The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena (my story)

abrown7297 posted on Nov 07, 2011 at 10:12PM
Jason 1
Jason was nervous before he even got off the boat. He knew that Leo, Piper, and
Annabeth were nervous, especially Annabeth. Jason wondered how Annabeth lasted 8
months of separation from her boyfriend. Jason wondered what Reyna was feeling
as she saw the Greek trireme fly towards New Rome. He knew that Juno was holding
back some of his more dangerous memories in fear of her plan collapsing, but he
remembered most of life now. Jason looked over at Leo and Piper. He sympathized
them both for not having anything to worry about on this trip. Leo was casually
steering the boat, with his "Supreme Commander" badge he made himself pinned to
his jacket. Jason smiled. Piper looked like she was going to have an anxiety
attack. He strolled casually over to her and put his arm around her shoulders.
She smiled, but she still had that scared look in her eyes.
"It's all gonna be okay,Piper." he said
Piper remained speechless. Jason knew what she was thinking. She stayed distant
ever since he told her that he told her some of the names of his friends. He
knew that the names Reyna, Hazel, and Gwen got to her head.
"Piper, I need to tell you something," Jason started, "Your not like other girls
I've met. I know how you feel. Truth is Piper, I'm in love with you, not Reyna
or any of those girls, okay?"
Piper smiled showing Jason her dazzling white teeth. Piper slipped her fingers
inside his. Leo looked over from his steering wheel, saw the lovebirds, and
"We're here."
last edited on Nov 07, 2011 at 10:13PM

The Heroes of Olympus 117 replies

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over a year ago abrown7297 said…
Annabeth 2
Annabeth needed to see Percy, but yet at the same time she didn't want to see
him. Would he still remember her? Would he have a new girlfriend? Her mind was
overrun with questions. When Leo announced that they were at Camp Jupiter she
was ready to throw up. Looking down she saw an entire legion of Romans
assembling in the most beautiful city she'd ever seen. Annabeth saw the
Coliseum, the Senate House, and the Circus Maximus. She found it totally unfair
that Percy got to live for eight months in this amazing Roman town, and all she
got was 8 months filled with anxiety attacks. As Leo landed the trireme in the
Roman forum, she stared at the soldiers that would either kill her, or were
there to stand guard. Not exactly the best trustworthy welcome.
"Well," Leo said, "This is it."
Leo was usually the one to lighten the mood, but now he was just hoping for the
best. He lowered a ramp down to the ground. Jason went first, naturally, but he
was holding Piper's hand the whole way down.
"Finally!", she thought. Those two were gonna have to get together sometime.
I walked down the ramp with Leo trying to act casual. We stood there awkwardly
until a conch horn blew, and the legionnaires stepped aside to form an aisle for
a tall girl to walk down. She was wearing a toga with a purple cloak, and had a
dark, piercing eyes. She strolled down the aisle proud and confident, and
stopped before the four of us.
"Well hello there Jason..." Her voice trailed off when she spotted Jason and
Piper's hands. She quickly looked away.
"Well, I'm Reyna, one of two praetors of the 12th legion. Welcome to Camp
Nobody spoke. Finally, Jason broke the silence.
"Did you say one of two?" he said.
"Jason, you were gone for eight months, did you not think you would be
replaced?" she asked coldly.
Nobody spoke again. The conch horn blew again. A teenage guy with black hair and
green eyes was strolling down the aisle with a Chinese guy and a girl that she
didn't recognize. They all wore togas, but the tall, black haired one had a
purple cloak like Reyna's. Jason raised his eyebrows as he noticed the three
walking toward them.
"Ah," Reyna said, obviously happy to break the silence,"Here comes my fellow
The three demigods had now joined the group. Annabeth's smile was so wide that
her mouth hurt. "There he is," she thought, " And why is he wearing a bedsheet?"

Reyna turned to the Greeks and Jason.
"This is my new partner in praetorship, Percy Jackson."

over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
this is actually amazing writing, as in you could publish this.
im not kidding. on to the chapter, it was awesome!! i hope you post soon, but i doubt u can cause u posted 10 minutes ago...still try, because this is really good!!!
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 3
When Percy saw Annabeth, he was tempted to have a slow-motion run-and-hug sequences. He knew that the entire 12th legion was watching anxiously though. Annabeth was beaming at him. He wanted to talk to her in private, but it probably wouldn't consist of much talking. He knew that this was really awkward, so he introduced himself to the new faces.
"If you don't know already my name is Percy Jackson, this is Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque."
The Greeks and Romans shook hands. Nobody knew what to say. Finally Reyna broke the silence again, and said, "Well shall we take this inside somewhere. I'm sure Percy and Jason would want to talk to their, uh, new friends, so to speak."
Reyna and Percy led the 7 into the Senate House, and she told the other legionairres to go back to training. Percy really wanted to walk with Annabeth, but he needed to show example. Reyna and Percy sat down at the head table, and Reyna gave the first orders.
"I am going to allow you all to get acquainted, and show eachother around        Camp. We shall speak with Octavian about the Prophecy of the 7 tonight. At 8:00 we shall determine the Greeks fate, and try to get this quest started. I think that covers it." She took one look at Jason and stormed out of the room. Percy took that as an invitation to get up, but before he could make his way down the dais, he was tackled in a bear hug.
"I missed you SO much, Percy..."
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
Im a fast writer:)
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
you are definitely a fast writer, that was messed up...this story will sky-rocket to the top of popular content if you post like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 4
Leo felt extremely left out. Every one in here was kissing except for him. Annabeth and Percy were busy in their  liplock on the praetors' dais, Piper and Jason were kissing in the corner, and Frank and Hazel were making out right in front of me. Wow...this is awkward. Leo wished Reyna hadn't left him alone  in here. As he stood awkwardly on the left side of the building, he noticed that Hazel was staring at him in the middle of her kiss. She noticed him staring at her and closed her eyes. Leo's best option would be to break up his closest friends' kiss rather than anyone else's, so he casually walked over to Jason and Piper.
