia, and the thing about Terra. Lupa nodded several times during our talk. Finally, when we finished, Lupa stayed silent for a few minutes.
“Well,” Lupa finally said. “This is bad.”
Carmen and I said “Yeah” at the same time.
“Percy, when Lamia clawed at you, you didn’t get injured?”
I shook my head. “Her claws must have been dull.”
Lupa nodded several times. “Yes, yes...” She cleared her throat. “The same thing happened when we first met, didn’t it?”
I tried to remember. Yeah. Lupa bit my neck, but I didn’t die. I never really wondered about that.
Lupa leaned forward, “Did you perhaps bathe in the River Styx?”
Carmen gasped. “But that’s impossible! Nobody’s bathed in the River Styx since that Greek Achilles himself!”
I automatically said, “Actually, there’s 2 people who’ve been to the Styx after Achilles.”
“Oh duh. You’re one. Who’s the other? Santa Clause?”
“Luke.” Ouch. Head hurts again. What’s up with that?
“I suspected as much.” Lupa thought for a moment. “We need a quest.”
Carmen objected, “Now hold on. Just because Lamia attacked, doesn’t mean we have to take drastic measures.”
“It’s not just about Lamia,” Lupa said. “It’s about Terra. If Terra fully wakes up, she’ll rouse the giants and destroy us all!”
“Extreme much?” I muttered.
Lupa continued. “You two should be thankful actually. Sneaking out after curfew is serious. But I will allow this only once. For if not for you two, we wouldn’t have known about Terra.”
Carmen and I nodded. “So what now?” I asked.
Lupa stood up. “Now, you got to sleep. I will ask Michelle about this in the morning.”
And with that, she dismissed us.

“Well,” Carmen said. “What a night.”
I nodded, too distracted to answer. Then I thought of something. “Who’s Luke?”
“Excuse me?”
“I said that name, didn’t I? But I don’t know who he is.”
“You said that he’s the other guy who went into the Styx.”
“Yeah, but how come I know his name, but I don’t know the rest?”
She shrugged. “Maybe he’s like an important part of your life.” We reached the cabins. “See ya.”
I sighed. “’Night.”
I went back to my cabin. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep
PS: Be sure to read the next chapter. It's extremely impotant, cuz it gives alot of clues to whats gonna happen.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Great I can't wait:)
over a year ago partypony said…
slept badly last night. for that, im only gonna post one chapter today. enjoy.

We get a prophecy
(Percy’s PoV)

The next morning, I went to the breakfast. Whispers were coursing throughout the meal.
“Did you hear those sounds last night?”
“Yeah. What were those?”
I caught Carmen’s eye. Seems like everyone heard the fight last night.
After breakfast, I went with Carmen to the archery range. She told me all these techniques to improve my skill. After about 6 billion tries, I finally hit the target. I felt really good about that. It’s better than almost shooting a Mars kid anyway.
We went to the arena after that. Jerry was there. He always seems to be there. He greeted us and asked, “Did you guys hear those sounds last night? Sounds like somebody’s fighting a monster!”
Carmen shuffled her feet. I found something of vast interest in the ground.
Jerry studied us and asked, “You guys all right? “
“We’re fine.” Carmen said that a little too quickly.
“Oh,” Jerry looked at both of us. “It was you two, wasn’t it?”
“Shush!” I looked around, but nobody seemed to have heard us. “Don’t tell anyone, kay?”
I could have stood there all morning, trying to think of an excuse. Luckily, Carmen came to my rescue. “Cause we’re not allowed to sneak out in the middle of the night. If you tell anyone, we’ll get in trouble.”
Not exactly, I thought. Lupa told us she’ll let us go this time.
“Oh,” Jerry said. “So Lupa doesn’t know?”
Neither of us answered. He sighed. “Fine. Are you guys here to practice? Don’t answer that, of course you are.”
The rest of the morning went fine. Jerry and I taught Carmen some sword moves. She seemed to be improving a little.
“A few more years,” Jerry said. “And maybe you’d achieve mediocrity.”
I elbowed him in the gut. “That’s so mean.”
Carmen just smiled. “Well, a few more years, Percy, and maybe you’d achieve mediocrity in archery.”
After that, we went to lunch. I’m used to being alone now. But sometimes I wish I have someone to talk to.
I went to the stables to ride my old (not really) friend Raven. I raced against Belle and Aiden from Venus cabin and Joshua from Vulcan cabin. I still won.
When I was brushing Raven, Reyna came up to me. “Were you the one last night?” She wasted no time in saying hi.
“No,” I lied.
“Liar,” she said. She walked away.
“She does not seem to believe you,” Raven said.
I snorted. “Gee, ya think?”
I spent the rest of the day practicing in the river. Controlling water seems so easy. The naiad there eventually came up and chatted with me. She told me that she knew about Lamia.
“You did?” I was shocked. “How?”
“I heard noises,” she replied. “So I went to check. I didn’t get very far, but I caught a glimpse of you, Lamia, and that other girl.”
The sun was setting, so I said goodbye to her. I ate dinner, then played the weekly game of Siege the Territory. We had the Apollo cabin, the Mars cabin, the Venus, and me. On the other team was the Vulcan cabin, Minerva cabin, Ceres cabin, and Mercury cabin. My team won again. Surprise surprise.
At the campfire, Lupa said that were gonna be discussing something else other than strategies. She told the campers about Carmen and I, Lamia, and Terra. By the time she was finished, the others were staring at us.
“We need a quest,” Lupa said. She turned to a blonde girl about my age. “Michelle, do you have any prophecies?”
Michelle closed her eyes. When she opened them again, they were glowing green. Green mist smoked out of her mouth. Then she started to talk:

