The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena :)

Ares2002 posted on Oct 29, 2011 at 05:33AM
the ones who have read the son of Neptune should read this

Annabeth Chase (Athena)
Percy Jackson (Poseidon)
Jason Grace (Jupiter)
Frank Zhang (Mars)
Hazel Levesque (Pluto)
Piper McLean (Aphrodite)
Leo Valdez (Hephaestus)
and lots of other gods and campers

posting policy
4 comments and 1 or 2 props if u want another chapter

Summary:this is the one where the seven go to Rome to rescue their friend Nico and find out what Annabeth does to shake the seven and probably the entire Rome

Wisdom's daughter walks alone
The Mark of Athena burns through Rome

Seven half bloods shall answer the call
to storm or fire the world must fall
an oath to keep with a final breath
and foes bear arms to the doors of death
last edited on Oct 30, 2011 at 11:04AM

The Heroes of Olympus 173 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 173

over a year ago Ares2002 said…
Chapter 1:
When the ship landed on the borders of the camp, everyone from Camp Jupiter drew their swords and prepared for battle if it came.
A boy with curly hair-Leo, the one from the video
message-came out of the ship with a girl with choppy brown hair.
They were arguing over how late the ship landed.
“I don’t know Piper, maybe it was stupid ugly face
itself or”-
They looked at us and called at the same time
“Annabeth, Jason come here”
The one who Percy was most waiting for came with
a boy with blond hair wearing an orange shirt like the
one campers wear in Camp Half-Blood.
When Reyna saw Jason she ran up to him and hugged
him. The girl Piper looked jealous.
Meanwhile Annabeth was running towards Percy,
tears running down her cheek.
“I am going to slap Hera when I get her” Annabeth
“Calm down, Annabeth” said Percy
The other campers were staring at Jason, Piper, Leo
and Annabeth.

“What were you doing all the time; we have realized
that monsters are going back to Tartarus and are not
reforming, I bet it has something to do with you.”
Percy then told her about everything they had gone
through at their quest to save Thanatos. Annabeth was
shocked to hear about Phineas.
After that Reyna cleared her throat and everyone
turned towards her.
“We know that the Greeks are here to help us battle
Terra but they need our help for it. We need to
work together and for those who do not know that
this is the Prophecy of Seven. You can hear it from
Octavian here.”
Octavian looked murderous but he stepped forwards
and recited the prophecy:

“Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death”

“The prophecy has started, the seven demigods are Percy
Jackson our praetor and the son of Poseidon, Jason Grace
our old praetor and the son of Jupiter, Frank Zhang son
of Mars, Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto, Piper Mclean
daughter of Aphrodite, Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus and
Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena.”
“The doors of death are opened by Terra, the seven must
close them before more hideous monsters come, now that’s
it. Let them go on a suicide mission.” After that only Percy,
Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Leo, Frank, Jason, Ella, Tyson,
Reyna and Octavian were left
Hazel looked constantly at Leo because of the resemblance
between him and Sammy Valdez.
“I hope you all die at this quest” said Octavian with a sneer.
“Octavian please give them some of the medicine for the
journey, they will need it.” said Reyna
They got some medicine and nectar and ambrosia.
“Ella will you come with us? “Asked Hazel
“Ella go with friends. Friend’s seasons’ 10. 1994-2004
Phoebe sings Smelly cat.
“Whatever” said Frank.
The seven went on the ship and looked around. Everyone
was staring at them and saying their goodbyes. Leo went
to the steer of the ship and controlled it in the air.Their was
no water so they had to travel in air. Percy was nervous that
thunder would come and destroy the ship. At night Percy
slept in the room the ship had and had bad dreams.

