The Heroes of Olympus Clash of the Series- Demigods and Wizards [Moved to Crossover Club]

universalpowa posted on Feb 01, 2012 at 12:52AM

=============FORUM MOVED TO CROSSOVER CLUB========

link to be posted. sorry guys. :(


In respect of the rules of the club, crossovers are to be on the Fanfic or the Crossover club. (of course, when I made this I didn't know that at the time...xP)

last edited on Apr 16, 2012 at 09:19PM

The Heroes of Olympus 1119 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 1119

over a year ago hollistergurl said…
can't wait for the first chapter...
even though i never read Harry Potter, i'll try to make SOME sense of it, loll
post soon!!! :D
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ WHAT!!???
uve never read harry potter!!!
that is like, a criminal fellony!!
jk jk
no, but seriously u have to read the series--it is AWESOME
and funny...i think Ron is like Leo XD
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
interesting post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
^^ lol
well, idk, maybe, haahha
someday.. lol

over a year ago universalpowa said…
big smile
posting :D
this chappie is dedicated to Hollister and Horse (double H-like HP and HOO! :D) for being the first people to comment :D


Percy walked down to the Athena cabin. Just any normal day at camp, and the sun was shining and the sky was a clear blue, as if nothing was going to happen.
Percy wondered how long it would take before something ruined his perfectly good day.
He knocked on the cabin door.
“Annabeth?” he asked.
Annabeth came out, her blonde curled hair all nice and up for their special celebration tonight.
As he insisted, and told everyone it was NOT a date, but no one seemed to believe him.
“Hey.” he said, just seeing her made his whole day about ten times better.
“Hey.” she smiled.
He put out his arm, and he could see some of the Aphrodite girls giggling at him in the distance.
He saw Jason just shooting hoops in the distance.
Him and Jason usually split who went to the Roman Camp- Percy couldn’t be two places at once.
Percy sighed, just thinking.
They had won the war with Gaea- not easy, and they had lost a lot of friends.
Piper was teaching a canoeing class by the lake, and Leo looked like he was polishing the Argo II for the thirtieth time today.
Hazel and Frank were at the Roman Camp right now- Jason just came to visit and see Piper for the next two days before he headed back to Camp Jupiter.
Percy saw something in front of him just a few feet away from him.
“Wait a sec Annabeth- I’ll be right there.”
He walked over to the glimmering object- and suddenly he was falling down a pitch-black pit.


She watched as the ground opened up and swallowed Percy down into it.
“Percy!” she cried, and rushed over.
She pounded the ground with her fist. “Not again!” she yelled. “Don’t tell me your missing AGAIN!”
Suddenly the ground was gone- and she was free falling into a bottom less pit.


Leo polished the Argo II. He knew it was a little obsessive, and a little anti-social, but who cares?
He liked the way it shined.
He smiled as he finished waxing Festus’ head.
He reached for a towel, and lost his grip.
“AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he screamed.
He waited to hit the floor, but it didn’t come.
He sneaked a peek out, and wished he hadn’t.
He was falling at in-human speeds into a dark pit.
Now he was screaming louder than he was before.


Piper was teaching the newbee’s how to properly row in a canoe, and nothing was able to wipe the smile off her face.
Jason had come to see her.
She gritted her teeth when she saw her siblings giggling at Percy and Annabeth, but let it pass.
One of the new demigod’s tripped over his paddle and crashed into Piper.
She fell, and suddenly she wasn’t at camp anymore.
She could see that old movie playing through her head as she fell-
“I don’t think were in Kansas anymore Toto.”
She hoped Jason would be there to catch her before she became a grease spot at the bottom.


Jason kept shooting hoops.
He probably should have stayed at camp- just to check on Hazel and Frank.
He hadn’t seen the others in a while though- and he had promised Frank he would say “Hi” to everyone.
He shot about five more hoops- just barely getting them into the hoop.
From the lake, he heard piercing screams, causing him to miss the basket.
Suddenly the ground beneath him gave out and he was flailing his arms around as he fell into a black pit of...pitness.
“HOLY MOTHER-” he yelled.


Frank polished his new gladius- all shiny and stuff.
It was imperial gold- he planned on giving it Hazel as a present for...well, he’d make up some random holiday to give it.
He heard a loud gong- which startled him, causing him to drop the sword.
He swore loudly as he picked it up, and placed it on the table.
He turned around and then was drifting into open air below him.
He swore random cusses in Latin, but mostly English as he fell to who know’s where.

