The Heroes of Olympus Two together prophecy

mjkcsk posted on May 13, 2012 at 06:57PM
First I am going to say none of these characters belong to me. They are all copyrighted to Rick Riordan. Also i'm calling this the bonus starter. It's meant to get you hooked on my series. It's the first four chapters.

Chapter 1


First of all this spy thing was not my idea. When Carter suggested it I even laughed. We might just as well announce our existence because if we are caught spying we look like we have a hostile intent. I laugh quietly to myself as I stalk the three demigods through the streets. I heard them refer to themselves as demigods. I think it seems a touch ego-istical to me. Anyway they creep through the streets of Brooklyn warily. I follow them cautiously. Then they stop at a door. Another shadowy figure slips out. They begin a heated conversation in whispers. I am too far away to hear it but I bet it's full of the information that Carter wants. Too bad i'm not willing to put myself at risk to get it. They begin to move again through the narrow streets. I follow wordlessly. Suddenly the quiet is shattered by a roar. The figures split up and one of them pulls a pen out of his pocket. A pen! What can a pen do against a monster? Recklessly I throw myself out of te shadows towards the fight. I pull my staff and wand out of the Duat and prepare for combat. Calling out a word of power I shoot the creature in it's massive chest with a bolt of pure energy. As it goes down I see it's humanoid build and it's one eye. A cyclops! How can it be a cyclops when cyclopses aren't in tthe egyptian ledgends? Calling out another word of power i point my wand in the direction of the "demigods a hierogliph appears in midair. A watery blue light shimmers in front of them. Then I tap my magic reserves but find them perilously low. There is energy left for just one more spell. "Ha-di" I yell and as the energy of the spell drains for my body the world goes black and I pass out.

Chapter 2
Ever since my mother warned us that there would be trouble with other gods things have been different. We started noticing the unexplained magics going on and some suspicious natural disasters. An eruption of one volcano even looked to have a boy exploded out of it. Then there was that storm cloud that looked like a giant monster. Unexplained magic from long island. Sighing i sink down onto my bed. Then just for some peace and quiet i sent my sister out on a spying mission. From which she hasn't returned. I'm beginning to get worried now. I get up and go in search of Walt. I find him on the roof feeding Freak (our pet griffin) frozen turkeys. "Walt have you heard from Sadie at all?" He looks at me worriedly "no, why? should she be back by now?" I look him gravely in the eye. "Yes, do you want to help me look for her?" He grins "do you even have to ask?" We fasten Freak's harness on and the boat. Then we tell Freak to fly. He jumps of the side of the building and my stomach feels like it wants to come out through my mouth. In other words it was the best ride ever. We follow Sadie's trail through the streets using....duh magic. We follow it up to a bunch of ashes. Her magic trail is stronger here but then fades a lot. She must have used all her magic on this monster. Then we follow the faintest trace all the way to Long island. As we get closer we pick up interference until finally we can't sense her at all. We look down and see a sort of camp with loads of cabins and stuff. There is a climbing wall with lava and a canoe lake. We can see loads of people who could potentially be magicians. This could take the entire Nome to enter. We carefully fly back to Brooklyn house taking care not to be seen. I keep churning it over in my head about what they might do to her. Torture her probably. Might even kill her. Swiftly i gather the initiates and begin preparing to take them to war. I am desperate and will do anyhing for my sister. We will get her back one way or the other.

