The Heroes of Olympus Camp of Couples

kayleegurule posted on May 26, 2013 at 06:16PM
Disclaimer: This is owned by Rick Riordan

Summery: This is a series of one-shots about some of the couples at Camp Half-Blood and their times together.

Percy + Annabeth = Percabeth
Travis + Katie = Tratie
Chris + Clarisse = Chlaris
Grover + Juniper = Gruniper
Beckendorf + Silena = Bilenadorf


My Other Forums:

Taken By The Earth: link

My Whole Life Was A Lie: link

The Stolen Trident: link

The Mark of Athena/The Heroes Final Stand: link

Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter Read the Percy Jackson series: link

The Undercover Hero: link

A Rueful Wish: link

My Wattpad Account: link

My Fanfiction.Net Account: link

The best relationship is when you can act like lovers and best friends at the same time.

If you have any suggestions about one-shots or any couple scenes from the books with these spacific couples you'd like to see send me a PM.

last edited on Aug 23, 2013 at 01:18AM

The Heroes of Olympus 203 replies

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over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
ROFL!!!! OMG!!! i havent been here for a week, and theres already two new chappies!!! thses just keep getting better and better!!!
those were AMAZING!!!!!!
plzzzzzz post soon!!
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
LOL cant wait for next post
over a year ago NymphsOfOlympus said…
Nice devilish chappie! Loved the conclusion! Continue!
He should have chased them with tons of aluminum cans and dead tree branches, LOL! ;)
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

“I can’t do this,” Percy was currently pacing in his bedroom and talking to his friend Annabeth Chase over an Iris-Message. “I can’t do this,” he repeated.

“Of course you can, Seaweed Brain,” Annabeth said.

“No, I really can’t. How do I tell Paul that I have a mythical person as a father and I fight imaginary creatures for a living and almost die on a daily basis?” Percy insisted. “He’ll put me in a mental institution. He’ll think I’m crazy.”

“Percy, I’ve met Paul and he really doesn’t seem like the judgmental type of guy,” Annabeth said. “He’s great for your mom and he’s great for you.”

Percy stopped pacing and flopped himself on his bed. He said, “That’s the problem” but since his head was face down in his pillow it came out as “bath’s fee throblem.”

“What did you just say?” Annabeth asked. She was getting slightly worried about her best friend.

Percy lifted his head out of his mattress and turned toward her with sad eyes. “I said ‘that’s the problem’. Paul is perfect. Far better than Smelly Gabe or any other guy my mom has dated. I mean: he’s nice, he helps charities, he has a good job, he loves my mom, and he cares about me. What do you think would happen if I told him the truth about me?”

Annabeth has known her friend for a long time so she wasn’t surprised when she realized there was a deeper issue at hand here. She gave Percy a knowing smile, and asked, “You really like Paul, don’t you?”

“Besides Chiron, he’s the only real father-figure I have,” Percy admitted giving a defeated shrug. “I mean, Poseidon’s great but he hasn’t been here for me when I really needed him growing up and I’ve only seen him like three times in my whole life. I just. . . . You at least have a dad, even if your relationship isn’t always good, you have one. I don’t. And I don’t want to lose another. . . .”

“You don’t want to lose another dad,” Annabeth whispered. Through all the years she’s known Percy, Annabeth never expected the toll not having a father took on him. No wonder he tensed up whenever she complained about her dad. The tensing was from pain. It was because of the emotional toll. And Annabeth feels horrible for not realizing this before. “Percy, if Paul really loves you and your mom than he won’t leave. It may take him by shock and it will definitely take a while to get used to it but he won’t leave. Paul’s not that type of guy. I mean he really cares for you and Sally, so why would he?”

Percy sighed nodding his head. I have to tell him before he proposes to mom and he’s doing that on Saturday. . . . “Will you come over tomorrow? That’s when I need to tell him. Will you just be here? It could really help.”

“Sure thing,” Annabeth quickly agreed. No way was she going to let her friend down when he needed her most.

“Thank you,” Percy gave her one last thankful smile before waving his hand through the message.

I’ll always be here for you, Seaweed Brain. Annabeth wanted to say that to him but knew she couldn’t. She didn’t want to ruin their friendship besides she was too much of a coward to tell him how she felt.


Percy sighed nervously when he heard a knock on the front door.