He was in a place he didn’t recognize. He was in a chamber
where there was all darkness. He felt lots of spirits
screaming to come out of a steel black door which was at
the end of the room. Percy now thought it looked a cave because the open doors at the end were showing a view of the entrance of a cave.
A voice that seemed very familiar said “Tantalus bring your pets with yourself to the ship. I need you.”
Percy woke up with the sound of a bang on the ship.
please read
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
big smile
Chapter 2:
When Annabeth heard the bang she instantly knew it was Tantalus and his pets. After all she had summoned them. Again she felt very guilty of doing this just for her mother. She was betraying everybody somehow even though she was not on Gaea’s side. “Annabeth, where are you?” Percy shouted from somewhere close by. Annabeth went out from her room and went into the main hall. There he was with his new pets. Percy was very shocked to see him again and with his new monster snakes for pets.
“That’s Tantalus with two Pythons” Annabeth said trying to sound shocked.
“Oh, what do we have here?” Tantalus said. “You like my new pets?” he said pointing to the large snakes bigger than a Hyperborean giant and thicker than a whole house. Percy looked like he might faint right now.
“Gaea summoned you?” asked Percy
“Oh Gaea didn’t, your girlfriend did.” Tantalus answered
“What is he talking about, Annabeth” Piper said. Annabeth just shrugged. The air was slapping their faces because they were in the air. But not like the normal, it was so rough that they were getting pushed to the corners of the ship and if they fell they would fall a 100 feet in to the sea.
“Are you doing this Jason?” asked Leo. Jason shook his head and concentrated on the fact on killing their enemies. Then Annabeth thought. She understood that Aeolus was ordering the winds to push them to the sea. She was in her thoughts when she heard slashing and a cry of pain. She had forgotten that Tantalus wasn’t beaten.
“Percy!” shouted Hazel Levesque, Annabeth and Frank Chang at the same time. Jason was fighting the two fire-breathing Pythons and Percy was sprawled on the ground clutching his right arm. Riptide was in his hand. There was a deep gash made by the scales on the Python. The gash was looking very green and ugly.
“Can I expect some help?” shouted Jason while fighting the Pythons. Instantly Piper and Leo came to his aid. Each took one Python and Jason started fighting Tantalus.
“Help Jason, Leo and Piper, I will take Percy” Annabeth told Frank and Hazel. They both nodded and went to help. Annabeth helped Percy get up and led him to the infirmary. She took out some Ambrosia and Nectar. She fed him Ambrosia and thought again about her betraying everybody.
“Percy I want to tell you something.” Annabeth said
“What happened Annabeth?” asked Percy. They were interrupted by Hazel.
She said “Guys, Jason found something” Percy and Annabeth followed Hazel to the hall. There were three piles of golden dust on the ground.
Jason was looking at a piece of paper. “Frank can you read this, because I have dyslexia and ADHD?” he said. He handed the paper to Frank and Frank read:

This is a message from Gaea. We have captured your friend Nico di Angelo Nico and he is in Rome. You know where to go with this girl and Annabeth Chase do not betray me.
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
i will not post until i get 3 props and 8 comments from different people
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
Chapter 3:
Jason didn't understand anything about that letter.What did that mean about Annabeth betraying Gaea?.Nico di Angelo is captured?They hadn't even planned where they were going right now and Gaea was saying Annabeth knows where to go.It was very confusing.Percy Jackson decided to make a plan what they were going to do in the dining table.
a short part of the Chapter 3
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
ok this is great. :D
I think people are moving over to the Fanfic forum (forum for writers and commenters) so I suggest you post on both spots, to get more comments.
some people haven't moved over there yet though.
props are on their way! please post...hope you don't mind if I give you three, lol
thanks for the prop by the way ;)
over a year ago SeaBrat said…
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
great story! post soon
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
I would never thought Ares can read or write jk, Great story!! I hope annabeth doesnt die, but great story!!
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
i am totally not killing Annabeth but i am killing someone else
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
Chapter 3:

