The Heroes of Olympus ʊ The Mark Of Athena ʊ - KatieK101

KatieK101 posted on Apr 20, 2012 at 09:56PM
Title: The Mark of Athena
Rating: around... like 12+
Disclaimer: All rights to Rick Riordan. I do NOT own any of this! I got some parts from past PJ stories, but I do not own characters, ETC

Since their are so many MOA stories out their, I am trying to do mine differently so it stands out more! Hope this explains for Time Frames, flash backs ETC. And one more thing, I want to make my MOA different, and so since I wanted to make my MOA different, in my head I made it were Percy, Hazel, and Frank had recived the scroll, but the Argo 11 had broken down, and nobody thought to send Percy another scroll, so he thought that they had just forgotten about him, or that something had happened at camp and for some reason they thought he was dead.

^ I hope that explains time frams, ETC

I have thought about this story long and hard, so I hope that you will enjoy it! Please post suggestions and comments! Thanks!

Taking a pole! Please reply!

Who should Jason like: Piper vs Reyna

Who should Piper love: Leo vs Jason

Who should Leo love: Piper vs A new camper

Should Percy and Jason get along? Yes vs No

My other story/stories

Percy Jackson and the Hunger Games

OK! So, I have new story... none yet
last edited on Sep 06, 2012 at 10:11PM

The Heroes of Olympus 645 replies

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over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Oh! Before I write, let me explaine some things.

I am trying to make this one diffident from all the other MOA fanfics, and I would appreciate if none took my idea? 2#, everyone always send their people straight to Greece, though I am going to make the trip very... well... long. MY hope is to make the book last longer then most. So if you have read the 1 PJ books, then this might bring back a lot of memories ;)
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Chapter 1: Percy’s Prov

I couldn’t sleep. I twisted and turned, fluffed and re-fluffed my pillow but nothing worked. I gave up and hoped out of bed hoping I wouldn’t wake up the others. I walked carefully to the door when I heard someone yawn. “What are you doing?” “I couldn’t sleep. Don’t worry Frank, I’ll be back later. Go back to sleep” Frank nodded then, like an obident puppy, turned around and soon started snoring. I slightly opened the door and walked out to the beach. I casted a look back to the cabins then raced to the beach. I stopped when I felt the sand and then sat on a rock. I sat my head on my knees and watched as the waters gently curved back in forth, making the reflecting moonlight look like it was dancing. Did my dad see me? Was he watching? Did he realize how lost I felt? Then I stood up on the rock and tried to look as far away as I could. What about my camp? I’ve been gone for almost a year now. Do they miss me? Do they ever think about me? Are they still looking for me? What about Annabeth? My girlfriend. Has she given up on me? Chiron, does he think I’m dead? Is the Ares cabin glad I’m gone? Wouldn’t surprise me. Grover and Theila? What are they doing. Does Camp Half-Blood have a new leader? I have to stop myself from thinking. Something fairly simple for me to do, but tonight the thoughts keep coming. And to me, their worst then nightmares. Surly my camp hasn’t given up on me? I think about diving right down in the sea and possibly swimming back, or at the very least looking for my fathers palace. He would help me. I shake my head. Suddenly I hear nosics and quickly turn around. I pull out my sword Riptide and get ready when I see my pet Mrs. O’Leary. “Hi girl.” I whisper. At least she is hear with me. Along with my step-brother Tyson. Mrs. O’Leary comes up to me and sits down watching the waves with me. She’s homesick to.

“We will be back soon.” I tell her. Most people would think that I’m crazy to be talking to a dog. The rest would think I’m a dark witch if they saw me talking to a hellhound. She rolls over and starts to look at me for a belly rub. I do so and keep talking. “Whats going on at camp girl?” She stops wagging her tail and looks at me as if she is trying to reassure me. She then gives a small woof (which by the way is not that small) and sits up. I stand up again and even though it's stupid I yell "Annabeth! Grover! Chirion! I'm still alive! At the roman camp!" Somehow it helps. I stop when Mrs. O’Leary starts to howl along. The Romans are already scared enough of her. And hearing a Hell hound hound in the middle of the night is enough to give you a heart attack. As we stare at the sea I find myself controlling it. Force of habit I suppose. I keep watching intill I cant stand it. I stand up and start to head back to the cabins though I keep looking back at the beach. I must be the only demigod to ever be switched to a Roman camp, have my memories stolen by the queen of the gods, and feel this alone. Expect for maybe this Jason Grace kid. But knowing Camp Half-Blood they probably were munch friendlier then Camp Jupiter. I sigh. It's time like this when I wish I could be someone ales. Someone one other then myself. Someone who is not Percy Jackson.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Its good keep going
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Annabeth's PROV