Hazel was napping.
So she didn’t even notice when her chair disappeared and she started falling into a dark as night pit.
Even as she fell, you could hear her snoring.


How is it that you can get trapped in a net?
Yeah, that’s possible.
Nico was trying to feed Mrs.O’Leary a biscuit, but she thought he tasted much better.
Then, she chased after a truck so he tried catching her with a big net.
Mrs.O’Leary had other plans though.
After thoroughly making him stuck and tied to a tree upside down, she went off to chase pigeons.
He heard a snap and the ropes broke.
Then he had the sensation he was shadow-travelling, but that usually doesn’t include the sensation of falling.
“WHAT THE --!!” he screamed like a little girl as he fell.
Most would probably describe this dark moment of his life as a “Justin Beiber” moment.
Those people would see the Underworld immediately after that statement.


Thalia polished her bow- until it was at it’s shiny former glory.
Satisfied, she slung it onto her back and walked towards her friends.
“Phoebe, make sure camp is-”
Suddenly there was no ground beneath her and she was screaming at the top of her lungs.


Ron snored beside his bunk as Harry unpacked his things.
After missing a year of school, they were back at Hogwarts for what seemed like forever.
Ron was catching up on his sleep due to studying late at night, while Harry decided to see if he could change Ron’s socks into a pair of earthworms.
He thought he saw one of Ron’s socks wiggle before the room was bathed in light.
Harry shielded his eyes.
There was a few yells, someone screaming like a girl, and a few muffled snores.
Harry looked around, and saw a pile of teens on top of Ron’s bed.
Ron was awake now.
“AHH! WHAT THE BLOODY-” he yelled and jumped out of bed.
A boy with pale and skin and dark black hair covered up his mouth.
A girl with spiky black hair identical to the boy’s looked up at Ron with a mixture of disgust and worry.
“Where are we?”
There was a muffled call from under the pile.
“Can you guys PLEASE get off of me? Your heavier than carrying Hera.”
“Leo! Get off my-!”
“Jeez Piper! Get your foot out of my face!”
“Thalia, where’s my face?”
“Get off me!” the kid underneath them yelled again.
A pretty girl with blonde hair (don’t even THINK ABOUT TELLING GINNY) got off the pile and pulled off the others till she found a boy with dark black hair at the bottom.
“Thanks Annabeth.” he said.
Hermoine suddenly burst into the room.
“I heard a yell- and-” she stopped, her mouth in an oval.
“Hehe.” a Mexican boy said. “You have a British accent. That’s funny.”
A girl with uneven braids went over and slapped him. “Sorry,” she apologized. “He’s like that.”
“Who are you?” Hermoine asked.
The mexican boy started to say something but the black haired boy at the bottom of the pile ran over and covered his mouth.
“That’s not important. I want to know HOW we got here, and WHO the Hades you people are.” The boy said, pointing to Harry.
“But you have to tell us who YOU are.” Harry said firmly.
The boy looked up at him.
Harry stepped back a little.
The boy had astonishing bright green eyes- identical to Harry’s.
Green met green, and the room was silent.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^^ lol im glad you liked it :P
lol their all on a pile and their all shouting
"Get off me!"
ahahaha Hazel is awesoem :D
but leo's way funnier XD
^ and thx
since these chapters are shorter they come out faster than my other forums :D
over a year ago universalpowa said…
okay becuz i was realli bored, i finished ANOTHER chapter
enjoy :D


