The Heroes of Olympus The Giant's Heart

PercyLeoDen posted on Mar 10, 2012 at 02:23PM
This is my first forum so please u ppl have to tell me that should i continue or not.

The story starts with the defeat of Gaia in the giant war, after which Percy, Annabeth, Jason,Piper,Leo,Hazel and Nico are given immortality as gifts but things gets worse when Percy makes a mistake which enrages all the gods including the new ones. so he is forced to runaway. After a lot of yrs the big monster typhon breaks his cage and is planning to destroy olympus thats when the olympians get an unexpected help from ...............

i know the summary is short but im doing this for the first time. So please post and let me know that is it good or not so that i can continue...
last edited on Jul 29, 2012 at 02:47PM

The Heroes of Olympus 21 replies

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over a year ago dogcat207 said…
Post it iss a brand new idea i would be your fan and make new files just for you if you post
over a year ago PercyLeoDen said…
This is my first chapter so.....................

Chapter 1
End of War
Part 1

The war. A topic which i knew if brought up can make me cry, angry and sad at the same time. Blood can be seen throughout the battlefield, which was Greece.Mortals, demigods, friends, innocents laid there speechless...breathless. We almost killed all the giants. And almost lost all friends. Porphyrion had pierced a deep cut in my forearm, in Mt. olympus. The real Mt.Olympus in Greece. And had sacrificed it to Gaia so that se could wake up. Her awakening was a terrible scene. The mortals got to see the biggest volcano burst in the whole world in the foot of Mt. Olympus. What was more worse was what came out of it. When Gaia woke and walked out of the deep chasm I just got to see a lady who was probably around her late forties. But when she saw me I felt my worst nightmares, experiences, thoughts come to life. She did'nt look any scary but she emitted a powerful aura- more powerful and scarier than kronos. Thats when Antaeus - one of the giant siblings - attacked us. We had almost killed him when the 7 of us fought him- me,Jason,Piper,Leo,Frank,Hazel and Annabeth - but we did'nt use a gods power as they were busy fighting other giants behind us like Anax, Alops, Tityos and Porphyrion. But after Gaia woke up all of us paired with our godly parents so that we can kill the giants a bit easily and focus at the main problem there - Gaia. But Antaeus got us by surprise as he suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started attacking us. But he made the mistake of grabbing Frank who smiled calmly and changed into a drakon. As he was abot to breath fire on Antaeus Mars now in his roman aspect threw his sphere at Antaeus. That was a god and demigod working together thing killing Antaeus. Tityos was killed by Piper when she started charmspeaking him and put him in a subconscious state while Hephastus shot a ball of fire towards him killing him. Anax and Alops were such a trouble fighting as they were working together and were so tough to kill. 'hey people just make a plan to stop this' I yelled at Annabeth and Athena . They both grunted and bent down and started making a plan.
'We gotta keep them distracted!' i told Jason pointing the two giants. 'How?' he yelled back. 'I don't know...lets just charge them' he sighed and took out his gladius and asked 'you sure?'. 'heck yeah' i said smiling. we charged them and distracted the giants. Out of the corner of my eye i saw annabeth and athena telling something to the gods and demigods.'they got a plan at last' i thought. Suddenly Hazel closd her eyes and stood still. She's bringing out metals. but why? se picked up something like a ruby and threw it at Anax. He caught it in mid air as he did our other canons and arrows probably thinking it was a weapon. Bad mistake. It was probably because he got one of those unlucky metal or probably he got distracted he didnt see me coming behind him as i pushed my sword deep into his ankle. 'PERCY! COME BACK' i could hear Annabeth shout at us. So I grabbed Jason by his shirt and dragged him behind me before Alops could get us. As soon I got closer I asked 'wats the plan'. 'watch and learn' she said. As she said that a big net sprang upon those two giants from behind us. I looked back to see it was from Argos II . Both the giants got entangeled in the net. Annabeth said 'Percy now is the chance go strike both of them with Jason'. 'That's what we were doing rite now' I said a bit annoyed.'So what? can't u do that again?' she scowled. 'Fine' i grumbled. We charged again. And as we both pushed our sword deep into the fallen monsters' throat an arrow- actually two: one golden and one silver pierced each giants' throat.To our surprise it was from the bows of Apolo and Artemis. So this was her plan. Both the giants melted into shadows and disappeared ....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dogcat207 said…
I would but iam not crazy
over a year ago PercyLeoDen said…
Soooo... is it good or not????
pls comment
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Its good. I like it.
Post again soon!!!
over a year ago PercyLeoDen said…
so here is d second part soo...beware again!!!

