The Heroes of Olympus The Daughter of Pandora PLZ READ! :)

songster909 posted on Nov 20, 2011 at 04:16AM
Okay, so this is my first forum, so dont be cruel when it comes to comments. Just give me your honest opinion!!
This is a story about a daughter of Pandora (I'm not sure if Pandora is immortal) and how she finds her way to camp Half-blood.

Ugh! I cannot believe how much calculus homework I have! And I thought 7th grade was bad. 8th grade is soooo much worse. Well, at least I have my friend Robin Ivy to share my misery. He has this weird muscular disease so he always walks around with crutches. He also wears really long pants all the time, even during the hottest days of summer. It's like Helios was having a temper tantrum. Oh by the, I forgot to mention, I'm really into Greek mythology. Robin tried to convince me not to take the class. He even groveled on the floor! and besides, it was the only class left. Oops, I'm sorry I was getting off topic. Where were we? Right! We were describing my friend Robin. He also has like, I dunno. A small beard? (Don't tell him I ever said this, but I kinda think that he's almost finished with puberty) He also wears this cap that covers most of his face all the time.

So, now that I've finished all the basics, time to tell the real story.

Sorry to end it on a cliffhanger, but I was kinda rushing with it.

The Heroes of Olympus 14 replies

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over a year ago songster909 said…
Part 2!!!

I love calulus! It's one of my favorite subjects, next to Greek Mythology of course! Well, technically because I'm part of grek mythology. Let me explain, I am a satyr. You know half-man half-goat. I've been tracking Leslie Miller ever since 2nd grade. I'm certain that she's a demigod, I'm just not sure who her godly parent is! All i know is that her mortal parent is her father, but that dosn't really help. I'll give you a list of aspects a demigod would have:

She once made a lightbulb spark with electricity when she got a C- on a quiz like a daughter of Zeus

She once held her breath for at least 7 m inutes in a pool like a daughter of Poseidon

An incedent at a cemetery happened (Don't ask) like a daughter of Hades

The fruit she picks is always perfect, especialy grapes, like a daughter of Dionysus.

She got an A+ in workshop like a daughter of Hephaestus.

She has nimble fingers like a theif like a daughter of Hermes

She writes poetry and and songs like a daughter of Apollo

She had an edge( one of the things i liked best about her)like a daughter of Ares

She got an A on a photosynthesis project in 5th grade like a daughter of Demeter

She had nearly flawless looks like a daughter of Aphrodite(She also always smelled like cherries, even after gym)

And, she has great all-around grades, and an eidentic memory, like a daughter of Athena. (And just because she gets good grades, dosn't mean she likes school)
over a year ago percabethrules said…
1ST to comment!! BTW I LOVE IT!!! KEEP POSTING!!
over a year ago songster909 said…
Part 3!!!

Anyway, there we were in my bedroom, doing our calculus homework. Well, Robin was doing his calculus homework. I moved on to my Greek mythology homework. It was WAY more interesting. Who was Callisto? Easy! Was a Hunter of Artemis until she broke her oathe to swear off romance. Then she got turned into a bear. Who was the first daughter of Kronos and Rhea? Piece of cake! Hestia. I felt thirsty, so I got up to get a glass of passion fruit juice.
"Want some juice?" I asked Robin as I headed out the door.
"No thanks. I'm fine" He replied casually. I headed into the kitchen. I heard a bang and a loud "Hiyah!" and headed back into the room. What I saw was my bedroom window open with all of our books sprawled out onto the floor. "What happened?" I asked
"Oh I um, I wanted some fresh air" Robin stuttered
"But why are all the books on the floor?"
"Oh, why are all the books on the floor? Good question. Uh, I sneezed"
"Ummm... Oookay" I replied. I decided not to ask any more questions.

I'll post more tomorrow, or try to
over a year ago percabethrules said…
big smile
LOVE IT sort of a little cliffhanger..good way to end it!! keeps me guessing can't wait 'till you post again!
over a year ago beba157jello said…
so awesome and really interestin
pliz post soon amazin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):)
lolz <3
over a year ago Piper_ofArtemis said…
LOL "i sneezed....???" that made me laugh. This is good. =)
over a year ago songster909 said…
Stupid basilisks! I had a mission to retrieve a daughter of Apollo last year during spring break and we got attacked by a dozen of the demon reptiles. Ever since then, I've carried a picture of a weasel family in my wallet. As if it weren't hard enough to take care of a powerful demigod, it's even harder because she's into greek mythology. Why couldn't she be into Celtic mythology? So, I played dumb When she asked me all those questions. So, I turned back to my homework and got to a questions that really stumped me. What happened was I skipped breakfast and was eating a granola bar during calculus class this morning. Wrapper and all. Leslie leaned toward me to look at my problem.
"Try multiplying by 3.14"
Sigh, Leslie is so pretty. With her long black hair and her coffee brown eyes, with those rosy red ceeks and her... whoa! What was she saying?
"And then, you take 9 squared and...what? Why are you staring at me?
"Oh, um, uh nohing," Gosh, I was such a dork.
Leslie giggled and hen she did somehing I would have never expected. She lightly kissed me on the cheek. My insides felt like they were being melted by a fire lit by Hestia herself. Leslie innocently looked at me with those perfect almond-shaped eyes. She smiled.
"Why, why'd you kiss me?" I asked in a daze
"I dunno. It's just that you've been so nice to me all these years"
"So the kiss was..."
"The kiss was totally friendly. So, are gonna keep acting all mushy, or do you wanna finish all the homework so we don't have any over summer vacation?"
"Well actually, since we're 3 days away from the end of the semester, I should take you somewhere," I responded
"So, like where exactly?" Leslie asked with her eyebrows raised.
"Well, let's just say that it's a special kind of camp for special needs kids," I said
"Wait, huh?" Her face was full of confusion.

I have a bit of writer's block. I'll post again in maybe a day or two.
over a year ago songster909 said…
Sorry, but I forgot to add the summer vacation part at first.
over a year ago gumbee said…
Nice :D here hv a cake
over a year ago songster909 said…
thx, but i actually don't eat cake in real life
over a year ago songster909 said…
I hate this part of being a satyr!
"Well, leslie... You're not exactly human,"
"What do you mean, of course I'm human!" she said
"You wanna do a DNA test?" I said doubtfully. Now, technically, that wouldn't be possible, since the gods don't have DNA.
"Well, I would explain it in like a 2 hour lecture, but I think you should just read this," I said. I handed her a pamphlet about the discoverance of demigods. They've made bringing demigods to camp a lot easier. Especially with the children of Athena. Leslie read the pamphlet and her eyes started to widen.
"This, this, this can't be possible! Greek gods don't exist! I'm Catholic!" she almost shouted.
"Come on Leslie, think about it! You've never met your mother, you have almost superhuman abilities, the list could go on and on. Do you believe me?" I pleaded
Her eyes softened "I think you're lucky that I'm optimistic, so you're a satyr?"
"Yeah, I am," I answered. I kicked off my shoe to prove it.
"Well then, we'd better be on our way to Camp Half-Blood" she said with a grin on her face.
over a year ago venus143 said…
cool keep posting:)
over a year ago beba157jello said…
amazin post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago songster909 said…
Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone!!!