“Percy can you get that?” he heard his mom, Sally, yell form her bedroom.

“Yeah!” he yelled back and scrambled to answer the door.

He opened the door to find Paul his mom’s boyfriend of almost ten months.

“Hey Paul,” Percy greeted.

“Hello, Percy,” Paul said walking in. He looked around the living room of the small apartment and asked, “Where’s your friend?”

“Oh, she’s on her way,” Percy said.

Paul nodded before leaving to check on Sally. Percy sighed but jumped when he suddenly heard a knock on the door. He moved forward and answered it to find Annabeth behind it.

“Hey, thanks for coming,” he said, letting her walk in.

“Of course,” Annabeth walked forward and greeted her friend with a hug. He happily returned the gesture.

“Come on, let’s go see what my mom made for dinner,” Percy told her.

Annabeth sighed wistfully. This is going to be a long night. . . .
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Dear Fannies,

I have finished one of the stories I have been working on for about two months now. It is called The Undercover Hero. It is fifteen chapters long. Since it is completely finished, I will be posting it. Its premier date is June 18th (Tomorrow) at Noon. Keep an eye out!

over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Ya cant wait for it to come out and when r u posting part 2 of this story
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
that was great! plzzzz post soon! i wanna see how he tells paul!
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
what happened u said u were gona post the new story at noon its now 4:30 were I live
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Well I posted it at noon yesterday. And it was noon on the pacific coast. Look at the forum list The Undercover Hero is on there.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

Clarisse La Rue woke up early in the morning so she could go for a run. Since she was visiting her mom for winter break she tends work out in the morning compared to the afternoon because of the hot weather in Arizona. So she changed into workout clothes, grabbed her MP3 player and a bottle of water before going to the park for the run.

Clarisse, personally, really likes running. It gives her plenty of time to think. Whenever she’s at camp she even wakes up an hour earlier then everybody else, including her lazy siblings. After jogging through the park for about half an hour Clarisse finally came to a stop. She sat down under a shaded tree to catch her breath.

She was actually beginning to pant from the heat. It was seven o’clock and it was already 75 degrees. It would be in the high 80s or low 90s by noon. Just as she thought this Clarisse saw a figure in the distance. She stood up and began to walk closer so she could see the figure more clearly.

Only she was shocked by what she found.

Clarisse immediately ran forward to the person on the ground. She couldn’t see his face but she had enough common sense to know that it was a boy. He was in black jeans, a thick long sleeve shirt, and combat boots but over his clothes was all Greek armor. Hot weather and heavy armor is not a good mix.

She reached for the straps on the helmet that hid the kid’s face and loosened them. Clarisse literally gasped when she uncovered the face of the boy.

“Chris,” Clarisse whispered.

It is Chris Rodriguez. Chris used to be one of the unclaimed kids at Camp Half-Blood who were shoved into the Hermes cabin because their godly parents never claimed them. After Luke joined Kronos for the war, Chris soon followed along with thirty other campers.

Except what is Chris doing in the middle of the desert wearing Greek battle armor? Not to mention the fact that he’s passed out on the ground in soon to be eighty degree weather.

Clarisse was left no choice. She picked Chris up and threw him over her shoulders than began the walk back to her mom’s house. When she arrived she set Chris on the couch and called for her mom.

Heather La Rue immediately came down the stairs. It’s a good thing her mom is a doctor for the soldiers in the army so they didn’t have to take Chris to the hospital. Heather grabbed her medical kit and set to work. As Clarisse watched she couldn’t help but feel jealous of her mother.

So many times she wished to have the grace, or patience, or beauty that her mother was gifted with but she never got it. Instead she got the strength, impatience, and pride of all Ares children. The only thing she seemed to have gotten from her mother was her passion. The passion that made Heather want to keep saving lives was the same passion Clarisse felt when she fought. It was no mystery why Ares fell for Heather in the army. He also wasn’t the only soldier faking injuries just so they could see her but he was the only one who succeeded in catching her attention.

Clarisse eventually gave up on watching her mother and ran to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and opened a window creating a perfect rainbow. She threw a drachma in than said: “Oh, Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Chiron at Camp Half-Blood.”

The rolling green hills of the familiar valley appeared through the mist. Clarisse could see Chiron playing a game of Pinochle with Dionysus and from the color Dionysus’ face was turning she guessed that Chiron was winning.

