The Heroes of Olympus Percy Jackson Son of Zeus

ChampionChaos posted on May 09, 2012 at 09:16PM
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last edited on May 09, 2012 at 09:24PM

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over a year ago ChampionChaos said…
Percy Jackson Son of Zeus: Blessed By Posideon

Disclaimer: Don't Own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

All Rights Go to Rick Riordan!

I, again thank TheseusLives for Inspiring Me.

Chapter Two: Knitting Socks and Bull Fighting

* Hospital*

Percy's P.O.V

When I woke up, I found Grover standing over me, his eyes wide, and looking worried sick. He gave one of those nervous bleats that sounds exactly like a goat.

" Your... Your Awake!" Grover said, sounding astonished and worried.

He crushed me into a hug so tight that I could barely breath. When he let go, I groaned in pain because my ribs were aching.

" Now Grover, you don't want to hurt the patient any more than he is now, would you?" Said a voice that a knew to well. I turned my head to see Mr. Brunner sitting in his wheelchair by the door.

Grover blushed straight down to his Adam's apple. I tried to sit up from the Hospital bed, I winced from the pain that exploded from my ribs.

" Whats the damage? Ribs I guess?" I asked looking at Mr. Brunner. He nodded his head.

" Yes, a few cracked ribs, three are broken, and the doctor says your sternum is badly bruised. You're recovering rather quickly fast though."

I've always been able to heal from injuries faster than other people have, Im not sure why, but Im certainly not complaining. I think its a good thing to have incase I get injured badly, just like I am now.

" Now, I do hope you are feeling better, because I fear we may need to move quicker than I originally thought." Mr. Brunner said with a dead serious expression on his face. Move quicker where? Why cant anything just make sense for once?

Grover freaked. " What? No! He cant go yet, he has to be healed fully. Please sir, I cant fail again." Grover's pleading voice said. When Grover said this, Mr. Brunner's face softened. But I still had the feeling that whatever they were arguing about, Mr. Brunner wasn't going to lose.

" Mr. Underwood, he is in more danger than either you or I can comprehend. If he stay's a couple more hour's or days, he could get more hurt or possibly killed by monsters, who know's, the doctor could be one. What would you prefer?" Mr. Brunner said. I was totally right, Mr. Brunner wasn't going to lose this argument.

Thats when I decided to speak up, because right now, I had no idea what they were talking about. Monsters? Like the kind of monster Mrs. Dodds turned into?

" What's going on right now? I'm so lost right now. Monsters? Can somebody explain to me what your talking about?" I asked really wanting to know what they were discussing. But they just ignored me, at least for now.

" Fine," Grover said to Mr. Brunner. " We can go as soon as the doctor clears him. It shouldn't be long from now." They went over to the corner to discuss something. I didn't hear anything but a sad sigh from Mr. Brunner.

I started getting mad. Why couldn't anyone tell me anything? I just got attacked by a evil-bat-lady that Mrs. Dodds turned into. Before I had time to throw a fit and start loosing my temper ( Im short tempered by the way), Grover broke the conversation he and Mr. Brunner were having, and walked up to me.

" Hey buddy," Grover took a deep breath shaky breath. " I can answer a few questions if you want. Or you can just vent your anger." I smirked. He knew me to well

" Whats going on right now? What was that thing that Mrs. Dodds turned into?" I asked eager to know. His breath stopped for a minute when I said 'Mrs. Dodds' but then it went back to its normal pace.

" Well, I think I should probably start from the beginning. You know of the ancient Greek Gods right? Well there still hanging around somewhere today. They still fight with each other on Olympus, and they defiantly still have affairs with humans. The offsprings from those, ah, excursions are know as Demi-Gods. One of your parents are still alive, I have no clue who you're the son of, you could be the son of any Olympian, Which gender your parent is, Mother or Father, we will never know till you get claimed, that is if you get claimed." He said the last part bitterly. That is if I get claimed. What's claiming?