Chapter 1
End Of War
Part 2

As soon as i went near Annabeth I told her 'Nice plan wise girl. But i did'nt get the part of bringing us here and sending us back there'. 'That was because if u would have been fighting while the net was thrown on them even u would have been caught up in the net. That was some simple logic numbnuts' she replied with an annoyed tone. Somebody shouted 'for the earth' and we turned to see Porphyrion running towards us with his sphere and causing the earth to shake with each step. Suddenly Zues flashed and blocked Porphyrions path by growing around 15 feet tall and engaging him in a battle. The remaining brothers that are Hades and my father Posiedon flashed next to Zues and started battling the giant. I thought that was probably the first time the brothers were fighting side by side against a common enemy. Lightning flashed everywhere, the winds picked up, the earth shook violently. Yet they cant kill Porphyrion. All the seven of us readied our weapons. I took out riptide (actually i was already holding it), Annabeth took out her knife, Jason his gladius, Piper took out katoptropis, Hazel took just made some metal pop under her feet and shaped the metals into a spatha, Frank morphed into a bear and Leo took out took out a cutting saw with a big round sharp wheel and told something like 'flame on' and got himself submerged in fire and as his body started to spontaneously combust his cutting saw got the fire and started burning just like the ghost riders bike in the movie. My only thought seeing that was 'that's damn cool!'. Even Thalia was present so she took out her bow and arrow. I turned towards Annabeth and said something that shocked me and probably everyone present there. I said ' I will always love u wise girl'. She seemed pleased and replied 'I love u too seaweed brain'. Jason and Piper hugged each other. Frank and Hazel whispered something within them.
Leo looked at Thalia and asked 'u still did'nt give me ur phone number.' and Thalia shot him a stern glance and kept quiet.
And with that we charged the giant. He was a powerful opponent, he held us all back. It wont be easy to hold back three godly brothers and 8 crazy demigods but he held us back with just a sphere.
He was so fierce and so powerful that he radiated a lot of power. He suddenly struck the ground with his sphere that all the immortals and semi immortals that is to say dimigods fell to the ground half a mile apart from him.

Third Person

The gods and demigods fell back half a mile apart from the king of giants who was now at his full power. His actual intention was to protect his mother as she needed time to regenerate her power fully. Out of the demigods Jason was the one worstly hit by the fall because Frank fell on him in his bear form crushing Jason badly he soon rolled over and changed into human form and helped Jason up. Jason was thinking that his end was near when a small voice said in his head 'No, I cant die like this . I'm the former praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata' That's when he got an idea which was wierd as getting good ideas was Annabeths job. But yet the idea was good. He looked up at his father and said 'Dad i'm proud of being ur son and i will always be but if ur proud of me i need a help from u' Zues looked down and smiled at him. Jason didnt want to reveal the idea so he just thought it and the sky god got what his plan was. He said' I have been always proud of u son and ur plan makes u a real child of rome. Go Jason my son and do wat u want and know that i will be always with u' With that Jason got up and grinned at his friends and without any warning took his gladius and ran towards the giant. Piper shouted' Jason wait' but her charmspeak didnt work as she was shocked. As Jason got around 10 metres away from the giant he stopped and threw his sword at Porphyrion. Zues brought his master bolt and threw it at the gladius accelerating it and the combined force of jasons sword and the master bolt- god and demigod force struck porphyrion and instantly blasted killing him. So the last giant was killed agrying a person.
'Noooooooooooooo' a shout went through the groud startling everyone.