The boy frowned. “Who are you?”
Harry didn’t answer. “Do I know you?”
The boy looked confused, and checked Harry out - as if scanning him. “No.” he decided. “Unless I still don’t remember from...long story.”
“Cool!” the Mexican boy said. “Percy has a long-lost brother!”
Harry looked at the boy. “Your name is Percy?”
The boy winced. “Um...Yeah. And you still haven’t told us who you are.”
“Harry, I wouldn’t-” Hermoine warned.
“My name is Harry. This is Ron, and Hermoine. Who are you guys and where are you from?”
Percy looked up at the ceiling. “Styx.” he mumbled.
The castle shook with thunder.
“Yeah!” the Percy said, delighted. “They can still hear us!”
“I’m Piper.” the girl behind him said, glaring at Percy.
“This is Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Frank, Hazel, and Nico.” she said, pointing to each one.
Ron stepped back nervously. “And where are you from?”
Percy glared at him like he didn’t want to answer. “America.”
“All my home-bro’s yall!” Leo said, and Jason smacked the back of his head.
The blonde girl- Annabeth- gripped Percy’s arm tightly.
“This is strange,” she murmured. “Why would they bring us here?”
“That’s a good question.” Percy responded. “Where is here?”
“This is Hogwarts. Our school.” Harry said.
“Of Wit-” Ron started to say, but Harry dragged him over.
“They might be muggles- we could get in so much trouble.”
He heard whispers on the other side of the room.
“-they could be mortals.” he heard Percy whisper to Annabeth.
“Muggle?” Leo asked.
“Mortal?” Ron asked.
Percy coughed. “Leo!”
Hermoine coughed too. “Ron!”
Leo stared at Ron. “Your name’s RON?
“Yeah!” Ron said indigently. “Got a problem with that?”
“Nothing.” Leo said, looking as if he was trying not to laugh.
Harry heard him mutter “Ron. These British people need better names.”
Percy watched him warily. “And do you have an explanation for how we got here?”
Harry fingered his wand in his hand. These kids were definitely NOT normal.
“Aha!” the pale boy said- Nico.
“What!?” Percy asked.
“I found my i pod still has wifi! Sweet!”
Percy rolled his eyes and Piper smacked him.
“Nico,” Annabeth chided. “You know technology doesn’t mix with-” she hesitated.
“-people like us.”
Ron looked confused. “Americans don’t like technology? Now THAT’s news.”
Leo stared at him. “Ha! Not.”
“Umm guys?” Harry said. “Word.”
“Word!” Leo said. “Are you going to start rapping? I’m Leo the Hot and available rapper!”
Harry looked at him confused while Annabeth face palmed.
Hermoine and Ron walked over. “Do you think they’re muggles?”
“Probably- they don’t know about magic.” Hermoine said thoughtfully.
“We should get them out of the castle.”
“Agreed.” Ron said.
When they got out of their “group huddle” they saw the teens all over the room.
Percy was looking out the window like he was trying to decide how far it would be a fall, Leo was fooling with Harry’s sneakoscope, Piper was looking at Ron’s posters, Hazel and Frank discussing something about eagles, Jason was playing with Ron’s wand, Thalia was twiddling with a piece of wood, Nico had found an old book and was looking through a bunch of Harry’s things, and Annabeth was murmuring about the architecture of the room.
“Hey!” Ron said angrily, snatching up his wand.
Jason frowned and said “It’s an odd stick.”
Harry heard Ron mutter some rude things about what he planned to do with this stick.
Everyone else stopped what they were doing to look at Harry, and you could hear Annabeth still admiring the room.
“-at least 12th century woods, although in all my years I’ve never seen architecture like this-”
She stopped when she saw everyone else was silent.
Nico closed the book. “I can’t read this.”
Percy rolled his eyes. “None of us can Nico, except maybe Frank, but were all dyslexic. We. Can’t. Read. End of story.”
“Bad pun.” Leo said.
“Oh go flame on someone else.”
The kids burst out laughing at Leo, who looked peeved and humiliated.
“Can’t read?” Hermoine said, mortified. “That’s horrible!”
“I know it is.” Annabeth said. “We just aren’t...meant to read.”
She looked like she was going to say something else, but stopped.
Ron backed up. “So you guys are going to have to leave before our professor-”
“You have a professor?” Percy said, frowning. “I don’t like professors. I usually get expelled. Or suspended. And usually teachers try to kill me.”
Ron laughed nervously. “You mean they try to kill you with homework.”
“Sure.” Percy said. Although, Harry knew that wasn’t the reason.
Ron stepped back again. “So maybe if we-”
Suddenly he stepped to far back- and right out the window.
“Ron!” Hermoine and Harry yelled.
The others didn’t look to concerned.
Harry didn’t want to take out his wand- that could be bad. Hermoine hesitated too.
“Hello?” Percy asked. “Are you going to save him or not.”
“Umm....” Harry stuttered.
Percy rolled his eyes at him. This guy was seriously starting to piss Harry off.
“Jason, Frank. Plan Omega 3. Window.” Percy said without even looking up.
“On it.” Frank said gruffly.
Jason stepped back, and then gave a running jump out the window, and Frank jumped out after him.
Harry looked at Percy like he was crazy. “So what did that accomplish? Killing your friends?”
Percy glared at him like Don’t talk about killing friends in front of me, Pretty boy.
“No! Why would I do that? We save people. It’s about the only thing were good at.” Percy explained.
“Besides destroying public and historic monuments.” Leo added.
“Yes.” Piper agreed. “Remember the Grand Canyon incident-”
They fell silent remembering some old memories.
“Annabeth? Rescue status?” Percy asked lazily.
“They should be up in-” Annabeth peered out the window.
Jason and Frank appeared out the window, carrying a green Ron.
They leaped into the window, and dropped Ron on the floor.