Jason didn't understand anything about that letter. What did that mean about Annabeth betraying Gaea? Nico di Angelo is captured? They hadn't even planned where they were going right now and Gaea was saying Annabeth knows where to go.It was very confusing. Percy Jackson decided to make a plan what they were going to do in the dining table.
“We have to decide where we will go first, Rome or Greece” said Piper in the dining room. “The message said something about Annabeth.”
“If we go to Rome we can find Nico and also another thing is bothering me is that Thanatos had said that only one sort of demi-god can lead us to the Doors of Death and I think it’s Nico who can.” Said Frank “So it is decided that we will go to Rome to find Nico and close the Doors of Death” said Percy. Suddenly Annabeth stood up
“I am so sorry Percy, I have to leave. I can’t stay here and I can’t let anybody die. This is all my fault.” said Annabeth
“What are you saying Annabeth? How is it your fault” said Leo clearly shocked. Annabeth didn’t answer. She just ran away from the room with tears running down her cheeks.
“I will go after her.” Said Percy before he went after Annabeth. After some minutes of silence Percy came in looking sad. He pointed at the sky where everyone could see a black Pegasus flying with a girl with blond hair crying in the night sky.
“I don’t get it.” Said Hazel the next day after some dreamless sleep. “Why would Annabeth run away? She hadn’t done something bad had she?”
“Even Gaea had said in the message to Annabeth about not betraying her. What could it mean?” Said Jason. Percy had been silent since Annabeth was gone.
“She wanted to talk to me about something when my arm was injured” said Percy the first time. Suddenly a large figure came into view. It was a giant. It had snaky green hair with a tail like a dragon and a humanoid body.
“I am the great Otus. I shall destroy you all by the service of Gaea"
"Frank watch out!"shouted Percy as a rest hand reached towards Frank.Frank got out just in time.He aimed his bow at the giants head and shot.Otus wailed in pain.
"We need the help of a god" said Percy.Suddenly a bright light filled the sky.It was a rainbow and on top of the rainbow was the goddess of rainbows,Iris.
"You asked the help of a god?"Iris asked "Well here i am" and with that Iris summoned 7 colour people who started to attack Otus.Leo also started throwing fire balls at the giant.Otus was starting to turn to dust. In at least 30 minutes the giant was a pile of golden dust.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LAALAApercabeth said…
cool chappie! :)
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
thanks everyone who is reading my forum.
tell me who should be the next chapter of
Annabeth i have done and also Percy and Jason
the only people left are Leo Piper Hazel and Frank
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Please check out my forum!
I think u should do Leo's Pov cuz he's cool! Great chapter post soon
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago parras2 said…
it should be Leo's POV post soon
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
Chapter 4:
When Leo saw the giant turn to dust he was relieved that it was over.He had had a dream in which Gaea was planning to bring the giant Otus to specifically destroy Leo.Leo didn't tell anybody about it.Another thing was weird that the girl Hazel Levesque always looked scared or shocked when she looked at him.Leo did't know he was scary,he always thought of himself as cool.Whenever he asked her about why she looked at him she starts to whisper something like Sammy Valdez.Even Percy and Frank looked at him as if he came from the dead.After the so-called great Otus was a pile of yellow powder Percy said
"Well done Leo,You were meant to destroy him."
"Well i think my business is over,i shall go"said Iris
and with that everybody closed their eyes as Iris went in a flash of light.
"Well that wa-"Leo started but was cut off by the wind blowing harshly and pushing the ship to the ground.
"Leo steer the ship to the water,storm spirits are attacking!"shouted Piper.Sure enough storm spirits were attacking the ship
"On it" Leo said.The wind was constantly trying to push the ship to the ground-Gaea's place.
"Aeolus is siding with Gaea to kill us."said Hazel
The ship slowly but steadily landed on the surface of the sea.
The moment the ship touched the sea the water started flowing around the sea.An army of sea monsters came out of the sea.Earthborns and centaurs on the ground started throwing mounds of mud and shot arrows.Leo activated some of the cannons on the ship and the cannons started killing their enemies.From the sea came sharks and whales who Percy said he could't handle.A shark bigger than the rest came out of the sea and actually talked."I am Lamia the destruction of you."
"I know her. She loved Zeus and Zeus loved her back but Hera took revenge by killing her children.She turned her into a demon and Zeus then transformed her into a monster allowing her to exact her revenge by hunting and devouring the children of others."said Piper
"OK miss beauty queen enough of the theory"said Leo
Everyone started to fight.Earthborns falling on the ground. Centaurs failing to shoot arrows at the engine of the ship.Sea monsters were trying to take the ship under the sea and Percy tried to control them.Lamia herself was laughing evilly.When the sea monsters were under control they started to help kill the earthborns and centaurs.Percy and Jason were slashing at Lamia.A centaur shot an arrow at Leo while he was throwing fireballs.The arrow hit him right in the stomach and Leo felt his eyesight getting blurry and he fell on the floor.He barely heard his name being called as he closed his eyes for probably the last time.