The child of ocean shall return to his home
Accompanied by sun and combat of Rome
In a ship given by the father
You shall sail east and meet the other
Finding the lost and meeting the found
Accompany each to fight the ground

Michelle then fainted. A couple of kids from Apollo cabin caught her and sat her on her seat.
comment plz. lemme know if there's any mistakes and stuff.
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
No mistakes that I can see, awesome prophecy, btw
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
i dont think theres any mistake cause it was
AWESOME!emphasis on the awesome.
over a year ago rhoyt2014 said…
big smile
I love your writing and that was an amazing chapter
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
i love your story!!!
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Aaaaaaack, it is TOO awesome! One thing- ADD MORE CLIFFHANGERS! Come on, everyone loves cliffhangers!
over a year ago partypony said…
@UnOriginalName, Im no good at adding cliffhangers, but Ill try :)
@everyone else, thanks!

Reyna freaks out
(Percy’s PoV)

“A prophecy,” Lupa announced. “For the quest.”
Carmen said, “Well it’s obvious who should lead the quest. Percy! He’s the child of ocean.”
The campers murmured their agreement. I got another déjà vu:

The blonde girl (but younger. Maybe 12) and a satyr standing on top of a hill with a huge pine tree... Thalia’s tree...

“Percy, you need to decide who you will take with you.”
Lupa’s voice jarred me out of my déjà vu. “Umm...”
“Companions?” Lupa prompted.
“I’ll go!” Carmen stood up. “The prophecy said that light shall accompany him. Apollo is the god of sun.”
I nodded. “Yeah, it makes sense.”
“Yes!” Carmen sat back into her seat.
Charlie from Vulcan asked, “What about the other? Combat?”
Reyna said, “It’s obvious it’s a child of Mars. I’ll go.”
Jerry jumped. “No way man! I’m going!”
Reyna glared at Jerry. “No. I’M GOING.”
“Percy will decide.” Jerry turned to me. “Well?”
It’s pretty obvious who I’m gonna pick. Jerry’s friendlier anyway. “Jerry.”
Jerry yelled, “IN YO FACE!”
Reyna freaked out. She unsheathed her sword and swung it towards Jerry. He dodged and drew his own sword. He slashed at Reyna, but she parried it, then counterattacked. A couple of campers stepped in and tried to break them apart, but Reyna sliced the air in front of them, and they quickly backed away. I uncapped Riptide and joined the fight. Reyna ducked an overhead cut from Jerry and stabbed her sword right into my chest. I lived. Reyna’s eyes widened.
“What the...?”
I used the distraction to disarm her.
“Thanks,” Jerry said.
“No prob.”
The other campers stared at me. They’ve never seen Reyna beaten by anyone but Jason. Good for me.
Lupa said, “Enough. Carmen and Jerry will accompany Percy on his quest.”
“But I wanna go to!” Reyna said.
Carmen asked, “Why is this quest so important that you attack Jerry just to join in?”
Reyna glared at her. “That’s none of your business.”
Warren snickered. Reyna switched her glare at him. “What?”
“You wanna go find Jason, don’t you?”
Reyna blushed. “I didn’t say that!”
“You didn’t have to. The prophecy said that they’re gonna find the lost. I’ll bet anything that the lost is Jason.”
Reyna sputtered. Then she stomped to her cabin. We watched her go.
I whispered to Carmen, “Isn’t it kinda mean to not let her go with us?”
“Well, she just wanted to find her friend.”
“In a quest, only two people can go with you.”