"Um...guys...You should probably stop kissing now." They didn't move. Leo continued, "We're on a mission to save the world here..." Still nothing. "HEY!" Leo yelled. Everyone stopped and looked at him. Leo seriously needed a girlfriend. He continued yelling, "WE ARE ON A FREAKING MISSION TO SAVE THE WORLD HERE...NOW STOP KISSING!" Leo rarely got mad, but when he is being left out of all of the kissing was the final straw. All 6 of them stepped awkwardly away from eachother. Everyone was staring at him. Finally Percy broke the silence.
"He's right. I guess we can show my friends from camp around." Percy took hold of Annabeth's hand and walked out of the Senate House. Jason took Piper. "Thanks for ditching me guys," he thought. Hazel was purposely looking away from me. Frank gestured Leo over to them. "C'mon Leo, we'll show you around." Atleast someone is being nice today.
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 5
Percy and Annabeth talked the whole time. Percy didn't seem to care about Piper and Leo getting a tour. They held hands the whole time as Percy showed her around Camp Jupiter. Annabeth spoke up, after 10 minutes of amazing architectural speeches, "Where were you the past 8 months? I was worried sick."
"Hera had to time my arrival perfectly so she had me sleep for the past 8 months."
"THAT'S WHY NO ONE COULD COMMUNICATE! I still hate Hera for doing that to me."
"Yeah I'm pretty pissed too. 8 months of my life, just gone." Percy looked longingly in the distance.
"What's that on your arm?", Annabeth asked full of concern.
"Oh...this?" Percy held out his forearm so she could get a better look at his tattoo.
"Oh my gods. Did it hurt?"
"And what's with all of this praetor business?"
"I defeated the giant Polybotes single-handed. So they raised me as a praetor to replace Jason."
They walked to the Field of Mars. Both of them watched the construction of the war games that night. A cold wind blew. Suddenly, everything froze. Not temperature freezing, but time itself froze. Percy let go of Annabeth's hand and looked around him. Everything in the camp wasn't moving. No trees blew, Annabeth was frozen in mid-breath, and construction was stopped. There was no sound whatsoever. Then, Percy felt a sharp pain in the small of his back. It burned like acid was in his blood, which was now pouring out of the wound in his back. The attacker withdrew the poison covered dagger out of his back, and Percy dropped to his knees. He only heard two words before collapsing onto the ground.
"Gaea will..." ,said a cruel, female voice.
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 6
One minute Annabeth was holding Percy's hand, the next he is on the ground with poison and blood oozing out of his back.
"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!" ,she screamed. Legionairres looked out of their barracks to see what was going on. Frank, Hazel, and Leo were the first ones to come to Annabeth's side.
"What happened?" ,gasped Frank. Hazel screamed. Annabeth pointed to the bloody mess that was Percy on the ground. She was crying.
"One second we were holding hands, and the next he was on the ground like that!" Reyna ran over. "What happened? Oh my gods!"
"Leo, do you think you can pull a stretcher out of your tool belt?" ,Annabeth asked.
"I dont know, Annabeth. That's really big."
Leo reached into his tool belt and started pulling out the end of a gurney. He was straining to lift it out.
"A little help here." he said.
Frank grabbed the end with Leo and pulled the entire thing out. They lifted Percy onto the stretcher and wheeled him to the infirmary. "Who attacked him? And how?", Annabeth thought.
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 7
Frank was shaken up about Percy's attack. He knew Annabeth wouldn't stab her own boyfriend, but he still couldn't shake the fact that she was the only one with him at the time, and  she fights with a knife. Just wait until Octavian finds out about this. As he and Leo rushed Percy to the infirmary, he couldn't help but think, who would do this? Frank knew that Percy was the most powerful demigod on this quest. The Apollo healers were waiting for them. Annabeth was crying her eyes out. Reyna was strangely quiet. Hazel was comforting Annabeth. One of the 5th Cohort healers, Bobby, told us he needed time to heal him, alone. We had to drag Annabeth outside, because she didn't want to leave his side. Finally, we were all sitting on a bench outside the infirmary. Annabeth's eyes were puffy from crying. Hazel had her arm around Annabeth, which seemed to comfort her considering they just met. Piper and Jason were nowhere to be seen. They probably got held up kissing in the forum. Each minute the mood got more tense. Reyna started pacing in front of us, meaning she was lost in thought too. After 2 hours of silence, Reyna stopped. She told us, as praetor, she was going to check on him, alone. She glanced nervously at Annabeth, who just nodded. Reyna took a deep breath and walked inside. A few moments after, we heard Reyna scream. We all stood up. Frank ran inside to see Reyna staring horror-struck at the room. Percy was still laying on the bed, but Bobby was laying on the ground, motionless. There was no blood. Frank ran over to check both of their pulses. Bobby had no pulse.
"Guys," Frank choked out the words, "Bobby's dead."
His friends were silent. No one could explain this. Annabeth croaked, "Is Percy alive?"
Frank checked. Nothing. Should he tell them? Or say he is in a coma?
"He's alive," Frank stammered, he'd never lied before, "We will take turns watching over him."
"I will!" ,Annabeth said. Big shock, I know. We all left the room except for Annabeth, tears dripping onto his lifeless face.
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 8
Annabeth cried for hours. For one thing, she couldn't tell if Frank was lying or not about Percy's death. She couldn't feel a pulse. She sat on the couch next to his bed. She wondered how long Bobby had been dead before Reyna went in to check on him. There's no way that Percy could've survived that much poison in two hours. She started to cry again. Her eyes must be running out of tears. Percy lied there so peacefully, atleast as peaceful as you can be when you just got stabbed. She really had no idea how he ended up on the ground back at the Field of Mars. One second they're holding hands, the next he is dying on the ground. Annabeth stood up and looked at Percy. Suddenly, his eyes shot open. Annabeth gasped. His eyes were bloodshot. He reached up and grabbed her arms in a quick motion. He shook her with such force she had to stifle a scream. He spoke in a raspy voice, it was his voice, yet it wasn't at the same time.
