The Heroes of Olympus Percy Jackson Meets The Kanes!!! (DON'T read unless you've read "The Kane Chronicles")

rock4ever posted on Feb 09, 2012 at 01:13AM
Hi everyone! rock4ever here, and about 2 months ago I found "The Red Pyramid"! About 5 days ago I finished "The Throne Of Fire", and I got this idea when I read the part where Carter is talking about how he thought he saw a flying horse before, thats when I was like "Hey, that would be pretty cool if Percy met Sadie and Carter." so now I'm here! So, injoy!

Charcters: Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Jason, Pipper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, Sadie, Carter, all gods, and anyone I forgot to say!

I forget what it's called but the thing on the back of books that tells you what the books about: The war with Gaea is over and Percy Jackson is flying around with Blackjack, a black pegasus, when he sees 2 kids fighting a monster, so he helps them. When the monster is gone, he asks for there name, which is Sadie and Carter. Now Percy and he's friends want to help with Sadie and Carter's problom, but soon they get thereselfs into alot of trouble!


I'll post when i have FREE TIME, and if people don't look at my forum, i'll just stop posting untill someone comments, and thats what happened to my other forums, no one commented. Well, thats about it! I hope you like it!

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