" If my Mom or Dad's an Olympian, then why'd they leave me? Why'd they leave me all alone? Do they know Im an Orphan that has no parent except them, do they not care?" A lone tear rolled down my cheek . Grover looked at me and sighed sadly, he was the one of the only people that knew I was an Orphan. His eyes held sadness. Probably for me. This time Mr. Brunner spoke up, he was the other person that knew I was an orphan.

" There are ancient laws, Percy. Laws so ancient that they go back to the creation of the world itself. One of these laws prevent your parent, or any other god for that matter, from interfering too much in the lives of mortals and their children, Demi-Gods. They can occasionally contact you through dreams, summon you to Olympus, send a few gifts( Or a lot), and claim you as their child. Any thing more in the lives of Humans and Demi-Gods are a violation to these laws, the ancient laws, and if they are not obeyed it could result in serious punishment, even for a God." Mr. Brunner said.

I nodded my head in under-stand-ment, but I was still angry at my godly parent.

" Oh," I spoke quietly. " That makes sense. What do we do now Mr. Brunner?"

" First off, lets clear off things that are on my chest. Call me Chiron, as that is my real name. Mr. Brunner was a cover-up to see if you were a Demi-God, at first, I wasn't so sure of you, but then with that little scene with Nancy Bobofit I knew you were one. I also needed to ensure you were safe from monsters." A thousand thoughts swirled around my mind. Chiron? The trainer of the hero's?

I blinked. I was surprised. Why would Chiron, the Trainer of Hero's come to my school to ensure that I was safe? He must have seen my surprised face because he spoke again, " I feel I will be needed at camp soon. You and Grover will be take a bus or cab to camp, Im sure Grover knows were it is.. The doctor is about to release you. I will answer any questions, and explain everything else when you arrive at camp. Oh, and Percy," My eyes snapped toward Chiron." Please try to come uninjured, and try not to die, It would mean a lot." I nodded and waved goodbye.

A few moments later, Two doctors walked in. One doctor kept the other one distracted for a moment, and Grover took advantage of that. Grover whispered, " Here it this. Its ambrosia, and it will heal you so we can get out of here and get to camp." He took something out of his pocket and stuffed it into my mouth. It was the best thing I ever tasted!

" Just so you know, you cant have too much at a time. It's the food of the Gods. If you eat too much it could disintegrate you to ash, literally. Trust me don't try it." Grover said again.

Thats when the doctor walked up to us. " Hello young man," He smiled showing his bright white teeth, they were so shiny that I almost had to look away. " I am Doctor Fred. I just need to check on you a little bit, and then you should be good to go."

He started to poke around, and something he did tickled a bit. He was looking at me, his eyes showed so many thing. Shock, Amazement, and most of all, Astonishment. He blinked a couple times looking like he was in a trance. Grover tried knocking him out of his trance by throwing a box of tissues at him, which, by the way hit the doctor in the jaw. The doctor staggered a little when the box hit him in the jaw. His regained his footing, he was now out of his little trance. He glared at Grover madly. Did he have to throw the tissue box?

He then turned his head toward me, his eyes shining like he just found his lost puppy.

" You're practically healed! I've never seen anything like this! You're free to go. But could I test on you? It be a honor! I'd be the best doctor to ever live if I found out how you healed so fast. So tell me, how'd you do it?" He rambled, his eyes wide while he pulled out a note-book a stared at me, waiting for me to answer his question.

Most awkward moment of the year, thats an understand-ment. But luckily Grover saved me from answering, by pulling me off the Hospital bed and dragging me out of the room, then out of the hospital.

After we got out of the Hospital, Grover and I walked to a bus stop and waited for the Bus to arrive, and when it did Grover paid with money that I don't know how he got, but I don't care. We jumped into are seats in the back row, with Me by the window and Grover by the aisle. I decided to take a short nap. Yeah, you're one to talk about me sleeping again. Trust me, if you fought a evil-bat-lady-thing from hell you'd be tired too.

I had a vivid dream.

I saw flashes of lightning hitting buildings, setting them aflame, people were screaming, and saw someone on top of a hill that over-looked the city, with their hand raised. It looked like that person was controlling what was happening. It was laughing like he and a friend just shared a old joke.