"Why did you let her do this to me? Gaea is using me. Kill me. Kill me now or I will kill you!"
Annabeth was scared out of her mind. Percy never acted this way. His wild eyes pierced through her like daggers. Percy shook her harder. Tears streamed  down her face.
"Kill me now!" ,he yelled.
"Annabeth? Is there something going on in there?",Frank yelled from outside.
A tear dropped onto Percy's cheek. He stopped shaking her. His eyes looked normal again.
"The poison..." he croaked, "it's going to kill me...Help..."
He started closing his eyes, but Annabeth shook him.
"You are NOT gonna die on me Percy.",she whispered, but then yelled,"I NEED HELP! BRING A HEALER!"
Percy tried to smile, but the effort seemed to hurt him. Frank and the others ran in, but with, not a healer, but Apollo himself.
over a year ago fusshi123 said…
O.o you post more frequently than me -_-. like... way more frequent.
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
WOAH! YOU HAVE A FORUM TOO??? im just gonna comment on this one only, Mkay??? ok, then. YOU get a cake now!
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 9
Percy still didn't know exactly what happened, but it really freaked him out.  He gets stabbed by an unknown girl, and then he strangles to death his healer. It wasn't him doing those evil things. Something from that dagger had caused him to kill that innocent boy. He almost killed his girlfriend too. Something, or someone, had made him do those things. Now, because of him, a god had to be called in to heal him. Whatever was on that knife seemed to leave him very, very weak. Percy couldn't even breathe, it was so painful.  When Apollo and his friends came in, he wondered what they would think about Bobby. Apollo sure isn't going to appreciate Percy murdering his son. Apollo flipped my body over so he could dress the wound that Bobby failed to do.
"Okay Percy...this might hurt a bit." ,he told me, as he poured a blue liquid on my back. Percy screamed in pain. Annabeth held his hand tightly.
"Sorry...", Apollo said. Percy wasn't sure what that blue stuff was supposed to do, but it didn't seem to solve anything but be more painful. Apollo frowned. "That was supposed to cure the poison..." Annabeth didn't look assured that Apollo was going to be able to heal Percy. "Let me try this..." Apollo pulled a blood red flask of liquid from his pocket. He gently poured it over Percy's wound. Percy screamed again. It felt like a nuclear bomb was going off in his back. Apollo looked relieved. "It worked.",Apollo said. Well Percy sure didn't feel any better. Apollo kept adding potions seemingly at random to his wound. Annabeth spoke up, "What are you trying to do exactly?"
"The poison that was on that dagger was very complex. Each of it's ingredients needs a different medicine to treat it. That's why this is taking so long."
After an hour of excruciating pain from so many potions, the pain subsided. Percy relaxed.
"Percy, can you move?",Apollo asked.
"Very little, but yes."
"You'll need to use this for the next week." He magically made a wheelchair appear out of thin air.
Leo protested,"A WHOLE WEEK! We can't save the world with Percy in a wheelchair!"
"Sadly, Leo, that is the case. The Fates planned this since his birth. You can't change destiny."
"Great," Percy thought,"My appointment with saving the world has been moved to next week."
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
YAY!!! apollo, and you posted 8 chapters in the past 4 hours.

wow. just wow
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
make that 9 chatpers. again, wow. wow.

you are awesome, keep on typing, because this is AWESOME!!!!!!

P.S. just wow
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
Writing will pe slower during the school week due to homework and other stuff
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 10
Now, you must be wondering, where was Piper and Jason during all of this? While Percy was dying on the other side of camp, Piper and Jason were heroically kissing in the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus. Of course, they didn't know of his attack yet. Piper had charmspoken the creepy emo kid out of there. What kind of person tears apart Pillow Pets for amusement?  After 10 minutes of making out, Piper stopped. She looked at Jason with concern in her eyes.
"Something's wrong," ,she said.
"What?" Jason asked. Jason never closed his mouth after the last word. His face was frozen there.
"Jason?" she asked. Nothing. She repeated the question.
"There's no use," a voice spoke from the doorway, "I've frozen time momentarily so we could talk."
A man in monogrammed pajamas was standing in the doorway. He had bags under his eyes, and on his shirt pocket was the letter "S." He took a step inside, and spoke once more, "My name is Somnus, the Roman god of sleep."
Piper was confused. Why would a god of sleep want to contact her?
"I came to warn you," he said groggily, "Gaea is waking, but monsters shouldn't be your main problem."
"Is it the giants?" she asked, hoping for an answer she already knew.
"No...Gaea is going to use whatever is standing in her way to use against this quest. It's the philosophy that if you are unable to do something, chances are your enemy won't be able to either. Right now, Percy Jackson is her main threat. That's why he is her pawn. Also, Gaea is struggling against her sleep. She couldn't awaken because the sleep is too deep. But now she is almost awake, and she plans to use sleep and dreams against you. Beware, Piper McLean, beware."
And just like that, Somnus exploded into a cloud of feathers, and was gone. Jason looked at her funny.
"Weren't you just staring at me?"
"C'mon...let's go find the others."
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
whoa, percy controlled by a bad guy......I still want him to be the MAIN hero, but do it your way because ti will probably be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!monkey!!!!!
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 11
Hazel walked back to the Senate House with Annabeth, Frank, and Percy. Well, Percy didn't walk. Frank offered to push his wheelchair while he slept. So sweet of Frank, to help him. Hazel had her arm around Annabeth, who seemed to cheer up a bit after Apollo healed him. Leo told us he wanted to talk to Reyna in private before the meeting, so we left him with her in the praetor office. They spotted Jason and Piper walking down the via praetoria holding hands. So nice of them to show up now, huh? They saw Percy in the wheelchair, and came running.
