The Heroes of Olympus The Marl of Athena (the way I see it)

ktayl7980818 posted on May 28, 2012 at 03:50AM
The Mark of Athena (the way I see it)
Chapter I
Breathe, 60 feet, breathe, 50 feet, breathe! “Leo, can’t you make this contraption go any faster!” I snapped. “Chill Annie you’ll get to see him soon!” Leo replied. I could see his beautiful dark hair, his sea green eyes. Hehu, hehu, hehu, hehu! Oh, crud. Blackness. I awoke with 10 worried faces looking down at me. “Are you all right Annabeth?” Jason asked, worry contorting his regal features. “Yah, yah, I’m all right.” “It’s going to be fine so stop worrying and stop hyperventilating,” Jason said. It had been 8 months since she last saw her boyfriend, Percy. Stupid Hera! Messing around in my love life, taking both my boyfriend and all of his memories of anything away. Thump! Annabeth was ripped out of her thoughts and sent rolling across the deck of the Argo II which was made by our repair boy of Hephaestus, Leo and had a head of our friend Happy the dragon for a mast( long story) . The landscape was beautiful; it could only get better if there weren’t scowling demigods with spears pointed at you and if there wasn’t a broken bust talking about a Pomeranian Line and no weapons. She scanned the crowd looking for that mob of black hair that she loved. Finally she saw him.
Chapter II
Leo looked down, what looked like a whole entire city was spread before him. It was like what you would expect in some museum. Hundreds of hostile looking faces were staring at him as if he had just dropped out of the sky. Oh, wait he did. Despite all of this Leo still waved hello to everyone. None of them even smiled. A weird kid with sandy hair, tall wiry body looked disgusted (which is hard to do when you’re holding a unicorn pillow pet). Leo scanned the crowd until he saw someone with black wind-blown hair and intense green eyes that was wearing a bed-sheet. This person must have the oh-so-amazing Percy Jackson whom Annabeth kept talking about. Beside him was a girl with a stern look on her face wearing the same thing as Percy. She had long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was smocking hot, out of his league and probably wouldn’t date him if the world depended on it. She was just the type of girl Leo usually flirted with until they got annoyed and punched him. Leo was trying very hard to goggle at the hot chick but a weird statue said kept calling yelling about pomegranate lines and no weapons. Since Leo was super ADHD his little brain couldn’t stare at the hottie in a bed-sheet and listen to a statue who wanted pomegranates. And with such a small brain it is not good to overwork it.
Chapter III
There she was staring at him, beautiful grey eyes filled with amazement. They were still 20 feet in the air, but Annabeth jumped off the side and rolled. When she got up she fell on me pushing us both into the ground. She hugged me so tight I thought she was going to break a rib. We stayed that way for a while. She buried her head in my chest and sobbed. When she finally looked up she asked if I remembered her. “Of course I remember you. Even when Hera or Juno or whatever wiped my memory I still remembered you.” Annabeth smiled at him as if a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders and kissed him more a good 5 minutes. “Ahem!” Percy and Annabeth split apart immediately, both blushing red as a tomato. All of the Romans were snickering at them with barely concealed smirks. “Thank you for coming Greeks and thank you so much for returning our beloved former praetor, Jason. May you please introduce yourselves” said Reyna. A Latino with elfish features who I assumed was Leo said, “Hey, I’m Leo…Supreme Commander of the Argo II and I’m the son of Hephaestus or for you Vulture-“You mean Vulcan” a guy with blonde hair whom I guessed was Jason cut in. –“I mean Vulcan.” “First off, hi I’m Piper daughter of Aphrodite or Venus for you, and second Leo here is just our repair boy,” said a girl with choppy uneven hair and kaleidoscope eyes. “Hello, I’m Jason as you know and I’m the son of Jupiter.” “And I am Jason’s sister, Head Hunter of the Hunters of Artemis and daughter of Zeus.” “Hello there we are Travis and Connor Stoll of Hermes take us to your leader” Connor and Travis said in an alien voice. Apparently the Romans didn’t get the joke and started pointing at me and Reyna. “Hi, I’m Katie daughter of Demeter and girlfriend of the alien Travis.” ” Γεια σας, το όνομά μου είναι Annabeth Chase, κόρη της σοφία και στρατηγική μάχη godess Αθηνάς ή Minerva για εσάς.
