The Heroes of Olympus Gods and Demigods read the PJO and the HoO series! =)

seaweedbrainsis posted on Aug 11, 2012 at 11:50AM
HIYA PEEPS!! (Or demigods... Or mortals... Or monsters.... You get the point, right?)So this is a forum (As you can see.)

WARNING: You are about to enter the forum of a spam queen!

** Disclaimer **
All rights to Rick "Cliffhanger" Riordan. I do not own any of the characters nor the PJO series and the HOO series.

Well, I'm in the story too, so you can kinda consider me as as an OCC.
Atlanta (Atalanta) Jackson- Daughter of Poseidon, Percy's REAL sister, and future Hero of Olympus.
Also, there are some random people that will pop up every now and then.

Here's a tip from Chiron- NEVER google the gorgons. (0_0 spam!)

Rating: Um… like T (Not really. I'm paranoid.)

Summary: None. You're just going to have to read. All will be explained... MWAHAHA! ;) (You know already.)

So instead I'll do this. (Scroll down, please.)

Oh, and to make your life easier, I am gonna tell you some things-
1. All comments are allowed, not to many swear words please!
2. Spamming is allowed!!! 'Cause I'm a SPAM QUEEN!!!
3. Here are some popular abbreviations-
ROFL- Rolling On the Floor Laughing (I guess...)
Or you can make it ROFDL- Rolling On the Floor Dying of Laughter.
4. POTAG- People Of This Awesome Group.
You can also make it POTAGS.
5.Please be nice. Try not to fight with each other. (Unless it's with Ralph. I give you permission to behead him. MWAHAHA! XD)
FYI, Ralph is kkw1700's or cinnominbubble's stalker. He's pretty annoying. I've had an experience.
Use this face when you are waiting for a post-
(^-^) or ^(~.~)^ (Ooo, spiritual.)

I would like to give some shout outs.
Nah. Just kidding. :P
LeosGirl (Mad Hatter.)
Book-worm (Alice.)
rainbow_girl (rainbow_goddess) Contrary to her name, she is not Iris' daughter. She is Crystal Hope, Daughter of Artemis (DUN DUN DUNNN) and a CALIFORNIA GURL!
LeoNicoCrazaiii (Stevie Christopher, Daughter of Hera. DUN DUN DUNNN)
They are AWESOME peeps!!
Check out their forums if the have some! (or one!)
Also check out ma other forum: House of Hades, Atlanta style @ link
So yeah. I think that's it.
No! Wait!
Say aye if you are an awesome POTAG!
BTW, nice eye pic isn't it?
Now I think that's it!

last edited on Oct 29, 2012 at 09:35AM

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