“You shall leave tomorrow,” Lupa said.
We sat down. Lupa said to figure out how to defend the camp against an army of monsters using only the most basic weapons.
After the campfire, I lied down in my bed, thinking about my quest tomorrow.
I was back in the room. The ground rumbled and dirt lady was there.
"My my. I see you're on a quest," she crooned. "Perhaps on your way, I might decide to send you some companions."
She waved her hand and I was in another place. I saw a pit a few meters in front of me. It felt cold. I feel like I've been here before. Something way down snarled. I backed away. I heard the lady's voice again. "This is where your worst nightmares will come from. Beware."
yeah, its short, but whatever.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago partypony said…
(Percy’s PoV)

The next day, we spent the day preparing for the quest.
Lupa gave us some mortal and non-mortal money. Then she told us to pack lightly.
As I was stuffing a shirt in my backpack Lupa gave me, Carmen went in.
“Are you quite done?”
“Almost,” I replied. “Why?”
“Bobby has something to tell you.”
I remembered Bobby from Minerva cabin. I abandoned my packing and went with her. Bobby was waiting for us in front of his cabin. When he saw us, he grinned. “Hey! I got something for you!”
When I reached him, he whipped out a pen. It was a weird pen. It was made entirely out of gold and it glowed a rainbowish colour. He grabbed my wrist and started to draw.
“You’ll see.”
After a few minutes, he was done. I examined the tatoo. I was simple black, with a sort of L pattern going around and around. I asked, “What’s it for?”
Bobby said, “But your other hand around it.”
I did and it grew into a shield made of black metal. “Wow”
“I know right? I just perfected it last night. I’ve been experimenting with some magic, kinda like your sword. I thought to test it out on you.”
“You used me as a guinea pig?”
I don’t know why, but I had another déjà vu:

The blonde girl in a white dress, some mean looking guinea pigs, a woman in a dress...

“Well, not really,” Bobby said. “I just wanted to know if it works. So I tried it on you, and you get a free shield!”
I almost told him I didn’t need a shield. I was already seemingly indestructible. But I thought that this might come in useful.
“How do I change it back?”
Bobby told me to place my hand again in my wrist and the shield turned back into a tattoo.
“Thanks man.”
As we were walking back to my cabin, Carmen asked, “You won’t be needing that, won’t you?”
I shook my head. “Are you done packing?”
We went back to my cabin, and I stuffed that shirt into the backpack.
I packed the money, some ambrosia and nectar, a couple of shirts and jeans, and a sleeping bag. Riptide went in my pocket.
I slung the backpack in my shoulders, and we went to see Jerry.
He was trying to cram a dagger in his backpack.
Carmen sighed. “Should I ask why you’re bringing that dagger?”
“Um, extra weaponry?”
“Lupa said to pack light.”
“Fine.” He went through a drawer and found a small sheathe. He wore it around his waist and put the dagger in. “Happy?”
“Who cares?”
He finished packing after wearing a few more weaponry choices. His sword, a spear, and another dagger.
“It’s not like we’re gonna be fighting THAT many monsters.”
“You never know.”
We went to the Master cabin, where Lupa was waiting.
We exchanged a few words and left.
She went with us only up to the Wolf House. From there on, we were alone.
Our quest had begun.