“Chiron,” Clarisse called out.

“Hello Clarisse,” Chiron greeted. He must have noticed something on her face because he frowned afterward saying, “What’s wrong?”

So Clarisse told him everything about going for a run, finding Chris, and bringing him back to her house. Considering the importance of what was happening Chiron quickly agreed to travel to Arizona to question Chris for himself.

After the arrangements had been settled, Clarisse swiped her hand through the mist and walked back to the living room. Again Clarisse was shocked at the sight. Chris was hiding behind the couch and holding on of her mom’s tall lamps while stroking the shade as if it were hair or a pet. Clarisse’s mom stood at the opposite end of the room just as surprised by the scene.

Clarisse tentatively stepped towards the couch only to have Chris back up against the wall. Clarisse sighed before kneeling as close as she could to him.

“Chris? What is it? What’s wrong?” Clarisse asked in the quietest voice possible. Chris probably couldn’t even hear her.

He just looked at her with his wild eyes and muttered, sounding frightened, “It’s so d-dark Mary. I don’t know where we are. It’s been so long. Th-the son of Poseidon . . . he’s coming after us. Run Mary! Run!” Chris’ breathing was becoming slightly labored now as if he were reliving the fear.

Clarisse continued to watch him with questioning eyes.

What happened to you, Chris? She thought. What happened?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
oh my gosh. that really made me shiver.
plzzz post soon!!
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
There r no words to tellu how awesome that waz and i love ur other story it just took me some time to findi it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago dinozrule said…
This is sooo AWSHUM!!!!! (>*-*)> plz post more!!!!! Soon!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I will try and post on Tuesday.
over a year ago NymphsOfOlympus said…
Okay! We will be counting the seconds. Could we have some Tratie now? ;) One of my favorite couple AFTER Percabeth, of COURSE!!! c:
kayleegurule commented…
Anything in perticular you want to see from them? over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I write all of my one-shots at random so truthfully I can't remember who's next. U and I will both know by tomorrow but I will keep in mind to write more Tratie.
over a year ago NymphsOfOlympus said…
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! Thank you so much! :D Tratie! (Cuz I LOVE Travis and Conner!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
lol. i luv tratie too!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

Charles Beckendorf was standing in the stables about to unlock Blackjack’s pen. Beckendorf was moving slowly purposely because the faster he went the sooner he’d have to leave. And Beckendorf didn’t want to leave, at least not yet.

“You’re leaving,” A soft voice said from the doorway.

He turned around and Beckendorf’s heart immediately clenched at the sight of her. Silena Beauregard, a daughter of Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty, and desire. She is his first love. She’s his true love. He doesn’t want to leave her only now he has to.

“Yes.” Beckendorf nodded.

Silena was in her usual orange camp shirt and skinny jeans. Her makeup was flawless and her blonde hair didn’t have a strand out of place. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled with a mixture of sadness and love but they also glistened with the unshed tears. To Beckendorf she looked beautiful.

Beckendorf wanted to go straight to Silena, hug the daylights out of her, and promise that everything would be okay. The only problem is the future isn’t set in stone. Nobody knows what’ll happen . . . besides the Oracle. He has no clue if he’ll survive to live another day, another year, or another twenty years. The only thing he can do is tell her that he loves her and hope for the best.

Beckendorf gestures for her to come closer so she runs to him and throws her arms around his waist. He puts his arms around her and squeezes her tight. Silena quickly begins to shed all of her tears into his chest.

“It’s going to be okay?” He says. Beckendorf is not the emotional type, he usually runs away from any sign of tears but now he’s letting the girl he loves cry into him while he comforts her.

“No, it’s not. You have no idea what’s going to happen! You c-could . . . die!” Silena cried.

“Hey, hey, hey.” Beckendorf releases his arms from around her, taking a step back. He placed his hands on her shoulders while looking her straight in the eye. He raised his hand and wiped away her remaining tears with his thumb. “Whether I die or survive this war just know that I love you and nothing, nothing will ever change that.”

Beckendorf would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous. He basically had to go and blow up a ship filled with thousands of monsters and Kronos himself on board with Percy. There is a seventy-five percent chance that neither of them would make it back and about a fifty percent chance that one of them would make it back and only a twenty-five percent chance that both of them would be back. Either way there was a high chance that he would never see Silena again so all he wants is to make the best of this moment.