My dream shifted.

I turned to see two people. But I assumed they weren't exactly human because I could feel their Aura's of power around them. Okay, so Two Gods fighting each other, obviously not good.

" GIVE IT BACK!" One god yelled at the other. The god that just got yelled at Aura of power flared dramatically.

" If I had it, Poseidon, I would give it back! CALL ME A THIEF AGAIN AND I WILL PERSONALLY STRIKE YOU TO THE DEPTHS OF TARTARUS!" The other shouted back. Okay so the one that screamed ' Give It Back' was Poseidon. But who as the other?

Poseidon barely controlled himslef. I could see he was shaking with rage. It was the Calm before the Storm.

" This is no joke, Zeus," So the other was Zeus. How typical, Zeus and Poseidon fighting. But what did Poseidon want back? " I cannot lose the sea. I've been straining to beat the ancient sea monster's. And i'm telling you Zeus, this is about to get much, much worse than it is now," Poseidon took a deep breath. "We need a Hero. The pact will be the end of the Olympian's reign. If you daughter survived, we might have had a chance to send her to get it back."

Zeus eyes flashed with lightning. " If it weren't for Thalia, the camp would already have crumbled. Thalia serves to protect camp, and without her, the powerful monster's that have risen, would have broken through. Don't question me Poseidon."

Poseidon voice was deadly calm, but you could detect the venom dripping from it, " If my Trident isn't returned by The summer solstice at midnight, war will prevail, wether your responsible or not. The summer solstice, or war."

They both started to glow, and the heat around me increased. But I woke up before they could complete there transformation and disintegrate me to ash.

My body flew up from the seat on the bus, making me sit straight. Cold sweat trickled down my forehead.

" Grover?" I asked looking at Grover who was playing at his hands. His head snapped up in surprise.

" Wha... Oh, Hey Perce, I see you woke up." He said.

" Grover, where are we?" I asked curiously. How long had I been asleep?

Grover's eyes scanned around us.

"On the highway, close to Manhattan. Why?" He said confused at why I wanted to know where we where. I just shrugged at him, but he still had a curious look in his eye.

There was a huge grinding noise under our feet. Black smoke poured from the dashboard and the whole bus filled with a smell like rotten eggs. The driver cursed and steered the bus over to the side of the highway.

After a few minutes of clanking around in the engine compartment, the driver announced that we'd all have to get off. Grover and I filed outside with everybody else. We were on a stretch of country road- no place you'd notice if you didn't break down. On our side of the highway was nothing but maple trees and litter from passing cars. On the other side of the highway, across four lanes of crazy people in cars honking and shouting at other people, was an old- fashioned fruit stand.

The stuff on sale looked really good: heaping boxes of blood red cherries and apples, walnuts and apricots, jugs of cider in a claw-foot tub full of ice. There were no customers, just three old ladies sitting in rocking chairs in the shade of a maple tree, knitting the largest socks I've ever seen. I mean these socks were the size of sweaters, but they were clearly socks. The lady on the right knitted on of them. The lady on the left knitted the other. The lady in the middle held a enormous basket of electric- blue yarn, the color of my eyes but duller.

All three women looked ancient, with pale faces wrinkled like fruit leather, silver hair tied back in white bandannas, bony arms sticking out of bleached cotton dresses. And they were all looking straight at me.

I looked over to Grover and saw that he too was staring at the three old ladies. The blood from his face was drained, leaving it pale white, his face looked exactly like the color of paper. His nose was twitching, his eyebrows were scrunched, and his lower bottom lip was trembling.

" Grover?" I said. " Hey, man-"

" Tell me they're not looking at you. They are, aren't they?"

" Yeah. Weird, huh? Those things aren't like Mrs. Dodds are they, because Im sure monsters don't knit. Or am I wrong? Anyway, think those socks would fit me? I mean they look pretty big!"

" Not funny, Percy. Not funny at all."

The old lady in the middle took out a huge pair of scissors- gold and silver, long-bladed, like shears. I heard Grover catch his breath.

" We're getting on the bus," He told me. " Come on."