“New record!” Annabeth said. “Only 27 seconds!”
“Yes!” Frank and Jason high-fived.
Hermoine was unusually quiet now.
“You can fly?” she asked Frank and Jason.
Frank laughed. “No.”
Jason looked at her seriously and said “Yes.”
Ron moaned. “I’m dreaming, right? I didn’t just fall out a window and get rescued by a flying boy, and a giant hawk.”
“A hawk?” Percy asked Frank. “I would have guessed an Eagle.”
Frank shrugged. “We aren’t in America.”
Percy must have just noticed that the other three- Hermoine, Ron, and Harry were all staring at him like he was crazy.
“We need to get you guys out of the castle.” Harry said. “And fast.”
“Sure, sure.” Percy waved his hand.
“And you need to do some explaining.”
Percy laughed. “Ha! Yeah right. I’m not explaining anything, you guys are mortals.”
“Percy!” Annabeth said, and stomped on his foot.
“Jeez Annabeth, when you said it to Rachel, I didn’t do anything.”
“We were kind of like in a life or death situation.”
“It’s always a life and death situation.” Percy complianed.
“Yeah, most of the time thanks to you.”
“I didn’t mean to light the pretzel vendor on fire on our date!”
“Yet you HAD to destroy-”
“-Central Park just so Mrs.O’Leary could-”
“-and the time after that you had to throw sharp knives at yourself to entertain us-”
“Actually, that was fun.”
She sighed. “What?”
“Oh, I was going to say you looked nice today.”
The others burst out laughing while Harry Hermoine and Ron were getting more and more nervous.
“I have an idea guys.” Harry said, lowering his voice.
“Let’s take them to the woods, and decide what we should do.”
“We’d need them to be quiet and invisible.”
“We can do that.” Percy volunteered.
Harry glared at him.
“I’m Percy. I can do everything. Look at me, I’m killing things without a pen. Look at me! I’m riding a tricycle. Look at me! I’m saving the world for the fourth time in a row! Look at me! I’m declaring Annabeth my girlfriend in front of her mom! I want to die!” Leo imitated.
The others laughed at Percy who turned bright red. “That was an accident! I didn’t know here mom was right there-”
“Nevermind that.” Harry said urgently. “We need to take you guys someplace.”
“No teachers?” Percy asked.
“No teachers.” Harry promised.
“Good. Let’s go guys!” Percy called.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ glad u liked it :D
it was supposed to be funny
"We dont read. End of Story."
"Bad pun."
i was laughing as i wrote that...
so the trip to the woods should be interesting :D
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
LOL loved it post soon
over a year ago universalpowa said…
sorri but i might not be able to post here today- i have a LOT of other forums to post on, but if i finish them quickly ill post here too :D
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
Oh Lol Universal, your forums never get old XD
Just caught up and Post again soon!!!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ really?
not even if they last ten years?
poooopppp XD
so i might post here again- but i kind of wanted to post on my Two Heroes forum (i need to or get sat on by monsters) and on my MOA (becuz i havent posted there in a while and also theres an EPIC spam war going on right now) but ill probably post again here....tomorrw?
yay :D
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
hope you post soon on all of your forums! <3
no tests this week?? lucky..
there hasn't been one week where i didn't have a test or quiz.. :(
post soon!!! :D
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ well i had a test and quiz monday/tuesday/wednesday
thats why i couldnt really post on my "major" forums
i luv all meh forums- but some chapters take a LONG time to write
esp- my MOA and TTH :D
theyre like my major forums...
then the HoOM is kind of short and funny, and THoOTS and by HBbS forums...did i forget any?
*shrug* theres so many now i can hardly keep track XD
poop too hollister XD
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
i just found this and i love it! :D please post soon! :D
over a year ago beba157jello said…
O-M-G that waz hilarious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD LOVED IT POST SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!NIGHT
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Universalpowa is the best writer on fanpop!!!
U r simply awsum..
Keep posting..
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Finally found this . Post soon plzz
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
NEW PAGE..... and yes, please post soon! although i never read harry potter, and my mom keeps on saying "read harry potter, your brother loved it and its kinda like percy jackson." (she only knows that because i tolled here about he lightning thief) and i keep on saying "MOM!!! WHEN IM DONE READING PERCY JACKSON I WELL READ HARRY POTTER FOR THE LAST TIME!!!!!!" so yeah. but i love you story so please post as soon as you can! :D
over a year ago perceus121 said…
post soon pleasee im crying i have watched harry potter but not read so I love it i agree that ron is a bit like leo and hermoine is a bit like Annabeth she knows like every spell
over a year ago rock4ever said…
oh and i forgot... i watched like the first move but that was a REALLY long time ago...... thanks for reminding me perceus121! :D anyway post soon! :D
over a year ago universalpowa said…
thanks for all the compliments guys
they make meh day :D
anyways, i have to finish a big english project due tom. and i havent even XD
lol posting here after meh Two Heroes forum
im glad u guys enjoyed this story soo far :D
over a year ago perceus121 said…
also could any of you read my forum because i didnt post for 2 days because i was busy with homework and i think they left so please read i posted on my forum 5-10 minutes ago