“If I . . . die,” Beckendorf said gently, “know that I love more than anything. You’ve made my last summer the best of my life. From the moment I first saw you I was in love. Nothing did or can change that. So if I die I will wait for you. I will stay in Elysium and wait for you to return to me and you can live a life worth living. Live it for the both of us.”

Silena looked up at him with several different emotions traveling through her eyes. There was sadness, love, hope, longing, and . . . guilt. Before Beckendorf could be sure of the last one it was gone so he couldn’t be sure. Beckendorf leaned forward and gave Silena one last kiss. They both put every emotion they were feeling into the kiss. They felt all of the love that they felt for each other in that one kiss.

“Be careful,” Silena whispered as they pulled away. She wanted to come out and tell him everything but she couldn’t. She couldn’t stand to see the look of disappointment, anger, and worst of all hatred in his eyes. She couldn’t bare it.

“I will,” he promised lovingly. Beckendorf reluctantly pulled away than moved to bring Blackjack out of his stable. He led the pegasus out of the stables and into the open grounds of camp. He climbed onto him and Blackjack immediately took off to find his owner.

As Beckendorf took off he promised himself that he’d fight until the very end. He also promised himself that he would make sure at least some monsters die. If he was risking his life for this mission then it is the least he can do. He would fight until his last breath because he has something to fight for.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
awwwww. thats soooooo sweet!! i luved it!
plzzzzzzz post soon!
over a year ago dinozrule said…
That was like soooooooo freakin adorable and sweet!!! I was literally bout to cry cuz it was so dang sad though
last edited over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
ikr! ;( over a year ago
kayleegurule commented…
Thanks guys! I've always loved Bilenadorf personally. Its hard coming up with ideas for them though, because they weren't mentioned a whole lot in the books. I'm glad you enjoyed it though. over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
me too! its too bad they were just minor characters over a year ago
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
That waz soooo sad and soo amazing at the same time
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
sob, that was so sad
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

Annabeth paced back and forth in the bathroom of their house. She looked at her watch for the fifth time in the last minute. She was so nervous. She wants to know the answer and all children of Athena hate not knowing things. But she still has another minute of cluelessness until her question is answered.

Am I pregnant?

It wouldn’t be the most horrible thing in the world. Annabeth is twenty-five and has been married to her husband, Percy Jackson, for six years. They are definitely ready but it’s still a nerve-racking question.

Thankfully, just as it began to feel like an hour the timer went off. Annabeth stepped forward and looked at where the pregnancy test sat on the bathroom counter. Plain as day against the white of the stick itself was a pink plus sign. A grateful smile escaped onto Annabeth’s face. She’s pregnant.

I’m pregnant! Annabeth thought happily.

Annabeth almost wanted to squeal and she never squeals. She once said to Percy that if she every squealed then to take her out back and kill her. He, of course, refused but that basically explained how much she hates squealing. But she was happy. She is pregnant with Percy’s baby.

Annabeth jumped at the sound of the door closing downstairs. She shook off her nerves as she ran downstairs than practically leaped into her husband’s arms.

“Whoa, someone’s happy,” Percy chuckled at the sight of his wife. He’d known Annabeth since he was twelve and he’d never seen her that happy. “What’s going on? Were you asked to redesign the White House or something?” Percy joked lightly.

“No, it’s better than that,” Annabeth said. She couldn’t even keep the smile off her face.

“Well come on. Share the news,” Percy urged.

“You know how I’ve been feeling sick lately?” Annabeth questioned.

Percy simply nodded at the question.

“See I took a test today and . . . Percy, I’m pregnant,” Annabeth explained briefly.

A look of shock and fear immediately overtook Percy’s features. Annabeth was . . . pregnant. As in she was having a baby in nine months. His baby? The baby they made together? It was almost too much news for Percy to handle.

“Percy? Aren’t you going to say something?” Annabeth asked nervously. He seemed almost . . . scared?

Percy snapped out of his immediate shock and put a brave smile onto his face. “Wow, yeah I’m okay but. . . . Are you sure?”

“I’m positive,” Annabeth nodded, and then cracked a smile. “Literally. Besides all the signs are there. I even missed my cycle two weeks ago; I just wanted to be sure before telling you. Aren’t you happy?! We’re going to have a baby!”