Percy's shield tattoo

last edited over a year ago
(Percy’s PoV)

The next day, we spent the day preparing for the quest.
Lupa gav
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
Awesome chapter!
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
nice shield!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Awesome shield idea!
over a year ago partypony said…
tonight is christmas eve!

‘Annabeth’s dad
(Percy’s PoV)

We walked to the city. I feel like I haven’t been out of the camp forever. Well, I haven’t. At least, not that I can remember. We wandered around the city for some time. We totally have no idea where to go.
Finally, Carmen asked, “Where are we going?”
I replied, “I have no idea.”
“The prophecy said something about east,” Jerry suggested. “We should head east.”
“The prophecy also said something about Percy going back home,” Carmen pointed out. “But we don’t know where that is don’t we?”
“Maybe in the east?”
They bickered for a few minutes. I saw a house that caught my attention. I stopped, and so did Carmen and Jerry. The house looked so familiar.
“Is this where you live?” Jerry asked.
I said no, but it looked so familiar, like I’ve been here before. Now it’s déjà vu time:

A man wearing an old-fashioned sort of pilot hat, an asian woman holding sandwiches, the girl with the silver circlet, and the girl with the choppy clack hair...

I walked to the front door of the house. My friends scrambled behind me. I knocked on the door, and the man from my déjà vu answered. His eyes widened when he saw me.
“Percy! What are you doing here? I thought you were missing! Annabeth was so worried! Come in!” He looked at my friends and added, “You can come in too.”
I asked, “Who are you?”
He looked at me in bewilderment. “Don’t you remember me? I’m Annabeth’s father.”