" What?" I complained. " It's like, a thousand degrees in their!"

" Come on!" He pried open the door and climbed inside, but I stayed behind.

Across the highway, the old ladies were still watching me. The middle one cut the yarn with the shears, and I swear I could hear the snip from across the four lanes of traffic. Her two friends balled up the electric- blue socks.

At the rear of the bus, the driver wrenched a big chunk of smoking metal out of the engine compartment. The bus shuddered, and the engine roared back to life.

The passenger's cheered.

" Darn right!" yelled the bus driver. He slapped the bus with his hat. " Everybody back on board! Lets get a move on it!"

Once we got going, I started feeling sick, like I caught the flu. Grover didn't look much better. He was shivering and his teeth were chattering.

" Grover?" I asked.

" Yeah?" He answered quietly, his eyes darting around the bus.

" What are you not telling me?"

He dabbed his forehead with his shirt sleeve. " Percy, what did you see back their at the fruit stand?"

" You mean with the old ladies? Whats it about them, Grover? They're not like ... Not like Mrs. Dodds are they, because-"

He cut me off. " Just tell me what you saw, please." His expression was hard to read, but I got the feeling that those three old ladies were much, much worse than Mrs. Dodds.

" The middle one took out these golden scissors/ shears, and she cut the yarn that they had."

He closed his eyes and took a breath. He slowly nodded, but I could tell he was frightened.

" You saw here snip the cord?" He asked, his eyes weary.

" Yeah, so?" But even as I said it, I knew it was a huge deal.

" This is not happening," Grover muttered. He started chewing his thumb. " I don't want this to be like last time. No not like last time."

" Whats last time?" I asked Grover. He waved it aside.

" Never mind, lets focus on getting you to camp, alive." He had determination in his eyes. He wouldn't let anything happen to me. I could see it in his eyes. Nothing was going to stop him from getting me to camp. He wouldn't let me die.

" Yeah," I said. " Lets get to camp."

" Alive."

- Time Skip-

Still Percy's P.O.V

* On The Road *

We tore through the night along dark country roads. Winds slammed against the Cab. Rain lashed the wind shield. I didn't know how Grover could see anything, but he kept his foot on the gas peddle.

Every time there was lightning, I seemed to feel more energized, like I could throw Nancy Bobofit a hundred miles. I smiled at the thought.

Okay, let me explain. Your probably like what? Grover's driving? To where? Well hold your horses, people.

Grover is driving because we took a cab to camp ( after we got off the bus of course ), and then a monster decided to chase us, and of course are cab driver wasn't seeing a thing. And unless we wanted to be monster food, Grover and I had to knock out the driver so we could speed up and make it to camp without the monster catching us. It was like a game of tag, instead it wasn't a game, we were actually getting chased and about to be eaten. Does that explain why Grover's driving? Probably not.

The weird bellowing noise rose up again from somewhere behind us, closer than before. Whatever was chasing us was still on our trail. Whatever the beast was, it wanted us dead very, very, badly.

Grover pulled the wheel hard to the right, I got a glimpse of a figure closing in on the car- a dark fluttering shape lost in the storm, yet still barely able to see.

" What was that?" I asked. Grover ignored my question.

" Were almost their."

" Another mile. Please. Please. Please." his voice pleaded to no one.

I found myself leaning forward in the car, anticipating, wanting us to arrive.

Outside, nothing but rain and darkness- the kind of empty countryside you get way out on the tip of Long Island. I thought about Mrs. Dodds and the moment when she'd changed into the thing with shriveled leathery wings, and yellow pointed fangs. Mrs. Dodds was sent to kill me.

Then I remember what she said, " Give it back and suffer less pain." Was she talking about the Trident. I didn't have anymore time to think of it. The hair on the back of my neck rose. There was a blinding flash, and a jaw-rattiling boom!, and our car exploded.

I felt more aware of my surroundings, I felt stronger than before. Then I realized something. The lightning bolt that struck our car made me stronger.

We'd swerved into a ditch. Our driver's-side doors were wedged in the mud. The roof had cracked open and rain was poring in. We'd been blasted right off the road.