Were is he? He can't be dead. I was told he was alive. I jump out of bed and walk out. I don't care about being quite. My cabin will know were I'm going. I walk out and down to his favorite place. The beach. I sit down on a bench he made. The sliver moonlight reflects off the waves of the water. Were is he? I ask myself this question over and over. The gods must know. Or at least Hera. Hera. We've had our fights. They only get worse and worse. But I never thought that she could be evil, curl, rotten, enough to take him away from us. Jason said this was only about a change of leadership. But I wouldn't put it past Hera. I think about all the quests we went on. Me, Grover and him. Those we fun.
Lighting bolts, mazes, Seas of monsters, Holding up skies, Titan Wars. Didn't get any better then that. I wouldn't trade those for anything. I'm so caught up in my thoughts I don't hear them coming. "He won't just walk out of the water you know." I jump around but relax when I see who they are. "I know, but it helps." The stryar looks confused. "How on earth does coming down hear every night help?" I shake my head and look down at my feet, hoping they don't see the tears about to spill out. It doesn't work. The girl with the arrows comes over and hugs me. "Don't worry. He's out their somewhere. I gotta go now." I look up. "Now? Why?" "Duty calls" she says with a dry smile. I just nod. She smiles at the stryer and walks off disappearing into the night. "Were is he Grover?" Grover comes up beside me. "I don't know Annabeth. But he is part of the procephy and the gods need him. They won't kill him. Not even Hades would try to." "But Hera might" Grover shakes his head. "Try thinking about when he comes back" "It's been a year Grover." "I know. I miss him to. But we will see him again" I sigh and sink down to the bench again. "I just can't wait till this 'leader of camp' thing goes back to him." Grover laughs making me smile. "Think. He'll come back and then you, me, and him will go on all sorts of dangerous quests again. You know, the good kind." "You meen the kind were we almost die?" Grover huffed. "I don't know what you meen about this 'we' thing hear. Last time I checked it was ME who almost died on every quest we went on!" This makes us both laugh. "I didn't see you holding up a sky!" I challenge. "I didn't see you almost being pulled down to Taturus!" "I didn't see you lead an underground maze quest!" "You never had to wack Mudessa upside the head with a tree branch. You get the feeling that we did the work and he got the easy part?" We both crack up again.

"Oh sure. He got the easy part! because of course, half the gods didn't have it in for him." Again we laugh. I know it's not the most laughable things hear, but I guess we are both so worried about him, that thinking about getting killed almost seems laughable. He stands up and offers his hand. I accept and he helps me stand. "Come on. Being hear isn't going to help us." I nod then get ab idea. "You go ahead! I'll be right back!" He looks at me doubtfully but turns around and walks off. I run off to the stable. "Blackjack! Blackjack!" I whisper. I don't need a stable going off. A pure black Pegasus looks up at me. I run over and hope in the stall. I rub his nose. He snorts. "Yea, hi boy. Mind if I spend the night?" Blackjacks snorts again, then lay's down. I smile and curl up in the fresh hay, sighing when raps his wings around me. Blackjack was his horse. And after he went missing, I always took Blackjack to look for him. We formed a bond. Nothing like Blackjack and him had, but still. He saved Blackjack from Luke's cruse ship. Blackjack wanted to find him as munch as anyone. As I fall asleep he snots in my ear, almost as if asking the question that everyone thinks. "I don't know were he is. But we will find Percy Jackson"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Your welcome
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
You are an amazing author! You wright just like Rick Riordan! Just one thing- The heroes of Olympus is in the 3rd person point of veiw. But you are really good so far! Keep it up!
over a year ago cubsfanjoe13 said…
Awesome. 4th favorite. Rock the shades
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Thanks so munch everyone! I am thinking about becoming an auther :) And I know that the HOO (heroes of Olympus) is 3# person point of view, but I really hate that he changed it, and I am trying to see if I could write it in 1 person point of view... I have never been good at 3# point of view anyways lol!
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Oh! And I know it may seem diffrunt then a lot of other MOA's, but that is kinda my point. lol! To kinda make it stand out.
over a year ago fireyes said…
I think it is awesome.
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Thanks Fireeyes! Working on chap 3!
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Jason's Prov