two greatest heroes of all times. banished? its on the popular content
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
can't wait to read on both forums universal :D
good luck on your project!!!!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
jeez im not zeus!
lol...although i could be in disguise o.0
jk nah im just a girl who likes to think about random stuff...GRAPES!
anyways, sorri i actually forgot to post here tonite...OOPS!
meh bad XD
i was too involved with writing in meh MOA...intense chappie coming up :P
nites!! :D
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
^ lolll
i'm eating grapes right now! :D
post soon!!! :D
over a year ago beba157jello said…
post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
please.... IM BEGING YOU!!! please post!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
i havent read your story in a really long time rhghdhfg...... but the thing is it got a little boring. like what i mean is..... how do i say this.......... it just got old and i didnt like it anymore....... and even when i LOVED your forum........ i always was like "this is not rick, he would not make percy propose to annabeth" and i aso didnt like the idea, it just didnt intrest me. anyway, post soon!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
This is really hilarious!!!
I love it!!
Post soon.
over a year ago crystalluv4book said…
Please post soon!!
over a year ago CalebChase said…
LOL This is great !!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Post soon!!
over a year ago beba157jello said…
big smile
POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
Please post on this Uber Forum sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­on! (hope I didn't break another forum XD) POST!!!!!!!
over a year ago crystalluv4book said…
big smile
Please post soon!!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
I LOVE THIS!!!!!! I'm new so how do add clubs? Srry if u dont like spam. Anyways pleaaaase post I kept on checking today for a chapter cause u said u would post but u didnt :(