A/N I hope you like it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago parras2 said…
thanks for posting
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
The next POV is going to be of Frank or Hazel
please tell
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
5 comments and 2 or 1 prop for the next chapter
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
guys please read!!!!!!!!!!
i am also posting my story on this site
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
I think it should be Hazel's. This is great post soon!
over a year ago ninjagirl77 said…
The next POV should be Hazel's. AND WRITE QUICK!!!
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
Chapter 5:
When Hazel saw Leo falling on the floor she screamed. After all he looked like her old boyfriend Sammy Valdez. When the first time she saw Leo she thought Sammy had come back from the dead. Whenever Leo asked her about her problem about always looking at him weirdly she doesn’t answer. Now he was gone, sure Frank was now closer to him than before but she also missed Sammy. Now back from Hazel’s thought everyone saw Leo but they were still busy fighting. Lamia was losing the fight with Percy and Jason. Soon she will be turned into dust. The earthborns were all dead by Leo’s cannons but the centaurs were still fighting to the death. Hazel stared at the lifeless figure of Leo while everybody was finishing their fight. When the fight ended everybody came to Leo with tears in their eyes when he moved. Leo moved! Slowly he opened his eyes and grinned and said “I’m alive people, nobody can kill the supreme Leo Valdez” and everybody smiled and laughed at his joke. Suddenly a diamond popped out of the ground near the sea and went into the air and landed on the ship’s floor right beside Leo.
“Hey is that a diamond?” said Leo as he got up and reached towards the precious stone.
“Don’t touch it!” shouted Hazel. Piper, Jason and Leo looked confused in that.
“Didn’t you tell them Percy?” asked Hazel. Percy shook his head and then he told everybody the truth of Hazel.
“Oh so that’s what the problem is.” Said Jason after Percy told everything. “I should tell you our story, with Piper.”
“We have heard it from Annabeth. Right Annabeth?” Percy said as he turned to look at Annabeth, but then remembered that she was gone. Percy turned gloomy once again and Hazel thought she saw tears in his eyes before a huge griffin flew in the sky and came to their ship. The griffin dropped a big scroll on the floor. Hazel picked up the scroll and read:

You just destroyed my sons and water army. Well done Percy Jackson, you still have the chance to come to our army if you want. The person you most desire to see is with me, captured inside her prison. If you want to free her you will have to come to Greece to get her. You have at least 10 days to rescue her.

And just below the last line was a moving picture of Annabeth struggling to get out of the chains that were wrapping her to the floor. Everyone was shocked to see Annabeth captured. Nobody ever thought that Gaea would play such a big trick on them.
At last Percy spoke “Me, Piper and Frank will go to Greece and save Annabeth while Jason, Leo and Hazel will go to Rome to stop the giants from destroying.”
"I agree with Percy,we should split up and go different ways but one thing bothers me is how will you go to Greece?"asked Jason
"I have an idea.We can call the Pegasus by whistling."Percy replied as he started whistling.In a moment three Pegasus were on the ship. The black Pegasus said something in horse language which made Percy say "We have to go to Rome."
Piper, Percy and Frank hopped on the flying horses and in a moment were flying towards Annabeth. When Hazel went to sleep she had bad dreams of something that horrified her.
Nico was screaming loudly and right there, standing in front was Gaea herself looking amused. Nico's feet were being swallowed by the ground. Hazel realized that Gaea's plan was to absorb Nico and take his powers so she could bring back people from the dead and wake up quickly. Hazel saw Gaea disappearing under the ground as another figure came out to guard Nico. The giant laughed evilly and said in a cold voice
"You will die soon, son of Hades."
Hazel woke up very fast. She took a shower and came out feeling horrified.
When she went to the dining table for breakfast she saw everyone staring at something. She looked at where they were looking and she saw ............
1 prop for the person who will guess right
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LAALAApercabeth said…
It was really cool chappie.

Okay, for guestion:
1. Annabeth?
2. Nico?
3. some giant?
4. Gaea?
Seriosly I don't think it might not anyone of those 4, but I wanted still ask.
PS. This is awesome!!! So....please post again!!!