"What happened?" Jason gasped.
"While you guys were heroically kissing in New Rome," Hazel began, "Percy was stabbed by an unknown attacker, and Bobby died for some unknown reason. As you can see, there are a lot of holes in this mystery. Have anything to tell us? Besides the fact that Jason is a great kisser."
Frank and Annabeth laughed. Piper and Jason looked extremely embrassed. Hazel felt weird for going off on her friends like that. Maybe the side effects of worrying about Percy for 2 hours.
"Well, let's get going then!" Frank said cheerfully. Juno was going to have trouble if she wanted Romans and Greeks work together. So far all they've done is yell at eachother. Percy shifted in his chair, still sleeping. Piper stared at him with fear. Hazel wondered why Piper looked so scared, sure Percy got attacked, but all he was doing was sleeping. The group of them entered the forum and headed towards the Senate House.
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 12
Leo was having an extremely good day. All of the Romans seemed to be impressed with his bronze badge. He told them all it was "bestowed upon him by Poseidon himself." Yeah...Romans aren't very good at reading lies. After he found out Percy was okay, he saw Reyna storm off into her office. He decided to follow her. Leo put his ear up against the door. He heard sobbing from inside. He took a deep breath, and walked inside. Reyna's praetor's chair was turned away from him. He heard her speak, through strangled sobs.
"What do you want?"
"It's not Jason's fault." he said. Leo wished he could charm speak like Piper, it would be helpful in this situation. He needed to stand up for his friends, he knew Jason would never intentionally hurt Reyna.
"He got his memories wiped," Leo began, "He woke up on a school bus with Piper and I, and we both had fake memories of him. It just happened to be that Piper remembered him as her boyfriend. And...they got together."
Reyna turned her chair around. She stopped crying.
"Yeah...I guess you're right. I hate Juno." she said. There was a loud thunder. Reyna rolled her eyes. She stood up and walked towards Leo. Leo felt extremely awkward alone with her. All he wanted to do was take the blame away from Jason.
"The meeting is starting soon...we better go." Leo said.
Reyna was 6 inches away from Leo now. Leo took a step back. Her dark, piercing eyes looked at him like she was analyzing his soul. In a heartbeat, Reyna rushed towards him. Their lips met. 2 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds... Reyna pulled away.
"Thank you," she said awkwardly, "we better go now." She walked past him and out the door. Leo stood there for what felt like hours, wondering how he just got a girlfriend.
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
oh snap! leyna, I guess thats what it would be. and basically the 1 girl leo doesn't automatically hit on, kisses him. well, leo's a player. Post soon!! that's almost a given.

AND you should try to give this more publicity, like post on a popular persons(anaklusmus or kgirl) forum "come check out my story" and then put a link. Then this will be REALLY popular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
Well, I never saw THAT coming! Leyna...i like that name! well PLEEEEASE POST SOON!
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
big smile
over a year ago PJforever14 said…
nice one !!!
that was great !! keep posting !!
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 13
Percy dreamed he was in a cave. Crystals and plants lined the walls. He had a terrible headache. He was still wearing his toga and praetor's cape. He heard a noise from deep inside the mouth of the cave. Percy took a step back. The ground in front of him started to rumble. A woman's face appeared in the ground. Percy recognized the face only too well. Her eyes were closed and she spoke in a calm voice.
"Perseus Jackson," she began, as Percy withdrew his sword, "You don't want to hurt me. We have a lot in common, you and I." Percy stood rigid with fear. Gaea continued, "I am the earth, you are the earthshaker. We are supposed to work together, Percy. Don't fight me. Your friends won't live either way. Join me, and you can be my king. You can be immortal, and rule the sky and sea. All you have to do is come to Rome. All roads lead to Rome."
Percy stood there shocked that a dirt lady would want him as her king. Gaea dispersed into dirt and Percy sank with her.
                     • • •
Percy woke up in the Senate House. He was in his wheelchair with Annabeth sitting next to him. She smiled. Percy was groggy from his nap. He looked around him, the rest of his fellow questers were sitting in chairs near him. Piper was looking at him with fear in her eyes, but when she saw him looking she looked away and started talking to Jason.
"How are you feeling?" Annabeth asked.
"Stupid. Helpless." He knew he couldn't lie to his girlfriend. Percy hated feeling useless. His destiny finally approaches, and he's in a wheelchair. Percy tried to get up, but Annabeth held him down.
"Don't," she said sternly, "You aren't allowed to get up yet. And besides, the aftereffects of that poison has left you weak anyway."
"What are we waiting for?" Everyone else seemed to be bored from waiting.
"Leo...and Reyna."
"Hey Frank, can you wheel me up to my  desk."
"Sure man." Frank replied, "I need something to do."
Frank wheeled Percy up to the praetors' table and moved his usual chair out of the way.
"No problem."
A minute after Percy got situated in his wheelchair, Reyna briskly walked in.
"Sorry I'm late."
Percy asked Reyna, "Where's Leo?"
Reyna cracked a smile, but then it quickly disappeared.
"I don't know," she responded, "Why would I know where Leo is?" She was obviously hiding something. Leo ran inside, gasping for breath.
"Sorry I'm late," he gasped," I got held up..."
Reyna stood up.
"We'll try to make this quick and simple." she said.
Percy finished for her, "Take the awesome warship to Greece and Rome," he started, he choked up on the word "Rome." He began again, "defeat the giants and Gaea before they kill us all."
Everyone nodded grimly. Nobody was very pleased with Percy's game plan. Well, it's the truth, it's not like they were going to be frolicking through a meadow the whole time. Reyna told us that Camp Jupiter would supply rations and money, and that they would leave in the morning. So, with that, the 2nd Great Prophecy had begun.