over a year ago CalebChase said…
big smile
Please post this is soooo cool
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
cool, a new teen! :D i just figured that out two days ago! anyway, you go to the top of the page. then move to the right. soon it should something like "2,027 fans" and then below that it says "+ Join this Club" click it, and there you are, you become a fan! i hopped this helped trivia101! :D
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
AWESOME!!!!!! NEW PAGE!!!!! and i forgot to say, PLEASE POST SOON!!! :D
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
big smile
over a year ago trivia101 said…
Oh come on post!!!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
please post, and see look, the 3ed page, and you only posted on the first, i think you should post!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Too true I agree with u rock4ever ^ POST!!!!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
so sorry i didnt post here guys..some of meh other forums required posting too :D
imma gonna write a chappie nao :P
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Yay !!!!!! FINALLY usually how long does it take for u to write a chappie cuz u said u would post 3 hours ago
over a year ago universalpowa said…
update :D
check the bold on da bottom haha :D XD
over a year ago universalpowa said…
muahahah here it is!! ENJOY :D


The teens were definitely an...interesting group of kids.
Harry and Ron hearded them out into the Gryffendor common room, where they would have to quickly think of a plan to get them out of the castle.
He suggested that when their backs are turned use a Disillusionment spell and just say that it’s special effects.
“Okay guys, we need you guys to be quiet.” Harry looked at Hermoine like, I’ll distract them. You do the spell.
She nodded once.
“We have to sneak you out-”
“Got it covered.” The girl Annabeth said.
She took out a Yankees cap, Ron spluttered “Boston Red Sox!” while Percy glared at him.
She put on the cap, and vanished.
“Annabeth! What part of MORTAL don’t you understand!” Percy stuttered angrily.
“Seaweed Brain, it’s fine. The mist will convince them other wise.”
His friends seemed as surprised as he did, but they hid there shock.
“Hey look!” Harry pointed to the window.
“Something shiny!”
They all turned their heads, and that made Harry wonder if these kids had extreme cases of ADHD.
Hermoine waved her wand, and the kids vanished in thin air.
He heard Percy’s voice. “AHH! My body’s gone!”
“It’s fine.” Harry assured. “Let’s get you guys out of here.”
He almost said And figure out who you are and what to do with you.
But he didn’t, thank goodness.
“Now, you guys can’t touch ANYTHING.” Harry warned just as they were about to exit the portrait.
“Sure.” was chorused throughout the group.
“And don’t wander off, or you’ll be at the mercy of the other students and Peeves.”
“Who’s Peeves?” Someone that sounded like Nico asked.
“Trust me- you don’t want to know.” Ron answered.
They snuck out the portrait, Harry, Ron, and Hermoine, first just so it looked as if they were headed off to Hagrid’s or something.
The other’s followed them carefully, not even making a sound.
Or perhaps they wandered off.
They were almost out of the castle, and someone whispered in his ear “Can you take these off? My coordination is off and I tripped over my own foot at LEAST three times already.”
“Leo!” another voice hissed.
“No, it’s fine. They should disappear anyways.”
“Look! A flying Phoenix!” Ron pointed at the wall.
All the others looked in that direction as Hermoine removed the spell.
Annabeth took off her cap.
She shimmered and tucked the hat away.
“Hey!” Leo said excitedly. “A big old castle gate!”
“At least before the 11th century.” Annabeth mumbled, just as marveled.
“It is.” Hermoine said proudly.
“Great!” Percy said. “The two geeks will get along just fine!”
“Hey!” Annabeth warned. “You may not have a physical weakness anymore but I could still stab you.”
Percy flashed her a wolfish grin. “Try it.”
Harry didn’t stick around to see what he meant.
“Come on let’s go-” he said opening the doors and sneaking out.
He beckoned for the others to follow, but Hermoine let out a terrified gasp.
Peeves hovered above them a few feet from the door.
“Oh, naughty naughty students. Out of bed-” Peeves cackled, then his face went slack.
“Ahh! Infiltrators! Intruders!”
Nico raised his hand to his lips, and the old ghost became silent.
The goth boy reached up and plucked Peeves out of the air with his bare hands and threw him out the castle.
Ron whooped. “You have GOT to teach me that some time!”
Nico grinned, which was kind of creepy. “Afraid I can’t.”
Harry ushered them out the door, in fear more people could spot them with nine adolescent and muggle children in the castle.
His mind blanked at the thought of Professor McGonagall asking what all these teens were doing in her school.
It was still light out, but the sun was losing it’s luster as the minutes ticked by.
“Where are we taking them?” Ron asked as they tramped down towards the Forbidden forest.
