The Heroes of Olympus The Vanquished Heroes

shubham06 posted on Jan 02, 2012 at 03:07PM

Percy is accused of something he doesnt do and banished.after years, the gods are fighting a losing battle against the giants, gaea and kronos armies when suddenly fates tell them just how to turn the tides in the battle.

All rights to Rick Riordan.
last edited on Apr 12, 2012 at 08:18AM

The Heroes of Olympus 478 replies

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over a year ago shubham06 said…
Hey guys this is my first forum and any kind of constructive criticism is allowed
I know the plot seems similar to many forums but it would be different
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Percy's pov
It had been 2months since the giant war and life at CHB seemed 2 be returnin bak 2 normal(atleat as normal as a demigod's life could be). New demigods wer being claimed everyday. I was feelin very happy 2day for 2 reasons: roman frnds were comin to CHB happend to be my birthday today.
I got up from my bed , got ready and dressed up. Just as i was about to leave my cabin i heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to find annabeth.
"happy b'day, seaweed brain"she said and before i could answer her she kissed me and i felt like heaven was right here and annabeth was the most beautiful person in the world.
When we broke apart, i said "u just made my day ,wise girl!!"
I was soon about to find out how awful my 19th birthday was going to be.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shubham06 said…
14 views and no replies
Gods!! Sum1 reply
over a year ago mynameis67 said…
honestly this idea is vway overused
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Annabeth's pov
I walked out of cabin 3 holding hands with percy. He looked very happy today. Seeing him happy and tension free made me happy. We came across fellow campers who wished percy happy birthday. Then we came across chiron, who said "happy birthday, percy and congrats on surviving another year. As a gift i give u and ur the day off from practice." "thanks chiron"percy replied and we walked away. Percy gestured towards the beach and we made our way for a walk onthe beach.
Percy's pov
Well as we took chiron's leave, i asked i gestured to annabeth for awalk along the beach and she agreed. I had been waitin for this moment for a long time. Today,i was goin to propose to her. We had been datin for a long time now and i simply loved her. I had thought about it a week ago and had asked for my fathers help as i didnt have a ring. Well last night while i was having my stroll along the beach he answered my prayrs and appeared in front of me."happy birthday,my son"said poseidon. "thanks,father".
My father continued "i know what u have been thinking and i totally support u. Here take this .consider it as a birthday present" it was box and it contained a beautiful ring made of celestial bronze and imperial gold witha beautiful pearl on top which glowed with green light." it was an astonishing ring. I thanked my father once more and hugged him.
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
It's good but just make sure it doesn't follow other stories like these and try to spell out your world like you instead of u
over a year ago shubham06 said…
I already thought about it
Wont be like other stories
Its different
And thnx for the advice
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…

over a year ago pugluv98 said…
its ok, except you stole my title from my forum The Banished Hero
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Sry pugluv98
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
how about you use "The Exiled Hero" instead?
over a year ago kronosdied said…
Post like soon I'm dying of suspension