Grover was slumped over, blood trickling from the side of his mouth. He couldn't die. He was my best friend!

Then he groaned, " Food."

I shook him and his head snapped up. His eyes were wide. He wiped the blood of his mouth.

" Perseus," He said fully alert. " We have to ..." His voice faltered.

I looked back. In a flash of lightning, through the mud-spattered rear windshield, I saw a figure lumbering toward us on the shoulder of the road. The sight made my skin crawl. It was a dark silhouette of a huge guy, like a football player. He seemed to be holding a blanket over his head. His top half was bulky and fuzzy. His upraised hands made it look like it had horns.

We both went out the door and sprinted toward the tree on top of the hill. We were interrupted by a Roar! from the creature that followed us here.

The man with the blanket on his head kept coming toward us, making his grunting, snorting noises. As he got closer, I realized he couldn't be holding a blanket over his head, because his huge meaty hands were swinging at his sides. There was no blanket. Meaning the bulky, fuzzy mass that was too big to be his head ... Was his head. And the points on his head were horns. Bull horns. We kept running.

Glancing back, I got my first clear look at the monster. He was seven feet tall, easy, his arms and legs like something from the cover of Muscle Man magazine. He had huge bulging biceps and triceps and a bunch of other 'Ceps'. He wore no cloths except under ware- I mean bright white Fruit of the Looms- which would have looked really funny, except that the top half of his body was so scary. Coarse brown hair started at about his belly button and got thicker as it reached his shoulders.

His neck was a mass of muscle and fur leading up to his enormous head, which had a snout as long as my arm, snooty nostrils with gleaming brass ring, cruel black eyes, and horns- enormous black-and-white horns with points you just couldn't get from electric sharpeners.

I recognized the monster, all right. He had been in one of the first stories Mr. Brunner had told us.

It was the Minotaur.

The bull-man bore down at Grover, who lay helpless in the grass. He probably fainted from shock when he saw the Minotaur. The monster hunched over, snuffling my best friend, as if he were about to lift Grover up.

I couldn't allow that.

" Hey!" I screamed, running to one side of the monster, " Hey, stupid! Ground beef!"

" Raaaaaaar!" The monster turned toward me, shaking its meaty fists.

The bull-man charged too fast, his arms out to grab me which ever way I decided to jump out of the way.

Time seemed to down.

My legs tensed. I couldn't jump sideways, so I leaped straight up, kicking off the creatures head, using it as a spring board, turning midair, and landing on it neck.

How'd I do that?

I didn't have time to figure it out. A millisecond later, the monster's head slammed into the tree and the impact nearly knocked my teeth out. The bull-man staggered around, trying to shake me off. I locked my arms around his horns to keep from being thrown. Thunder and Lightning were still strong, making my adrenaline add. Rain was in my eyes, and the smell of rotten meat reeked in my nostrils.

The monster shook himself around and bucked like a rodeo bull. He should have just backed up into a tree and smash me flat, but I was starting to realize that this thing had only one gear: Forward.

Meanwhile, Grover started groaning in the grass. I wanted to yell at him to shut up, but If I tried, I would bite my own tongue off.

" Food!" Grover moaned.

The bull-man wheeled toward him, and pawed at the ground, and got ready to charge. Not happening buddy. I got both hands around one horn and I pulled with all my might. The monster tensed, gave a surprised grunt, then- SNAP!

The bull-man screamed and flung me through the air. I landed flat on my back in the grass. My head smacked a rock. When I sat up, my vision was blurry, and I had a horn in my hands, a ragged bone weapon the sized of a knife.

The monster charged.

Without thinking, I rolled to one side and came up kneeling. As the monster barreled past, I drove the horn straight into his side, right up his furry rib cage. The bull-man roared in agony. He flailed, clawing at his chest, then began to disintegrate, like crumbling sand, blowing away in chunks by the wind, the same way Mrs. Dodds had burst apart.

The monster was gone.

The rain had stopped. The storm still rumbled, but only in the distance. My knees were shaking. My head felt like it was splitting open. I was weak and scared at trembling. Grover needed my help, so I managed to haul him up and stagger down into the valley, in the direction of the farm house.