(Carmen’s PoV)
Well this is a nice surprise, I thought. But a million questions were running around in my mind. Who is this guy? How’d he know Percy? Who’s Annabeth? Why’s he wearing that dorky hat?
We went inside. It was the kind of home that looked like it had been lived on forever. Magazines were strewn around the floor, two boys were playing Wii, and the smell of chocolate chip cookies were wafting from the kitchen.
“So sir,” I said. “You know Percy?”
“Oh yes,” he replied. “I’ve known him for more than 4 years. But it was only about 2 years ago that I met him.”
He led us to a room. It was filled with war stuff. Planes, battle maps, charts, etc. If I had to guess, I’d say this was either WW1 or WW2.
I asked him, “You mentioned something about Percy being missing?”
He nodded. “Yes. Annabeth told me the news a couple of months ago.”
A couple of months ago. Around the same time Percy appeared.
Percy asked, “Who’s Annabeth?”
‘Annabeth’’s dad looked at him weirdly again. “You don’t know? Oh wait! Annabeth also told me that you might have lost your memory, like Jason.”
Jerry perked up. “You know Jason?”
He nodded. “Well, not know him personally, but Annabeth mentioned him.”
“So who’s Annabeth?”
He sighed. “I can see I have some explaining to do.” He called on his wife to please bring him some coffee and cookies. A moment later, an asian woman appeared and set a cup of coffee in front of him and a plate of cookies. She smiled at Percy. “Well hello. We thought you were missing. Annabeth was so worried you know.”
Annabeth’s dad took a sip of coffee and said, “Ok, first off, I’m glad to see you’re fine. Second, would you like to introduce me to your friends there?”
“I’m Carmen, daughter of Apollo” I said. “And this is Jerry, son of Mars.”
He eyed Jerry’s weapons.
“Nice to meet you. You can call me Dr. Chase. Annabeth is my daughter.”
He nodded.
“Who’s her mom?”
“Her mother is Athena. Or Minerva, if you want. But she’s Greek, not Roman.”
“Nothing. You’ll find out soon I’m sure.”
“Dr. Chase,” Percy said. “Who’s Annabeth?”
“Ah well, it’s a long story, but we have time.”
Dr. Chase told us a story about my life in a place called Camp Half-Blood. I’ve been there for 4 years, and gone on 4 quests. My girlfriend is a girl called Annabeth Chase, who’s a daughter of Athena. I met her on our first quest, which is to retrieve Zeus’s lightning bolt. On our second quest, we snuck out of camp with my half brother Tyson (who is a Cyclops) to rescue my best friend, a satyr called Grover, and also to help Clarisse, daughter of Ares, with her quest to take the Golden Fleece. On the third quest, Annabeth was kidnapped by a titan called Atlas. I rescued her with the help of Grover; a daughter of Zeus called Thalia, Zoe Nightshade, who was the former lieutenant for the Hunters; and Bianca di Angelo, who was a Hunter. Our fourth quest was to explore the Labyrinth, which resulted in the Battle of the Labyrinth. I was also the subject of the Great Prophecy, meaning I had to kill Kronos on my 16th birthday, who was actually hosting Luke, son of Hermes.
"Wow," Jerry commented. "I guess Jason wasn't the one in the prophecy after all. He wasn't 16 when he defeated Krios."
“You necklace there,” he gestured at Percy’s bead necklace. “It symbolizes your four years at Camp Half-Blood.”
He took of his necklace and studied it. One bead had a trident in it, the next one had a gold cloth, the third one had a maze, and the fourth one had the Empire State Building surrounded with names.
“Each bead symbolizes a significant event that happened each summer,” Dr. Chase continued. “You get a bead for each year you survive.”
I stared at the necklace. How come I’ve never noticed it before? He wears it every single day, and I never noticed it before.
“So you’re saying that Annabeth is his boyfriend, Percy survived at this camp for four years, he’s been missing for 2 months, and Jason is at that camp?”
For some reason, I felt a slight twinge of jealousy.
Jerry said, “Guess we need to go to new York. I’ve never been to New York.”
I ignored him and asked, “Why do you keep using Greek names?”
“Oh...” Dr. Chase looked uncomfortable. “Annabeth told me to never tell anyone the ‘explanation’. Not even my wife.”
“But seriously,” Jerry said. “We need to go to New York, just like the prophecy said. You say Percy lives in New York?”
“Yes,” said Dr. Chase.
“And New York is east from Frisco. The prophecy said we go east.”
“Hold on,” Percy interrupted. “The prophecy also said that we SAIL east in a ship, given by a father.”
“Well your father obviously.”
“How am I gonna get a ship from my father?”
Dr. Chase stood up. “I will drive you to the ocean. Oh, and Percy, don’t worry, I already have a new car.”
“Well, remember that quest you went to rescue my daughter? Oh wait, you don’t. Well anyway, you borrowed my car and it got struck by lightning. I bought a new one.”
“Oh, um, sorry.”
He laughed. “No problem.”
We went outside and got in a grey van. We got off at the beach.
“Good luck on your quest! I’ll tell Annabeth you stopped by if she contacts me.”
With that, he drove away.
Have a great Christmas Eve!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Merry Christmas eve!!!!!! That was an awesome chapter partypony love how you involved annabeths dad!!!!! Can't wait till the next ooonnnnneeeee!!!!!!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Awesome chapter:) :) :) :)
over a year ago partypony said…
i just remembered, im not gonna be posting a chapter on christmas. i'll make it up to you after. oh and in new year, expect maybe 3-5 chapters.

over a year ago Someone14 said…
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
hope you guys all had a merry christmas! i did. im very satisfied with my presents (my favorite was the chocolates. sadly, i ate them all on the same day i got them.). what'd you do?

on with the story!

Mars’s gift
(Percy’s PoV)