“Yeah! It’s amazing!” Percy put on a fake smile and pulled Annabeth into a hug. “It’s amazing,” he whispered but on the inside he was freaking out. He was going to be a dad. The only problem: He has no idea how to be one.


Over the next couple of months, Percy fought through the nervousness and fear that threatened to take over. He helped Annabeth prepare the nursery but never made any partaking in the decisions. At night he would lay awake for hours, terror running through him.

He would think about the “fathers” he’s had in his life. Smelly Gabe was never a father to him. He was a cigar-smoking, beer-drinking, poker-playing, waste of space that treated him and his mother horribly. Sometimes he feared that he would be a worse father to his child then Gabe was to him. Gabe never hit Percy but what if one day he got really angry and- No.

Percy shook his head. He wouldn’t let that happen. There was also Poseidon, except he wasn’t much of a father either. It was more like he got his mom pregnant and left for twelve years of his life until suddenly returning. He didn’t want to be that type of father either; the one who was never there. He couldn’t picture himself abandoning his child but he can understand the thinking that they’d be better off without him. Percy is seriously scared of messing up his kid’s life.

The best father Percy has ever had was Paul. He is a good step-father. He’s there for Percy when he needs him. Only he didn’t come into Percy’s life until Percy was fifteen. By then he was grown up and really didn’t need a father. He needed one growing up but he never got that.

The thought of being a father really scares him. Percy could already picture the child hating him, yelling at him, blaming him for everything. He doesn’t want that. He can’t ruin his child’s life.

Don’t do it, Percy, he heard his conscience, which sounded suspiciously like Grover, say.

Percy ignored his head’s advice and quietly got out of bed. He quickly but soundlessly threw clothes into a spare backpack that he had in the closet before zipping it closed and setting it down. Percy took light steps over to the girl he loves ad placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered than picked up the bag and left the house.


Percy stayed in a cheap motel for the next couple of days, while Annabeth called him endlessly. He hardly slept and barely ate. He couldn’t do anything. He called into work and made some excuse about having family problems so his boss gave him time off. He couldn’t believe what he did. He actually left his pregnant wife alone. He’d abandoned her and his baby.

He did something he once promised himself that he’d never do. The only thing that he felt was the guilt and the alcohol that was running through his veins. Yes, he now did another thing he promised he wouldn’t do. He was drinking to escape the pain of his actions.

Percy set the can of beer down and stood up answering the door. Let’s just say he wasn’t shocked to find Grover behind it. Grover had been calling him an “Idiot” the past few days.

“How’d you find me?” Percy grumbled sitting back down.

“I followed the smell of beer,” Grover half-lied as he surveyed the mess on the hotel room floor. He shook his head shamefully and kicked one of the empty beer bottles as if it were his friend’s head. “What are you doing? Do you know how worried Annabeth’s been? You’re a husband and a soon-to-be father yet you left her in the middle of the night so you could come here and drink your sorrows away! Are you nuts? When did you turn into a son of Dionysus?”

“I can’t . . .” Percy trailed off before throwing his half-full beer can across the room. The beer bottle shattered into pieces against the wall and Percy just stared at the mess with a guilty expression.

“What?! You can’t, what?! What can’t you do?” Grover harassed.

“I can’t be a father,” Percy finished.

“What?” Grover whispered shocked.

“I’d screw everything up. The child would hate me, I know it. I’d be a horrible father. I’d be worse than Gabe was to me,” Percy said half-heartedly.

“Percy, you’d be an amazing father,” Grover said. “You’re a father to most of the kids at Camp Half-Blood. You’re an awesome godfather to Frank and Hazel’s daughter, Sapphire. You’re a great uncle to Forrest. Heck, you basically raised Nico. You’ve already been a father before so why is now any different?”

“With Forrest and Sapphire, I can give them back to you and Frank and Hazel after a few hours with them but with my baby . . . with my own, I can’t risk the hatred that it’ll feel towards me,” Percy barely whispered.

“How do you know it’s going to hate you if you never try?” Grover questioned. Grover hesitated before asking his next question. “Percy, did you hate Poseidon when you were a kid? Did you hate not having him around?”

Percy nodded

“Then yes, if you don’t go back then there’s a possibility your child will hate you,” Grover told him.

