The Heroes of Olympus Hearts Burned by Sunrise [Closed]

universalpowa posted on Nov 22, 2011 at 12:48AM
Title: Hearts Burned by Sunrise
By: Universal & Zelda

Rating: T :D because we are paranoid

Characters: Everyone from PJO and maybe HoO eventually... depends if we decide to come back to this.


What REALLY happened during those short weeks before the Lost Hero? Ever wondered what happened on Percy and Annabeth's dates?
In these fun short and cute little stories about the troublesome tales of the campers, before the Giant War began, find out what happens when pranks go wrong, ice cream trucks explode, and what happens when waitresses flirt with the wrong demigods! Brought to you by Zelda and Universal, you can laugh and read the fantastic tales of camp where fights spread out like Axe Cologne (gah!), Romance breaks out like hives (yech!),pranks will erupt everywhere in places you never want like poison ivy (oh poop), and how friendships will be put to the test like the ELA exams!
These tales are meant to just to entertain all you PJO fans, and to close the gap between the end of The Percy Jackson Series and the beginning of the Heroes of Olympus Series.
And even in all these funny and sometimes humiliating and heroic tales, the end may not be as pleasant for all the characters. Especially those who leave camp with raspberries in their underwear.

Disclaimer: The Amazing Rick Riordan owns all these Characters.

[A/N-okay guys, this is taking place BEFORE THE SoN and TLH!!!
so dont ask!! this is the two months that were happening BEFORE percy was kidnapped by (evil) Hera :P]

=======Please do not spam============
Thanks youuuu :D
last edited on Jul 17, 2012 at 07:35PM

The Heroes of Olympus 219 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 219

over a year ago universalpowa said…
big smile
i wont write if no one is interested!!

over a year ago pugluv98 said…
i am so post!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
okay i will
over a year ago universalpowa said…
big smile
Chapter 1
*This story takes place between the two months Annabeth and Percy were dating before Percy was kidnapped by Hera...Juno...watever. Enjoy!*

Camp this year had been great. I was really starting to get used to not having my life in danger. You might pass a blind eye to that, but for a half-blood, that's like Christmas coming early! Or your birthday being everyday! I thought it was totally awesome. I lead myself down to the Athena Cabin early one morning about a week after we saved the world, so I could do cabin inspection with Annabeth. You couldn't see the price the camp had paid for the war, unless you looked at the missing faces of the numerous campers walking from place to place. It would take a while for the losses to "let go" of our lost friends. I had hoped they had reached Elysium. Of course, I could always ask Nico too...
So anyway, it was a nice day. The sun was shining, and the campers were smiling, and enjoying the nice day. I saw a few kids climbing up the Rock-wall, and Clarisse chopping up dummies in the arena. Yup. Totally a normal Camp Day. Nothing could ruin my day right now. Not even Mr. D but he wouldn't be back from Olympus for a while. I had hopes. For some reason I started whistling a random tune as I slowly made my way to Cabin 6. Just me enjoying a nice day at Camp-Halfblood.

So waht u guys think? i think next time ill do Annabeth pov. no more until tom. then over thanksgiving break ill post A lot more. Ciao!
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
big smile
hehehehehe post again
over a year ago universalpowa said…
ill post again tomm... im feeling... sleepy....Zzzzzzzzzz *passes out on laptop* good night.....
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
i know how you feel *ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.......................fall­s asleep on the bed with laptop next to her then the alarm clock goes off making her flinch and throw it across the room*
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon!
over a year ago PJBTRT22 said…
big smile
I LOVE Percabeth, and I LOVE everything that has to do with it.... soooooo, please post more soon(:
over a year ago universalpowa said…
big smile
Chapter 2