“Seriously, I don’t know how to get a ship from my father.”
“Can you pray to him?” Jerry asked.
“Oh, so I’m gonna be like, ‘Hey dad, I need a ship right now to take me back home so I can find this Jason guy and meet the ‘other’. Don’t worry, you can count this as a birthday gift.’”
Jerry said, “Well, not like THAT.”
Carmen held her bow. “Uh guys? We have a problem.”
We looked up and saw, oh great, a monster. It looked like a cross between a lion and an eagle.
Carmen whispered, “Griffin.”
She shot at the griffin, and missed. It dived down to us, screeching a horrible screech. I wondered what the mortals hear.
I crashed in the sand, and Jerry stabbed it with his spear. The griffin screeched again and took off flying.
“Griffins guard treasures,” Carmen said. “The presence of a griffin must mean there’s treasure in the area.”
I took out riptide and touched my tattoo. The griffin again dived down. It almost crushed Jerry, but he humped away. I ran towards it and climbed up its back. The griffin flew while I was still on its back. Carmen and Jerry were yelling below, but I couldn’t hear them. I was too busy thinking that Zeu-Jupiter would NOT be happy with me in the sky, even if I was riding/fighting a monster. I climbed up into it’s neck. I accidentally let go of Riptide when the griffin did a particularly shaky move. I groaned. Guess I’m gonna have to bash it to death with my shield. The griffin did a nosedive again to the ground. Carmen shot arrows. It stuck to the bird-lion, but it didn’t seem to care. I felt something in my pocket. Something very familiar. I took out the pen. Wasn’t it somewhere way down there? And how come it’s in pen form? I didn’t have time to think about it, cause the griffin just pulled up and soared away into the sky. Trouble. I wouldn’t be able to breathe up there. I uncapped Riptide and stabbed the griffin in the neck. It let out a horrible scream. I managed to cut off its head. It disintegrated as it fell from the sky. Now I had nothing to hold on to, except a single feather. I fell to the ocean with a splash.
I can still breathe, me being son of Pos-Neptune. I saw a shark look at me curiously. I telepathically said to it, “Can you take me to the shore? Like, the one in Frisco, ok?”
The shark gestured me to hold on to its fin and it swam away. I wondered what Carmen and Jerry were doing. Do they think I’m dead? The shark surfaced and I saw the shoreline. I said (thought) thank you to the shark and made my was to the shore. Jerry was pacing when he saw me.
Carmen ran to me. “How was that awesome?! He nearly died!”
“That’s what makes it awesome.”
“You children of Mars are all the same,” Carmen muttered. She helped me to my feet. “You ok?”
Jerry pointed at my hand. “You have a spoil of war.”
I didn’t realize I was still holding it. “Oh, um, yeah.”
We all sat at the beach. “So what now?” Jerry asked. “There’s still no boat from Neptune.”
“It might not be from Neptune,” Carmen said thoughtfully. “It could be any one of our fathers.”
I had another déjà vu.

A ship manned by skeletons, a girl with dirty blonde hair, Dr. Pepper...

I asked Jerry, “Doesn’t Ar-Mars have some kind of skeleton ship?”
“Yeah. Every time there’s a war, the loser team has to give service to Mars for losing, or something like that.”
“Can’t you ask your dad for one?”
He sighed. “Fine. I’ll pray. Can you guys pray with me?”
“No.” Carmen said quickly.
“I have a horrible feeling about asking the war god for help,” I said. “So no.”
“Fine,” Jerry said. “But this is a big request. We need some kind of sacrifice.”
“Here.” I handed him the feather. “This might be enough. We fought to get this. Mars might appreciate that.”
He walked away grumbling. Maybe he needed privacy.
“So what’s this about the bad feeling about asking Mars?” Carmen inquired.
“I don’t know. It just feels like a bad idea. Maybe I angered him in my past life or something.”
We sat quietly for a few moments. Then Jerry returned. “I think my dad took the feather. I don’t see a ship though.”
Something appeared in the sea. We all stood up, and we saw a ship.
“Looks like Mars came through,” I muttered.
The ship was a wreck. If I had to guess, I’d say it was from around World War I. As the ship came closer, I saw skeletons working on the ship. One skeleton in particular was standing on the deck, staring at us.
“Well,” Jerry said. “Here goes our ride.”
The skeletons lowered a row boat and it paddled to us. Once it reached the shore, we stepped in. We got back to the ship. The skeleton that was standing on the deck came to greet us.
“I am the Captain,” he said. “We serve Lord Mars because we lost during what the living call World War I. Where is your destination.”
Carmen and Jerry looked at me. “Um... New York. Manhattan.”
Captain nodded and went inside the ship. My friends and I looked at each other uncertainly. Captain returned with another skeleton. “A tour of the ship. Follow him,” Captain said, pointing at the skeleton. The skeleton went inside the ship. We followed.
which PoV do you want? besides carmen and jerry, cuz they're already in my story plan. oh, and if you guys have any ideas, feel free to tell me. im running out.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Great chapter, teriffically done. If you want a chapter about Camp Half-Blood, I advise trying Rachel. It would be intresting, and she is Percy's ex., so you could do the chapter in a ton of ways.
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
oohh that was really good =] i just started reading tthis and i love it!! oh and btw i love the prophecy, its really good =]]]cant wait till the next chepter, oh and maybe from nico's point of view...just saying...hehe
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
i like percy's PoV best but i guess it would be cool if you did annabeth hearing that percy was at her dads house or something like that...
over a year ago partypony said…
Sorry guys for not posting! I had the most horrible past few days. My laptop crashed and the day after that my brother stole my USB and dunked it in a sink filled with water. I still don't know why he did that, but I have a strong feeling it's because I fed him Oreo that has toothpaste instead of the white stuff. Anyway, I'm borrowing my mom's laptop right now. And I'm trying to recreate my fanfic (and my homework) for the next few days (I bought a new USB. Stupid brother.). So yeah.