Please comment and let me know how it is!!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Its really good!!!!! I like it.
And u can not wait until u post aain!!
I hope its really really really soooooon!!!!!
over a year ago PercyLeoDen said…
A short preview as i gotta eat my lunch

Chapter 1
End Of War
Part 3

'Nooooooooo' a shout went through the ground startling everyone. It was gaea, angry at losing her children. What happened next can be described as hell breaking loose. Literally. The ground in between the gods-demigods and Gaea broke and out came the worst monsters of Tartarus. Shouting bloodthirsty war cries.
'what r we gonna do now?' asked Percy. No one had an answer to that question as nobody could figure out how 8 demigods can beat around a hundred million monsters coming out of Tartarus. The gods cant help them as that would be violating the rule of stating gods cant help demigods to kill monsters. All had worries in their faces. The monster army was just around 200 miles apart from the demigods. The only one who looked happy was Ares who yelled ' Whoa we r gonna have a bloody war coming up' Athena and Aphrodite glared at him and Aphrodite punched his arm. He caught his arm and said 'What! you know that hurts?!'
And what happened next was more shocking.
A war cry went behind the hill the 8 demigods were standing. But this seemed more...human?
And from them poured hundreds of human warriors. Not mortal but as percy concentrated they were an army of Greek and roman half-bloods with hunters and amazons. Even an army of dead was included. Which meant Nico had been freed by Reyna from his prison in Marathon and he was ready to kick some monster butt.

so how was the preview? comment and let me know. :)
over a year ago PercyLeoDen said…
Chapter 1
End Of War
Part 3

'Nooooooooo' a shout went through the ground startling everyone. It was gaea, angry at losing her children. What happened next can be described as hell breaking loose. Literally. The ground in between the gods-demigods and Gaea broke and out came the worst monsters of Tartarus. Shouting bloodthirsty war cries.
'what r we gonna do now?' asked Percy. No one had an answer to that question as nobody could figure out how 8 demigods can beat around a hundred million monsters coming out of Tartarus. The gods cant help them as that would be violating the rule of stating gods cant help demigods to kill monsters. All had worries in their faces. The monster army was just around 200 miles apart from the demigods. The only one who looked happy was Ares who yelled ' Whoa we r gonna have a bloody war coming up' Athena and Aphrodite glared at him and Aphrodite punched his arm. He caught his arm and said 'What! you know that hurts?!'
And what happened next was more shocking.
A war cry went behind the hill the 8 demigods were standing. But this seemed more...human?
And from them poured hundreds of human warriors. Not mortal but as percy concentrated they were an army of Greek and roman half-bloods with hunters and amazons. Even an army of dead was included. Which meant Nico had been freed by Reyna from his prison in Marathon and he was ready to kick some monster butt.


I felt like lightning. Unstoppable. Free. And dangerous. Riding Arion on the battlefield was so awesome. The enemy probably feared his speed because whenever Arion looked at a monster they just fled the battlefield. But suddenly everything got a lot worse. Arion was stopped or more accurately speaking pulled down by the ground. Stopping at that speed can be fatal. When he was stopped I was thrown away by a few feet. A schist lot of few feet away. And when I got up I was engulfed by the earth. Or more of a hand coming out of the ground and catching me was what it was like. It had me covered up to my shoulders with my head and my left hand sticking out which was pretty painful. It was Gaia taking her revenge. I thought she was going to press me into a pulp and kill me. But that did not scare me because I was going to die in the battle field fighting as a roman. But she didn't do what I thought she would do. Instead I felt warmth. That too in a particular place. The place where I kept Franks piece of wood. She wanted to kill Frank. But why particularly him? Then i saw the reason. He was fighting like a demon. He had cleared a big wing of Gaias army. He kept killing every big monster by changing himself into various types of dragons. No doubt Gaia wanted him dead.
'FRANK' I yelled his name.
He turned and saw me and rushed to my help in Horse form and on reaching near me he turned into his human form with a terrific expression his face.
'Hazel what'
'Gaia did this' I interrupted him. 'She wants you dead! That's why she trapped me here and is trying to burn that piece of wood. Just take it' I rushed the words out of me before anything could interrupt. I tried hard and reached for for that firewood and tried taking it out. After a lot of pain and wincing i brought my right hand out of the earthly cage with the wood in my hand. And threw it at Frank but he looked like he wasn't noticing anything but thinking. Thinking deep as if some realization had struck him and was deciding a very important thing.