over a year ago shubham06 said…
Can i change the title now?
over a year ago percyroxz said…
ya i think u can u just have to click on the pencil looking thing at the top and post soon!! if u want to make it different then don't let annabeth betray him or anything. but it's ur chose so u do watever. can't wait till u post
over a year ago magic-cow said…
Really great! I don't think I'll ever get sick of these types of story's! Please post soon!
over a year ago magic-cow said…
Really great! I don't think I'll ever get sick of these types of story's! Please post soon!
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Annabeth's pov
Percy seemed nervous and was lost in his own thoughts. I was about to ask what the matter was but got distracted by thalia,nico and grover who came over to the beach and looked worried.they were panting.
"what is it?"i asked,"u look worried"."is it that idiot bruce again"percy said. The look on their faces told us that it was percy's suspicion was right.
Bruce was this son of zeus who had been claimed just a month back. He was a very powerful demigod(i hate to say it but more powerful than percy). I had the feeling he didnt like percy much and despised the fact that percy was so famous. He kept challenging percy to duels.their duels were evenly matched as percy was experienced and clever and he was powerful.but sometimes bruce went out of control of his powers and his mind. This is what had happened today.
Percy's pov
Bruce had gone out of control again and it wasnt a good sign. I went down to where he stood.there were sparks surrounding him and bolts of lightning were striking the grounds and the cabins. Some cabins were on fire.he was swearing in greek and latin and when he saw me, suddenly a lightning bolt struck me. I was petrified for a second and my legs went entire body was aching.I remained calm and said "calm down bruce. I am sure we can talk it through." but he didnt seem to listen or care. Then he started talking in my mind but how could he do it. I didnt know. He calmd down and to everyone it seemed the situation was now under control. But He kept talking in my mind throwing insults at me. I was getting angrier by the minute. "shut up, eat dung u filthy brat" i said in a frustrated voice. Everyone started looking at me as if i was going mad. Then he said, "percy jackson u son of a bitch fight me". He started insulting my mother and now i couldnt take it anymore . I took out riptide and charged at him. He took out his sword and blocked my attack. He made it look as if i was going crazy. Everyone was closing in and started shouting" stop percy , u will kill him ,dont" but i was not going to listen. He had to pay for insulting my mother. In a few seconds i was at his throat. I didnt intend on killing him but he started screaming,"percyyyy dont kill me. I want to live. What did i do?" suddenly chiron came forward and pshed me aside and said"dont kill him percy." i tried to say i wasnt going to but a flash of light appered and standing before us was zeus. We all bowed to him. He was angry and looked directly at me"percy jackson u dared to kill my son and a fellow camper. U are henceforth considered a thret to the camp and banished from the camp.u shall never come back.leave at once" and then he poofed away before i could explain. I tried to explain what happened to chiron but he would not listen. He just said" nothing i repeat nothing gives u the right to kill a fellow camper.its outrageos.u must pack and leave before nightfall." he left. Thalia and grover walked over to me and said in unison "percy were u out of ur mind. Why did u attack him? We r ashamed that we considered u a frnd." and they walked without giving me the chance to say anything.
Did u like it? Plz comment...
over a year ago shubham06 said…
I changed the title ok pugluv98
over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
ya it's awesome!! and are u going to make annabeth betray him? cause that's wat happened in all of the stories. but like i said before it's our story so do watever u feel like and...POST SOON!!!!
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Percy's pov
I was looking for someone who wouls listen to me and believe me. I was searching for annabeth but she was nowhere to be seen. Everywhere i heard people murmur percy's jerk. Percy is a freak. I walked over to the beach to get away. But on the beach my father appeared and began to roar "u have brought dishonour to my name,percy jackson. How could u even think of killing a camper? I hereby disown u as my son. Zeus has banished u. U must never return to these lands controlled by us or u would have to bear dire consequences." and he also disappeared. I was frustrated and no one listened to me. My frnds for whom i could have laid my life happily had betrayed me. And i was furious at annabeth. Just when i needed her the most she had vanished. I went over to my cabin packed my bag and left the camp.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Percy's pov
I had decided that i was going to alaska but first i decided to go to manhattan nd visit my mother. She would listen to me and understand me. I called blackjack and off we went. We arrived at my mothers appartment in 20 minutes.
Sally's pov
Percy arrived at the house looking all worried. I pulled him into a tight embrace and made him to sit. I placed some of his favourite cookies on the table but he didnt eat."percy whats wrong?" and he told me everything that had happened. When he finished tears were dropping from his cheeks. I wiped them of and tried to console him.
Percy's pov
I knew my mom was the only one who would listen to me and could share the sadness i bore aloe. I was just beggining to settle down when two venti came through the window breaking the glass. On of them held me to the groung and the other slit through my mother'a throat ina flash of its knife. She died on the spot. I roared in anger at them, took out riptide and slashed at the one holding me down. It disintegrated. But suddenly more venti came through. I realized had to run as i couldnt take them out alone.
So i made for the door and ran out into the street. I summoned a mini hurricane of my own and started fighting them of. They were too many and more kept coming. I couldnt fight them forever. I was starting to tire out. My attacks slowed down. I was beginning to lose. I was being overpowered when suddenly out of nowhere the venti's started disintegrating as id some invisible force was striking them. Then seconds later mrs. O'Leary came out of nowhere and riding hr was nico. They also started fighting. I also fought with vigour seeing him but was too tired to carry on. When We finished the venti and i just fell to the down but was caught midway by invisible hands.....
Hope u like it
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love the chappie!!!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
post soon!!!!!! i love it and u didn't answer my question:(
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Percroxz ur anawer lies in the end of my last chapter.
Did U get it?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyroxz said…
oh so the invisible hands were annabeth?? i hope i'm right and shubham06 i would love it if a great writer such as ur self would read my forum pls?