I remember collapsing on a porch, with a familiar face looking down upon me.

Then everything went black.

End of Chapter! Please read and review and tell me what you think!

Ill try to post soon!

Son of Zeus Series:

Book One: Percy Jackson Son of Zeus, Blessed By Poseidon

Book Two: Percy Jackson Son of Zeus, Grandson of Time

Book Three: Percy Jackson Son of Zeus, Heir of Lightning

Book Four:Percy Jackson Son of Zeus, Prince of the Earth

Book Five: Percy Jackson Son of Zeus, Wielder of the Sacred Fire

Thank You!

Read On,

over a year ago ChampionChaos said…
Sorry, that was Chapterr Two, let me post Chapter One.
over a year ago ChampionChaos said…
Percy Jackson Son of Zeus: Blessed By Neptune

Disclaimer: Don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

All rights go to Rick Riordan!

Chapter One: My Teacher Turns Into A Fury

* Yancy Academy*

( Whole Story Is In Percy's P.O.V)

Percy's P.O.V

My names Perseus Hercules Jackson. Named after two Greek mythology hero's; weird right?

At least I thought so, until my life changed forever with one school day. Oh, and if you hadn't figured, I don't exactly live the most normal life.

Im 12 years old, and Im a orphan that goes to Yancy Academy, a school for troubled kids in upstate New York.

So here I was, on a old yellow school bus, with 28 other mental-cased kids, heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, to look at Ancient Greek and Roman stuff. Torture.

Usually, I don't have good times with field trips. Why? You might ask. Well, lets start from my Fifth grade field trip, when we went to the Saratoga battlefield. I had this accident with this war cannon, and lets just say I wasn't aiming to hit the school bus. Or the time we took a behind the scenes tour of the Marine World shark pool, and I really didn't mean to hit that leaver on the cat walk, and the class took a swim with sharks. But anyway lets get back to the story.

So I'm on this bus heading to this museum, my best friend Grover sitting next to me. Grover was a scrawny, and had a bad case of acne, and a wispy beard, but he was a pretty cool kid, and he also had this muscular disease in his legs that excuses him from PE for the rest of his life. But don't let that get you wrong, you should see him on the days they serve enchiladas at the cafeteria so I figure he got held back several years because Im sure no Sixth grader has acne.

Behind us, sat Nancy Bobofit, the freckly, redheaded girl. In other words, she was my Arch- Enemy. Nancy kept throwing Peanut-Butter-and-Ketchup- sandwich's at Grover.

Every time Nancy would throw something at Grover, I would get up from my seat, but Grover wold pull me back down to sit.

" Ignore them, Perseus." Grover would say, while rubbing chunks of Ketchup from his 'Tree Hugger' shirt, and his green rasta hat. He never goes anywhere without that hat, and if I say so myself it makes him look older with his wispy beard.

Nancy Bobofit was still flinging Ketchup sandwich's at Grover. Then she thought it was a funny idea to change her direction, and she started throwing Ketchup sandwich at me. Anytime the sandwich would get close, it would just swerve around my head. Yeah, I have weird things like that happen to me sometimes. But, I was still outraged at Nancy.

" Why you little-" I began to yell, but my Latin Teacher, Mr. Brunner interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

" Perseus!" Mr. Brunner shouted. " Control yourself."

Mr. Brunner was my favorite teacher, and the only teacher that didn't put me to sleep. But man, some times it was like he had ears like a dog. Mr. Brunner has always kept me out of trouble, like how he just caught me from cussing Nancy out. Mr. Brunner was a guy in a motorized wheelchair. He had thinning hair, a scruffy beard and he always wore this frayed tweed jacket that, by the way, always smelled like coffee. You wouldn't think he'd be cool, but he'd prove you wrong. In class he let you play games and he told stories and jokes, he also had this awesome collection of roman armor. And on tournament days, he puts on his old Greek armor and challenges us with to write every Greek that ever, his mother, and which god they worshipped. Not your normal teacher.