Realization hit me. Annabeth had told me that in a way I was the most important than the rest in the 7. She had told that if I released my power through the firewood it would release a lot of energy. Enough to make Gaia scared right from her crust to core. Exactly that was the reason why Gaia wanted me dead so quickly. I heard a similar voice in my head saying 'Duty comes before everything' 'Father' I thought.
I was brought out of my thoughts by a familiar voice shouting my name. It was Hazel. There was something near my feet. It was the firewood. Now I understood why Juno picked me up. 'You are Junos secret weapon' I recalled Mars telling me that. He was right. I picked up the firewood and said to Hazel 'Hazel i have to do something really important.........'

sorry i know i posted after a long time and am not completing the story but its pretty late over whre i live so pls pls pls pleasssseeee comment criticize and let me know how was it.
- peace out ur demigodishness
over a year ago PercyLeoDen said…
i know i have not posted for a long time but please comment.
i think that my story is not so good. i mean not good at all.
as i have not come for a long time im gonna shorten the happenings.

End Of War
Part 4

Frank suddenly morphed into a drakon and charged the enemy lines and went as near as possible to Gaia. And when close enough to her he changed back into human and strolled quite calmly towards Gaia.
As she was not totally awake she couldn't do anything.
her eyes widened at seeing Frank up so close to her.
Frank looked her straight in the eyes and said.
'Mars was right. You fear me the most. You should fear if you have sense'
With that Frank brought out that piece of firewood and as he was about to order it to burn a monster ran towards him. As Frank was having his back to the monster he didn't see it coming from behind him. The monster lifted its battleaxe and brought it down on his shoulder but...........

this is not a chapter but just a preview.
and plz comment its so depressing when no one does.
over a year ago zaheer_abbas123 said… kinda new to this forum but awesome story there soon....:)
over a year ago zaheer_abbas123 said…
hey buddy gotta tell u 1 good news slowly people are gonna join ur forum if u post.......i personally gaurantee u this......but post soon ah!
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
Post soon i think its very interesting
over a year ago PercyLeoDen said…
thanks for the coments guys it reeeeely was good 2 hear such things.
and im terribly wholly sorry for not posting i know that many of u who r reading it may be disappointed as i didnt post . problem was i got tons of projects and assingments to do and 2 make thijgs worse i was grounded. so pleeeease forgive me and reeeeeeeaaalllly thanx for d comments.
and there is a little change in plan as something frekish happened. so...........beware.

End Of War and A Terrible dream
Part 4

Frank suddenly morphed into a drakon and charged the enemy lines and went as near as possible to Gaia. And when close enough to her he changed back into human and strolled quite calmly towards Gaia.
As she was not totally awake she couldn't do anything.
her eyes widened at seeing Frank up so close to her.
Frank looked her straight in the eyes and said.
'Mars was right. You fear me the most. You should fear if you have sense'
With that Frank brought out that piece of firewood and as he was about to order it to burn a monster ran towards him. As Frank was having his back to the monster he didn't see it coming from behind him. The monster lifted its battleaxe and brought it down on his shoulder but suddenly...

"Annabeth wake up. Wake up. Wake UP!!"
She opened her eyes. And looked at a girl of around 18 to 19. "What happened Piper?"
"What happened? The meeting is gonna start in 10 minutes."
"Oh my gods!" With that she got up. But her face still had the trace of fright which she had already faced. Piper noticed that and asked "What is it? You look so .... frightened"
Annabeth stood up and facing Piper said "A nightmare......about the war." "Oh. I see ........... Well ... Um .... I think you should get ready fast. I will be waiting outside" Piper said and stammered as it still was a sore topic to talk about. She went out leaving Annabeth wondering that why was it that in the dream she saw and felt everything from the point of view of different people but not hers.
10 minutes later ...
Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Hazel and Nico were strolling through modern-ancient architecture. And on reaching their destination they heard the gatekeeper say. "Welcome Gods and Godesses. The Olympians await you."

Please comment.

over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
Post as soon as u can
over a year ago zaheer_abbas123 said…
awesome!!!chappie.....:)yeah i understand teachers n their givin projects at a bad time.....:(
over a year ago PercyLeoDen said…
again sorry for the late timing. i wud understand if there are any curses. got stuck in a lot of problems so changed posting time to every sunday. a preview.