here's the link...
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Nico's pov
When annabeth iris messaged me what had happened, i shadow travelled to percy's aid. There were about a score of venti attacking him. He was fighting them with his hurricane. Well we quickly finished them off but percy was too tired even to stand and fell when annabeth caught him midway and he fell unconscious. She removed her yankees cap. Both of us helped percy to his mom's appartment where he regained consciousness. Annabeth told me to gather all my stuff and meet us here in the morning. And i left at once.
Plz comment
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyroxz said…
post soon really good
over a year ago shubham06 said…
No one except u(percyroxz) replies on this forum. But i will write for u then.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I love ur story!!!! Its soooooo good!!! And I cant wait untill u post more!!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
yay pls post soon and kaia143 replies on on this too
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Dedicated to percyroxz and kaia143
Percy's pov
When i gained consciousness i was lying on the bed in my room and annabeth was sitting besides me. She looked rather worried. When i opened my eyes a she let out a sigh of relief.
"annabeth,what?where?how?"i said
"calm down,seaweed brain" annabeth said.
I started to get up but she pushed me back and began,"u need to rest kelp brain. We will talk in the morning."
With that she kissed me and laid her forehead on my chest and she fell asleep. I watched her beautiful face. She looked pretty while asleep. I was just so happy to see her. After all she was with me. That is all i cared. With these thoughts in mind i just fell asleep.
Plz comment......
I just wanted to know if the stry is slow??????
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
i love the chappie!!!!!!!!!!! its was really good. i knew annabeth would never truly leave percy. and i dont think the story is moving slow. ur doing just fine so keep going!!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
i agree with kaia143. post soon and thx for dedicating that chappie to us!!!!
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Thnx guys
U cheered me up
Next chapter coming up in no time
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
ur welcome!! cant wait!!
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Sry guys some work came up
I wont post now
But i will post in about 7-8 hrs
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
got it.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Awesome! Post soon
over a year ago percyroxz said…
it's ok take ur time
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Annabeth's pov
I woke up with a start. I noticed that i had fallen asleep on percy. Percy was still sleeping. I gently raised his hand which was on my head and started to get up when he woke up.
"u look sad ,percy" i tried to console him.
"shouldnt i? I just lost my mother."he asked.
That was one thing that i feared he would say and the one thing i didnt have an answer to.
Nevertheless i tried "percy , i know its difficult. Fate has ever been harsh on u. But life goes on, doesnt it? U need to think about moving on...i trailed off.
He was still looking at his mother's dead body and tears were wetting his cheeks. I could feel his pain but couldnt share it. I started to wipe his tears off just when nico shadow travelled into the room and alongwith him was tyson. Tyson came running at percy to give his trademark bone crushing hug but stopped aas he must have noticed that percy was crying.
I looked questioningly at nico to ask how did tyson come here.
"later" is all he said.
After a while percy gathered himself up and told us what had happened during the fight.
"i knew percy u would never have killed bruce. I believe u." i said to which everyone nodded. At the mention of bruce's name percy started fuming.
"what happened percy?" nico asked.
But percy looked too angry to speak anything. When he finally spoke, he said in a loud voice,
"I SWEAR UPON THE RIVER STYX, THAT I WOULD HAVE MY REVENGGGE ON BOTH ZEUS AND AND THAT UPSTAART BRUCE. They ruined my life , killed my mom. When time comes they will have it from me"
Just then thunder boomed somewhere sealing the oath.
Nico began asking, " but percy they didnt kill ur mom?"
Percy thundered, his eyes red with anger "WHO ELSE DO U THINK HAS CONTROL OVER THE WIND SPIRITTS"
Just then a lightning flashed in the room and the fates appeared in front of us
"calm down young hero"they began "u shall have ur revenge when time is ripe but right now u need to leave these lands. Also we see that in the next thousand years there will be another war in which ur help will be required. It is then that u shall have ur revenge."
"but.."percy began but the fates continued"dont interrupt young one. Therefore we have decided to turn u and ur frnds ,who remain loyal to u ,into gods. Do u accept?"
"yes" said percy.
And nico and me nodded in agreement.
"here u go then..."
And a blinding flash filled the room.
Tyson's pov
Just as soon as the fates finished, there was a blinding flash. When the light died down, percy, annabeth and nico stood right where they were except they now had an aura of power surrounding them.
"u must dicover ur powers on ur own and master them and remain in hiding until time comes. And percy we know u have been holding something back and we believe that it is the right time todo it."
Percy looked questioningly towards the fates but then he seemed to understand and nodded.
With that the fates left us.