If you exept only one answer for that, then I think it was MAYBE Annabeth, but then again it could be anyone.
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
it is one of them but i am not telling u which one u will have to read the next chapter to find out
over a year ago ninjagirl77 said…
How did Leo just wake up after being hit with an arrow? Oh well! Great chapter, post soon!
over a year ago smileey4percy said…
big smile
Sssssssssooooooooo ggooooooooddddddd!!!! POST POST POST!!!
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
Chapter 6:
"Has our weapon gone to the ship?"asked a voice
"Yes my lady."said another voice.
"Good."said the first voice as Piper was getting her blurry vision back.She saw Gaea talking to an earthborn looking nervous."We have tricked Percy Jackson into going into Greece."he said
"Yes Tojo,but the real surprise hasn't even started."Piper thought what kind of name was Tojo?
"The girl Chase also betrayed us.I have tricked Percy Jackson about going to Greece.She is in Athens at her favorite place.
"My lady,I also have bad news.The girl Hazel knows you are taking the Di Angelo's strength."
"WHAT!"Gaea screamed. Piper had never thought Gaea would scream.After hearing the news Gaea summoned a sword out of the earth and slashed the poor Tojo into pieces.
"Porphyrion,come here."Gaea shouted before Piper heard feet slamming on the ground.
"My mother, why did you summon me?"said the huge giant.
"Porphyrion I want you to go and destroy Rome. Take Ephialtes with you. The seven may have destroyed Otus but not you."
"Yes my mom i just want to as-"he looked towards Piper and she felt nervous right there.Porphyrion's eyes widened as Piper threw the only thing she could find-her knife-and then the dream was getting blurry and she went into another dream.She saw Jason,Leo and Hazel fighting with someone who Piper couldn't see.Piper saw something that felt very weird.Everyone's whole life was flashing before her eyes.She saw something in Leo's life she didn't expect.Then suddenly she was in a whole white room.She saw Hephaestus and Leo talking about something.
"I am giving you this potion for you and your friends.It can heal you if the weak part is not so hurt.If you all die than it will mean the downfall of us.Everything will be destroyed.Gaea will bring back Kronos and the other titans."
After that everything went back to normal but still one dream was awaiting Piper.
At a forest Piper didn't recognize was one familiar person and one other Piper didn't know about.Piper couldn't call them person because the best term would be creatures.
There was a huge grey wolf with a centaur which was Chiron and a satyr.They both were watching the sun slowly rising and they were also talking about something.
"Grover we can't help them,they will have to face their challenges themselves."Chiron said
"But the Hephaestus kid almost died."the satyr who was probably Grover said.
I know but-"they were interrupted by a growl in the woods.
"Watch out Lupa."yelled Grover as a sword came hurtling towards them.Grover pushed Lupa away but he was to late to move himself because then the sword hit him right where his heart should be.Piper yelled but it was no use in a dream and then Piper was woken up by Percy in the air.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Great charter Post soon! your an awesome writer!
over a year ago ninjagirl77 said…
really good! Post soon!
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
A/N Please comment if you are reading or i will think no one is interested in it.
Chapter 7:
When Piper told Frank and Percy everything about the Satyr,Grover being hit by a sword,Percy looked like he would cry.
"What's the matter Percy?"asked Frank
Percy replied "G-Gr-Grover was my b-best friend.He can't die,it must have been an illusion or it m-must have been another satyr or probably Gaea had Morpheus make the dream look like it must have been but isn't t-true.
"Percy there's something else too."said Piper
"In my other dream I also saw Gaea say something about her secret weapon unleashed and that she had tricked you into split up.An earthborn had said that Hazel knows that Gaea was consuming Nico's power into her.Gaea had also send Porphyrion and some other giant called Ephialtes to go to Rome and she had said something about attacking Greece later and Gaea had said that Annabeth was in her favorite place in Greece.I had another dream about Jason,Hazel and Leo attacking someone I couldn't see.Everyone's whole life except the future was showing over their head and I saw that after Leo had got hit in the stomach in the attack of Lamia he had a dream that Hephaestus was giving him a potion that would heal not so deep wounds.
"That explains how Leo woke up after he got hit in the stomach."said Frank
"A-Annabeth's favorite place is the P-Parthenon in Greece."Percy said.He was still shaken up that his best friend Grover was dead because of probably Gaea.Frank felt very sad for Percy because he knew how sad it was to see that your friends and family were gone where no one could talk to them.As Frank was in his thoughts he didn't realize that he was slowly closing his eyes on the Pegasus.When Frank opened his eyes he was still on the Pegasus but it was night and there were no other Pegasus in which Piper and Percy had been.A face of a lady that had closed eyes was floating in the air watching him.Well Frank couldn't say she was watching him with closed eyes but it looked like it because she was smiling directly at him.