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 14
Piper was freaking out. Percy was sleeping when her and Jason found them on the via praetoria. Who knows what weird manipulative dreams from Gaea that he hasn't shared yet. And now, she is laying wide awake in a bunk with the others, and they are all asleep. Piper checked her watch, 3:00 in the morning. Great. Just great. She put her head down on the pillow, and soon after a couple of minutes, Piper was asleep too.
                    • • •
Piper dreamed she was in at a siesta party. Hundreds of people were laid down on beds with funny pajamas and weird positions they slept in. She was dreaming about sleeping, while she was scared of sleeping because of Somnus' warning. A man stood next to her wearing the same monogrammed pajamas. Stitched on his pocket, was the letter "S."
"Somnus?" she asked.
"Yes, child. I came to talk to you again. You shouldn't worry about sleeping, Piper. It's the dreams that you shouldn't trust. She is going to throw you off guard. You won't know which dreams are really happening and which are fakes that Gaea has sent you. Trust me, you need your sleep. You don't wanna save the world looking like that guy, would you?" He pointed towards a fat guy with a beard that touched the floor, snoring very loudly on a water bed wearing pink footy pajamas. Piper laughed. She couldn't help it. Then, a sudden thought came to Piper, she asked, "Wait, maybe this is a fake dream, sent by Gaea?"
Somnus took a while to answer that question.
"Maybe, maybe not. This is why you need strong friendships in your life to keep you down to earth." Somnus chuckled like he just made a witty pun. Piper wondered what he meant by that. Somnus stared off at the siesta with a look of longing. One minute, two minutes, three minutes.
"Hello? Mr. Somnus? Sir?" Piper was starting to get confused. He just stared at the party without blinking or moving a muscle. Then, he let out a huge snore, eyes still open, and standing. Piper thought, "Did he seriously just fall asleep standing up and with his eyes open?" Weird...
                    • • •
Piper woke up feeling awesome, mostly because Jason woke her up.
"Piper, Piper, wake up." His voice was so kind and gentle, it's like he learned a little charm speak of his own. He smiled. "It's time to go, everyone else is getting ready to board the Argo II."
Piper rushed to get ready. By the time she got ready, she was running down the via praetoria with Jason, her hair in a messy bun. Everyone else on the quest was already on except for Leo, who was talking to Reyna.
"Finally!", Leo exclaimed, "I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep Piper."
Piper smiled. "Shut up, Valdez." Jason took her hand and led her up the ramp to the boat. Jason had already disappeared into the boat when she turned around halfway up the ramp, to see Leo and Reyna kissing at the bottom. They stopped and Piper heard Leo say, "I'll be back." When he was climbing aboard, Piper and Leo made eye contact. Piper raised her eyebrows while smirking. Leo turned a violent shade of pink.
"Don't worry, Valdez. I won't tell Jason." she said. Leo looked like a 100 pounds was lifted off of his shoulders.
"Thanks, beauty queen. Now let's get this war machine destroying things before I get bored!" Piper laughed and they entered the boat together.
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
What do u think of the story so far???
over a year ago fusshi123 said…
NICE! Hope you post soon! :p and im sure you will :)
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
big smile
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
I THINK ITS GREAT! Please post soon!
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
It's awesmazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please post soon!!!!!
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 15
Leo was feeling great. He had a hot girlfriend, which surprisingly he didn't even need to hit on, his ship hadn't fallen out of the sky yet, totally surpassing Festus' record 8 months ago. Leo thought that this boat was the highlight of his life. He even outdid himself and added cupholders. That was a GREAT idea. The ship was decked out with celestial bronze cannons, and some other secret tricks that he hasn't used yet.
"T minus 30 seconds to lift off." he told the others.
Piper laughed, "Leo it's a boat, not a rocket ship."
Leo grinned. Leo just wanted to bring up the moral and mood before the bad things started happening. Before long, the Greek trireme was flying across California. He noticed how Percy choked up when he said the word "Rome," so he obviously knew something Leo didn't. Percy seemed really cheery for someone who was in a wheelchair when saving the world. Annabeth had her legs laid over his. Percy changed into a pair of jeans and a purple and orange tie-dyed shirt. Wow, they all needed one of those. Leo didn't understand how he got one of those shirts or changed into one. He set the boat on auto pilot, another handy trick he got worked out before they left Camp Half-Blood.
"Hey Percy."
"Hey what's up?"
"I was just wondering, where did you get that shirt? Man, I sound like a girl."
Percy laughed. "I found this on my bed this morning, I don't know who gave it to me. Jason got one too." Leo looked over at Jason and Piper, who were talking with Hazel and Frank and laughing.
"Oh, well I really wanted one. Maybe if we all get one, we could be a color-coordinating team. Gods, I sound like Piper's mom."
Annabeth and Percy laughed. Annabeth spoke, "Being in love has that effect on people."
"How'd you know I have a girlfriend?" Leo asked.
"Leo, this ship has windows, you should know you built the thing!"
Leo blushed. He was glad he had friends like these. The Greeks and Romans seemed to be getting along after all. He looked over at the others again, laughing, the girls clinging to their boyfriends' arms. He knew what Jason and Percy's shirts meant now. Unity. Jason and Percy belonged to both camps, so they got the shirts first. Leo understood now why Hera had been so eager to get the Greeks and Romans back together, two great forces like this working together would be unstoppable. Leo went back to the captain's chair. He kicked his feet up onto the control panel. They had now reached the deserts of Nevada. He yelled over to Annabeth, "Hey Annabeth, are we stopping back at camp first?"
Annabeth contemplated that for a while. She saw the hopeful look on Percy's face, and said, "We might as well. Our friends would want to see Percy."
Leo grinned. Now Leo would get to brag to Jake Mason that he got a girlfriend. They had now reached the Rocky Mountains, in that short amount of time, Leo wondered what giants they would have to face on this quest. He decided to ask Annabeth, who seemed to be the smartest one here.
"Hey Annie, can I call you that?"
"Don't even think about it."
" have any idea what giants we'll be fighting?"
"Well, I was thinking it might be Polybotes, or possibly Alcyoneus. They seem like the biggest threats."