As I walked across the room pacing for Percy to appear, I glanced over at my humming laptop. It "dinged" signifying I had received a new email. I walked over to see who it was. Suddenly I wasn't there. Mist enveloped me, and I looked around at my surroundings. Then the mist cleared a little to show me a tall figure standing somewhere to my left. She was wearing a white tee, and a pair of lightly faded blue jeans. She had stormy grey eyes like mine, so I knew who she was.
"Mother?" I asked.
She smiled at me. "It's good to see you too sweetie."
I just stood there waiting for her to tell me why she had come.
She began. "I came to talk to you about some.... boys." she said, her tone scowling as if she had encountered a rotting fish.
I felt my cheeks blush a little. I hadn't assumed the Olympians would have been watching me under the lake. Then again, Poseidon could have been watching through the water and alerted the other olympians. Not that I really cared.
Athena continued. "I have come to.. warn you. If you stay with him, I can see it hurting you, and him as well." Her face soured at the thought.
I was too stunned to answer. We had only been together for like, a week! And my mother wants me to break up with him now.
"What plans?" I stuttered, still in shock.
Athena frowned ever more as she spoke one last time.
"I came to warn, not to encourage. What Hera has in plan for him is.... not pleasant." She frowned again as if she had given something major away. Then I heard distant thunder in the distance. She glanced anxiously above her head. "My father senses I am here. Just... think about what I have said. Don't act now.... but don't act too late." With that optimistic feeling she left me in the clouds.

*Plan for Hera- kidnap Percy and send him to the Roman camp, 4 those of u who havent read the Son of Neptune.*

okay i promise to post more over the thx-giving break.
Ciao! :) XD
over a year ago PJforever14 said…
I have two words for you :

AWE and SOME !! (wich mean awesome!!)
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago SeaBrat said…
Same! Post man/ girl awesome
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
This is sooooooo cool!
over a year ago parras2 said…
post soon
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
sorry im really busy ill try to post maybe tom... so if anyone wants to post ur free to just dont kill anyone plz... LOL XD
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago universalpowa said…
okay guys so theres only gonna be about 15 maybe 20 chapters becuz this is before percy goes missing so heres chapter 3

Chapter 3 (sneak peek)

My walk to the Athena cabin seemed to take forever. Everyone kept interuppting me about something,
"Percy! There's a small forest fire can you..."
"Percy! We were gonna fill the Aphrodite cabin with whipped cream! Do you wanna.."
"Percy! Can you help in the arena? We need another swordsman..."
"Percy! Hi I'm new! Can I have your autograph! Is it true you..."
blah blah blah blah. Were these people ever going to leave me alone!?
Finally, I just stormed right past everyone and opened the Athena cabin door. What I saw was Annabeth passed out on the floor, like she had fainted.
"Annabeth!" I cried.
DUN DUN DUN! Wats rong with Annabeth? Yuoll have to find out next chapter. Be sure to check out my other forum
for the mark of athena :)
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
OMG! Post! What's wrong with anabeth??!!!
over a year ago PJforever14 said…
what happend ??
post soon
over a year ago universalpowa said…
sorry i promise to post once i get back from church.... which may be a long time.... like maybe 3 hours. g2g
over a year ago beba157jello said…
AWESOME !!!! i <3 the percebeth
story post soon!!!lolzx
over a year ago universalpowa said…
ahh! leave me alone dad!
sorry my dads annoying me... cant post tonite
ill try to post later this week
really sorry :'(
over a year ago godessgirl23 said…
Plese post soon!!!
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
please post this story is AMAZING
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
^it is ;) and i love it!!! along with percabeth!!! <3
over a year ago universalpowa said…
sorry for not posting guys.. i just started a new forum and i have to keep up wit my mark of athena...
thx for commenting!!! XD :D
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
post soon!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Yea this is good! I lOve it post soon!!!! Awesome!! :)
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon)
over a year ago universalpowa said…
omg so sorry i actually forgot about this forum----

and my "Two Heroes" forum XD

its hard juggling like, 4 forums (one is shared :P)

ill post soon here too!!! XP
over a year ago universalpowa said…
so these are just short little chapters leading up to the TLH and the SoN

posting soon!
then again tomorrwow--then sunday--then monday--
and then friday (only times i dont havee school--sorry :P)
over a year ago universalpowa said…
Chapter 3