"Ha! I win!" I shouted as my basketball went through the hoop. "It's not fair if you can fly! And they call Apollo the showoff's!" Dylan Grant said laughing. I just smiled and walked off pretending not to hear them ask for a rematch. "Jason!" I turned around to see Leo and Piper walking to me. I smiled at my two best friends. "Hay. What's up?" "Try Annabeth." Leo said, his useully smile now turned serious... now I know somethings up. I frowned. "What's wrong." I asked. "We were wondering if you have seen Annabeth at all today?" Piper asked. I shook my head. Leo and Piper both exchanged worried glances. "I'm sure she'll turn up." I said trying to sound cheerful for the sake of my friends, like it was no concern of mine. Big big mistake, because unfortunately for me, Will Solace heard. "Jason this is serious! Annabeth is on the bridge of going physio. We need to find her!" "Chill Will!" Leo snapped. "Jeeze, who would think that one camper would cause this munch havoc." I mumered. But apparently Will has top notch hearing because I swear, he looked like an Ares camper who had just lost a war. "I guess you would just have to know Percy to understand now wouldn't you roman?" Ouch. That hurt. Ever since Will found out that me and Percy has switched places he... well... he isn't my biggest fan. But even Ares had never brought up me being Roman as an insalt. Sometimes as a joke, but never as an insalt. Piper looked shocked and Leo was clearly trying to think of a comeback but was also shocked from Will's comment.

Will however doesn't seem to care and turns around and walks off. But then as he is about to pass the basketball court he turns around and yells "And by the way, Percy wasn't just a camper!" Leo was about to yell something back when Piper covered his mouth. I just look ahead. Leo starts to make noise's and Piper moves her hand. "Jeeze beauty queen! Trying to chook me to death?" "Sorry." Then she turned to me. "Jason, about what Will said... about calling you a Roman, don't worry. He's just worried about Annabeth. Your right. She'll show up." "Yea! And besides, it's not like anyone will tell us about why Percy Jackson was so great." Leo chirped. Piper looked like she was trying to think about something. "And it's not like we don't ask" she said. "They just make excuses or simply walk away." I thought about this. It was true. No one really talked about Percy Jackson endless they were talking about the trip to the Roman camp we were going to make on the Argo 11 or endless they were talking about how munch they missed them. "You know, now that I think about it, they don't talk about him to the new campers either. So at least's it's not just us." Piper nodded. "But I still don't like being left out in the dark." she said. Me and Leo nodded our agreement.

"Well then, how about we go look for Annabeth then see if we can get some answers." But Leo frowned and said "I don't think we are going to have to go looking for her." "Why not?" Piper asked. Then we all looked were Leo was looking. Will was walking from the beach talking to Annabeth. "Why does she have hay in her hair?" Piper asked. "Judging by her face... and the angry looks that she and Will keep casting over to us, I guess Will told her about what you said Jason." Leo said. Piper shot him an angry look. We kept watching them intill Will went away, but didn't need to go to Annabeth... she was coming to us. Hands on hips she walked right up to us, looking right at me. "Nope. No idea how one camper could cause so munch trouble." She said. I wanted to retort something sarcastic but it's pretty hard when you have two stormy gray eyes looked onto yours. SO I let Leo take care of the scarsum. "Good. Then I guess were all on the same boat here." He snapped. She looked at Leo. Then Piper stepped up. "Jason didn't meen it like that." She looked at Leo. "Or Leo" Leo shrugged, looking back at Annabeth, Piper continued. "But it's kinda hard to understand why he was so important when no one will tell us about him. Maybe you could an-lighten us?" Anyone with a brain could see how carefully Piper tried to pick her words. Not that she needed to. Piper was one of the only people Annabeth never got... too mad at. Annabeth sighed and got her hands off her hips. She looked so un-happy I regretted everything we had just said about Percy. "I don't want to talk about him." Annabeth mumbled. "But it's not fair how everyone expects us to not say anything about him, and then yell at us when we do, if no one will tell us about him or what he did!" Leo pleaded. Then I got an idea. I leaned over and whispered to Piper: "Do you think you could charmspeak her?"