Hello, my name is Annabeth Chase, daughter of the wisdom and battle strategy godess Athena or Minerva to you.” All of the Greeks and Romans looked impressed. Annabeth had just spoken in fluent Latin. She was even better than some Roman demigods at Latin. “Hi, I’m Hazel daughter of Pluto.” “I’m Frank son of Mars.” “Hey, I’m Percy Jackson, co-praetor of the legion.” “And I am Reyna, the other co-praetor.” She turned to face the Romans. “While the Greeks are here they are our guests and you shall not harm them. Did you get that Octavian, no harming?” “But Reyna how could you let these, Greeks to come here? If I were praetor their little toy boat would already be shrapnel in the breeze.” You see the problem there Octavian” I said “you are NOT praetor, Reyna and I are and based upon what you just said there are REASONS that you aren’t.” “Hey you listen Jackson you may be praetor, but-“Quick,” Hazel said “there is a message from Gaea carved into the ground, and it’s for you Percy.”

The Heroes of Olympus 3 replies

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over a year ago horse22133454 said…
Cool post soon
over a year ago Nemisis said…
cools post asap
over a year ago ktayl7980818 said…
big smile
We all ran over to wear Hazel was standing and sure enough there were words. They said, “Come with me Percy. You can’t escape. And neither can Ms. Chase.” Everyone turned towards where Annabeth was standing. All that was there was a patch of mud that was quickly turning back to stone. “No” I yelled. Everyone looked shocked or worried or sad except for Octavian. He was the only one smiling. As if he had just watched someone slip on a banana peel instead of someone disappearing into the ground. I started to claw at the ground, shredding my hands in the process. “Percy, it’s no use Gaea’ s already got her,” Reyna said. “No” I said quieter than last time but with more anger, “I will get her back and I will make Gaea pay.” “Everyone you are dismissed,” said Reyna. And I swear I heard Octavian say, “She got what she deserved, filthy graecus.” I almost stopped right there and punched him. But Reyna restrained me apparently she heard what Octavian said too. She insisted I get my hands healed and excused me from my training. That night I saw horrible things. First I saw Annabeth; she was in a prison cell made of mud and vines. She was covered in bruises and pale as death. Suddenly the picture changed to a woman with her eyes shut. She said, “You will be my pawn Percy Jackson. I can make this easy for you, but you must follow my orders or everyone you love” – pictures of my mom and Paul getting choked by a plant, Frank and Hazel getting crushed underneath a boulder, Reyna fighting a fight to the death she knew she couldn’t win, Piper, Leo and Jason who I just met being pushed in an endless chasm and finally Annabeth with a sword through her heart that said Riptide, I promised to myself that I would never do something to Annabeth. “-will die. Think on that my dear little…pawn.” And with that I woke up.
Chapter V
One moment I was going over to see what Hazel was worried about and the next thing I know I’m falling through the earth. I landed in a cage that looked very similar to the one that Hera was trapped in. The walls were made of mud and vines and the floors were made of pure rock. Fortunately, I landed on something soft. Unfortunately, it was Nico. “Nico what are you doing here?” I asked. He said, “I was looking for the doors of Death when all of a sudden I was falling through the earth.” “That’s exactly what happened to me. I wonder how Percy must be handling this.” On, just the thought of her boyfriend made her heart ache. First Hera stole him away and finally when she gets to see him she gets captured by Gaea. Why do they get all the bad luck?