“Somewhere near Hagrid’s. If he happens to see us, we’ll have to ask him to keep his mouth shut. We’ve had ours clamped for him more than a couple times.”
Ron grunted as they trudged farther away from the school.
At the edge of the forest, Percy pointed into the dark woods. “What’s in there?”
“Many things.” Ron said, and shuddered. “Lots and lots of spiders.”
Annabeth shuddered too.
Percy frowned. “I don’t know...Do you guys hear that?”
The others shook their heads.
Percy stumbled forward as if he was being dragged.
Annabeth exchanged a nervous glance at everyone else before following him.
“I wouldn’t-” Harry warned, but the others just ignored him and ran after their friends.
So Harry and the other two had no choice but to follow.
They found Percy and all his friends petting a herd of Threstrals.
Percy looked happy to be with them.
“Hey remind of the horses on Geryon’s farm...except you don’t have the desire to eat me, do you?”
Annabeth and Piper were tickling a little baby one, and the giggled when it fell over in giddyness.
Frank seemed wary of the horses.
“Frank, they aren’t calling you a baby man. But I will if your chicken.”Percy said nuzzling the animal.
Frank sputtered with rage. “You just HAD to bring up Arion’s rude comment.”
“Hey, at least you don’t have to know what the rest of what he said.”
Harry and Hermoine looked confused, but Ron nervously kept checking to make sure no spiders were around.
The beasts stayed away from Leo, and he seemed kind of sad about that.
“How come everything I meet is afraid of me?” he whined.
Ron snorted, and Harry kept himself from joining. Ha! Yeah, Leo was a horrible threat. Not.
Hermoine kicked Ron in the shin.
It was Hazel and Nico that the threstrals had the most attraction ton however- mostly Nico.
The threstrals gathered around Nico tugging at his clothes.
“Umm Percy?” he asked nervously.
“Are you positive these THINGS don’t want to eat me? ‘Cuz I think they’re imagining me as a giant platter of turkey right now.”
Percy snorted. “They think you smell interesting Death Breath.”
“Haha funny.”
“If you brushed your teeth once in a while they might think you smell minty.” Percy mused.
“That’s it you little-”
“Ha! Yeah right Nico. We all know who would win this.”
Nico continued to charge Percy, and he pulled out a dark black sword aimed right at Percy.
No one else reacted- apparently this happened a lot.
At the last second, Percy took out a pen, sidestepped, and held the pen to Nico’s neck.
Nico glared at him and, cursing in another language, dropped his sword growling.
Percy tucked the pen away. “Better.”
Hermoine looked shocked. “He just swore in Ancient Greek!” she whispered excitedly.
Ron rolled his eyes. “And why is that interesting?”
“Because it’s a dead language RON. No one alive knows it.”
“Then how do you know it?” Harry pointed out.
“In Ancient Runes...we did a unit about Greek Mythology.” Hermoine said a little dreamily. “What I’d do to go tor Greece.”
Percy, overhearing them,laughed. “Hahaha! That’s funny. You want to go to Greece? I wouldn’t advise it unless you want to die.”
Hermoine looked confused at this statement.
Nico took this opportunity to attack Percy.
He barely had swung his black sword when another appeared in Percy’s hand.
“You can’t beat me.” Percy groaned as Nico shoved his sword.
“Yeah, unless I had some help.”
The others sprang to action.
Jason leaped into the air and somersaulted at Percy.
Harry watched in awe as all his friends turned at attacked them.
Percy looked as if he was enjoying himself as he fought his friends in hand-to-hand combat.
Harry couldn’t help but feel impressed at how Percy moved faster than he though possible, and jumped from blades that missed him by an inch.
Jason was the first to go on all offense.
He leaped from where he was standing, his spear drawn as he charged through the air at Percy.
In a few seconds, Percy up-lifted the spear, twisted it, and sent Jason spinning into a nearby tree.
He fell to the ground covered in feathers, bird poop, leaves, and humiliation.
Ron guffawed at him, and Percy yelled gleefully “Jason down for the count!”
Jason got up breathing heavily and swearing under his breath walked back the hill to watch the rest of the battle.
Nico was the next to take the spill- Percy tripped him over with his own sword and into the ground.
“Nico down!” Percy yelled happily.
Then down fell Hazel, then Frank.
“Two more down! I’m on fire tonight!” Percy whooped.
Leo turned to face him, a beaming smile.
“You like fire?” he asked.
Percy didn’t even respond. He just hit Leo over the head with the hilt of his sword and he crumpled.
Piper, who fought with a dagger snorted.
Leo limped back over cussing and sat down next to Hazel.
“Leo is DOWN!”
Piper was beaten shortly after that- her dagger fell to the floor and she retreated.
The most intriguing came next- Thalia against Percy.
Annabeth was no where to be seen.
Lightning crackled above Thalia, and the wind picked up speed around her.
Percy closed his eyes and raised his fist.
Water surrounded him on all sides.
He grinned at her. “Elemental style, just like old times?”
She replied with a battle cry, and thunder boomed.
