The Heroes of Olympus Percy Joins Chaos

Musabbir-Noor posted on May 22, 2012 at 09:16PM
Hey Guy's
This is a fanfiction. It takes place after the giant wars. All the gods start having more kids. One of them is called James. He was Percy's half brother. Everyone started to forget about Percy. Soon even Annabeth forgot him and started going out with James. Percy had enough. /he was running away. Unknown to him Chaos, creator of the universe, was watching him. He was teleported to a distant planet. After liberating them, there was a problem on earth. After 10,000 years he was returning home.

The Heroes of Olympus 299 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 299

over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
K I combine dthe 2 parts into 1.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
Chapter 7

I was shocked. I just stood there. What happened to Percy. He wasn't a cold, ruthless, killer. Not the Percy I knew. Not my Percy. What had happened to him after I had cheated on him. I felt ill. I wish I hadn't done that.

Poseidon wan't looking any better. His mouth was ajar. From what I don't know. Was it the display of power? Was it that Percy claimed not to be his son? I din't know or car.

The army of Chaos walked into their new cabin and the giant door closed behind them. They were the only ones that was unaffected by what happened.

I turned and walked into my cabin and lied down. I wanted and needed Percy back. I laid in my bunk and made plans Aphrodite and Athena would have been proud of.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Short. This is all for chapter 7.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
I'm posting after 5 more comments.
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Short :O Please, please don't make it Percabeth, she doesn't deserve a second chance. He gave Godhood up for her and she'd betrayed his trust, his loyalty only because he wasn't seen as the greatest anymore, a true love stays with you thick or thin. What does that say about her character in this story :@ I think there should not be a pairing or a pairing with someone in the Chaos army as he completely loyal to Chaos and be leaving with Chaos afterwards.. Thanks for the update!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
No Percabeth!!!!!! Please!!!!!!


Amazingly awesome chapter!!!! It was really really good!!!!!
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!
And I CAN NOT WAIT until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!!!
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Post soon or suffer the wrath of Hades!!

over a year ago Magic1799 said…
Can you post osn the mark of athena too?
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
isn't that 5 more comment already???
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
come on post soon! I am running out of words to use.
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
And what do you guys mean about another choas story? Can you list them out??
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
guys I just got back. Went to washington D.C. Came back at 1:00. I'm gonna post.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Chapter 8 preveiw

My room was at the top. Room wasn't the right word. It was kind of like a hq. But the only ones allowed in was my team of elites. It was hand selected by me.

Among them was my wife was Bianca Di Angelo, daughter of Hades. She went by the name Spectrum these days. The rest of the team was made out of reserected friends. Luke Castellan, Beckendorf and Silena. They all used cover names. Luke was Swordsmaster. Beckendork was Flameon. Silena was called Beautyqueen.

Bianca entered the room followed by my son, Ace Jackson.

It had a perfect veiw over the camp. This way I could over see anything going on in the camp.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
I like it but I must know something is this percabeth?
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
cool post soon
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Yay for Bianca... Haa take that Annabeth,, He's moved on and has a son.. Your own fault for being unfaithful and unworthy.. Thanks for update, bit short :O hope for update soon :D
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Post more soon, please!!!

Oh, and by the the wrath of Hades, I mean he will find out for hemself why it's a bad idea to make the God of the Underworld angery.

The last guy who did, besides Percy, was sewen into Hades underwhere...not a prity site...
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
OMG OMG I'm in love with this story
this is fantastic, And YAY FOr NO PERCABETH.
Anyway post soon
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
YAY!!!!! No PERCYBETH!!!!!! Kill annabeth!!!!!!!
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
I'm planning to kill Annabeth.
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Oh I'm never reading this again I'm sprey I can't read anti-percabeth's
over a year ago Avidsel said…
I'm anti-percabeth.. Yeah i find Percabeth in normal stories. I personally dont like her, but when she cheats/betrays Perseus I can not her... How could you possibly excuse her actions, when the stage has been set in such a story?

Yay for percabeth death... Curious how your going to do it... Will she die an honorable death? not that it excuses her past actions...

What I did not get in the books at all is how they could call Luke an hero... Sure he made the right decision in the end, but he caused all the crap that happened. They was so much death, so much suffering due to his actions and he makes one right choice right at the end and that seems to clear every bad thing he's done :O I think that screwed up...! The people that died will still be dead.. The people that suffered will remember and be affected and it like he gets his past actions removed.. screwed up... Yes? I believe so!
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
Well Avidsel, there is a saying, The ends justify the mean.
Which I perosnally think is bull shit, (sorry)
but I guess that's how the people judged him.
They let his end jurtify his means.
Which is stupid.
Plus I hate Luke because he is one of the reasons Percy didn't accept immortality
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Couldn't agree with you more, anaklusmus.