Randomly yours,
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
haha you sound like a child of hermes!! toothpaste for frosting!! i like it!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
That would kinda taste like the mint oreos!!! Yum yum!!!! But plz try to post asap!!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
omgs! post! post! im dying over here! *faints on the floor*
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
awww im soooo sorry party pony!!! (hehhe love the name) but thats REALLY funny...toothpaste on an oreo!!! hehehhehehehehehe<333 luh-ve it!!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
*sobs* what time is it over at your place? i live in ny, 1:22 POST!!!! IM STILL DYING!!!!
over a year ago partypony said…
thanks for waiting!
i got revenge on my brother with a very simple prank. I filled his shoes with whipped cream (i couldnt find shaving cream), and you can guess what happened.
sorry if this is short, but im trying to restore all my work in my usb.

Shadow Travelling
(Jerry’s PoV)

The skeleton gave us a tour of the ship. He showed us the engines (which was rusty and does not look like it would hold for long); the bedrooms (which were so small it would barely fit a person); the bathrooms (which were mouldy); the dining room (which had rotten food strewn all over the tables); the captain’s quarters (which does not look like it had been cleaned in the past century); and finally the deck (which were populated by skeleton sailors).
Percy, Carmen, and I watched the sea. It was peaceful.
“What I don’t get,” I said. “Is why we have to ride a ship to get to New York. We could have just taken a plane and save time.”
“Because Percy can’t go to a plane idiot,” Carmen said. “And Terra is waking, so we’re not safe taking land either. That just leaves the sea.”
“Ok, but it would still take us a long time to get to New York. Besides, there’s no sea between San Francisco and New York.”
Percy said, “Yeah, I asked the Captain about that and he said that Ar-Mars enchanted this ship to find every possible body of water between here and New York and sail there.”
“I don’t get that.”
“I don’t either, but as long as we reach New York, I have no problem with that.”
“Wow Jerry,” Carmen said. “Mars must really like us to give us this much help.”
“I didn’t tell you one thing.” Percy said.
“What’s that?”
“Mars commanded Captain to only take us as far as Ohio. Says he has a surprise there.”
“Wonder what it is.”
Carmen rolled her eyes. “Knowing Mars, he’ll probably summon some kind of monster for us to fight.”
Percy asked, “Why would he do that?”
“Because Mars is the god of war,” I said. “And I think Mars would like to see how well we fight.”
“I have a bad feeling about this.”
Percy’s acting weird again. Whenever someone mentions Mars, he acts strange, like he’s afraid or something. But that can’t be. He’s never met Mars. At least, he doesn’t think he had. He doesn’t know his own past. Who knows what kind of person he really was?
Then it went black. We jumped. Carmen uttered a little squeal. We ran to Captain and asked what was going on.
“We’re moving,” he said, “Since we are only able to move on water, we are travelling to places where there are water.”
“And how are you doing that?” I asked.
“This is what your demigods may call ‘shadow travelling.’
Carmen said, “But isn’t that a skill only children on Pluto have?”
Captain nodded. “Yes. But Lord Mars told us that we have to shadow travel to reach various bodies of water.”
He turned away from us and started manning the boat.
I exchanged looks with Percy and Carmen, and we went below deck.
Percy and Carmen wandered off together, and I explored the ship. I went back to my room and found a very surprising guest.
He was very buff. He wore a broadsword, a dozen daggers, and a shield strapped in his back. He wore all black. He was Mars, God of War.