The Heroes of Olympus The Intertwining Of The Realms

PERCYJACKS0N posted on Oct 29, 2011 at 04:56PM
its a story thing-rating 0- erm............... heres the Prologue.
Its about well... the realms and... well just read the prologue! and got any questions later ask them

The war started in the northern plague lands, just after the cataclysm struck, scaring the lands and dividing the fifteen nations, thus unleashing the most evil and diabolical beings from there impenetrable prisons, spreading chaos and destruction slowly across the plains.
The nation leaders had to decide who to place there allegiance upon, forcing a cross species war.
Civilisations crumbled and were soon forgotten, the aura of decay lingered in the thickening air. Many good souls were lost in the raging fire of war, fuelling the un-dead legionaries, preparing to pounce.

A prophet once spoke of the end of all life, he warned us, but driven by rage we brutally murdered him. I don’t think anyone could forget the horror stricken fetchers incurved on his old, timeless face as we each drove our swords one by one into any visible patch of flesh we could find.

We should’ve listened, for a greater threat now beholds all unlucky enough to appose it, event greater then the nine nations apposing us. Luckily, this beast is cursed to stay within the 9th realm, but, over the years, the curse has been fading, and will soon be lifted.
This… monstrosity of a beast shell brings forth the end of every insignificant being ever to have walked the nine realms.
Seven Children shell be born when the curse is weak, they will be gifted with the greatest of aspects, fire, water, earth, life, air, ice and light. They were built to oppose each other, but can also stand agents the demon. It is not known if they can win, only fate can decide.
The savage has stowed is alliance upon the enemy faction- that, faction wants all of us dead. So, as I said
‘Whoever is unlucky enough to appose it’… well, you know.
So yeah, were pretty much screwed…
last edited on Oct 29, 2011 at 08:26PM

The Heroes of Olympus 9 replies

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over a year ago magic-cow said…
Ohhhhhhhhhhh. Si- fi Fantasty. Loosely related stuff. peoples own original ideas. I'll go get popcorn. But I am seriously getting popcorn. Peace out
over a year ago PERCYJACKS0N said…
Sorry I posted this on the wrong club XD but if u want me 2 continue its got nothing to with greek gods and that...
over a year ago PERCYJACKS0N said…
tell me if i should continue..... i cannot delete the topic no more!
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
You should continue. What club were you supposed to put it on?
over a year ago PERCYJACKS0N said…
i donno! just i cannot find a club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago zakittle said…
I liked it keep making it
over a year ago PERCYJACKS0N said…
liked? that's past tense XD

(post 2morrow or something i post on weekends then... maybe..)if i can get permission or something... cous its spam its not the club topic so...
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
put it on the fanfic
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
What? Are you saying you deleted your old account?
I don't believe you....