Percy interjected, "Already taken care of."
"Excuse me?" Annabeth asked.
"Uh...yeah, Frank, Hazel, and I already beat those guys up."
"Okay, then, I have no idea."
"I guess we'll have to study up when we get to camp, well, Annabeth will do most of the studying..."
She nodded. If there's one thing Annabeth can do, it's definitely studying.
Leo grabbed his intercom microphone, and spoke into it.
"Attention passengers," Leo began in a mock flight attendant voice, "We should arrive at Camp Half-Blood by dusk. We are currently in the lovely state of Utah. Please fasten your seatbelts and get ready for the ride. I'm just kidding about the seatbelt part we're freaking demigods."
Everyone laughed. Everyone on the ship was having a good time, and Leo felt like he had a family again.
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
So you told me to check out your forum....

I have a few things to say.
1. Awesome posting speed
2. You should follow the fanfic guidelines, set up your intro like:
3. You should make your chapters slightly longer unless you're planning to do 100 or so,
4. Overall pretty good, post soon!
5. Why did you ask for my Facebook name?
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
^abrown is planning to do a lot of chapters. It's been 3 days and she has done 15 chapters, so abrown is gonna do A LOT OF CHAPTERS!! ALSO
i loved the chapter, and i can't wait for when they get to camp, it's gonna be AWESOME!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
Btw percabethX2...abrown is a guy...hahahaha
over a year ago fusshi123 said…
is everyone a boy here?! Gosh... Im a girl ;) you could probably tell from my profile pic :D
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
Cool Chapter.
And btw i'm a girl
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 16
Jason was starting to feel like this quest could actually go the way the planned. He was friends with everybody. Percy was really cool, and Jason wasn't mad that he took his praetorship. Percy didn't seem to want to have the job anyway. He saw how much pressure Percy looked like he was carrying on his shoulders when they first arrived at Camp Jupiter. Jason remembered how he felt when he was made praetor. Busy schedule, responsibility, pressure, he knew how Percy felt. It was also pretty awesome how they got purple-and-orange tie-dyed t-shirts. They belong in the hearts of both camps now. Jason looked out the window at the Missouri landscape below. How long had they been in this ship? 2 hours, 3 hours? Leo designed this boat to be extremely fast. Jason had never met Frank before today. He doesn't look like much, but Juno obviously had to pick him for a reason. Hazel seemed so much more mature, since the last time he'd seen her. She seemed so shy, and now she was like a grown woman, although she was only thirteen. Jason sat with Piper, holding hands. Their relationship wasn't awkward anymore. Eight months with the Greeks had really changed him. He'd always wondered why Greece was so successful because they never worked as a team, it was always that one hero that was famous out of the entire army. In Rome, the legion worked as a single working unit, coordinated attack plans, and specific placement of soldiers. Jason realized that it was because they were all friends. The Greeks could carry out an attack and defend themselves so well because they had desires to protect what was important to them, the camp, their friends, their family, not like that lying piece of scum, Octavian. Back at Camp Jupiter, Jason felt bad that he never got to know half of his cohort. He really couldn't call them his family, he never knew them. If you asked Jason, he could name every single camper at Camp Half-Blood. He just spent eight months with some of the coolest people he's ever met, despite the fact that they were Greek. He couldn't wait until Frank and Hazel got to see his home for the past eight months. Frank asked him, "So..what's it like at this Greek camp?"
"Oh it's has it's pros and cons. I think you'll find it there really interesting. It has a whole different vibe to it, you know what I mean?"
"Yeah...Percy's told me about it. We're looking forward to it. We just want to prove to Octavian that the Greeks aren't bad people, I mean, we're all friends here, right?"
Everyone nodded. Leo announced that we would arrive at camp in about an hour, since they were already flying over Ohio. Jason saw Percy smile. Atleast Percy would be getting a warmer welcome than he did in New Rome. Jason put his arm around Piper, and relaxed, because he knew, that his true friends lied in their next destination.
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
I'm determined to make the camp reunion chapter brace yourselves:)
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
Part 1 of 3 of the camp chapters to be posted soon!
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 17
Frank wasn't nervous at all. By the way Jason and the others described it, it seemed really awesome. He said it was more of a summer camp than an army barrack like Camp Jupiter. Leo landed the ship on a country road in the middle of nowhere.
"Are you sure this is where it is?" Frank asked.
"Its just over the hill. I wonder if I can get a parking ticket for this thing." Leo replied.
A range of hills was blocking his sight of the camp. A giant pine tree with a glittering cloth dangling from the branches was on the tallest hill. A full size dragon was sleeping under it.
"That dragon's not gonna kill me is it?" Frank asked, with a little worry in his voice.
Annabeth responded, "Nope, that's Peleus, our guard dragon for the Golden Fleece."
Frank had never heard of a golden fleece before, he wondered why they had it. He started to push Percy up the hill.
"Where are we exactly?" Hazel asked.
Percy grinned and answered, "Long Island, New York."
They had reached the crest of the hill, Frank stared in awe at the Greek camp. There was an amphitheater, Greek pavilions, cabins like a summer camp, and strawberry fields. Although it was night time, campers in orange t-shirts were still hanging around. Some of them spotted the seven on the hill and came running. One of the first ones to the top was a bulky girl wearing a camouflage jacket over her orange t-shirt. She smiled at Annabeth, and saw Percy.
"What in the world happened to you, Jackson?"
Percy smiled. "Nice to see you to Clarisse."
More kids came up the hill, along with a mixture of fauns. Frank heard a whole bunch of questions at once.
"What was the Roman camp like?"
"What happened to Percy?"
"Did you beat up Gaea yet?"