But our other chaperone, Mrs. Dodds, was a whole different thing. Every time we would get our test back from her, she would make sure to have a big fat F in the corner of my paper. And after a whole week of F's and detention, I told Grover i didn't think Mrs. Dodds was human, and he totally agreed. Mrs. Dodds wore a black leather jacket, with a evil look on her face. She was mean enough to ride a harley right into your locker. The perfect devil-biker-grandmother.

We finally arrived at the museum. Mr. Brunner lead the museum tour. He rode up in his wheelchair, guiding us through big echoey galleries, past big marble statues and glass cases. Mr. Brunner stopped in front of a 13 foot tall statue, and started explaining about it. Mr. Brunner kept talking about Greek funeral art. Nancy snickered something about a naked guy on a stele, and I turned around and said, " Will you shut up?" It came out louder than it meant to. All the kids laughed, and Mr. Brunner stopped his story.

" Mr. Jackson," Mr. Brunner said, " Do you have a comment?" My face got really red, and I stammered, " Uhh... Uh, No sir."

Mr. Brunner pointed to a picture and asked a few questions, and I answered them as best as I could.

"-The Gods defeated their father, sliced him up with his own scythe, and scattered his remains in the deepest pit in the Underworld, Tartarus. And on that happy note its time for . Dodds, would you lead us back outside?" Mr. Brunner was saying after he asked me the questions.

As we were about to go outside, Mr. Brunner called my name, and pulled me aside.

"I would ask that you try and stay out of trouble. It wouldn't help your relationship with the school if you cause serious harm to somebody." I had the idea he was talking about earlier on the bus when I was about to tell Nancy and her friends off.

"I will stay out of trouble. I promise." I said, hoping even more that I would actually manage to do that.

"That's what I like to hear." Brunner said while patting my shoulder. He told me to go back a join the class, and so I did.

The class gathered on the front steps of the museum, where we could watch the traffic along Fifth Avenue. For once in the last few months, the weather is actually nice. Recently, the weather has been absolutely insane. There have been huge thunderstorms and towering waves. It's like the sky and the sea are at war with each other. The ocean seriously creeps me out. I remember going into it one time as a baby. Let's just say I never want to go in again, and leave it at that.

The guys were pelting pigeons with Lunchable crackers, and Nancy Bobofit was trying to pick-pocket money from a lady's purse, and of course Mrs. Dodds wasn't seeing a thing. Grover and I sat at the edge of the fountain, as far away as possible from them. Mr. Brunner parked his wheelchair at the base of a handicap ramp. He ate celery while reading a Novel. A red umbrella stuck up from the back of his chair, making it look life a motorized cafe' table.

I was about to un-wrap my sandwich when Nancy Bobofit and her friends stomped up to Grover and I. She dumped her half-eaten lunch into Grovers lap.

" Opps." She grinned at me with her crooked teeth. Her freckles were so orange, it made it look like someone sprayed-painted her face with liquid Cheetos.

I tried to remember what my school counselor told me, " count to ten, get control of your temper." But that obviously didn't work. My mind saw blank and Lightning cackled in my ear. Next thing I knew, Nancy was on the ground crying, with a big red patch on her skin. It looked like someone burnt her.

Mrs. Dodds was at the scene in a flash. Kids were whispering.

"- Did you see-" Someone started,

"-It was like-" A kid continued,

"-Electricity came out of his hands." Another finished.

As soon as Mrs. Dodds was done making sure poor Nancy was okay, Mrs. Dodds turned on me, a triumphant fire in her eyes, like she was waiting for this all year.

" Now honey," She pointed her crooked finger at me and I knew I was in trouble. Oh, and note to self, never try to guess your punishment.

" I know," I said. " Detention for a week and a day full of erasing bookworks." Again, wrong thing to guess punishment.

Mrs. Dodds grabbed my ear and started pulling me toward the museum, but was stopped by Grover.

" Wait!" he yelped jumping in front of Mrs. Dodds and me. " It was me!"