I expected her to nod or something, since she wanted to know just as munch as me and Leo, but instead she looked horrified. It took me by surprise. She hissed in my ear "Never on Annabeth!" For while she just stared at me then got on the other side of Leo. Great. Now I have upset: Will, Annabeth, and Piper. Who's next? I was so caught up thinking that I hadn't heard half of Leo and Annabeth's debate. "Come on Annabeth!" Leo was arguing. "What was so great about Percy! What quests did you guys go on? Why won't anyone tell us?" Leo's questions just kept on coming. "Lots, dangerous, and because!" She said. I expected Leo to just explode but instead he did something that took me by surprise... his voice turned gentle. "I know what it's like to loose someone you love. But you can't just stop thinking about them. Annabeth started tearing up. "I don't" she whispered. "Memories of us, all the stuff we did at camp, on quest, in New York, they haunt me every night. What used to be my day dreams became my nightmares."

I think about that. I guess I never really thought about what went through Annabeth's mind. How Percy missing, after what they went though, was like to her. Annabeth sighed. "But your right Leo. It's not fair." She sized us up then said "Alright, Jason you come with me, Piper, you go to Grover, and Leo." She thought for a moment. "Leo, you go to Malcolm." (Annabath's right hand man) Piper asked the question that we all had. "What for?" Annabeth sighed. "Didn't you guys want to know everything about Percy Jackson?"

^ YAY! Done editing!

I GTG! Will finsh the rest of the chap when I come back.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
post soon you are good at this. It is very suspenseful.
over a year ago AnanyaLove98 said…
This Is Great! Post Soon!
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Thanks AnanyLove98 & jberagon17! Trying to finish that chap :)
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Katiekay101 I want to be an Author but Im no good. I write on-link
So tell me on there!
over a year ago puppies76 said…
its great so far, post soon!
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Thanks everyone! And sure thing cinnominbubble! OH, and thanks for saying it was suspenseful jberagon17... that's exactly what I was going for! lol!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
^ :)
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
big smile
^ I am still trying to fix jasons prov! lol!
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
just got done with Jason's prove... fainaily! ... longest prov yet! lol!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
big smile
^ lol, I know xD
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
post soon
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
K! What prov should I do next?
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
I think Percy.
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
KK! thanks
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
you are welcome
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
big smile
Working on Percy now :)
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
OK thanks
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I cant see Jasons
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Cinnomin - his should be under jberagon17 & AnanyaLove98 posts.

Still working on Percys!
over a year ago zaheer_abbas123 said…
hi!!!guys im kinda new to this forum.......awesome soon.....:)
over a year ago AnanyaLove98 said…
big smile
Post Soon!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
oh now I see it THx!
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Welcome :) Tell me what you think!
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Percy Prov