Percy took a deep breath before saying his next question. “I have to go back, don’t I?”

“Well, that depends. Do you want to be like your dad and never see your child, eventually have them growing up to hate you or do you want cards on Father’s day? Do you want to see your child’s face when they open their Christmas presents? Do you want your child to dress up like their father on Halloween and want to grow up to be like you? Do you want to threaten your daughter’s boyfriends when she brings them home? Do you want to be overprotective? Do you want to be part of your child’s life?” Grover asked.

“Thanks, Grover,” Percy said. “I know what I’m going to do.”

Grover only nods. “Call me if you need anything,” he said before leaving the hotel.

The next morning Percy opened the front door to his house to find his wife sitting on the couch.

“Hey,” he whispered.

Annabeth’s head jerked up at the sound of his voice. She didn’t say anything but patted the spot next to her. Percy soon did so.

“I’m sorry,” Percy said gently.

Annabeth only shocks Percy by her next words, “I’m scared too.”

This time it was Percy’s head that jerks up. “Really?”

“Yeah,” she said. “I mean, how can I not be? I’ve never raised a kid before.”

“You didn’t seem scared,” Percy remembered.

She shrugged. “I hide it well. But Percy, trust me when I say that this child is going to love you. She’ll be the most spoiled little girl.”

“She? Girl? What if it’s a boy?” Percy challenged.

“It’s not,” Annabeth argued.

“And how do you know?” Percy raised an eyebrow.

“Mother’s intuition,” Annabeth said.

Percy just rolled his eyes at his wife but can’t hide the smile on his face. He reaches forward and pulls her into a loving hug which she returns.

“I love you,” Percy said than he reached down and set his hand on her stomach. “I love you too.”

“See, you’re going to be an amazing father,” Annabeth told him.

“I hope so,” Percy said. Most of his fears were gone now but if they do return he knows that he has his friends and his wife to help him. He will never abandon this child again.

Just to clarify if it was confusing Sapphire is Frank and Hazel's daughter and Forrest is Grover and Juniper's kid.
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Omg this is soooo cute i really want this ti happen in the last last book not the percy running away part but everything else
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Actually Rick Riordan is doing a three-book serious about Norse mythology so who knows how he'll end it.
NymphsOfOlympus commented…
Seriously? Cuz if he does, well done! He did the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans.... But what kind of status willthe heroes have? Not demigods, not magicians... over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
omg. that soooooo sweet!! does that mean that percy and annabeth were married when they were 19??
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Somewhere around there. Since they were demigods you would think that they'd get married kind of young.
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
that was a really sweet chapter!!!!!
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
Just caught up on it all. Amazing! I loved all of them! Post more soon
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

Silena Beauregard tugged on her hair nervously as she stood in front of the Hall of Judges. The judges today were Martin Luther King Jr, Albert Einstein, and Theodore Roosevelt.

“State your name, parents, and titles if any,” Teddy Roosevelt said.

“I am Silena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite and Calvin Beauregard. I am or was Head Counselor of the Aphrodite Cabin and Head riding instructor at Camp half-Blood,” she announced.

“Well, Silena you are from Atlanta, Georgia is that correct?” asked Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Yes,” Silena answered.

“Now on to why you are here,” Albert said. “You died fighting a drakon after you stole a daughter of Ares’ armor and dressed up pretending to be her.”

“That’s not exactly-”

“Do not tell me that did not happen!” Albert broke in. “You stole the armor of Clarisse La Rue and led her brethren into battle pretending to be here than died fighting a drakon. Is that what happened or not?”

“Yes,” Silena said.

“Before that you joined the Titan army and worked as a spy at Camp Half-Blood,” Teddy acknowledged.

“Yes, but I-I wanted to stop,” Silena tried.

“Then why didn’t you, child? Why did you wait until the war to change sides?” Martin questioned.

“I wanted to stop for a year before the war. I tried, several times, but Kronos always threatened to hurt my friends. Then when my b-boyfriend died at his hand . . . I wanted to quit even more but I didn’t know how. I couldn’t convince Clarisse to help us so I dressed up like her because I knew she’d come after me. I’m the reason the Ares kids are in the war and I’m sorry for what I did.” Silena now had tears running down her cheeks.

“She did die trying to save others,” Martin put in.

“Yes, but she killed in the process!” Silena flinched when Albert used the word kill like that.