Percy's pov
"what have u been holding back percy? What did the fates mean it was the right time to do it..."annabeth asked me.
"only place we can remain in hiding is alaska as it is beyond those scumbugs' power" i said.
"this is what the fates were talking about?" nico asked looking confused.
"they were talking about annabeth and.."
With that i took out the ring box from my bag and kneeled on my knees and i said, "annabeth chase, u are the love of my life!!!. I had been wanting to give this to u for a long time." i opened the box took out the ring and continued, "will u marry me???"
She said as if she was stunned,"only if u promise never to leave me"
And i put the ring in her finger and she kissed me and i kissed her back.
"Eeeeewww!!!!!" nico and tyson said but we didnt notice. When we finally broke apart
Annabeth said ,"now we must leave."
Everyone agreed and i picked up my mom's body and we teleported thinking of alaska....
Plz comment....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fros4est said…
can u make it longer and slower cause it's too fast and also u can add some description around percy or when his mother hugged him
goodluck posting a very great chapter
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Fros4est thanks for reading my forum
i thought it was slow . I was thinking that the real story unfolds in the future so i should get this done with fast.
Thnx for ur advice i will ponder on it.
over a year ago percyroxz said…
ur wrong shubham06 it's not slow at all and i love that chappie. percy and annabeth r so cute. lol nico and tyson ruin the moment with their 'eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww' lol so funny. hope u can post soon
over a year ago shubham06 said…
From what u people are tryin to say i gather that i m going fast so i slow down a bit and give more time in every scene...
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Back at the camp....
Thalia's pov
I was thinking about the events of yesterday and still could not bring myself to terms with what i had seen. I never expected percy to do something as disgusting as attacking a fellow camper. The percy i knew had always fought for the rights of fellow campers. It didnt feel right. I was now regretting having not given percy the chance to say anything or explain his position. I, now decided that i would try to find out exactly what had happened and there was only one way i could have done that. I started following my brother bruce wherever he went. And finally after a week or so I saw something which made me realize that we had made the biggest mistake of our lives.
What did Thalia see?
pleease comment......
over a year ago shubham06 said…
this is only half of what happened. i would be posting the rest today itself in 1-2 hours
over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
kk and i think that she sees and hears bruce talk about what he did to percy. can't wait till u post, so excited
over a year ago shubham06 said…
U are so going to love this
Thalia's pov continued...
I saw bruce walking straight to the cabin after dinner. He didnt go for the camp fire which aroused my suspicion as to what he was upto. I decided to follow him. As he opened the door he looked around making sure no one was there and then he entered. I made my way to the back of cabin 1 and could hear bruce talking to a lady. I peeped in through the small window at the top of the cabin....
At first i could not believe what i was seeing. I saw a dust figure whose back was turned on me talking to bruce in a dreamy voice. I realized it could be none other than gaea. That dirt lady dared to break into my camp. I was furious but held back my anger and listened on...
Bruce said in ahushed voice , "lady gaea, everything went according to plan. Percy has been banished alongwith annabeth, tyson and nico who decided to follow him into exile. And i sent the venti after them. So they must all be dead by now."
"thats good news laddie. Uu have done a fine job and shall be rewarded hugely."
"thank u my , lady" bruce said
And gaea continued,"now that percy is gone i shall unleash all my remaining forces. I didnt think it would be so easy. Gods are so foolish especially that son of mine,zeus. U have done well i must say and u shall now play a pivotal role in my future awakening."
And she left but just as she left bruce looked up and saw me peeping in through the window.
His voice roared in my mind "so u heard my little conversation. But what will u do?"
"i will tell everyone of ur treachery. U tricked percy into exile and percy was innocent. We were so wrong." i screamed.
"and who exactly do u think will believe u? What evidence of my traeachery do u have?And why do u think i will let u tell my little secret to all and just sit back and watch" he replied.
I was so angry now that i broke in thrugh the window took out my spear and started fighting him.
"u shall pay for for what u did to percy." i warned.
"we shall see who will pay." he groaned.
I wanted to kill him right there. I was so furious. But he was fighting well. Then i started losing. He gave me several bruises. I was bleeding all over and my whole body pained. But the pain was nothing compared to the anger building up inside me. I kept charging and he kept giving me more bruises. Finally as if to finish the fight he kicked me in the stomach. I doubled over and he hit me with the butt of his sword so hard that i fell to the ground unconscious...
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Plz comment guyz...
Ur comments will keep me going
over a year ago zaheer_abbas123 said…
awesome chappie dude keep postin......:)))))