The Council

I entered the council room first as I was the leader of the primary gods. From the atmosphere itself I could guess the argument was heated. Literally. When they saw us coming in they stopped arguing over something. “Welcome Primes” said Artemis. All of us bowed before the Gods. “Please take your seats” She said and 6 seats sprouted out of the ground. After taking our seats Artemis continued “You Primes well know that you are not allowed inside the council room. But we have a problem and that only you can solve. Well your friend and my lieutenant Thalia had faced a problem two days ago-“ before I can react and ask what happened Leo jumped in and asked “What happened to Thalia? Is she alright?” This got a few snickers from Hepheastus, Aphrodite, Apollo and Nico. Artemis ignoring them continued “She is fine. Just try to listen to what I am saying. Okay? So she happened to meet a monster while chasing one of her wolf two days ago that is 25th of December. And…. and she fainted seeing it. When she woke up it was gone. She told me that it had an aura like… like ….well ….Kronos.” there was a sudden calmness as the throne room itself remembered what Kronos had done to it last time. Leo broke the silence by asking “Again tell me what is todays date.” “Today is 27 December 2168”I replied.

over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
post soon
over a year ago zaheer_abbas123 said…
awesome!!! chappie once again but where is percy???
over a year ago PercyLeoDen said…
sorry the chapter is small but had to write it small because the next one is big.
@zaheer_abbas123: good question. its just that he is still not needed in the story. but the next chapter after this one tells what happened to him.

The Council


I entered the council room first as I was the leader of the primary gods. From the atmosphere itself I could guess the argument was heated. Literally. When they saw us coming in they stopped arguing over something. “Welcome Primes” said Artemis. All of us bowed before the Gods. “Please take your seats” She said and 6 seats sprouted out of the ground. After taking our seats Artemis continued “You Primes well know that you are not allowed inside the council room. But we have a problem and that only you can solve. Well your friend and my lieutenant Thalia had faced a problem two days ago-“ before I can react and ask what happened Leo jumped in and asked “What happened to Thalia? Is she alright?” This got a few snickers from Hepheastus, Aphrodite, Apollo and Nico. Artemis ignoring them continued “She is fine. Just try to listen to what I am saying. Okay? So she happened to meet a monster while chasing one of her wolf two days ago that is 25th of December. And…. and she fainted seeing it. When she woke up it was gone. She told me that it had an aura like… like ….well ….Kronos.” there was a sudden calmness as the throne room itself remembered what Kronos had done to it last time. Leo broke the silence by asking “Again tell me what is todays date.” “Today is 27 December 2168”I replied.

The Forest Ghost

“Wow. I didn’t know it had been 156 years ago that the war got over.” I said. Suddenly I didn’t know for what Zeus started to glare me down. Athena cleared her throat and said “Leo don’t you know that we are not supposed to talk of the war. Especially after the happenings….” “Oh right… sorry.” There was a sudden silence that piper broke by asking “so again why did you call us?” “It’s just that we gods have decided to send you primes to go find that monster. You will be accompanied by me myself, Apollo and Ares.” I thought Ares didn’t like to come to some small missions like this. Annabeth voiced my thought. ”But why Ares?” she asked. Artemis replied by saying “I don’t know. He just-“ she got interrupted by Ares “Because I think there is going to be some serious action taking place. And I don’t want to miss it” he said.
In about five minutes we were at the forest in which Artemis’ hunters had put up a camp. When we appeared Thalia was stoking the fire. When she saw us she came running and hugged us all except Leo who asked “What is this Thalls won’t you hug me?” “No thanks. And don’t call me Thalls” she replied. “By the way what brings all of you here?” “It’s that Artemis told us that you met some strange visitor a few days back. We came here to find out that are you okay or not? So, are you okay?” asked Leo with high concern. Thalia replied “Oh it’s so sweet of you to ask me that am I okay or not. Thank you and I am alright.” with false surprise which anyone can detect but Leo grinned from ear to ear which also everyone knew was from false satisfaction. “Just leave her alone. If you don’t leave her alone you know what I can do.” said Artemis. I spoke up to break the tension in the camp “So Thalia let me examine your head.” “Examine my head?” she asked a bit startled. “No it’s just a small recap of your memories in your head to see what really what happened.” I replied.” Can you do that?” she asked. “Yeah sure! After all I am the goddess of memories.”
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
hmmmm is it percy. okay okay its just a guess.............. post soon (^_^)