Chapter 3
When we dragged her into the infirmery Rachel was waiting for us. "All i can tell you is not to give her nectar or ambrosia. This is all the Gods have shared with me." I watched startled as she fled before we could ask her any questions. A noise shakes me from my dream. The girl we rescued is waking up. She tosses and turns and finally bolts up with a cry of "Cyclops!" She begins to look around and pushes off te sofa to stand on her own two feet. I'm impressed, she has just woken up from being unconcious for two days, and already she is walking around, if a little unsteadily. She begins to creep towards the door. Does she think she's in the beast's lair. "I wouldn't do that if i were you" i say as she opens the door and is about to step outside. She gives a little shriek and whirls around. "Oh it's just you," she says relaxing. "Are we being held prisoner by the beast or is it you who is holding me prisoner?" she asks coolly. "Oh no neither. You are a demigod like us so we're like family. We don't hold our family prisoner." She smirks "demigod hmmm? Seems a tad egoistical." I stare at her agape "You mean to say you don't know who your parent is after you displayed powers like that?"
"Oh no I know who my parents are. Julius Kane also known as Osiris god of the dead and Ruby Kane also dead."
"Osiris? you mean Hades?"
"No i mean Osiris. Who is Hades?"
"Oh never mind. I'm Percy Jackson son of posiedon."
"Posiedon? you mean Hapi? God of the river nile? You mean your father hosted Hapi right? Oh I'm Sadie Kane by the way."
Just then a demigod ran in in a state of panic. There's an army approaching. They dont carry weapons just staffs and some sort of boomerang thing. Sadie retrieved her weapons from the floor where i had dropped them when we brought her in.
"Like these?" she asked. The demigod nodded. She turned to me.
"Well Percy it seems you're gonna get to meet my brother!"
"You're brother?"
A voice began to boom across the camp.
"I am Carter Kane, Pharoh of the House of Life and leader of Brooklyn House, Son of Osiris and i want my sister back!"
Without thinking i grab Sadie and make a dash towards the camp boundries. We push through the crowd until we get to the edge of camp. Sadie doesn't stop just carries on walking past the borders. "Carter Kane, so help me i will turn you into a gerbil, give me one good reason why i shouldn't kick your butt so hard it winds up in the Duat!" I stare at her in shock. Carter stares at her equally dumbfounded. She continues in her tirade, "Carter i'm gone for ten seconds and you wage war? You are such a ....." She begins cursing in ancient egyptian. Someone in the crowd behind Carter yells "You still want her back now Carter?" Everyone starts laughing. A guy steps out from behind Carter and says "Well you can never get Sadie to shut up once shes started. I found that out the hard way." That brings another round of laughs but Sadie's reaction is different. "Walt!" She launches herself into his arms and the they kiss passionatley. He whirls her around in the air. "You'd think you'd have the brains to call me with the shen amulet wouldn't you?" he teases her. She blushes. Suddenly we see some pale shapes behind Walt. They look very familiar like the lost heros who fell in the wars and they're moving towards us....

Chapter 4
The ghosts move among the campers murmering happily. They seem stunned as if they did't expect to see these people again ever. There is happy cries of "Bekendorf" and "Silina" beside me Percy let loose a choked gasp. "Luke?" A pale ghost with a scar on his face smiles and makes his way towards us. "Hey Perce. Heard about you defeating Gaia and all. Nice job. Where's Annabeth?" Percy been run over.
"Y-you got into elsium then. Why else would the son of Hades be able to summon you?"
"Yes i got into Elsium but why do you think Anu... i mean Walt is a son of Hades?"
"What else could he be? He summoned you here."
"Even Nico could not have summoned him here." Hazel says.
We stare at her in shock. We didn't notice her approaching. I sigh.
"We don't want them hearing us." Gently i touch the wind and bend it slightly until it distorts our words into something mundane and common.
"We can talk freely now. No one will hear what we're truly saying."
"What did you do?" Hazel asks curiously
"I bent the wind so it distorts our voices into something else."
"sooo cool dude i wish i could do that." Luke says. I look in surprise at the ghost. He stares back.
"Luke i know you know something. Talk already." Percy says.
"Ok all i know is that this dude who was dressed in black invited me to spend a last day with all my friends. He looked nothing like Walt but i can still feel the energy that pulled me to the living world emanating from him."
"You almost said a different name before you said Walt's what gives?" I say.
"Ok Ok the dude said his name was Anubis. That's all i know i swear."
We all mull this over in silence.
We all turn around to see Sadie arm in arm with Walt coming towards us.
"Hey Sadie, Walt or should i say Anubis?"
I look at Percy horrified. He must be crazy bringing that up. I turn to see Walts reaction. He's blushing furiously while Sadie glares at Percy as if she wants to turn him into a cockroach and squish him.
"Walt" she says faintly
"It's ok Sadie it was time everyone knew. It's not like i could just walk into their camp without telling them. It might offend their gods."
"What gods? Horus, Isis, your father or mother? Why would that offend them?"
"Sadie i'm not talking about our gods Sadie i'm talking about theirs. The greek gods. The Roman gods. Zeus or jupiter, Posidon or Neptune. When these guys said they were demigods they were telling you the literal truth. They are..."
"Hang on a sec your telling me that their gods are allowed to hook up with mortals? How unfair. It took us ages to get around the gods ban!" Sadie interupts.
"Hold on a minute what ban?" I say
"The ban against me and Anubis dating."
"We both love her and this was the only way. Walt was dying anyway but i gave him a shot at another life. Now we're happy in our new lives, especially with Sadie."
We were all digesting this when there was a disturbance in the crowd behind us. Rachel begins to recite a prophecy in a harsh voice.