Frank and Hazel received no deadly stares from any of the Greeks. No one seemed to care that they were wearing purple shirts. Frank spotted a horse canter up the hill. But it wasn't a horse. Instead of a head, it was replaced by the upper half of a middle-aged man with a beard. He easily made it through the gathering crowd, despite the fact that there was atleast 100 kids there. He smiled, and said, "Well, I see the Romans are here. And, Percy, what happened to you?" The centaur was appalled at the fact that his favorite camper was in a wheelchair. "Campers, go to the campfire while I speak to the seven most powerful half-bloods in the world today. Come," he gestured toward a four story blue farm house," let us talk." He cantered away towards the porch. Everyone followed. They made it into a spacious office, obviously the centaur's. Frank's jaw dropped when the centaur somehow compacted himself into a wheelchair with fake legs sticking out of the front. The rest of us sat down in various couches and chairs.
The centaur spoke, "For those of you who don't know me yet, my name is Chiron. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. I'm glad to say that Jason, Piper, Leo, and Annabeth have successfully returned with Percy and the two others from the prophecy. Now what are your names?"
"I'm Frank Zhang, son of Mars, er, I mean, Ares." Frank's face turned red with embarrassment and awkwardness.
Chiron scolded him," You don't need to call the gods by their Greek names here if you are the child of the Roman aspect. Now, who is this?" He glanced at Hazel.
"I'm Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto."
"Pluto, huh?" Chiron glanced nervously at the ground and then looked back up again and smiled. "Well, you guys can show Frank and Hazel around camp, while I talk to Percy, alone please. Later, we might have a nice after-dark capture-the-flag game after the campfire."
Annabeth and Piper took Hazel outside. Frank left with Jason and Leo to be shown around camp. Frank saw the cabins, which were really cool, but he didn't like the Ares one, it creeped him out that he was related to those people.
"Do I have to stay in that cabin tonight?" Frank asked.
Frank thought it was unfair that you were seperated by your godly parent here. Percy must've been really lonely the first time he came here.
Jason replied, "Well, Chiron said that you are a child of the Roman aspect, like me. You don't really get to choose where you stay unless you're related to two gods, which is highly unlikely."
"I'm a descendant of Neptune too, you know."
Jason looked shocked.
"Well, I guess you could stay with Percy tonight if you wanted to." Jason pointed towards a cabin that was made of gray stone, coral, and seashell. It smelled of a salty sea breeze. He could see Percy living there for the past couple of years.
"So what's this about capture-the-flag and a campfire?"
Leo answered, "The camp has a campfire every night after dinner, and we sing and do fun stuff. It sounds really cheesy, but it's actually really fun. And we also play capture-the-flag sometimes. That's really fun too. But we've never played after dark. That sounds awesome."
"Like the war games at Camp Jupiter," Frank thought.
"Come on, Frank, let's go to the campfire.", Jason gestured towards the amphitheater. Frank now understood why Percy loved this place so much. Frank felt like he was at home again.
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
big smile
Sorry...make that part 1 of 5! Next chapter to be posted's...very interesting for Percy.
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 18
Percy told Chiron everything. If he couldn't trust Chiron, he couldn't trust anyone. He told his story, leaving out no details. Chiron was a good listener. The only thing Chiron found unnerving was Percy's tattoo. When Percy got to the part when he got stabbed in the back, Chiron stood up in horse form, and started talking to himself. Percy felt weird having him tower over him like that. Chiron bent down and put his hand over Percy's heart. He spoke an ancient Greek incantation, the tips of his fingers glowed, and Percy received a slight electric shock. Chiron folded back into wheelchair form.
"You can stand up now.", Chiron said plainly. Percy was in disbelief.
"Wait, I can just stand up and walk now? The god of medicine tells me I have to stay in this wheelchair for a week, and you just heal me, just like that?"
Chiron shrugged. Percy stood up. Nothing hurt. He felt perfectly fine.
Chiron wheeled himself over to a desk as he spoke, "Your father gave this to me after you disappeared. He knew where you were the entire time, but he didn't tell me. He gave me this," he held up a keychain with a miniature trident on it, "in hopes that you can put this to use. He's not demanding that you use this. He just thought that it might have more advantages than that sword you have there. Here." He gave the keychain to Percy, who strung it around his leather necklace.
"Take it off the keychain Percy." He did as he was instructed. The keychain grew in length to a full size silver trident, wrapped in black leather around the handle. The three tips glowed with an aura of blue energy.
"It has the same properties of your bronze sword. If you lose it, it will always return to the keychain on your necklace."
Percy stared at his new weapon in awe. His dad had given this to him. Percy truly felt close to his father now. He was going to have some with this bad boy at capture-the-flag tonight. He reattached it to the keychain, and it shrank back to it's former size.
"Thanks Chiron."
"Don't thank me. Thank your father. He had this made specifically for you."
Percy smiled. He really was grateful for Chiron. He let him walk again, and he got him this awesome weapon.
"You better go get ready for capture-the-flag Percy. I hear Blackjack wants to have a good battle."
Percy walked out of the Big House feeling better than ever.
                       • • •
Percy entered the stables with a plate of sugar cubes. Blackjack was talking to his friend Guido.
"After 8 months, you really deserved these."
Big mistake. Blackjack was bouncing off the walls after only his second.
"Are you ready to play capture-the-flag? I need an awesome pegasus to ride into battle, with my fancy new trident."
"Cool pitchfork boss. Are you gonna be baling me some hay with that bad boy?"
Percy rolled his eyes. Suddenly, someone walked in. It was Hazel. She seemed surprised that he was in here.
"I didn't know you had a pegasus." she said.
"Yeah, this is Blackjack."
"I just came to check on Arion."
"Arion is in here?"
"Yeah, I told him to follow the boat across the country so he could come to Rome with us."
She pointed to a horse in the corner across from Guido. Sure enough, it was Arion.
"Are you gonna use him in capture-the-flag?"
"Yeah, not much use of a cavalry sword without a horse. Are you using Blackjack? You don't have a cavalry sword do you?"
"No, but I've got this." He snapped off his trident and it grew to full-size. Hazel grinned. Then, Percy realized something.