Another reason i disliked Annabeth throughout the books, she defended Luke. He made his choices, he choose to side with Kronos and he made plenty more choices along the way. Kronos didn't overtake his body to the end of book 4. Even after Luke tricked her under the sky, even after people been hurt and killed by Luke actions or because of his actions such like Bianca and Zoe, she still defended him and then right at the end when she see's it fruitless that she can be with Luke, she says she loves him like a brother then decide to go for Percy, where to me her past actions seems to say different.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
I brlive she did this for a reason Avidsel. Luke was dying. He got hit in the achilles spot. Why lose Percy by saying she loves Luke?
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
O wow we r on pg 4. Yay. Cake
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
i agree with you a hundred and ten percent avidsel
but you know i think she said that because at that moment she realized she couldnt be with him because he was dying, thats why she moved on to percy
so he was like her backup plan, and percy was too engulfed in his emotions to realize
and dont think for a second that if she had the chance, she wouldnt bring back luke
i hate her for that. playing with percy's feelings.
you think percy wanted to waste his time, looking for luke.
he did it because he cared about her and wanted to make her happy
and she used that to her advantage, which i hate her extra for.
it wasnt just oh randomly, i dont love u anymore, i love him
it was all in her plan. damn child of Athena.
For four freaking books, she didnt give a damn, so what the hell changed at the last couple of chapters of the last book. her primary plan failed so she moved on to her secondary one aka percy
you understand what i saying, avidsel
UGHHHH i just want scream when i think of annabeth.
burn her alive and get it over with,

wow i read the comment list, and musabbir said exactly what i said, except shorter
lol :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demigod324 said…
First:post soon
Second:awesome chapter
Third: even though annabeth was a jerk i don't think u should kill her i think u should mke her suffer seeing percy and make her regret her desision to date someone else
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
I agree. I'm gonna kill her eventually. But, not before she suffers.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Hahahhahahaha!!!! U people crack me up!!!!! Ur all on a rampage on y annabeth is such a horrible daughter of athena!!! Not that disagree, I completely agree. I hate annabeth, and annabeth doesn't deserve a boy like percy!!! That is y I like all the anti-percabeth stories. That's y back in time is one of my favorite anti-percabeth stories. And all of anaklusmus's stories. He always gets annabeth killed or have her suffer and try to get percy back, but it never works out. It so funny!!! I love it!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
Oh and I can not wait for ur post. I hope its really soon!!!!
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
Guys check this out:

it fits perfectly with what were doing. it's kind of like Percy singing to Annabeth and her begging him to take her back!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
YES!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THAT SONG. I sing along when ever it comes on!!!!!!!!

But yay. I totally agree. That song was made for percy.
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Agree'd ^^^ I hope Percy complete impassive and indifferent to her, that would drive the prideful daughter nuts... :p better than being angry and cold, just ignore her all together and its a worser reaction for her, but she would try to bait Percy into reacting :@

Also should check out annabeth523 (link) thread there's a link to a bigger excerpt of the first chapter includes terminus... And as for the new cover which looks like Jason and Percy going to fight... Lets just say Percy better win... :D I had to force myself to read 'the lost hero' it felt like a betrayal... TEAM PERCY***

Fanpop has weird addresses :O www. + fanpop + comwww as sub-domains?
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Yeah………………………………… I did that wrong…………… Well thats wat I get for being sick and not really knowing wat im saying…………………… I shall go change it now……………
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Their. I fix it.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
i'm gonna post today. I gotta go to Mega academy though. I'll post when I get back.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
I've got exactly 90 replies. YAY!!!
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
This entire pg is only comments. LOL.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
The long awaited chapter 8
Chapter 8 preveiw

My room was at the top. Room wasn't the right word. It was kind of like a hq. But the only ones allowed in was my team of elites. It was hand selected by me.

Among them was my wife was Bianca Di Angelo, daughter of Hades. She went by the name Spectrum these days. The rest of the team was made out of reserected friends. Luke Castellan, Beckendorf and Silena. They all used cover names. Luke was Swordsmaster. Beckendork was Flameon. Silena was called Beautyqueen.

Bianca entered the room followed by my son, Ace Jackson.

It had a perfect veiw over the camp. This way I could over see anything going on in the camp.

"Hey dad, I think you owe me answers. Who was that guy that claimed that you were his son? Why did he say that it was your bro that you just killed? Who was that girl that called you Percy? What's a Percy anyway?" Ace asked quickly.

Me and Bianca exchange a look. It pretty much sreamed ITS TIME.With this I explained my adventures with Annabeth. How, I was a son of Poseidon before. He mainly took the news in silence. I think he took the news that he didn't know his dad all that well pretty well. He only interrupted when Bianca died, I asked Annbeth out and cursed when she cheated on me.

When we finished Swordsmaster interrupted "Commander we got news that the army was moving in 3 points. One is 700 miles east for Yellow stone National Park. 7,000 monsters and 2 titans. Ipeteaus, and Krois. The main force is made of 9,000 monsters and has Kronos, Hyperion, Prometheus, and Atlas. There sea forces is made of 3 minor unidentified minor sea gods, Oceanus, and Ageius. It has an unknown number of monsters. Either way they won't be any match for you." he finished.

He was right. This shouldn't take me more than a week.

"I'll take care of it" I stated.

I opened a portal to take me Yellowstone National Park.

"And let there funerals start" I thought darkly.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
Finally done with chapter 8.
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Awesome chappie
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I wonder wat nico thinks with his sister all back to life and all…………………………


Amazingly awesome chapter. It was really really good!!!!!!!!!
I LOVED IT!!!!!!
And I CAN NOT WAIT until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!!
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Great update, Thanks... I can't wait to see more :) also can't wait until ace is introduced :p and Bianca of course :D
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
FINALLY I FIND ANTI-PERCABETH GUYS(AND GIRLS) LIKE ME you should make her suffer and make her die slowly and painfully
PiperMclean7732 commented…
Exactly!!!! over a year ago
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
No duh, of course I am. I hate annabeth!!
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
I've decided on how to kill Annabeth. Mu ha ha ha. Your gonna love it. I'm not telling though.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
New pg yay.