Harry watched thunderstruck as the two children fought with such ferocity that Harry almost believed they were trying to kill each other.
Percy had a decent swipe at her, and she fell from her thunder storm defeated.
He helped her up with his free hand and she grumbled and sat down next to Jason.
Percy whirled around.
Harry expected him to cheer, or announce he was the greatest or something, but Percy’s face narrowed with concern.
“Annabeth? I know your hiding.”
A tinkling laugh. “Oh, just biding my time. Always a strategy.”
Percy rolled his eyes. “That’s not fair! I can’t see you.”
“Sometimes your senses will fail you.” she said from another side of Percy.
Percy swung his sword around. “Cheater.”
“Who said this was fair? You fought the rest of us, the unbalance of power, and yet you still won. What is there to complain about?”
Percy growled. “Why must you always be so logical?”
“Peace to Spock!” Leo yelled. “I’m Vulcan!”
Jason and Piper snorted loudly, and that soon became uncontrollable laughing.
Then Percy swung his sword to the left, and there was a clang of metal on metal.
His bronze sword shimmered, and Annabeth (he guessed because she was invisible) was fighting against Percy alone now.
Harry admired her strategy, wait until Percy is worn down from fighting everyone he’ll be easy to take. Being invisible probably helped with that as well.
At last, in one quick move Percy grabbed something in midair and the scowling face of Annabeth appeared.
He struck her with his sword, but she glanced it off with her knife.
He grabbed the edge of her knife and it was sent spinning away from her.
He held up the pointed edge of his sword against her. “I win.”
Harry thought he saw a glimmer of amusement on Annabeth’s face as he helped her up.
She grabbed her her knife, bu Percy stepped on the blade.
She tugged at the edge, but he kept it on the ground.
Then she did something that surprised everyone.
She leaped up and kissed Percy, making his stagger back.
Percy looked as surprised as everyone else, but he held her and spinned her around once.
Then Harry saw her sneak her fingers over and she grabbed his sword and departed.
She lifted the sword level to Percy and blew a piece of her blonde hair out of her face.
Harry expected Percy to submit and accept defeat, but these kids sure knew how to surprise him.
Percy through back his head and laughed.
As he laughed, a tidal wave roared over the trees causing the threstrals to fly away in panic with the birds.
In a world of white, swirling foamy mass, everyone was doused with water.
Leo spat out a fish.
The only one perfectly dry was Percy, and his sword AND Annabeth’s knife were in his hand held up against her neck.
“Nice try sweetheart, but I win.”
She scowled and stalked off.
His friends applauded.
Leo shook water from his ears and rung out his suspenders.
Then he spat out more water.
“Dude!” he protested at Percy. “I am not a water guy like you, you know!”
“No!” Jason moaned. “My perfect hair!”
“Jason, you spend more time on your hair than Aphrodite herself.”
“Oh, shut up Kelp Face.”
“Ouch.” Percy winced. “I’ll pretend to be offended by that.”
The others kids rolled around laughing in the grass at Jason, while Annabeth sulked.
“Hey, Percy I think you offended your girlfriend by winning.” Leo laughed.
“Nah, I’m just to awesome for that. Sides,” he grinned at Annabeth. “I have to congratulate you on a fantastic strategy, even though it failed.”
Annabeth turned red and her scowl deepened.
“Hey! Cool I think Rachel needs to meet this guy.” Leo said pointing at Ron.
“The two red heads together.”
Percy rolled his eyes. “Rachel can’t date Flame pants.”
“No duh.”
“Then why is it you keep hitting on Thalia?”
His friends burst into another fit of laughing, while Leo sputtered with rage.
After they sobered up, Harry was still trying to decide if what he had just seen in the battle was his imagination or a trick of the mind.
Leo said something to Hermoine that Harry didn’t catch, but whatever it was made Ron take out his wand and yell “STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU-!”
“Ron calm down.” Harry commanded.
Ron didn’t, and shot a full burst of flame at Leo.
“Ron!” Hermoine cried.
The moment the fire touched Leo, his eyes twinkled.
And the flames sputtered and died.
Leo held out his palm, and a little flame danced across his palm reflection off his eyes.
“Sorry kid, but I’m the only one who plays with fire. Everyone else gets burned.”
The flame went out.
Ron dropped his wand in shock.
“What are you?” Harry asked, amazed.
Leo snorted. “Leave it to Annabeth to explain. She has a lecture and a powerpoint to go with it.”
“Anyways,” Leo continued. “We aren’t completely ignorant either, although I’m not sure if I can speak for Percy-”
“Watch it Hot head.”
“-but you can’t just draw fire like I can. So I ask you- What are you?”
Harry gulped.
“You still haven’t answered my question.” Harry said firmly.
Percy stood up, his green eyes calculatin, as if deciding if Harry was a enemy or a friend.
“Peace.” he said. “My name is Perseus Jackson. I am the Son of Poseidon.”