The judges began to whisper viciously to each other.

Silena bowed her head guessing what would happen. I’ll be put into the Fields of Punishment for sure, she thought.

“We have come to a decision,” Teddy announced. “You will be placed in . . . Elysium.” Silena jerked her head up shocked. “You died a hero’s death. Enjoy it.”

“Thank you,” Silena cheered, wiping her tears away. She ran out of the judgment pavilion and towards Elysium.

She followed the beautiful stone path towards paradise. As she got closer she recognized the stores, and building. She was at a mall. It looked like the biggest mall in the world. As she got inside though, she saw a familiar figure sitting at the dancing fountain. His hands were clasped together and his head was bent, looking at the floor.

She walked closer to him until she was right in front of him.

“Hey,” she greeted awkwardly.

His beautiful, yet strong and chiseled face looked up and sent me a big smile. He stood up, towering over me but wrapped his arms around me either way. Silena immediately relaxed into his strong arms that would always comfort her.

“Why are you hugging me?” she whispered.

“What do you mean?” Charlie asked.

“I mean, I betrayed the gods,” Silena admitted. “I’m the reason your dead.”

“None of that matters,” Charlie told her. “We’re together again and that’s all I care about.”

"How can you be so forgiving towards me?" She asked, wiping her tears away.

“Because when I said that I’d love you forever and nothing would change that, I meant it. I still do. We all make mistakes and I’m not going to hold you against yours,” he answered truthfully.

“I love you,” Silena affirmed. This is the first time she’d told him that.

“I know,” he grinned at her. She couldn’t help but smile back. “And I love you too.”

Charlie pulled her back into a hug. She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed peacefully. I can’t believe I can be with him forever now. At least something was true. This was paradise.

over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Okay everyone, right now I am lacking in the couple ideas. So if you have any suggestions please send them to me. They'd be greatly appreciated.
dinozrule commented…
You should do another Travis and Katie story over a year ago
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
Do a Frazel story where Hazel gets sick and Frank takes care of her
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
awww. thats sooo sweet.
u should do a jason and piper story
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Sorry guys but I am only sticking with the couples that are listed. If I added more then eventually there would be so many that I would get confused and I wouldn't be able to keep up.

@Dinozule I think a Tratie chapter may be next. I'm not sure though, I'd have to check.

BTW, when I ask for ideas I mean specific ideas. Not just couples you want to see. But @WatchYourBack I could do your idea I'd just have to use one of the couples that are listed. If I did that which one would you like to see that happen to.
WatchYourBack commented…
I'm fine with that over a year ago
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
Plz post
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

“Happy birthday, Katie!” Miranda cheered, hugging me.

“Thanks,” Katie smiled, sitting up in bed.

“How old are you now?” One of her siblings asked.

“I’m sixteen,” Katie said.

“Wow, you’re old,” her nine-year-old sister commented.

“You know that best part about being sixteen is, Melanie?” Katie asked.

“What?” Melanie looked confused.

“I can official leave camp, and when I do I won’t bring you any candy,” Katie teased.

“But Katie!” Melanie whined.

Katie laughed. “Okay, but you have to be very nice to me.”

“Deal,” Melanie agreed.

Katie got up and began to get ready for her day of hero training.


Throughout the day, people kept giving Katie birthday gifts and say “Happy Birthday”. Chiron even made the whole camp sing Happy Birthday to her at breakfast. It was pretty embarrassing. Her face was probably as red as the tomato that was in her salad. But one present shocked her the most.

After archery, Katie arrived back at her cabin to find a package lying neatly on her bed. Katie raised an eyebrow and walked over to her bed.

“Hey, what’s that?” Miranda asked walking in.

“I’m not sure,” Katie said honestly.

“Well, open it!” She urged.

Katie shrugged but took the top off. Inside the rectangular box was a cluster of red roses. Red carnations are her favorite flowers and hardly anybody knows that. Katie picks them up, smelling the sweet scent. A small smile escapes her lips.

“Wow, I wonder who those are from.” Miranda looked into the box and pulled out a small card. She giggled and read the card out loud, “Sorry I couldn’t give you the flowers in person. I heard they were your favorite. Have a happy birthday, signed by TS.”

“Who’s TS?” I wonder.

“Trent Scofield,” Miranda suggested.