Mrs. Dodds just stared at him, then gave that wicked smile of hers. She pushed Grover aside and continued dragging me by the ear in the direction of the museum. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Grover give one of those weird goat-sound alike laughs and started running to Mr. Brunner. Probably fearing for my safety.

When we entered the Museum, she let go of my ear and continued walking. I looked back at Grover running to Mr. Brunner one more time then turned back around to face Mrs. Dodds. When I turned to look at her she was standing next to the entrance of the Greek and Roman hall 15 meters away.

How'd she get there so fast?

She was gesturing for me to come on so I started walking toward her slowly. She gestured for me to walk faster so I quickened my pace. Once I got to Mrs. Dodds she was standing in front of a 20 foot statue of a Roman god.

" You've been causing us problem honey." She said real sweat, but her voice had a evil tint in it. She was a teacher, she wouldn't hurt me right?

" Yes ma'am" I said, my head turned not looking into those wicked black eyes.

She tugged the cuffs of her jacket. " Did you really think you could get away with it?"

The look in her eye told me something wasn't right. The look in her eye was beyond mad. It was evil.

" We are not fools, Percy Jackson." She said. " Confess now, and suffer less pain."

I had no idea what she was talking about, but I figured that Mrs. Dodds wasn't human at all.

" Well?" she hissed, obviously mad. What was she talking about? Did they find my hidden stash of candy that I keep in my room?

I just looked at her confused.

" Your time is up."

Then my suspicion were correct that she wasn't in fact, human. Her eyes began to glow like barbeque coals. Her fingers streched into talons, her jacket melted into large leathery wings. Yup, she definatly wasn't human. She was a shrivled bat, with bat wings and a mouth full of yellow fangs. I was under the impression that she wanted to slice me to ribbons.

" Return what you have stolen. NOW!" she screeched.

(Paragraph straight from Trident Thief, sorry Mundster Madman.)

She took off, and turned around to dive bomb me. I freaked out, and hid behind a statue of Hades. I think she could've torn the feeble statue to pieces, but for some reason, she avoided it. I heard somebody run into the room. I turned and saw Grover and Mr. Brunner. They are going to get hurt. I have to protect them. I looked around and saw an ancient Grecian blade. It was the best thing I could get my hands on before she made another pass. I jerked it off of its rack and turned to face the bat thing.

She dove towards me, screeching an unholy sound. I threw my arm through the air and tried to hit her. I missed. She grabbed me and started to fly up towards the ceiling. I realized she was going to drop me from thirty feet up in the air. I did what made sense: screamed like a little girl while flailing my arms about. I somehow still had the sword in my hand. It must've nicked her wing or something because she started to drop. And fast. Somehow, I managed to get myself on top of her body, and used her as a makeshift cushion. It still hurt like hell when we hit the floor. Her ribcage caved but somehow she managed to start getting up, so I thrust the sword through her neck. She died after that. The weirdest thing yet was after she croaked out, her body began to turn into golden dust.

I rolled out of the dust and took a deep breath. "Ouch!" I broke a few ribs of my own. It hurt. Like a lot.

Mr. Brunner and Grover ran over to me. "We better get him to the hospital. Let the mist take care of the mortals." Grover was saying. What's the mist? They were both standing over me, looking worried, but not anywhere close to freaked out.

"We need to get him to Camp-Half Blood, who knows what other monsters will come after him-" And that was when I blacked out.

Book One: Blessed by Posideon

Book Two: Grandson of Time

Book Three: Heir of Lightning

Book Four: Prince of the Earth

Book Five: Wielder of the Sacred Fire

I thank the readers dearly for reading my story, and/or reviewing. It really means a lot to me. I hope I inspire you to write storys on like TheseusLives inspired me,

Long Live,


Hope you like the chapter! Ill try to post Soon!

Review and tell me what you think.

Read on,

over a year ago puppies76 said…
post soon
over a year ago ChampionChaos said…
Lmfao. This is just a test forum. The full story of this is on my account on
If you want to read it the account name is TheseusTheGreat.
I'm posting today on fanfiction for this story.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!! ----^ I AM MAD AT YOU!!!!!!!
over a year ago Magic1799 said…