Two together will make us strong
To prepare you'll have all summer long
The worst nightmare has yet to rise
Sadie starts up as if she has been tazered. Her eyes glazed over and she spoke up in a different voice, finishing the prophesy with Rachel.

To save all gods break through the lies
The beginings of the gods you must find
Ten heroes champions of all god kind

I stare at Rachel in shock she must have delivered the next Great Prophesy and Sadie recited it with her. What could it mean?

One comment and then i will post another chapter.
P.s i only post on friday nights(occasionally) or the weekend. enjoy

The Heroes of Olympus 10 replies

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over a year ago mjkcsk said…
Chapter 5

Before we can really process what's going on Nico di Angelo appears from the shadows. The entire egyptian crowd murmer in regognition. Correction Nico di Angelo whom i want to kill! I stalk across the grass towards him and slap him across the face.
"Yeesh, oww what was that for?"
"You knew about the egyptians and you never told us?" I yell at him. He gulps before backing away slowly. The egyptians are chuckling in amusement. " h- Hazel i swear i- didn't know they were egyptians. I uh I kinda might've been attacked by a cyclops and they might've saved me and healed me maybe? I didn't know who they were or anything but i might've figurativly speaking....."
"Just spit it out already."
"Told them about you guys. Maybe not the locations of the camps but just about you guys. You know fighting monsters and stuff. Not about you guys being demigods or our gods but just some stuff."
I stalk towards him threateningly. He backs up and starts to run away. He's grabbed from behind by Frank and is deposited in at my feet. He cowers into the dirt. "Don't hurt me Hazel please i didn't tell them anything important. Please Hazel please." by the end he's squealing like a baby. I look at Nico in disgust. He really is a wimp. Maybe not in battle but in my hands his tough guy act melts. "Hazel!" i look up surprised as an egyptian girl pushes through the crowd. She stands in front of him defensivley. "Leave Nico alone, stop picking on your brother it's not nice." I look at her stunned. She glares back then helps Nico to his feet. "Jaz you shouldnt've got involved. Now Hazel will be mad at you too." Nico whispers. I stall a second. "Wait a second are you two going out?" Jaz blushes but Nico just looks at her with adoration. Chiron gallops up. "We need to discuss this. Heads of cabin meeting in the big house now. The seven and Nico troop off to the big house. The egyptians accompany us in. Then we all sit down to plan our future.
1 more comment and i will post
over a year ago Pegasus100 said…
Awesome chapter. THATS ONE COMMENT SO

POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
um, dont mean to be rude, but this is a crossover forum. Crossovers should go here -->