this is only a part of it. I need more time to post the full chapter.please comment and if i get 3 or more comments you will get the full chapter the day after i get the comments.the comments should be of different people.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
Great chapter Ares2002!! Poor Percy.. :(
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
awesome chapter I love your ideas it's so imaginative Poor Percy he must be so sad, when I lost my best friend I cried sooo much! Post soon.
over a year ago ninjagirl77 said…
great chapter! i feel so sorry for Percy though :(
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
full chapter coming up!
as i said i need 3 comments and i got it.
I will give another chapter today after the next one.
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
Chapter 7:
When Piper told Frank and Percy everything about the Satyr,Grover being hit by a sword,Percy looked like he would cry.
"What's the matter Percy?"asked Frank
Percy replied "G-Gr-Grover was my b-best friend.He can't die,it must have been an illusion or it m-must have been another satyr or probably Gaea had Morpheus make the dream look like it must have been but isn't t-true.
"Percy there's something else too."said Piper
"In my other dream I also saw Gaea say something about her secret weapon unleashed and that she had tricked you into split up.An earthborn had said that Hazel knows that Gaea was consuming Nico's power into her.Gaea had also send Porphyrion and some other giant called Ephialtes to go to Rome and she had said something about attacking Greece later and Gaea had said that Annabeth was in her favorite place in Greece.I had another dream about Jason,Hazel and Leo attacking someone I couldn't see.Everyone's whole life except the future was showing over their head and I saw that after Leo had got hit in the stomach in the attack of Lamia he had a dream that Hephaestus was giving him a potion that would heal not so deep wounds.
"That explains how Leo woke up after he got hit in the stomach."said Frank
"A-Annabeth's favorite place is the P-Parthenon in Greece."Percy said.He was still shaken up that his best friend Grover was dead because of probably Gaea.Frank felt very sad for Percy because he knew how sad it was to see that your friends and family were gone where no one could talk to them.As Frank was in his thoughts he didn't realize that he was slowly closing his eyes on the Pegasus.When Frank opened his eyes he was still on the Pegasus but it was night and there were no other Pegasus in which Piper and Percy had been.A face of a lady that had closed eyes was floating in the air watching him.Well Frank couldn't say she was watching him with closed eyes but it looked like it because she was smiling directly at him.
"Hello,Frank Zhang.I summoned you because I need to talk to you."
Frank was too nervous to speak.He just stared at the face.
"Don't bee scared Zhang,I won't kill you now.You will be dead when I wake up because if you come too close to me my own presence will kill you.I am stronger than the gods while i'm sleeping and how strong will I be when I wake up?"
"You needed to talk to me about this?"said Frank
The goddess smiled. "No I did't bring you for this.I called you because I wanted to convince you of something."
"To join you?"Frank said "Never."
"But my dear,you will get everything you want.Your mother,your grandmother-"
"My grandmother is not dead!"Frank shouted.Suddenly a floating image came into view with five earthborns sitting around a fire and they were throwing bits of human skin and organs covered with blood into the fire.Frank started to feel tears in his eyes.It couldn't be his grandmother.
"That's your grandmother boy."Gaea said "You have nothing left now.But if you serve me,you can get everything back.You just have to serve me and even if you didn't serve me I know that you will fail to stop me from waking up.The world will be in darkness but somethings will remain because if everyone is destroyed there will be no one to rule.I will punish the gods like they did to Atlas and I will bring back all my loyal Titans.So what is your final choice?"
Frank thought the offer was very tempting but he knew his friends needed him.
"I refuse."Frank said and the moment he said that everything became normal.He was back on his Pegasus but only Piper there.
"Frank!"she yelled when she saw him."Where were you?"
"I wasn't here?"Frank said
"No,when we looked at your Pegasus you weren't there.Where were you?"Piper asked.
"I will explain later.Where is Percy?"He asked
"He's in the sea to search for you."Piper answered.Just then Percy came out of the sea.
"No sign-FRANK!!!"he said
"Where were you?"Percy said after settling down on his Pegasus.Percy still looked sad that his best friend Grover was dead.Frank then explained everybody everything.
"So that's where you were.That stupid Gaea."Percy said.Frank didn't have time to answer because just then a loud slithering sound was heard.Frank had just a moment to see what the thing was before it lunged at him.The thing was three long strips of ground.Percy cut the one in half with his sword which was following him and Piper slashed with her knife and that earth strip was in pieces.The third one which was following Frank got lucky.Frank was so nervous that he couldn't shoot his arrows correctly.The strip of ground wrapped around him and took him off his Pegasus and into the ground as Frank screamed for help.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
awesome. post.
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
Three comments and 1 prop for next chapter
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