“With Trent’s ego, no way,” she denied.

“Tyson,” Miranda laughed.

“Very funny, but Tyson doesn’t have an S in his name,” Katie snapped. Then she thought about it. “Oh, wait. He does.”

“Um, Trevor Summers,” Miranda said, snapping her fingers.

“Maybe but I doubt it with his record with girls,” Katie rolled her eyes.

“Well, who do you expect it to be? Travis Stoll?” Miranda paused, her eyes widened.

“No,” I shook my head.

“But it could be,” Miranda said.

“Travis Stoll? Are you kidding? All he does is play pranks and steal. He’d never have the romantic genes in his body to do something like this,” Katie decided.

“Oh, please.” Miranda scoffed. “You can’t play that with me. I know you like him.”

“I do not,” Katie claimed. I mean, yeah, Travis was cute. He’s funny, sometimes smart, and can be nice to her once in a while. But it couldn’t be him. Could it?

Katie looked out the window and found the devil himself standing outside his cabin talking to Connor. Katie hated to admit it, but he looked great.

Would it be so bad if it was him? She questioned.

I hope you liked the Tratie ;)
bunnybot2000 commented…
OMG i luv it!!! over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
awwwww. thats sooooo adorable!!! eeek!
luved it!
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww soooooooooooo cute!
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Loved it
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
Awww both chapters were adorable!!! Love the reunion!!! Post again soon
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
This is an extension of the scene that Percy saw when he bathed in the River Styx.


Annabeth and Percy decided to spend their free time at the lake today. They got into two canoes and began to race.

“You’ll never beat me, Seaweed Brain!” Annabeth taunted as she sped ahead.

Percy shook his head, chuckling knowing. He leaned over the edge and found two naiads underneath him. Think you can help me out? He asked in thought. The naiads nodded and Percy immediately began to speed up. Soon he was in front of Annabeth.

“Never challenge a son of Poseidon in their home turf, Annabeth!” Percy yelled back smugly.

“Cheater!” Annabeth yelled laughing.

Percy laughed too.

He loved when he was able to beat Annabeth at something. The only thing he’s ever really able to beat her at is canoeing and sometimes sword fighting. It’s fun how competitive they are with each other. It makes the competing twice as fun.

Of course, Percy ended up winning the race. He smiled smugly at his friend when they pulled up to the docks.

“Wipe that stupid grin off your face,” Annabeth ordered.

“Someone’s a sore loser,” Percy observed.

“Yeah, and someone’s a cheater,” Annabeth argued.

“You can’t prove anything,” he said, as Annabeth pulled up to the side of the dock to get out.

“You have Naiads underneath your boat,” Annabeth said knowingly. “Cheater.”

“Okay, so maybe you can prove it,” Percy realized. He chuckled then moved to get out of his canoe. The next thing Annabeth knew she heard a splash and saw Percy’s head poking out of the water.

They looked at each other and cracked up.

“Hold on, Seaweed Brain,” Annabeth laughed reaching her hand out. “You’re not getting away from me that easily.”

She attempted to hold in her laughing as she reached out to me.

“You’re such an idiot sometimes.” She smiled. Percy couldn’t resist the urge, he smiled back. Percy was happy. With the war so close his stress level was almost constantly at an all-time high. It was rare when he could just have fun and relax. It was also a rare occasion that Percy and Annabeth could have a nice day while getting along. Lately every conversation they have ends with a fight. Something between them has changed and Percy’s not sure whether he likes it or not. “Come on. Take my hand.”

He eagerly reached up and took Annabeth’s hand.

When she grasped his hand, Percy pulled and intentionally made Annabeth lose her balance. Annabeth crashed into the water next to Percy. When she surfaced next to him her face was a mixture of anger and laughter.

“Percy! I’m going to kill you!” Annabeth threatened, it wasn’t very believable since she was laughing.

Percy stuck his tongue at her then dipped underwater. He resurfaced about twenty feet away.

“You’ll have to catch me first!” He taunted.

Annabeth smiled once more before chasing after him
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ROFL!!! that was hilarious!!
plzzz post more!!
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
ROLF plz update soon
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
Awww percabeth forever! That was so cute!
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
over a year ago NymphsOfOlympus said…
Well done for the Tratie! Love that!
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
As I suggested before (idc wich couple) plz do a sick fic