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be with Annabeth and Piper?"
She replied,"Aren't you supposed to be in a wheelchair?"
They both laughed. Hazel then walked towards the door, but then before she left, she said, "I better go catch up with Annabeth. She still thinks I'm inspecting the canoe lake."
Percy smiled. It's great to have a friend like her.
over a year ago PJforever14 said…
nice !
post soon !!
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
POST SOON i LOVE this story
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
great chapters,
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
Awesome chatper but u forgot Leo please post the rest soon
over a year ago abrown7297 said…
PJ 19
Hazel didn't know Percy had a pegasus. Really, no one knew much about him. His last day at Camp Jupiter, Hazel found out a lot about him. He was Greek, he had a cool pen/sword, he had a half-brother Cyclops, he was related to Frank, he had a pet hellhound, and now apparently he has a magical silver trident and a black pegasus. Hazel didn't know how the Greeks didn't notice a horse just walk into camp. Maybe Arion just sped in at the speed of sound. She really wanted Arion to come to Rome with her. She didn't know if he could fit in the boat or not. Hazel walked towards the canoe lake. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder. She turned around and was relieved it was Annabeth and Piper. Hazel smiled awkwardly.
" was the canoe lake?" Annabeth asked.
" was awesome. It was blue...and wet."
Piper laughed.
"Come on...let's show you the Hades cabin."
The Hades cabin was made entirely of obsidian, with torches of green fire hanging by the door. Hazel went inside. The beds were laid with black sheets, only one bed of which that was messy.
"Who slept there?" Hazel asked.
Annabeth answered, "A kid named Nico di Angelo. He doesn't stay here much. He only drops in from time to time."
Hazel's stomach flipped over. She stuttered, "Nico...Nico was here?"
"You know him?" Annabeth asked.
"Yeah, he was at Camp Jupiter for a while. He showed up and and I introduced him to Percy. But they seemed to know eachother already."
Annabeth looked like she was going to punch someone.
"THAT BACKSTABBING LITTLE PUNK! I set him out to find Percy. He finds him. And he doesn't even acknowledge that he knows him!"
Piper looked uneasy if whether or not she should join the conversation or not.
Annabeth grumpily said, "Well you can sleep here tonight. Anything else you want to tell me?"
Hazel was on the verge of telling her she came from the Underworld, but she held her tongue. Annabeth didn't seem like the kind of person that would be friends with you if she found out that.
"Nico got captured by Gaea looking for the Doors of Death." ,Hazel blurted out.
Annabeth looked horrified, so did Piper.
"What an idiot! Just because he's a son of Hades doesn't mean that he can do something as stupid as that. That sounds like Percy the first time we met. Is he trying to be Percy or something?"
Hazel didn't respond. Nico didn't sound very smart if you put it that way. Hazel didn't know Percy was that rash when he was younger. Percy seemed like a pretty smart guy to her. Maybe he grew out of it. She didn't know enough of Nico's history to know if he was trying to be Percy. Nico did seem like that kind of guy who would get jealous of someone else's attention. Piper finally spoke,"We should probably get down to the campfire."
A look of fear, disgust, and understanding dawned on Annabeth's face. She mumbled to herself something barely audible. Hazel could only pick out a few bits and pieces, it sounded like,
"He wouldn't...wait yes he would...oh my gods...backstabber." She cursed more in ancient Greek and walked out of the cabin. Hazel asked Piper, "What was that about?"
Piper shrugged. "I have NO idea. Come on. We can play capture-the-flag."
                   • • •
Everyone sat in the amphitheater by their godly parent, except for Hazel and Frank, who sat next to each other in the front row. Chiron cantered up to the front, and bellowed to the excited crowd, "Welcome campers to our first after-dark capture-the-flag match. I'd like to acknowledge that our beloved camper, Percy Jackson, is back," Percy stood up and waved to the crowd. Annabeth had a shocked look on her face, probably because Percy looked as good as new. The bonfire burning behind Chiron turned a shade of hot pink. Chiron continued, "Also, I'd like you all to meet the Romans from Camp Jupiter, who are the other two from the Great Prophecy, Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang."
Everyone clapped loudly. Hazel knew why Jason loved this place. Everyone was friends here, Greek or Roman. Chiron began again, "We are going to change the rules a little for a little fun," He smiled. "We are going to have Percy, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, and Leo on one team, and the rest of the camp on the other."
The camp cheered. Hazel was wondering how 7 people were going to beat 100 kids.
"I have full confidence in both teams, if you call 7 demigods a team. The 7 will be allowed horses," he grinned at Hazel, "Or any other magical steed," he glanced at Percy, "Remember, no killing or maiming. Magical items are allowed. The flag must be in plain sight, or as much as you can see in this darkness. The creek will serve as the boundary line. Let us begin, the conch horn will blow when the game will start."
The others started walking towards the forest, except for Hazel and Percy. Annabeth turned around, and asked what they were doing.
Percy told her they were going to the stables really quick. They ran towards the stables and took out Blackjack and Arion. They rode together into the forest until they found themselves in a clearing. There was a waterfall falling off of a high cliff. Annabeth told us her plan, Percy will use the water to position the flag on a rock on top of the waterfall, Jason, Piper, Leo, and Percy would take offense, Hazel and Frank would take defense, and Annabeth would help whichever side needed the most help. Percy unlatched his silver trident, and it grew to full size, its points glowing with a blue aura. Annabeth stared at it in awe. She seemed slightly amused.
"What the heck Percy? You come out of the Big House walking, when you were supposed to be in a wheelchair, and now you have a silver trident?"
He replied casually, "Chiron fixed me up, but I don't know why Apollo couldn't. And this is a gift from my father."
"Okay, does everyone know the plan?"
We all nodded. A conch horn blew in the distance. The game had started.
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
Please post soon!
over a year ago beba157jello said…
awesome chapters !!!
can't wait till you poost!!!!!!:)