Chapter VI
Jason was so confused. First Hera comes and plops him with no memories with Leo and Piper who thinks they were dating. And then over the past few weeks they actually started dating. But then when he came back memories started to really flow. Apparently he and Reyna were dating or on the road to dating. Those last eight months with Piper were precious. But he and Reyna had had year’s worth of precious moments. It’s not as if he could just leave Piper but also he couldn’t leave the girl who he had been in a semi-relationship with for years. All of it was just so complicated. Then Annabeth went missing. But for some reason Octavian was smiling and he overheard what he said and looked back to see if Percy did. He obviously did because Reyna was restraining him. He felt bad for him now. After eight months he finally gets to see his girlfriend and what-do-you-know someone and by someone he means Gaea separates them…..again. Compared to Percy his problems seemed minor. “Hey, whatcha thinkin’ about?” asked Piper. “Oh Piper you startled me!” I said. “Listen if it’s about Annabeth then don’t worry from what I’ve heard about Percy we’re gonna get her back.” “I know it’s just I can’t help remembering that Octavian. When we found out that Annabeth went missing he was the only one smiling and he said that the filthy graecus got what she deserved and-an-” “Shhh” I was instantly shut up by Piper’s lips against mine. Suddenly I heard a sharp intake of breath. I turned around to see who it was. Reyna was standing with a pained expression on her face. The instant she saw me looking at her she ran away sobbing.
Chapter VII
I was just strolling around in New Rome doing the usual rounds, when I caught the sight of Jason making out with Piper. I was shocked I knew Jason and I weren’t together but given a little more time we could’ve been and Jason knew it. I ran away too upset at him to see his face. I heard him running after me yelling my name but I just didn’t want to hear any of his excuses. I was nearing the praetor house when I tripped. I guess Venus (Aphrodite) felt that I should hear him out. So, I just sat there crying my heart out until he finally caught up with me. “Reyna back there with Piper I just- “I get when you were gone you moved on, developed new feelings and for so-so-som-someone else!” “No, Reyna I don’t know how I feel, the time I spent with Piper, it was unforgettable, but, but we, we had years worth of memories I can’t just leave behind. I can’t choose between any of you!” “Well, you have to. Don’t you see how much pain this is for us? You come back with somebody else and then you’re dating her. Plus imagine how Piper is feeling she finally gets you to be with her and all of a sudden you rush off to your ex. It’s a typical move get new girl, kiss her and then leave!” “Reyna you know I wouldn’t hurt either of you intentionally.” “I know but in the end one of us will be hurt. You must choose Jason, please, take us out of our pain.” Wow Reyna must be really ripped up about me kissing Piper. She said “please” Reyna NEVER says please. “Alright Reyna, I will.” Think Jason think, eight months that were unforgettable or years worth of great times together. Finally, Jason had made his decision. “Reyna,” He could see her preparing for the worst almost as if the doctor said she about to get a shot that would kill her. “I choose you.” Her head instantly snapped up again. You could see so much happiness in her eyes. She started crying tears of joy. “Really?” she asked. “Yes, really even though Piper and I had great times I wouldn’t leave you for the world.” “Oh, Jason, thank you I love you so much!” “He, he, I know”
Chapter VIII
She and Jason had just kissed. She was worried they wouldn’t be doing that if Jason had had a girlfriend here. Luckily he didn’t or if he did he didn’t care if she saw us. Everything was perfect until… Suddenly Jason turned away from her. There stood Reyna looking as if Jason had just slapped her. Which I suppose he had. I mean he almost gets together with the girl. Then he leaves her for eight months and when he finally comes back he’s with someone else and doesn’t give her a second glance. To top it off she finds him and the girl who replaced her kissing. It would be like rubbing salt in a wound. Reyna runs away crying. Then Jason runs after her leaving me. I have to say I felt a little dejected. For someone who says he’s a newbie in the life of love he seems to know exactly how to keep a girl holding on. Typical move get together with girl then kiss her and leave. Man, Jason and Reyna were taking a while. Maybe I should go look for them. At precisely that time Jason and Reyna returned. Reyna was a bit flushed and looks as if she was in a daydream. Uh, oh. She hadn’t known Reyna for long, but she knew that it would take a lot to get this happy. All of a sudden it dawned on, ex girlfriend of boyfriend flushed and happy, boyfriend looking a bit guilty. You didn’t have to be a daughter of Aphrodite to figure out what that means. She mentally prepared herself for the worst. “Pi-Piper”- Jason stumbled out. “I get it” I said sadly, “you choose her.” That took Jason by surprise. “You’re okay with it?” “Of course I am, the heart wants what the heart wants.” “Really?” he looked so relieved. “Yeah, I’m gonna go to my barrack, bye.”