did you read the full chapter because i edited it.I don't think you did
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
thanks Ares2002 I didn't realize! please post soon! I hope Frank doesn't die or join Gaea! This is uber awesomeness!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
WOAH! your story is great! please post soon!
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
Guys i am really sorry that i cant post a full chapter in a few days.the problem is a am sick,i also have a sore throat.i will still try to write the full chapter.
Hope you don't mind :)
Chapter 8:
When Frank got grabbed by the earth vine,Percy just stared in horror.Percy now felt ashamed that he ha done nothing to protect him.First Annabeth went away for some unknown reason and got captured.Then Grover died probably because of Gaea.Now Frank,Frank got kidnapped by Gaea or probably worse than that which Percy didn't want to think about.There was now only one person he could protect-Piper.As Frank screamed for help,Piper yelled in horror.When Frank was fully in the ground Piper burst into tears while Percy felt very guilty about not trying to help his friends and losing them
"Come on,"said Percy. "We need to go to the Parthenon to save Annabeth and probably Frank would also be there
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago venus143 said…
read it and it's really great whait no it's not great it's awsome!!!!!!!
And no i don't think anyone minds that you din't post a full chapter everyone knows what it's like to get sick i hope you get better soon so you can post on your amazing story get well soon laters:)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
i will try to write the full chapter every two days.thanks Venus
Chapter 8:
When Frank got grabbed by the earth vine,Percy just stared in horror.Percy now felt ashamed that he ha done nothing to protect him.First Annabeth went away for some unknown reason and got captured.Then Grover died probably because of Gaea.Now Frank,Frank got kidnapped by Gaea or probably worse than that which Percy didn't want to think about.There was now only one person he could protect-Piper.As Frank screamed for help,Piper yelled in horror.When Frank was fully in the ground Piper burst into tears while Percy felt very guilty about not trying to help his friends and losing them
"Come on,"said Percy. "We need to go to the Parthenon to save Annabeth and probably Frank would also be there."
The trip to go to the Parthenon in Greece would take 7 days whereas they had the deadline of 9 days.They had a 2 days advantage.Percy hoped there would be no encounters with enemies.Percy felt Blackjack and the other Pegasus feeling tired.He told them to rest for a while.
"Are you sure boss?It's pretty dangerous down there."said Blackjack
"I'll be fine,just rest."Percy replied.As they landed on the ground the ground started to get very mushy the instant we landed.
"How are we going to go to Greece without a ride?"asked Piper after Percy told her why they were landing.
"You'll see.I have a plan."Percy said as Piper raised her eyebrows.The mood in the air was very depressing after what happened to Frank.Percy concentrated hard to summon there old friends but he couldn't.He thought what the others were facing.He thought about poor Ella where she was secretly hiding in a room where no one saw her except Percy.He concentrated hard again to summon the Hippocampi and this time he succeeded as two horse like creatures came out of the sea.The Hippocampi said in Percy's mind "Hello lord,why have you summoned us?" and then Percy told them they had to go to Athens,Greece.Percy and Piper boarded them and traveled to his girlfriend's favourite place.There was a problem at the sea.He sensed that the sea was not obeying him.He asked the Hippocampi about it.
"It's because of Oceanus my lord.Some of the creatures of water have turned their backs to Poseidon and have gone with Oceanus."they replied.Indeed Percy could feel the water trying to stop them but some part of it was trying to make them faster.There was still one question that was bothering him.
"Wasn't Oceanus in Tartarus?"Percy thought to the Hippocampi.
"You never know what Gaea will do my lord.She has the keys of the Doors of Death."They replied.
They went and went until when Percy thought he would sleep as it was now night,a figure came out of the sea and roared.Percy couldn't clearly see who it was but it was smaller than a giant and was the size of a god in his biggest form.
As Percy tried to look who it was he saw I familiar person which he don NOT want to meet.It was......
1 prop for the person who guesses right.You also have to wait to see who the person was at the ship where Ella,Jason,Leo and Hazel are.As for Frank,he is not dead.He is just kidnapped because he refused Gaea's offer.Grover was dead because of Gaea.Lycaon was the one who threw the sword.He threw it with great difficulty because he couldn't exactly stand in his form.The sword was meant to kill Grover but it went at Lupa but Grover tried to shield her.The next P.O.V will be of Annabeth
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Is it Triton or Amphitrite? IDK! Awesomeness post soon!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
YOU KILLED GROVER?!?!?!?!? I liked him! please post soon!
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
It's someone who has been mentioned in the chapter
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
1 MORE comment
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
does it count if I comment again?
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
no sorry it doesn't