“Alright, who’s ready for Siege?” Reyna asked. In reply all the legions yelled. Me less forcefully. Siege was the Romans capture the flag. So it reminded me of home, making me homesick. (Or in this case, campsick.) But at the same time, it’s nice to have something to remind me of home. “Percy?” Reyna asked raising her eyes. I shook my head trying to clear it. “Um… yes Predator Reyna?” Then I remembered that since I was also predator, I could stop addressing her as ‘Predator’ Reyna. Frank nuged my ribs and Hazel whispered “She asked if you wanted to add anything.” “No. Er, uh yea. Just that Fifth Cohort is gonna kick your butts!” I said trying to sound convincing. It must have works because the Fifth Cohort started cheering and stomping. Fun. Reyna nodded approvingly then said “Alright! You know what to do! Fifth Cohort on offense!” Then I tuned out again. With Hazel on my left and Frank on my right, I almost felt happy. Almost. “Ahum. Percy?” Again Frank nuged my ribs and hazel whispered “She wants to see you after the games.” I looked at Reyna and nodded. “Did she say why?” I asked Hazel. Hazel shook her head. Great. If this is about my paying attention, she is just going to have to accept my ADHA & Dyslexia excuse, I thought to myself. She would never understand me wanting to go back to camp-halfblood. She’s got her camp right hear. And then I’m a greek. Fitting in with a Roman camp is not the easiest thing to do. “Percy!” Frank yelled as we ran over to the Field Of Mars. “Coming!” And with that I took off.

“Percy! Percy! Percy! Everyone's leaving!" Frank yelled. I looked around then ran to catch up with Hazel and Frank. "Are you sure that you should be playing tonight?" Hazel asked with a worried glance at my face. The question took my by surprise. "Of course! Why should I not?" "Because your totally out of it." Frank said, as if it were obvious. I just hoped that if it was, then the rest of camp didn't realize.

How did the game go? Horrible. 3 times I yelled to defend the castle, when we were offense, I accendtaily shot about 5 of my team mates with water, I almost got sat on by Hannibal the elephant, and to top it off, Mrs. O' Leary tried to eat Reyna's Pegasus Skippy. (I don't have an answer to that though. She loves the Pegasus at Camp Half-Blood. Maybe Roman Pegasus are different?) A good side? The only good side? We won. Thanks to me, though my team mates didn't know, it (again) was on accident. For a moment I thought (again) that we were defense and the others were offense, so I started blasting my team mates with water, confusing everyone. I would have been toast, but thankfully Hazel and Frank made it look like I did it on purpose like we had planed it or something, and yelled "CHARGE!" The other team was so confused, that we won easily after that. After everyone was done patting me on the back, and telling me how creative I was, I went to go and see Reyna.

I kept on thinking of ways to get an ADHD excuse into the 'talk' but as I walked into Reyna's predator room, she didn't look mad, but concerned. "Alright Percy, out with it. Something's wrong and I want to know. The truth please." I thought for a moment then said. "I miss my camp" Reyna nodded and then sighed. "I was afraid of that." "Reyna you just don't understand. I don't belong hear. I am a Greek, not a Roman. I miss my camp, my friends, and... and everything! You have all that here." I waited for her to rebuke me, or punish me or something, but instead she nodded.

"I do understand Percy." I tilted my head. "How?" "After you and your girlfriend Annabeth recked our magical spa," I started to blush "Me and my sister had to split up, find our new homes and everything." Now I felt horrible. I hated to think about the fact that I ruined Reyna's camp. "You know Percy, you might feel better if you told about your life and the Greek camp, and your quests, and maybe you'll feel better." I studied Reyna closely. Was she joking? But her face only showed concern. And who knows, maybe going over my stupidly dangerous quests will help. So I sat down on her bed, and started were it all begun. At the Museum, on the Field Trip, on the bus.

^ The last paragraph is new! Finished Percy's Prov!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Its good except Reyna is a Praetor not a Predator.
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
post soon
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
The last paragraph is new! Finished Percy's Prov!
over a year ago Demigodspwn12 said…
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
yay post soon or else i will go crazy and look like this
over a year ago puppies76 said…
awesome chapter
post soon
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
I love your story!I just started reading it. post soon
over a year ago AnanyaLove98 said…
big smile
Great Job! Post Soon!
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
big smile
Wow! Thanks so munch for the support! And what Prov should I do next? And poles below! (so I can get some ideas for the story)

Who should Leo love: Piper vs another camper (I have an great idea for Leo's girlfriend!)

Who should Jason like: Piper vs Reyna

Who should Piper love: Leo vs Jason

Should Percy and Jason get along? Yes vs No

^ I Don't think so for many many many many reasons, and so far they are not going to get along, but I figured I should ask!

over a year ago kayleegurule said…