sorry!! we are trying to clean up the club, and we would appreciate it if you moved it there :D thanks! :)
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
Oh ok I'll move it. post the next chapter soon but am having writers block
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
No offense universalpowa but it's easier if i keep on typing here kay i hope you stay a fan though
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
Chapter 6
We gather around the ping pong table in what Chiron calls the Big House. One of the satyrs is actually chewing on a ping pong ball and all the head councillors are mucking about. One girl has actually magically disconnected another's nose. I shudder to think what she does when she's actually attacking someone. The entire arrangement seems disorganised and strangely homey.
That is the Greeks, ever disorganised.
I choose to ignore Anubis. He shouldn’t be criticising the Greeks in their own territory.
You misunderstand I was simply stating a fact, definitely not criticizing them.
Urrg I really don’t like the way he can read my thoughts like that. Isn’t that the reason I have a thought to speech filter in the first place?
You chose to let me hear your thoughts. If you don’t like it I could always take over for you.
I actually believe he’s teasing. He knows I would never give up Sadie. For anything. The end.
Neither could I, isn’t that sort of why we’re in this situation?
So help me I’ll tell Sadie on you.
I’ll be quiet.
I thought so. You’ve seen her mad keep that in mind before you start teasing.
I can just imagine him rolling his eyes.
Yes master.
Do you want me to tell Sadie?
Oh the horror.
Just shut up.
“Walt?” calls Sadie
“Did you hear what we’ve just been saying?”
“I thought not, have you been having one of your internalised conversations again?”
“I thought so. Alright I want to talk to him.”
“I. Want. To. Talk. To. Anubis. Clear?”
All the Greeks are looking at me as if I’m crazy.
“Sadie it’s not as if I have any control over that and I’m not sure he has either.
I do not.
“He doesn’t”
Perhaps if you were to convey my words to her?
Why didn’t I think of that?
Well I at least can think when we are looking at Sadie, you on the other hand….
Alright shut up you’re a god so you’re supposed to be wise.
“Yeesh Sadie!”
She moves as if to hit me.
“Ok, Ok what if I were to tell you what he tells me.”
“It might work, just don’t leave anything out and don’t add anything in of your own.”
I felt a weird sensation then and my body began to transform into Anubis’s. Suddenly I was the one to be stuffed into the back corner of our mind. I could still feel every word that passed our lips.
“Hello Sadie”
“Anubis? How did you do this?”
“Don’t you want to see me Sadie?”
“Yes but I want to see Walt again too.”
“Don’t worry I think it’s reversible.”
You think?
“You think?”
“Do you want answers or not? All I know is the longer I’m like this the harder it is to get back and I don’t want it to be like the last time I tried to tell you something. Before you interrupt I’m going to say what I came here to say. The nightmare the prophecy spoke of….. It’s bad. With the two kinds of gods and their followers meeting it seems rational that the nightmare is a mixture of both our most horrid monsters. It is extremely possible that the world will die. The gods will be overturned. I know where you’re meant to look. It starts in Egypt but it doesn’t end there you must go on from there but I don’t know where you’ll have to travel. Summer ends in a week so you have to hurry.
I felt that sensation again. I came back to my body to find it exhausted. Before I can speak I fall to my knees and then to the floor. The world began to spin and in the second before I blacked out Anubis’s voice came to me.
Tell them that the nightmare wakes.
Before I can utter a sound the dark comes to claim me and I black out.
1 more comment and I will post. P.s I can only post sometimes but please don’t give up on me I will always post in the end. PP.s thanks for your comments.
over a year ago Pegasus100 said…
Wow cool chapter.
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
Here's a sneek peek

I look at the kid crumpled on the ground in front of us. I glance around the room and see the surprise on all the other kid's faces. I shudder thinking what it would be like to be posessed by a god. Let alone share a body with one and have him whispering snide comments in my head. Espesially if he is anything like my father. A girl with red streaks in her hair kneels over him. She's the one the god pledged love for. To give up immortal life even for a little while and live in the body of a boy who also loved the girl you did must be hell. Even for the god of the dead to do that for a girl is monumentous. Not saying i wouldn't do it for Hazel but still... Sighing i turn my gaze to Nico and his girlfriend. She's also kneeling beside Walt and Nico is giving her status updates on his health via a connection with Anubis, which i assume is coming from the spirit standing beside him. Oh how i love my extremely complicated life.

Will post full chapter later in the week
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
havent got enough time tonight but will post tomorrow
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
wow sorry soooooooooooo not tomorrow but i kinda have writers block. If anyone has any suggestions ii would love to hear them.