My walk to the Athena cabin seemed to take forever. Everyone kept interuppting me about something,
"Percy! There's a small forest fire can you..."
"Percy! We were gonna fill the Aphrodite cabin with whipped cream! Do you wanna.."
"Percy! Can you help in the arena? We need another swordsman..."
"Percy! Hi I'm new! Can I have your autograph! Is it true you..."
Blah blah blah blah. Were these people ever going to leave me alone!?
Finally, I just stormed right past everyone and opened the Athena cabin door. What I saw was Annabeth passed out on the floor, like she had fainted.
"Annabeth!" I cried.
Her laptop was humming and on her favorite desktop- the Parentheron.
“Annabeth! Come on, wake up!” I said, shaking her.
“Yes! Your alive!” I hugged her.
“Percy you can stop hugging me now. And why do you smell like fire--?”
“Yes, that totally explains soo much.” she said sarcastically, while I helped her up.
Just looking at her made my stomach feel like jelly.
I was still standing there staring at her face, before she waved her hand in front of my face.
“Hello? Percy. Earth to Percy!”
“So you wanna go somewhere tonight?” I asked smoothly.
Annabeth blinked. “Like---a date?”
“How favorite pizzaria at 7 oclock. See you there.”
I walked out, whistling happily.
My mission had been accomplished.
I walked out of the Athena Cabin with a little jump to my step as I walked to my cabin to prepare for my date with Annabeth.
And I didn’t know that two little idiots were planning something as I took my steps.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
yaayyy you posted! i just "found" this (;
post soon!!!!!
over a year ago fros4est said…
connor and travis has done it again
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ you dont know that :P

it could be anybody....muhahahaha
over a year ago universalpowa said…
can you guys plz check out my "Two Heroes" forum?
its not as funny as this one--a little more serious :P

over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Of coarse it's Travis and Conner!!! Or actually I take that back it could be thailia and nic, no actually it's 2 idiots so yeah it Travis and Conner,
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ well, it is in percy's pov, so it really could be anybody
but u could be right also XD

posting today XD
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
yay you're posting today!! can't wait :)
over a year ago universalpowa said…
posting :D
this chapter is gonna make you guys laugh SOOO hard

Chapter 5
We didn’t like chapter 4, so we said “Screw You!” and did our own

Evil minds were at work.
That was me and my brother.
“I feel so...violational.” My brother said.
I rolled my eyes. “It’s easy. As much as I love pranking, were not going to screw up their ENTIRE date, just a part of it.”
“You are gonna throw a pie in their faces.”
“Genius! Right? So un-original, that it’s original!”
“Your no genius. If you were, you’d be Annabeth’s brother.”
I shuddered at the thought. “That means you would be too, Connor.”
He shuddered.
“Pie!” He yelled.
“Shut up you idiot!” I hissed. “Your gonna get us caught!”
“So where are we gonna get this pie?” he asked.
“Umm...I was hoping you knew somewhere.”
He pulled a pie out of his back pocket. “Good thing I came prepared.”
“We aren’t girl scouts.”
“No! That’s the boy scouts motto!”
“How would you know?”
“How would you know that’s the girl scout’s motto?”
Connor had me stuck.
We continued arguing until we saw a black-haired boy and a blonde-haired girl holding hands down the street.
“Shhh..” I whispered.
We waited until they were close enough, and then sprang out of the bushes.
We threw pie in their faces.
Turns out, they were actually not who we were looking for.
Double Drat.
We ran away while the man chased after us swearing and vowing revenge.
Good thing we were sons of Hermes- we are soo fast.
We hid behind another clump of bushes.
Connor had another pie.
When your prank goes wrong, always have a backup.
Finally we spotted them.
Really them this time.
“SURPRISE!” we yelled, and jumped from our hiding spot and threw pie in their faces.
Ohhh crap.
We spent the rest of the night running from a mad couple.
At the end, they cornered us.
Super crap.
Deep pegasus crap.
Percy tied us to a flag pole, and doused us with water.
Annabeth said that we would get to stay here all night.
And they left us tied up, laughing and joking as they walked away.
They disappeared from sight.
“That sucked.” I said.
“No kidding.” Connor groaned. “Worst prank ever. It turned on us. Do you even want to know how long it’s gonna be before I get this water out of my-”
“No.” I said. “I just DON’T want to know.”
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
ohh, Travis and Connor..
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ they arent the brightest bulbs in the bunch...
which is why its so funny
that poor random man
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
i hope you post sooon!! it was funny!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
pegasus poop XD
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
That was soo hilarious!! I couldn't stop laughing!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ exactly
see, i have one funny forum (this) one sad and serious one (Two Heroes) and my favorite with funny and serious (My MoA)

it all needs balance XD
over a year ago universalpowa said…
thx for all the comments guys!!!! :D
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
ur welcome! post sooooon!!